Introduction to Conversational AI for Business

Case Study 2 - Hotel Concierge - Benefit Case

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This video segment provides numerous benefits for guests and hotels with the launch of on-line conversational AI agent to assist guest with hotel and local amenities and attractions.


  • Knowledgeable Customer Service
  • Extended Coverage
  • Optimized long waiting time
  • Enhanced Employee efficiency
  • Improved sales revenue
  • On-line reputation

About this video

Neena Sathi
Arvind Sathi
First online
16 April 2021
Online ISBN
Palgrave Macmillan
Copyright information
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG, part of Springer Nature 2021

Video Transcript

Section 8, case study 2, hotel concierge Ivy Benefit Case. This year is a pivotal year for Ivy Hotel Concierge Services. With COVID social distancing, hotels are increasingly using technology to drive digital interface. See benefits of Ivy from one of its customer.

I got to my hotel a couple of days ago, and I really wanted to get tickets to dinner and a show to take out some of our clients that were in town. Now in the past, I would have had to call down to the front desk and wait till I could talk to a concierge. However, when I checked in, I got a text message. And I was able to respond to that text message and interact with a virtual agent as if it was a real person.

Right after texting that I wanted four tickets to Cirque Du Soleil and an 8:00 PM dinner reservation at Oreille, I received a confirmation that my reservation was made and the tickets were waiting for me at the box office. We live in an era where a text, or a virtual agent, for that matter, is really second nature. But to add intelligence to these interactions, now that’s a game changer. This experience was built by Go Moment, one of our ecosystem partners powered by IBM Watson.

As you see in the video hotel guest are receiving numerous benefits with the use of Ivy. Number one, consistent and knowledgeable customer service. Each time a guest uses Ivy, they get the collective expertise from hotel staff. It is consistent and combines knowledge from many staff members.

Number two, ability to connect with customer needs and concerns. A conversational AI engine connects to users by listening and comprehending user needs, maintaining context across sessions, and connecting with hotel solutions in response to those needs.

Number three, optimizing long waiting time by responding in less than one minute. Especially in repeat questions, such as Wi-Fi password, or directions, which are often asked, extended 7 by 24 coverage, it can prioritize and reduce waiting line for nighttime clerk.

Number five, contactless hospitality. It is a messaging interface without requiring any application download. Hotels’ smart concierge Ivy enables guest to check in, order room service, and ask questions via text messaging, without face-to-face communication. This key feature of text messaging was appreciated by over 80% of travelers

Ivy hotel benefits. Hotels are also getting numerous benefit with the use of Ivy. A smart concierge is better serving guests without spending extra time or energy. The number one benefit for hotel is enhanced staff efficiency. Use of Ivy has improved staff efficiency up by 30%, as now employees can do high value tasks instead of routine. Latest data during this year has revealed that hotels can double their team productivity in just two weeks.

Ivy hotel benefits number two, improve sales revenue up by 21%. Use of Ivy had enhanced customer loyalty by increasing repeat customer returns, thereby improving sales revenue up by 21%. Number three, boost on-site spending about 20% plus. Ivy has encouraged guests to stay local and take advantage of hotels’ properties and its amenities. The smart concierge drives 20% plus lift in F&B and ancillary revenue.

Number four, boost online reputation. Hotels using Ivy smart concierge are enjoying a 34% increase in positive rating on popular review sites and social media. In summary, Ivy provides many important benefits to the hotel. Based on participating case studies, Ivy has shown that it can enhance employee efficiency by 30%, it can boost online reputation, it can enhance customer loyalty by increasing repeat customer returns, it can improve sales revenue up by 21%, and of course, it has extended 7 by 24 customer coverage.