How To Scale Your Small Business

Can I Handle 1000 Orders Tomorrow?

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If you can’t repeatedly handle more customers and leads every day, you’ll never grow past what you’re doing now. In this segment, I’m going to demonstrate how even a one person business can deliver to unlimited numbers of customers every day.


  • customers
  • repeatable process
  • 1000 orders
  • thousand orders
  • multiple orders
  • scalable
  • automation
  • consultants

About this video

Michael Killen
First online
01 November 2018
Online ISBN
Copyright information
© Michael Killen 2019

Video Transcript

Mike Killen: Hey there. Welcome back. Can I handle 1000 orders tomorrow? So how to handle unlimited leads in customer sales, sounds too good to be true but that’s what we’re going to be talking about today. So can I handle 1000 orders tomorrow? By the end of this video, you’ll see how you can drive all of your efforts into sales, because you can handle multiple inquiries. Most of business owners don’t grow because they physically can’t handle more than a few orders. I’ll go over a couple of exercises in a minute but if we have customers who have got their wallet ready, and I say to you, well, I’m going to deliver you a hundred customers or ten customers or even one customer every single day, most people face, uh, a flop sweat at the idea of having that because they just don’t know how they would deliver it.

If you create custom bespoke furniture for every single customer and you had a new customer come every single day, your only option would be to have either increase the premises size, which is very costly, increase the number of staff you have, which, again, is also costly, instead what we’re going to do is look at the results that we’re going to deliver and think about scalable ways of getting them into the hands of as many customers as possible. So can I handle 1000 orders tomorrow? If I gave you a hundred customers right now, what would happen? I’m also going to ask you if you can handle multiple payments on automation, which is often a fantastic place to start. Does your product run out of stock? Which is usually a good litmus test for whether you can handle a thousand orders at a time and, of course, we’re going to look at some product examples that you can apply to your own business.

Daniel Priestley from the Entrepreneur Revolution and 24 Assets and Oversubscribed, he has a really interesting question where he says “I’m going to give you a hundred customers tomorrow, right now or right now or tomorrow with their wallets ready, what would happen to your business?” And for most businesses, they would panic. Their entire system would shut down. They will be overwhelmed with requests. Even people making the inquiry would be incredibly difficult to keep up. Imagine having a hundred people email you, trying to understand what it is that your product is or where they could buy it. In my world, I would be able to direct every single one of them to a payment page and the payment page could take care of absolutely everything.

When they buy, the product is then delivered to them. The automation then delivers the course, they’re able to access the courses, the materials, the books, the audio recordings. Even if people want to book time with one-on-one, the automation systems in place, allow people to book up specific slots in my calendar so without . . . I don’t . . . I still get control over the days and the weeks that I . . . and the hours that I work. All of that is taken care of. But for most individual consultancies or single person businesses or micro businesses and entrepreneurs, dealing with a hundred or even a thousand or even one extra customer per day is often too much to handle. When we could have as many customers as we can handle and we can just keep delivering the same system epic results to them, we can focus on driving sales and driving marketing results.

So can you handle multiple payments on automation? This is often a fantastic place to start. It’s usually where we start working with a lot of our consultant customers because after a customer says, “Yes, I want to work with you,” many consultants go away, they write up the proposal, the write up the invoice, they send it over and they manually ask for that bank transfer where an actual fact, those invoices and payments can be taken care off. There’s also subscriptions and repeat customers and retainer customers, I know a lot of businesses that set up manual direct debits and manual recurring bank chargers rather than letting things like Stripe and PayPal buttons take care of all of that. Even on their free level, yeah, they take a small percentage but, frankly, for the convenience of being able to set up a payment form or a payment button that takes care of everything, I would rather have that on my site.

I’m staggered at the amount of consultants that don’t have a payment page on their website. They spend thousands of dollars on their website. It looks all lovely. They got their blog set up, which they never update and they’ve got a beautiful about page, loads of very clever sliders and images, it’s mobile responsive, and yet, if someone approach them and said, “I want to work with you today,” they would still have to manually go through that invoicing process and manually ask for the bank transfer rather than saying, “Fantastic, here’s your . . . here’s, uh, our payment page. It’s, you know, Go ahead and enter your payment details and we can get started.” I’m staggered at the amount of businesses that aren’t able to that. There’s also things like GravityForms for WordPress if you are on a WordPress site or if your website is built on WordPress from your development team or your design team.

Ask about things like GravityForms which can take payments included inside your website. You can also use things like, which is our calendar booking system. That can take payments. It seems absolutely insane to me that we don’t have a multiple payment processing to be able to just deliver as many payments to us as possible and collect those payments as fast as possible. So a great litmus test for whether you’re able to deliver a thousand products or a thousand orders successfully or not and a big part of that is making sure that everyone gets the same result. There’s no point in dropping your standards just because you want to handle more people, they all have to get the same result.

Print on demand, I think, is a fantastic example of books that people are able to buy and then without having to stock up on 10,000 products. If you invest in money in 10,000 books, for example, and they run out, you then have to go and buy a bunch of new books so they have to be stored and that takes up inventory space and that costs money and ease into your margin. Whereas print on demand allows people to buy a book and have it printed, manufactured there and then and send to the customers, absolutely fantastic services really coming into fruition now. Time, by the way, and staff are stock. If you run out of staff, you run out of stock because you physically can’t deal with any more people.

Time, as well, is a big one. You might have a, you know, a repeatable process and having other people deliver it, but if you physically run of time yourself, you’re running out of stocks. So even if you are able to take a thousand orders, there’s only so many hours per day that you can deliver. So you run out of stock if you run out of time. Digital products are my favorite because they are completely unlimited. And information product or a course or an eBook, something that’s creative that can’t run out of stock, in my opinion, is one of the perfect products. Software kind of fall in the middle because often, support requests eat into margin a little bit, that’s absolutely fine. There’s nothing wrong with that. We’ve got software.

I love working with software and S.A.S. platforms and S.A.S. applications. But just be weary that digital products are a fantastic web place to start. They’re very cheap to produce and low cost to host, some of them are as cheap as a P.D.F. and you can charge hundreds of dollars for a series of slides, a video and a couple of audio guides through an MP3 and they’re never going to run out of stock. No matter how many people buy them, they’re never going to run out of stock. Events, as well, are a nice way of thinking about, like, scaling out your business. Let’s say that you could sell out a, you know, a football stadium or a football arena or a huge event arena, there’s still limited space to that event and often, you will see a lot of events record their entire show, whether they’re a product in marketing event or sales event or a motivational event or a music event or a show, a lot of the time, they will record what’s happening so they can then sell that.

Active reduced rate, but often, not a massively reduced rate, really interestingly, because you as a customer, if you buy a recording, you’re able to consume that as many times as possible. So as supposed to being live and experiencing live, you’re able to experience it as many times as you want, so that kind of balances out. Events have a limited space but there is a way of scaling that out. So let’s look at some product examples. Audio programs are some of my favorite products to create. If you’re going to guide someone through a process, you could have worksheets included, but simply recording the process and the education and the course content just as an MP3, using something like Zoom, a recorder, or even your cell phone to just record content, package up the MP3 and deliver that information and results to a customer, that’s a fantastic way to get started.

eBooks, like I mentioned, are one of my favorite ways of generating income and producing results and providing results to the customer because we can now stop thinking about automating that delivery process to the point where other people are able to get exactly the same results as everybody else no matter what product they’ve bought. And an online coaching program, one of favorite ways of attracting customers and generating income is by creating a product or a process that are transformational. I’m going to help you to go and I’ll deliver the coaching online. I have unlimited seating. It doesn’t matter how many people join the coaching call. I’m giving the exact same information at the same pace at the same time.

And one person would receive the same information as a hundred or a thousand people. And, of course, I can record that and then deliver it to the same people or new customers for pretty much the exact price. So don’t my customers pay for a one-on-one experience? Absolutely, they do. I completely agree. Your customers absolutely love one-on-one time with you and they will pay more when you have a repeatable, scalable product on the frontend. You are already charging a $1000 for a $10,000 product. This is what’s crazy to me is people are charging, you know, scalable product prices and eBook prices and program prices for something that should be much, much higher.

If I’m spending one-one-one time with you, I want to know that that’s the premium, absolute, ultimate core experience. Imagine getting to spend one-on-one time with your favorite sport star or your favorite marketing director, your favorite developer, someone who you really look up to. The reason you look up to them is because they have other products that you can buy to get those results. Interestingly, the fastest way for you to create higher prices for your one-on-one time is to have products on the frontend that deliver the same results but with less investment and more work from the customer. Products create margin. This is the biggest hurdle you have to get over mentally.

You will struggle to increase your prices if you are the only person who delivers your work. If you’re the only person who delivers your results every single day, every single year or the amount of times per year, you’re going to struggle to increase your prices unless you’re able to expand the number of people that you can help. If you help more people, you increase demands, you increase awareness, more people are going to want to work with you. And if more people want to work with you, then you are able to put a premium on your one-to-one time. So your action for this video is to think about scalable, unlimited products that could turn . . . that you could turn your process into.

You could create your process right out and I’m going to show you how to do in one of the later videos and then create a product or an idea that you can deliver a thousand times repeatedly every single day without having to worry, worry about you physically being there, putting those results in the hand of the customer. So can I handle 1000 orders tomorrow? If I gave you 100 customers right now, what would happen? But with a scalable product, you’d be very, very happy and you wouldn’t have a problem with that. Can you handle multiple payments on automation at absolute minimum, even if you are the person delivering those results? You should have a payment processing platform through Stripe or PayPal or whatever you want to use that is able to take payments via credit card on your website so that you can just bring up your phone and say, “Great, if you want to work with me, let’s head to my and you can put in your credit card information here and we can get started.”

Does your product run out of stock? And remember, product could be your time, could be your staff, could be the physical inventory. Even a service will run out of stock if you run out of time to deliver it. And some product examples, we talked about eBooks and scalable coaching programs delivered online. Thanks very much for watching, guys. I’ll see you on the next video. Ease the process repeatedly.