Erratum to: Clin Orthop Relat Res (2015) 473:3943–3950 DOI 10.1007/s11999-015-4394-7

In the published study, “What Middle Phalanx Base Fracture Characteristics are Most Reliable and Useful for Surgical Decision-making?”, Fig. 1 is incorrect. The rows in bar graph E and F of Fig. 1 were incorrectly listed in numerical order. The rows should correspond with the case numbers on the Y-axis. The corrected Fig. 1 is shown in this erratum.

Fig. 1A–H
figure 1

The bar graphs show the percentage of surgeons indicating (A) 2-mm step or gap (black bar); (B) comminution (black bar); (C) subluxation or dislocation (black bar); (D) Unstable (black bar), tenuous (grey bar) or stable (white bar) joint per case (case number on y-axis). The box plots show the median percentage of (E) fractured articular surface and (F) number of fracture fragments, with the interquartile range and range per case. (G) The bar graph shows the percentage of surgeons recommending operative treatment (black bar) per case. Cases (Appendix 1) are ordered from no surgeons recommending surgery (Cases 19 and 2) to all surgeons recommending surgery (Cases 9, 11, and 17). (H) The graph shows the variation in recommended treatment options: nonoperative (white bar), hemihamate autograft arthroplasty (light gray bar), volar plate arthroplasty (medium light gray bar), open reduction and internal fixation (medium dark gray bar), external fixation (dark gray bar), and extension block pinning (black bar).

The authors apologize for the error.