1 Introduction

Fixed point theory of multi-valued mappings plays an important role in science and applied science. It has applications in control theory, convex optimization, differential inclusions and economics.

For a metric space (X,d), we let CB(X) and Comp(X) be the set of all nonempty closed bounded subsets of X and the set of all nonempty compact subsets of X, respectively. A point xX is a fixed point a multi-valued mapping T:X 2 X if xTx. The first well-known theorem for multi-valued contraction mappings was given by Nadler in 1969 [1].

Theorem 1.1 Let (X,d) be a complete metric space and let T be a mapping from X into CB(X). Assume that there exists k[0,1) such that

H(Tx,Ty)kd(x,y)for all x,yX.

Then there exists zX such that zTz.

Nadler’s fixed point theorem for multi-valued contractive mappings has been extended in many directions (see [26]). Reich [7] proved the following fixed point theorem for multi-valued φ contraction mappings.

Theorem 1.2 Let (X,d) be a complete metric space and let T be a mapping from X into Comp(X). Assume that there exists a function φ:[0,)[0,1) such that

lim r t + supφ(r)<1for each t(0,)


H(Tx,Ty)φ ( d ( x , y ) ) d(x,y)for all x,yX.

Then there exists zX such that zTz.

The multi-valued mapping T considered by Reich [7] in Theorem 1.2 has compact values, that is, Tx is a nonempty compact subset of X for all xX. In 1988, Mizoguchi and Takahashi [8] relaxed the compactness assumption on T to closed and bounded subsets of X. They proved the following theorem which is a generalization of Nadler’s theorem.

Theorem 1.3 Let (X,d) be a complete metric space and let T:XCB(X). Assume that there exists a function φ:[0,)[0,1) such that

lim r t + supφ(r)<1for each t[0,)


H(Tx,Ty)φ ( d ( x , y ) ) d(x,y)for all x,yX.

Then there exists zX such that zTz.

In 2007, Berinde and Berinde [3] extended Theorem 1.1 to the class of multi-valued weak contractions.

Definition 1.4 ([3])

Let (X,d) be a metric space and T:XCB(X) be a multi-valued mapping. T is said to be a multi-valued weak contraction or a multi-valued (θ,L)-weak contraction if there exist two constants θ(0,1) and L0 such that

H(Tx,Ty)θd(x,y)+Ld(y,Tx)for all x,yX.

They proved in [3], Theorem 3 that in a complete metric space every multi-valued (θ,L)-weak contraction has a fixed point. In the same paper, they also introduced a class of multi-valued mappings which is more general than that of weak contractions.

Definition 1.5 ([3])

Let (X,d) be a metric space and T:XCB(X) a multi-valued mapping. T is said to be a generalized multi-valued (α,L)-weak contraction if there exist L0 and a function α:[0,)[0,1) satisfying lim sup r t + α(r)<1, for every t[0,), such that

H(Tx,Ty)α ( d ( x , y ) ) d(x,y)+Ld(y,Tx)for all x,yX.

They also showed that in a complete metric space, every generalized multi-valued (α,L)-weak contraction has a fixed point (see [[3], Theorem 4]).

For the last ten years, many results concerning the existence of fixed points of both single-valued and multi-valued mappings in metric spaces endowed with a partial ordering have been established. The first result in this direction was given by Ran and Reurings [9] and they also presented its applications to linear and nonlinear matrix equations. After that many authors extended those results and studied fixed point theorems in partially ordered metric spaces (see [913]).

In 2008, Jachymski [14] introduced the concept of G-contraction and proved some fixed point results of G-contractions in a complete metric space endowed with a graph.

Definition 1.6 ([14])

Let (X,d) be a metric space and let G=(V(G),E(G)) be a directed graph such that V(G)=X and E(G) contains all loops, i.e., ={(x,x):xX}E(G).

We say that a mapping f:XX is a G-contraction if f preserves edges of G, i.e.,

x,yX,(x,y)E(G) ( f ( x ) , f ( y ) ) E(G)

and there exists α(0,1) such that

x,yX,(x,y)E(G)d ( f ( x ) , f ( y ) ) αd(x,y).

He showed in [14] that under some certain properties on (X,d,G), a G-contraction f:XX has a fixed point if and only if X f :={xX:(x,f(x))E(G)} is nonempty. The mapping f:XX satisfying condition (1.1) is also called a graph-preserving mapping.

Recently, Beg and Butt [5] introduced the concept of G-contraction for a multi-valued mapping T:XCB(X) and proved some fixed point results of this kind of mappings.

Definition 1.7 ([5])

Let T:XCB(X) be a multi-valued mapping. The mapping T is said to be a G-contraction if there exists k(0,1) such that

H(Tx,Ty)kd(x,y)for all (x,y)E(G),

and if uTx and vTy are such that

d(u,v)kd(x,y)+αfor each α>0,

then (u,v)E(G).

They also showed that if (X,d) is a complete metric space and a triple (X,d,G) has Property A [14], then a G-contraction mapping T:XCB(X) has a fixed point if and only if X F :={xX:(x,y)E(G) for some yTx} is nonempty.

Recently, in 2013, Dinevari and Frigon [6] introduced a new concept of G-contraction which is weaker than that of Beg and Butt [5].

Definition 1.8 ([6])

Let T:X 2 X be a map with nonempty values. We say that T is a G-contraction (in the sense of Dinevari and Frigon) if there exists α(0,1) such that

( C G ) for all (x,y)E(G) and all uTx, there exists vTy such that


They showed that under some properties on a metric space which is weaker than Property A, a multi-valued G-contraction with closed values has a fixed point (see [6], Theorem 2.10 and Corollary 2.11). We note that the concept of G-contraction for multi-valued mappings does not concern the concept of graph-preserving as seen for single-valued mappings. Motivated by this observation and those previous works, we are interested in introducing the concept of graph-preserving for multi-valued mappings and study their fixed point theorem in a complete metric space endowed with a graph.

2 Preliminaries

Let (X,d) be a metric space and CB(X) be the set of all nonempty closed bounded subsets of X. For xX and A,BCB(X), define

d ( x , A ) = inf { d ( x , y ) : y A } , δ ( A , B ) = sup { d ( x , B ) : x A } .

Denote by H the Pompeiu-Hausdorff metric induced by d, see [4], that is,

H(A,B)=max { sup u A d ( u , B ) , sup v B d ( v , A ) } .

The following two lemmas, which can be found in [1] or [8], are useful for our main results.

Lemma 2.1 ([1])

Let (X,d) be a metric space. If A,BCB(X) and aA, then, for each ϵ>0, there exists bB such that


Lemma 2.2 ([8])

Let (X,d) be a metric space in CB(X), { x k } be a sequence in X such that x k A k 1 . Let α:[0,)[0,1) be a function satisfying lim sup r t + α(r)<1 for every t[0,). Suppose that d( x k 1 , x k ) is a non-increasing sequence such that

H ( A k 1 , A k ) α ( d ( x k 1 , x k ) ) d ( x k 1 , x k ) , d ( x k , x k + 1 ) H ( A k 1 , A k ) + α n k ( d ( x k 1 , x k ) ) ,

where n 1 < n 2 < and k, n k N. Then { x k } is a Cauchy sequence in X.

Let G=(V(G),E(G)) be a directed graph where V(G) is a set of vertices of the graph and E(G) be a set of its edges. Assume that G has no parallel edges. If x and y are vertices in G, then a path in G from x to y of length nN{0} is a sequence { x i } i = 0 n of n+1 vertices such that x 0 =x, x n =y, ( x i 1 , x i )E(G) for i=1,2,,n. A graph G is connected if there is a path between any two vertices of G.

A partial order is a binary relation ≤ over the set X which satisfies the followings conditions:

  1. 1.

    xx (reflexivity);

  2. 2.

    If xy and yx, then x=y (antisymmetry);

  3. 3.

    If xy and yz, then xz (transitivity)

for all x,yX. A set with a partial order ≤ is called a partially ordered set. We write x<y if xy and xy.

Definition 2.3 Let (X,) be a partially ordered set. For each A,BX,

AB if a<b for any aA,bB.

Definition 2.4 Let (X,d) be a metric space endowed with a partial order ≤. Let g:XX be surjective and T:XCB(X), T is said to be g-increasing if for any x,yX,


In the case g= I X , the identity map, the mapping T is called an increasing mapping.

Example 2.5 Let X=N have the usual relation ≤ and T:N 2 N and g:XX be defined by


g(1)=1 and g(x)=x1 for x1. It is easy to see that T is g-increasing.

Definition 2.6 Let X be a nonempty set and G=(V(G),E(G)) be a graph such that V(G)=X, and let T:XCB(X). Then T is said to be graph-preserving if

(x,y)E(G)(u,v)E(G)for all uTx and vTy.

Example 2.7 Let G=(N,E(G)), where E(G) = {(2n1,2n+1):nN}{(2n,2n+2):nN}{(2n,2n+4):nN}{(2n,2n):nN}{(1,1),(4,2)}. Define T:NCB(N) by

T(n)={ { 2 k , 2 k + 2 } if  n = 2 k 1 , k N , { 1 } if  n = 2 k , k N .

We will show that T is a graph-preserving mapping. Let (x,y)E(G).

If (x,y)=(2k,2k+2) or (x,y)=(2k,2k+4) or (x,y)=(2k,2k) or (4,2), where kN, then Tx=Ty={1} and (1,1)E(G).

If (x,y)=(2k1,2k+1), kN, then Tx={2k,2k+2}, Ty={2k+2,2k+4} and (2k,2k+2)E(G), (2k,2k+4)E(G), (2k+2,2k+2)E(G), (2k+2,2k+4)E(G). And we see that (1,1)E(G), T1={2,4} and (2,2),(2,4),(4,2),(4,4)E(G). Hence T is graph-preserving.

Example 2.8 Let G=(X,E(G)), where X={1,2,3,4,6,8} and E(G)={(1,1),(1,3)}{(2,2),(2,4),(2,6),(2,8),(4,2),(4,4),(4,8),(6,8)}. Define T:XCB(X) by

T(x)={ { 2 , 4 } if  x = 1 , 4 , { 6 , 8 } if  x = 3 , { 2 } if  x = 2 , 6 , 8 .

It is easy to see that T is graph-preserving but not G-contraction in the sense of Dinevari and Frigon [6] since d(u,v)>αd(1,3) for all uT1={2,4} and vT3={6,8} for any α(0,1).

Definition 2.9 Let X be a nonempty set and G=(V(G),E(G)) be a graph such that V(G)=X, g:XX and T:XCB(X). Then T is said to be g-graph-preserving if for any x,yX such that

( g ( x ) , g ( y ) ) E(G)(u,v)E(G)for all uTx and vTy.

Example 2.10 Let G=(N,E(G)) and E(G) = {(2n1,2n+1):nN}{(2n,2n+2):n>1}{(2n,2n+4):n>1}{(2n,2n):n>1}{(1,1)(6,4)}. Let T:NCB(N) be defined as in Example 2.7 and let g:NN be defined by

g(x)={ 2 k if  x = 2 k + 2 , k N , 2 k 1 if  x = 2 k + 1 , k N , 2 if  x = 1 , 2 .

We will show that T is g-graph-preserving. Let (g(x),g(y))E(G).

If (g(x),g(y))=(2k1,2k+1) for kN, then (x,y)=(2k+1,2k+3) and Tx={2k+2,2k+4}, Ty={2k+4,2k+6} and (2k+2,2k+4)E(G), (2k+2,2k+6)E(G), (2k+4,2k+4)E(G), (2k+4,2k+6)E(G).

If (g(x),g(y))=(2k,2k+2) or (2k,2k+4) or (2k,2k), then Tx=Ty={1} and (1,1)E(G).

If (g(x),g(y))=(1,1), then (x,y)=(3,3) and T3={4,6} and (4,4)E(G), (4,6)E(G), (6,4)E(G) and (6,6)E(G).

If (g(x),g(y))=(6,4), then (x,y)=(8,6) and T8=T6={1} and (1,1)E(G). Hence T is g-graph-preserving.

3 Main results

We start with defining a new type of multi-valued mappings.

Definition 3.1 Let (X,d) be a metric space, G=(V(G),E(G)) be a directed graph such that V(G)=X, g:XX and T:XCB(X). T is said to be a multi-valued weak G-contraction with respect to g or (g,α,L)-G-contraction if there exists a function α:[0,)[0,1) satisfying lim sup r t + α(r)<1 for every t[0,) and L0 with

H(Tx,Ty)α ( d ( g ( x ) , g ( y ) ) ) d ( g ( x ) , g ( y ) ) +LD ( g ( y ) , T x )

for all x,yX such that (g(x),g(y))E(G).

Remark 3.2 If G=(V(G),E(G)), where E(G)=X×X and g(x)=x, xX, then a (g,α,L)-G-contraction is a generalized multi-valued (α,L)-weak contraction.

Property A ([14])

For any sequence ( x n ) n N in X, if x n x and ( x n , x n + 1 )E(G) for nN, then there is a subsequence ( x k n ) n N with ( x k n ,x)E(G) for nN.

Theorem 3.3 Let (X,d) be a complete metric space and G=(V(G),E(G)) be a directed graph such that V(G)=X, and let g:XX be a surjective mapping. If T:XCB(X) is a multi-valued mapping satisfying the following properties:

  1. (1)

    T is a g-graph-preserving mapping;

  2. (2)

    there exists x 0 X such that (g( x 0 ),y)E(G) for some yT x 0 ;

  3. (3)

    X has Property  A;

  4. (4)

    T is a (g,α,L)-G-contraction;

then there exists uX such that g(u)Tu.

Proof Since g is surjective, there exists x 1 X such that g( x 1 )T x 0 . By (2) we obtain (g( x 0 ),g( x 1 ))E(G). We can choose n 1 N such that

[ α ( d ( g ( x 0 ) , g ( x 1 ) ) ) ] n 1 [ 1 α ( d ( g ( x 0 ) , g ( x 1 ) ) ) ] d ( g ( x 0 ) , g ( x 1 ) ) .

By Lemma 2.1, there exists g( x 2 )T x 1 such that

d ( g ( x 1 ) , g ( x 2 ) ) H(T x 0 ,T x 1 )+ [ α ( d ( g ( x 0 ) , g ( x 1 ) ) ) ] n 1 .

Since (g( x 0 ),g( x 1 ))E(G), g( x 1 )T x 0 , g( x 2 )T x 1 and T is a g-graph-preserving mapping, we have (g( x 1 ),g( x 2 ))E(G). Moreover, by (3.1) and (3.2), we get

d ( g ( x 1 ) , g ( x 2 ) ) H ( T x 0 , T x 1 ) + [ α ( d ( g ( x 0 ) , g ( x 1 ) ) ) ] n 1 α ( d ( g ( x 0 ) , g ( x 1 ) ) ) ( d ( g ( x 0 ) , g ( x 1 ) ) ) + L D ( g ( x 1 ) , T x 0 ) + [ α ( d ( g ( x 0 ) , g ( x 1 ) ) ) ] n 1 α ( d ( g ( x 0 ) , g ( x 1 ) ) ) ( d ( g ( x 0 ) , g ( x 1 ) ) ) + [ α ( d ( g ( x 0 ) , g ( x 1 ) ) ) ] n 1 d ( g ( x 0 ) , g ( x 1 ) ) .

Next, we can choose n 2 > n 1 such that

[ α ( d ( g ( x 1 ) , g ( x 2 ) ) ) ] n 2 [ 1 α ( d ( g ( x 1 ) , g ( x 2 ) ) ) ] d ( g ( x 1 ) , g ( x 2 ) ) .

By Lemma 2.1, there exists g( x 3 )T x 2 such that

d ( g ( x 2 ) , g ( x 3 ) ) H(T x 1 ,T x 2 )+ [ α ( d ( g ( x 1 ) , g ( x 2 ) ) ) ] n 2 .

By the above two inequalities and (g( x 1 ),g( x 2 ))E(G), we get

d ( g ( x 2 ) , g ( x 3 ) ) H ( T x 1 , T x 2 ) + [ α ( d ( g ( x 1 ) , g ( x 2 ) ) ) ] n 2 α ( d ( g ( x 1 ) , g ( x 2 ) ) ) ( d ( g ( x 1 ) , g ( x 2 ) ) ) + L D ( g ( x 2 ) , T x 1 ) + [ α ( d ( g ( x 1 ) , g ( x 2 ) ) ) ] n 2 α ( d ( g ( x 1 ) , g ( x 2 ) ) ) ( d ( g ( x 1 ) , g ( x 2 ) ) ) + [ α ( d ( g ( x 1 ) , g ( x 2 ) ) ) ] n 2 d ( g ( x 1 ) , g ( x 2 ) ) .

By induction, we obtain a sequence {g( x k )} in X and a sequence { n k } of positive integers with the property that for each kN, g( x k + 1 )T x k , (g( x k ),g( x k + 1 ))E(G) and

[ α ( d ( g ( x k 1 ) , g ( x k ) ) ) ] n k [ 1 α ( d ( g ( x k 1 ) , g ( x k ) ) ) ] d ( g ( x k 1 ) , g ( x k ) ) ,


d ( g ( x k ) , g ( x k + 1 ) ) H(T x k 1 ,T x k )+ [ α ( d ( g ( x k 1 ) , g ( x k ) ) ) ] n k .

Therefore d(g( x k ),g( x k + 1 ))d(g( x k 1 ),g( x k )) for any kN, i.e., {g( x k )} is a non-increasing sequence. Thus it follows from Lemma 2.2 that {g( x k )} is a Cauchy sequence in X. Since X is complete, there exists uX such that lim k g( x k )=g(u). By assumption (3), we have a subsequence g( x k n ) such that (g( x k n ),g(u))E(G) for any nN. Thus we get

D ( g ( u ) , T u ) d ( g ( u ) , g ( x k n + 1 ) ) + D ( g ( x k n + 1 ) , T u ) d ( g ( u ) , g ( x k n + 1 ) ) + H ( T x k n , T u ) d ( g ( u ) , g ( x k n + 1 ) ) + α ( d ( g ( x k n ) , g ( u ) ) ) d ( g ( x k n ) , g ( u ) ) + L D ( g ( u ) , T x k n ) d ( g ( u ) , g ( x k n + 1 ) ) + α ( d ( g ( x k n ) , g ( u ) ) ) d ( g ( x k n ) , g ( u ) ) + L d ( g ( u ) , g ( x k n 1 ) ) .

Since g( x k n ) converges to g(u) as n, it follows that D(g(u),Tu)=0. Since Tu is closed, we conclude that g(u)Tu. □

Corollary 3.4 Let (X,d) be a metric space endowed with a partial order ≤, g:XX be surjective and T:XCB(X) be a multivalued mapping. Suppose that

  1. (1)

    T is g-increasing;

  2. (2)

    there exist x 0 X and uT x 0 such that g( x 0 )<u;

  3. (3)

    for each sequence { x k } such that g( x k )<g( x k + 1 ) for all kN and g( x k ) converges to g(x), for some xX, then g( x k )<g(x) for all kN;

  4. (4)

    there exists α:[0,)[0,1) satisfying lim sup r t + α(r)<1 for every t[0,) and L>0 such that

    H(Tx,Ty)α ( d ( g ( x ) , g ( y ) ) ) ( d ( g ( x ) , g ( y ) ) ) +LD ( g ( y ) , T x )

for any x,yX with g(x)<g(y);

  1. (5)

    the metric d is complete.

Then there exists uX such that g(u)Tu.

Proof Define G=(V(G),E(G)) by V(G)=X and E(G)={(x,y):x<y}. Let x,yX such that (g(x),g(y))E(G). Then g(x)<g(y) so TxTy. For any uTx and vTy, we have u<v, i.e., (u,v)E(G). So T is graph-preserving. By assumption (2), there exist x 0 and uT x 0 such that g( x 0 )<u, so (g( x 0 ),u)E(G). Hence (2) of Theorem 3.3 is satisfied. It is easy to see that (3) and (4) of Theorem 3.3 are also satisfied. Therefore Corollary 3.4 is obtained directly by Theorem 3.3. □

If we put g(x)=x for all xX in Corollary 3.4, we obtain the following result.

Corollary 3.5 Let (X,d) be a metric space endowed with a partial orderand T:XCB(X) be a multivalued mapping. Suppose that

  1. (1)

    T is increasing;

  2. (2)

    there exists x 0 X such that x 0 <T x 0 ;

  3. (3)

    for each sequence { x n } such that x n < x n + 1 for all nN and x n converges to x, for some xX, then x n <x for all nN;

  4. (4)

    there exist α:[0,)[0,1) and L>0 such that

    H(Tx,Ty)α ( d ( x , y ) ) ( d ( x , y ) ) +LD(y,Tx),

for any x,yX with x<y, where lim sup r t + α(r)<1 for every t[0,);

  1. (5)

    the metric d is complete.

Then there exists uX such that uTu.

Remark 3.6 Theorem 4 in [3] is directly obtained from Theorem 3.3 by setting G=(V(G),E(G)), where V(G)=X, E(G)=X×X and g(x)=x for all xX.

Example 3.7 Let X={0,1,3,4,6,7,9,10,11}, d(x,y)=|xy|, x,yE(G), E(G) = {(1,4),(1,7,),(4,4)(4,7),(7,4),(7,7)}{(0,3),(0,6),(3,3),(3,6),(6,3),(6,6)}{(9,10),(10,9),(10,10),(10,11),(11,10),(11,11)} and T:XCB(X) be defined by

T(x)={ { 1 , 4 } if  x = 0 , { 0 , 3 } if  x = 1 , { 4 , 7 } if  x = 3 , 6 , { 3 , 6 } if  x = 4 , 7 , { 10 , 11 } if  x = 9 , 10 , 11 .

We note that

H ( T ( 1 ) , T ( 4 ) ) =3kd(1,4)for each k[0,1).

This means that T does not satisfy Nadler’s theorem. We will show that T is a weak contraction with α(x)= 1 2 and L=2.

Let (x,y)E(G).

If (x,y){(3,3),(3,6),(6,3),(6,6),(4,4),(4,7),(7,4),(7,7),(9,10),(10,9),(10,10),(10,11),(11,10),(11,11)}E(G), we have

H(Tx,Ty)=0 1 2 d(x,y)+2d(y,Tx).

If (x,y)=(1,4), we have

H(T1,T4)=3 1 2 d(1,4)+2d(4,T1).

If (x,y)=(1,7), we have

H(T1,T7)=3 1 2 d(1,7)+2d(7,T1).

If (x,y)=(0,3), we have

H(T0,T3)=3 1 2 d(0,3)+2d(3,T0).

If (x,y)=(0,6), we have

H(T0,T6)=3 1 2 d(0,6)+2d(6,T0).

Hence T is an (α,g,L)-G-contraction. To show that T is graph-preserving, let (x,y)E(G). If (x,y)=(1,4) or (x,y)=(1,7), then Tx={0,3}, Ty={3,6}, and we see that (0,3),(0,6),(3,3),(3,6)E(G). If (x,y){(4,4),(4,7),(7,4)}, then Tx={3,6}=Ty and (3,3),(3,6),(6,3),(6,6)E(G). If (x,y)=(0,3) or (x,y)=(0,6), then Tx={1,4}, Ty={4,7} and we see that (1,4),(1,7),(4,4),(4,7)E(G). If (x,y){(3,3),(3,6),(6,3),(6,6)}, then Tx={4,7}=Ty and we see that (4,4),(4,7),(7,4),(7,7)E(G). If (x,y){(9,10),(10,9),(10,11),(11,10)}, then Tx={10,11}=Ty and we see that (10,10),(10,11),(11,10),(11,11)E(G). Hence T is graph-preserving. By the definition of T and G, we see that 10T9={10,11} and (9,10)E(G), that is, condition (2) of Theorem 3.3 is satisfied. It is easy to see that X has Property A. Therefore all the conditions of Theorem 3.3 are satisfied, so T has a fixed point and we see that Fix(T)={10,11}.

Next, we give an example of a map which lacks assumption (2) and has no fixed point.

Example 3.8 Let X:={0,1,3,4,6,7,9,10,11}, d(x,y)=|xy|, x,yX, E(G):={(1,4),(4,7)}{(0,3),(3,0),(3,6),(6,3),(0,6),(6,0)}{(9,10),(10,9),(10,11)} and T:XCB(X) be defined by

T(x)={ { 1 , 4 } if  x = 0 , { 0 , 3 } if  x = 1 , { 4 , 7 } if  x = 3 , 6 , { 3 , 6 } if  x = 4 , 7 , { 0 } if  x = 9 , 10 , 11

and let g:XX be an identity map. The same as in Example 3.7, T is a graph-preserving mapping and T is a (g, 1 2 ,2)-G-contraction. Moreover, we can easily check that condition (2) of Theorem 3.3 does not hold and we note that T has no fixed point.