Content Marketing on the Web

Other Types of Web Writing

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This video segment summarizes the series and mentions other forms of useful marketing content for further research.


  • white papers
  • ebooks
  • email marketing
  • press releases

About this video

Adam Sinicki
First online
04 May 2019
Online ISBN
Copyright information
© Adam Sinicki 2019

Video Transcript


So those are just a few different types of web writing. There are many more, like I said. For instance, press releases are pieces of content that we create for the media in order to cover our news, and hopefully give us some free promotion.

But a good press release shouldn’t be promotional in itself. Because journalists don’t want to give us free advertising. They might talk about us and indirectly help us market. But they don’t want to say how great our products are. So you just need to give them the facts.

Newsposts are slightly different. Here, you might want to use the upside down pyramid structure. Here, you talk about the key facts, the most interesting part of your story, then build on that by elaborating with more and more granular information as you go. Again, it’s about getting that key information across quickly before you lose attention.

Whatever the case, I hope you’ve learned enough in this video to start employing some of these techniques to make your writing a little bit better, to understand how SEO plays into it, to understand how to write more efficiently. And that way, you can hopefully start to build an audience, convert more sales, and communicate what it is that you do, and what sets you apart and makes your business special. Thanks a lot for watching.