1 Correction to: Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering https://doi.org/10.1007/s11831-018-9259-2

The publisher and the authors apologize to the readership for the proofing error in Sect. 3.3.3 which has been thus re-corrected in original article.

In Sect. 3.3.3, on p. 20, all the inaccurate formulae “\( f\left( {\mathbf{Z}} \right),\psi_{i} \)” have been re-corrected with \( \langle f\left( {\mathbf{Z}} \right),\psi_{i} \rangle \) indicating the inner product (six times).

The publisher and the authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.

The original version of this article was revised.