Ultrasound Biomicroscopy

Performing UBM Procedure

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This video will demonstrate how to do the actual UBM procedure. It will orient the viewer to the various probe positions in relation to the image on the screen.


  • Performing the UBM
  • Orientation of jUBM probes

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About this video

Sushmita Kaushik
First online
03 June 2021
Online ISBN
Springer, Singapore
Copyright information
© Producer, under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

Video Transcript

In this section, we will demonstrate and perform the UBM procedure. Things required for performing the procedure are distilled water, viscoelastic, clear scan, speculum, and saline. This is the UBM probe which is connected to the console with the help of this wire. This is the marking used for orientation of UBM probe. The area of the eye, which is at the mark as shown at the right side of the screen.

Now, we will demonstrate the scleral shell technique. First, we will see the probe preparation. This cap of the probe is removed. And then, this probe is filled with distilled water. Once the probe is completely filled with distilled water, then this transparent cap is applied. Here, we can see the movement of the oscillator once the probe is turned on with the help of the foot pedal.

And we can see that when the probe is on, the wavy thing is there on the monitor, which shows that the UBM probe is on. And it stops when the UBM probe is turned off. Now, we will see the patient preparation. After installation of the paracaine eye drops in the patient’s eye, this scleral shell is inserted into the palpebral aperture. Once it is fixed, it is filled completely with distilled water as shown here.

Once it is completely filled, we will start the procedure. This probe is gently immersed in this, and it’s then oriented along the area of interest. Here, we can see the mark is inferiorly. And superior part is having a bleb. So we can see in the screen that left part is the superior part of the eye, having a PI and a bleb. And the right part on the screen is showing the inferior part of the eye. Here we can see, again.

Now we will demonstrate clear scan technique. This is a clear scan cover. This clear scan cover has to be filled with distilled water. As shown here, care should be taken while filling it, as it should not be touched else it might cause rupture. Then, the open probe is attached to this clear scan cover as shown here. This button is pressed by inserting it. It should be properly fixed such that it should look like a shape of a bullet.

Now, we can move this probe anyhow and test the movement of the oscillator as shown earlier. Now, we will demonstrate the procedure in supine position, although we can do it in sitting, too, using clear scan technique. First, speculum is applied after anesthetizing the eye. Then, the viscoelastic is applied over the cornea and UBM procedure is performed.

We gently placed this over the cornea. And this clear scan, with the probe, touches the cornea. And we orient the probe along the required axis. Here, we can see again the left part of the screen is superior. And we can see the scarred bleb with PI, and the left side is the inferior part of the cornea. So the procedure is performed. Thanks.