In the following, we use the same definitions, notations and structures given in [1]. We start first with Caristi’s [2] fixed point theorem.

Theorem 1.1 [2]

Let (X,d) be a complete metric space. Let f:XX and let ϕ be a lower semi-continuous function from X into [0,). Assume that d(x,f(x))ϕ(x)ϕ(f(x)) for all xX. Then f has a fixed point in X.

Lemma 2.3 [3]

Let (X,p) be a partial metric space and let p s :X×X[0,) be defined by

p s (x,y)=2p(x,y)p(x,x)p(y,y)

for all x,yX. Then (X, p s ) is a metric space.

To emphasize that the function given in (1) is a metric, we use the notation d p instead of p s , that is,

d p (x,y)= p s (x,y)=2p(x,y)p(x,x)p(y,y)for all x,yX.

Let (X,p) be a partial metric space. Following [1], consider ϕ:X[0,) and g:XX not necessarily a continuous function such that

2p ( x , g ( x ) ) p(x,x)p ( g ( x ) , g ( x ) ) ϕ(x)ϕ ( g ( x ) ) ,xX.

By (2), we can write

d p ( x , g ( x ) ) ϕ(x)ϕ ( g ( x ) ) .

The author [1] defines the class of mappings Φ and Φ g as follows:

Φ= { f f : X X  and  2 p ( x , f ( x ) ) p ( x , x ) p ( f ( x ) , f ( x ) ) ϕ ( x ) ϕ ( f ( x ) ) }


Φ g = { f f Φ  and  ϕ ( f ) ϕ ( g ) } .

We re-write Φ as

Φ= { f f : X X  and  d p ( x , f ( x ) ) ϕ ( x ) ϕ ( f ( x ) ) } .

It is well known also that (X,p) is complete if and only if (X, d p ) is complete (see, e.g., [3, 4]).

Under these observations, keeping (2) in mind, we conclude that Lemma 3.1 in [1] remains true without using any properties of a partial metric. On the other hand, in Lemma 3.2 in [1] the completeness assumption is missed. It can be re-formulated correctly as follows.

Updated Lemma 3.2 [1]

Let { x n } be a sequence in a complete partial metric space (X,p) such that

d p ( x n + 1 , x n )ϕ( x n )ϕ( x n + 1 )for all nN,

where ϕ is a lower semi-continuous function. Then lim n x n = x ¯ and d p ( x ¯ , x n )ϕ( x n )ϕ( x ¯ ) for each n.

Moreover, in Definition 2.2 in [1], the open and closed balls associated to a partial metric p are not defined correctly, because the term p(x,x) is missing, that is, we should have

B ε (x)= { y X , p ( x , y ) < p ( x , x ) + ε } and B ¯ ε (x)= { y X , p ( x , y ) p ( x , x ) + ε } .

It is clear that there is nothing in this paper [1] to prove. Indeed, the main result of [1] is a consequence of Theorem 1.1.

The following definition already exists in the literature.

Definition 3.3 (cf. [1])

Let (X,p) be a partial metric space.

(1) For AX, define the diameter of a subset A, written D(A), by

D ( A ) = sup ( x i , x j ) A { 2 p ( x i , x j ) p ( x i , x i ) p ( x j , x j ) } = sup ( x i , x j ) A d p ( x i , x j ) .

(2) Let r(A)= inf x A (ϕ(x)). Note that BA implies r(B)r(A).

(3) Let Φ Φ. For each xX, define S x ={f(x)|f Φ }.

Keeping (2) in mind, we conclude easily.

Lemma 3.4 [1]

D( S x )2(ϕ(x)r( S x )).

Consequently, we derive Theorem 3.5 in [1] without using any property of the partial metric. As a conclusion, this paper is just a repetition of usual results by using equality (2).