How to Conduct a Social Media Audit

Platform Tips: Facebook

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This video provides tips on how to use Facebook to positively promote your brand.


  • social media
  • social media audit
  • social media presence
  • social media performance
  • business
  • digital marketing
  • Facebook
  • brand

About this video

Karen E. Sutherland
First online
27 April 2021
Online ISBN
Palgrave Macmillan
Copyright information
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

Video Transcript

So now I’d like to show you what I mean about the About page on Facebook that often many businesses forget to add this on. So I’ll just show you on my own Facebook page. So here we have the About section. And so in the About section, you can have your address with a map, your services, your website, all this information where people can connect with you on other platforms, a little bit of feedback here. So you can have a bit more bio information there, your products, that sort of thing.

Now another area of a Facebook page where people often forget to complete is the services area. Let me just show you now what I mean by that. Now when you have the services area populated on your Facebook page, you can add in a little photo and the name of the service with some information. And then it can lead you to the actual page. So you can see it’s also here on this sort of toolbar. And again, you can add this through the Settings. And so here, you can include the price and a little image as well to represent that service.

And you can also include links and things like that. There’s also a functionality for a shop. So you can add in your products as well and also links to where people can buy them from. So I just have an Etsy store with a few bits and pieces there. And pretty soon, Facebook is going to actually add in functionality or e-commerce into their site. So it’s not here yet, but apparently, in the future, it will be not too far away. So it is really highly recommended that businesses who, particularly if you have an online store, that you use these functionality to further connect and bring your products to your customers.

So it is really highly recommended to create some sort of group around your page. Build a community. There’s a lot of sort of work that goes into that to do it really well. But essentially, I recommend this because Facebook tends to show the content from groups to group members on their main feed more so than the content coming from business pages at this point in time. So it’s a great way to get organic reach. Also, the people who join a group around a business, they’re generally very interested in you. And so, these could be considered as warm leads so people are more likely to buy from you and be customers from you than those people that you don’t have a really strong relationship with yet.

So providing a space for a community to form around a particular topic where you’re not directly selling to people in there, in the group, but just providing a space, almost like a service, a free service, for like-minded people to get together and interact around your brand per se is a great way to increase your organic reach and just build strong relationships with your customers.

Another thing I need to ask you is if you were running Facebook ads through your page, if you’ve installed the pixel into your website. So the pixel is a code that is generated by Facebook Business Manager. And what it does is that it can then– if you add this code to your website and depending on what website– so tool that you’re using, that’s generally a plugin that can add it to all pages. And what it does, it retargets your advertising to people who’ve gone to the site or people who have interacted with your content on Facebook as well.

And this retargeting, it’s been shown by many research studies that it can sometimes take up to eight times for a prospective customer to see your brand or your product before they’ll actually act on it and purchase it. So this actually will show your ads to people who’ve already taken some sort of interest in what it is. And again, this notion of warm lead. So it is more cost-effective to show your content to people who are already interested than to try and find people and show it to people who don’t know who you are yet. So it’s a really good thing to have that pixel installed.