Exploring Blazor

Creating a Project

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This video segment will explain what Blazor is and how to get started with it.


  • visual studio
  • blazor project
  • blazor project templates

About this video

Taurius Litvinavicius
First online
16 June 2020
Online ISBN
Copyright information
© Taurius Litvinavicius 2020

Video Transcript

Now then, to create a new project, you simply go to your Visual Studio, as usual it is, right. And then you go to Create New. That’s the usual stuff.

Now I already can see my Blazor wrapper project. I need to create. But that’s not all. Now if you cannot find it– if you cannot find, you can simply type in Blazor wrap. But it will be in C# and it will be in web. It will be in web right here. You have Blazor app.

Now I go to Next. But that’s not all. I need to go, as you can see, to Next. And then I go to Create.

But it won’t yet be finished. As you can see, there’s another thing you can do. It’s another thing you can do.

And first of all, we have Blazor Server App. And then you have Blazor WebAssembly App. Now WebAssembly is that client side Blazor, the one that runs directly in or on the browser, whichever word you prefer. And server app is the one that runs server side.

Now throughout this whole thing, we will be working on this WebAssembly arrangement. I will explain to you the other options as well. But this is where we will be working.

Now there are some couple more options– hosted, and this progressive web application. But you don’t need to check them. You need to uncheck them if they are checked.

Simply go to Blazor Web Assembly App. Now click Create. Click Create, and you’re done. Now we have this application.

And if I go to the Solution Explorer, I will show you where we will be working initially, initially. I will show you later how to clean it up and how to set it up. But initially, we will start with a file in the Pages folder.

And you go to index.razor. And that is the file. That is the file.

Now other than that, you highlight everything except for this page part. This is for navigation purposes. We will learn that later. We just delete it.

And this is where we will be working. You will see the code coming out in this little place, like that. Everything else will be explained later. We’ll learn how to remove it and all that stuff, the types as well.

But this is all that you need to get started. So let’s jump into the next segment. And let’s get started with some real code.