Modern JavaScript Fundamentals

Course Conclusion

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This segment concludes the course by offering reminders of important topics covered, and provides suggestions for viewers to reference as they continue their exploration of JavaScript.


  • JavaScript
  • js
  • web dev

About this video

Laurence Svekis
First online
11 April 2020
Online ISBN
Copyright information
© Laurence Svekis 2020

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Video Transcript

This is our last lesson of the course. I really want to thank you for taking the time to listen to the lessons. And I hope you had an opportunity to try the code out for yourself, because that is the best way to learn– to take the source code which has been included in the previous lessons and put it in your own editor, run the code in the browser, and see what it does. Make some tweaks and adjustments to the code to really get familiar and really get a good sense of what you can do with the code.

As well, don’t forget to use the developer console in order to debug your application. So if your application is not running as expected, look for the error codes within the console first. And we’ve seen some of those, and they are really going to be helpful in troubleshooting. Don’t forget to comment within your code as much as possible.

In addition, I also do suggest that you create your own code and try it for yourself. Make some tweaks adjustments to it as you create your own projects. There is also the resource of the Mozilla Developer Network. So this is one of the most commonly used resources online for JavaScript. So within here, there’s just a ton of great information, including samples and how to use JavaScript.

So if we want to find out addEvent.listeners, you can find out all of the information that’s contained within there. So the event target. And they have a listing of all the different event listeners as well as sample code so that you can really get a good feel for what it’s doing.

There’s also a few excellent resources online like CodePen and JSFiddle where you can get some code snippets, setup and run your own code in web-base. So if you don’t have a browser handy, you can write your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript directly within the CodePen.

And then lastly, the go-to resource for most web developers is Stack Overflow where they’ve got answers to all of your common questions about coding. And if you look into the JavaScript section, so you can search for– and as well, you’re going to get answers to questions regarding your coding as well as code snippets and solutions. So this is another great resource to look for when you get stuck and when you find out more about JavaScript.

Thanks again for taking the course, and I look forward to seeing you in the next one.