Oracle Cloud User Security


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This video segment summarizes the concepts of the users with Oracle Identity Cloud Services and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

About this video

Michelle Malcher
First online
26 October 2019
Online ISBN
Copyright information
© Michelle Malcher 2019

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Video Transcript

Oracle Cloud User Security is important for ensuring that your cloud resources have the proper level of privileges and users accessing the areas that they should. These sections covered creating and managing users in the cloud and leveraging your enterprise directory for the users and groups to use a Federated model. Planning the user security will allow for creating policies that will keep the separation of duties in assigned compartments and privileges based on a user’s job function.

Use roles and the policies to manage the permissions for the groups instead of individual grants to users definitely simplifies managing roles across the environment. Database users are going to be created in the database just as they would on-premise. The users can be in the enterprise directory or using Oracle Identity Cloud Service. Thanks for watching this video and enjoy the Cloud.