Erratum to: Mol Cell Biochem (2016) 420:9–20 DOI 10.1007/s11010-016-2761-7

The original publication of an article includes error in the affiliation of the fifth author and Fig. 2d. The author’s correct affiliation and the correct version of the Fig. 2 is provided in this erratum.

Fig. 2
figure 2

PAPV treatment leads to growth arrest in lung cancer cell line A549 with features similar to senescence. a Decrease in cellular growth, as assessed by crystal violet assay, at 72 and 120 h of treatment with PAPV (5 and 15 μM) and H2O2 (150 μM) compared to control. Superscripts a, b and c indicate significant difference with control, PAPV (5 μM) and H2O2, respectively (p < 0.05, one-way ANOVA, n = 4). The experiment was repeated three times and average values are plotted. b Distribution of the cells in different phases of the cell cycle at 120 h after treatment with H2O2 (150 μM) or PAPV (5 and 15 μM). Experiment was repeated three times and one representative experiment is shown. c Representative immunoblot showing expression of growth arrest markers p21 and p53 in control and PAPV (15 μM)-treated cells at 120 h. Tubulin was used as the loading control. d Bar diagram showing fold change in amount of p21 and p53 in PAPV (15 μM)-treated cells. The values are mean ± SEM of three different experiments (a indicates p < 0.05 by Student’s t test). e Phase contrast image (×20) of control and PAPV (15 μM) treated cells, grown on soft agar for 14 days showing decreased growth. f Bar diagram showing number and size of colonies on soft agar in control and PAPV (15 μM)-treated cells (a indicates p < 0.05, Student’s t test, n = 3 three independent experiments). g Bright-field image showing SA-beta-galactosidase positivity (blue), a senescence associated marker, in PAPV-treated cells. h Bar graph showing percentage SA-beta-galactosidase positive cells in control and PAPV-treated cells. The data represent mean ± SEM of three different experiments (a indicates p < 0.05 by Student’s t test) (Color figure online)