Transchoroidal Approach to Tumors of the Posterior Third Ventricle

Final Control and Hemostasis

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After removal of the largest part of the tumor, the anatomy of the lateral ventricles and of the third ventricle is analyzed and described.


  • Massa Intermedia
  • Floor of the third ventricle
  • Third ventriculostomy

About this video

Giuseppe Cinalli
Nicola Onorini
First online
07 February 2019
Online ISBN
Springer, Cham
Copyright information
© The Author(s) 2019

Video Transcript

We verify the absence of active bleeding at the end of the steps of tumor removal. We explore the cavity, explore the lateral ventricle. We can see the third ventricle, the massa intermedia, the sylvian aqueduct in the depth of our surgical cavity. The anterior part of the third ventricle anterior to the massa intermedia. We identify the tip of the ventricular catheter that had been inserted in the beginning of the surgery to facilitate interhemispheric fissure dissection. And we identify the hole of the third ventriculostomy that had been created for management of hydrocephalus. And at the end of the surgery, the interhemispheric fissure appears clean without active bleeding, and we can close our patient in the standard fashion.