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The role and fate of female electrochemists in the Soviet Union: Ol’ga Al’fredovna Songina—a pioneer of electrochemical solid-state analysis and Yevgeniya Nikolayevna Varasova—a pioneer of polarography

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Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Women played and still play an outstanding role in the development of electrochemistry and electroanalysis at the universities and research institutes of the former Soviet Union. This paper is focussed on the life and achievements of Ol’ga Al’fredovna Songina and her contributions to the development of solid-state electroanalysis are discussed. Yevgeniya Nikolayevna Varasova, a guest scientist who worked with Jaroslav Heyrovský in Prague from 1927 to 1930 became the pioneer of polarography in the Soviet Union. She was executed during the great purges in 1938.

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Fig. 1
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Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
Fig. 12

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  1. In Russian: Ольга Альфредовна Сонгина; the sign’ used in the transcription of Russian words and names, e.g. in “Ol’ga Al’fredovna”, indicates that the preceding consonant is palatalized (softened). In this paper, the Romanization of Cyrillic letters follows the rules of the US board on geographic names.

  2. “Krasnyy Vyborzhets” means “Red Vyborger”; Vyborg is the name of a town. The factory was founded in 1857 by the Baltic mechanic Fedor Gosh, in 1863 became the property of Karl Rosenkrants, and it became a State company after the revolution. The factory still exists.

  3. The “Leningrad Metal Factory” was founded in 1857 by Sergey Nefed’yevich Rasteryayev; and from 1867 to 1891, its director was the German engineer Otto Georg Krehl. The factory is still working.

  4. Named after the Bolshevik leader Mikhail Vasil’yevich Frunze (Михаил Васильевич Фрунзе), Bishkek 1885—Moscow 1925

  5. In Russian: Иосиф Владиславович Сонгин

  6. In Russian: Владислав Осипович Сонгин

  7. Konstantin Stanislavovich Olevskiy (Константин Станиславович Олевский) (born 1901 in Tbilisi, arrested November 23rd 1937, sentenced to death on December 15th 1937 and executed on Dec. 20th 1937) and Romual’d Romual’dovich Czerwiński (Ромуальд Ромуальдович Червинский) (born 1909 in Sankt Petersburg, arresed September 2nd 1937, sentenced to death on Oct. 1st 1937 and executed on October 6th 1937).

  8. Nikolay Ivanovich Yezhov (Николай Иванович Ежов), from 1936 to 1938 head of the NKVD and the main inquisitor, issued the NKVD order no. 00485 “On liquidation of Polish sabotage and espionage groups and units of POW (Polish Military Organization, Polska Organizacja Wojskowa)”, approved August 9, 1937. This order was the basis of most severe repressions of national Poles in 1937–38.

  9. From the files no. P-25620, as reported by the “Federalnaya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy federatsii” in a letter to Elza Zakharovna from October 9th, 2012, file no. 10/21-Z-1893/386. This document is kept by the author. In this document is written: “Постановлением Комиссии НКВД и Прокурора СССР от 22 ноября 1937г. Осужден к высшей мере наказания-расстрелу. Проговор проведен в исполнение 27 ноября 1937г. В Ленинграде.”

    See also the web page “Vozvrashchënnyye imena” (Returned names):

    “Сонгин Иосиф Владиславович, 1894 г. р., уроженец г. Ростов-на-Дону, поляк, беспартийный, инженер-конструктор завода им. Сталина, проживал: г. Ленинград, Полюстровская наб., д. 25/2, кв. 39. Арестован 4 октября 1937 г. Комиссией НКВД и Прокуратуры СССР 22 ноября 1937 г. приговорен по ст. ст. 58-7-9-11 УК РСФСР к высшей мере наказания. Расстрелян в г. Ленинград 27 ноября 1937 г.”

  10. Information from Nadiya Serikbajevna Sharipova (Надия Серикбаевна Шарипова), Alma Ata.

  11. Sergey Mironovich Kirov (Сергей Миронович Киров) (1886–1934) was a Russian revolutionary and leader of the Communist Party of Leningrad, when he was shot in his office in the Smol’nyy Palace in 1934.

  12. Abū Naṣr Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Tarkhān al-Fārābī (c. 872–c. 950) was a universal scholar who has contributed to astronomy, alchemy, physics, psychology, philosophy, etc. (see: [106]).

  13. Vladimir Andreyevich Zakharov (Владимир Андреевич Захаров) was a student of O. A. Songina, and he followed her in 1981 as chair of analytical chemistry at the University of Alma–Ata, keeping that position until 1995

  14. Mariyam Rakhimovna Dausheva (Мариям Рахимовна Даушева) made her PhD with O. A. Songina in 1969 and worked as postdoc in the Frumkin Institute of Electrochemistry in Moscow

  15. Mariyam Rakhimovna Dausheva, December 2012

  16. Personal communication from Elza Arminovna Zakharova (Tomsk)

  17. See the special issue (2012) J Solid-State Electrochem 16, no. 7

  18. In Russian: Софья Ильинична Синякова

  19. In Russian: Татьяна Александровна Крюкова

  20. In Russian: Ирина Алексеевна Багоцкая

  21. In Russian: Вера Фёдоровна Торопова

  22. In Russian: Евгения Николаевна Варасова

  23. Museum of the Kazan Chemical School:

  24. The co-workers of the chair of analytical chemistry (2009) Uch Zap Kazan Gos Univ, Estestven nauki 151:278–280

  25. In Russian: Николай Михайлович Варасов

  26. This information was partly provided by the Pushkin Library, Malaya Vishera, partly it is accessible in the internet (see:

  27. Constitution of the RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) of 1918, Part 30th, no. 65, depriving all people of the active and passive election rights who previously served the tsarist state, the church or who have been assigned to be capitalists, land owners, etc.

  28. In Russian: Евгений Иванович Васильев

  29. In 1922, a treaty about the establishment of trade missions was signed between the Czechoslovakia (Československo) and the RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic); and only in 1934, full diplomatic relations have started

  30. : V. I. Volkov (edt) (2006) V. I. Vernadskiy. Dnevniki 1935–1941. Vol 1 (1935–1938), p. 152: “В 1937 году вышла по моей инициативе (книга), переведенная с чешского работавшей у меня Е.Н. Варасовой—чешки. Hе знаю ее судьбы.

  31. Personal communication from Dr. Michael Heyrovský, March 2013

  32. Prestuplenya Stalina i Stalinizma (The crimes of Stalin and Salinism):

    “Варасова Евгения Николаевна, 1905 г. р., уроженка г. Малая Вишера, русская, беспартийная, в СССР прибыла из Чехословакии в 1930 г., ст. химик Института прикладной химии, проживала: г. Ленинград, Прядильный пер., д. 8, кв. 32. Арестована 13 ноября 1933 г. Коллегией ОГПУ 29 марта 1934 г. осуждена на 3 года ИТЛ условно. Вновь арестована 1 июня 1938 г. Особой тройкой УНКВД ЛО 31 октября 1938 г. приговорена по ст. 58-6 УК РСФСР к высшей мере наказания. Расстреляна в г. Ленинград 3 ноября 1938 г. (Ее муж и одноделец Евгений Иванович Васильев осужден в 1934 г. на 10 лет ИТЛ, отбывал срок в Инталаге, в 1944 г. осужден снова на 10 лет.)”

  33. Vozvrashchënnyye imena (Returned names): same text as in foregoing reference.

  34. “Васильев Евгений Иванович. Родился в 1904 г., г. Орел; русский; заключенный Интлага НКВД. Арестован 10 мая 1943 г. Приговорен: Особое совещание при НКВД СССР 5 января 1944 г., обв.: по ст.ст. 58-2 УК РСФСР, 58-10 ч.2, 58-11 УК РСФСР. Приговор: 10 лет лишения свободы.”


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It would have been impossible to write this paper without the dedicated help of a number of scientists from Russia: El’za Arminovna Zakharova (Tomsk), the daughter of the famous electroanalytical chemist Armin Genrikhovich Stromberg supported the historic search by approaching State Archives in Russia to get most precious documents, as well as by an extensive exchange of e-mails in which she and her husband Boris Poisner discussed various historical and philosophical questions of the development of Russian and Soviet science with the author.

I am very thankful to Alla Vital’yevna Shapran, Museum of the Leningrad Metal Factory, for providing information on I. V. Songin, esp. for provision of the only available photo.

Mariyam Rakhimovna Dausheva (Moscow) was very helpful by providing photos and information on her work with Songina and Frumkin.

Nina Zakharchuk (Novosibirsk) catalysed my contacts to colleagues in Almaty (Kazachstan), as did Oleg Petrii (Moscow).

Very special thanks go to colleagues in Kazachstan: Erezhep Al’khairovich Mambetkaziev (Öskemen, Kazachstan), Duysek Khaysagalievich Kamysbaev, Mikhail Kasymovich Naurysbaev, Svetlana Esimbekovna Batyrbekova, Margarita Borisovna Dergacheva and Nadiya Serikbajevna Sharipova (all in Almaty) who have provided information, materials, and who have so generously hosted me during a visit to Almaty in March 2013.

I am also indebt to Galina Tsirlina (Moscow, Russia) and to Svetalana Antonova (Tomsk, Russia) for having made available copies of Russian papers.

I also like to thank the journalist Elena Sirotkina (Malaya Vishera, Russia) and Tat’yana Nikolaevna Yakovleva and Elena Nikolaevna Shcherbakova from the Pushkin Library (Malaya Vishera, Russia) for providing information on the Varasov family. Lyudmila E. Muravnik (Komarov Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg) is acknowledged for kindly providing the photos shown in Figs. 11 and 12.

Anatoliy Yakovlevich Razumow, head of the centre “Returned names” of the Russian National Library, Sankt Petersburg, has kindly provided the document about the rehabilitation of Ye. N. Varasova and Ye. I. Vasil’ev.

I thank Michael Heyrovský (Prague, Czech Rep.) for having sent a photo of Yevgeniya N. Varasova and for providing important information on her stay in Prague, including information from the archive of Charles University.

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Correspondence to Fritz Scholz.

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The author dedicates this paper to Khiena (Anna) Zalmanovna Brainina as a sign of deep admiration of her life achievements in electrochemistry. She is another brilliant example of women in science!

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Scholz, F. The role and fate of female electrochemists in the Soviet Union: Ol’ga Al’fredovna Songina—a pioneer of electrochemical solid-state analysis and Yevgeniya Nikolayevna Varasova—a pioneer of polarography. J Solid State Electrochem 17, 1493–1504 (2013).

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