
Shoeprints are often found in crime scenes with poor quality images, and they have a critical role in podiatry investigations. Examining shoeprints becomes more challenging with limited available data, poor information contents, unavailability of ground truth and higher quality images, partial and incomplete prints, and most importantly, the lack of domain-specific processing algorithms [2, 10, 46, 69, 79, 104]. Considering the aforementioned challenges, a higher resolution (HR) shoeprints with reduced noise and enhanced quality have great importance for forensic purposes. High quality (HR) shoeprints generation from their lower resolution (LR) counterparts offer high density, close looks, and detailed observations and therefore, they can facilitate the analysis of the original prints acquired in the crime scene. However, generating high quality shoeprints via latest deep learning (DL) algorithms need special treatment of LR images where the corresponding HR images are unavailable or insufficient. Recently, deep learning (DL) provides a wide range of algorithms to the generation of high fidelity images with the availability of HR-LR image pairs [15,16,17, 27, 41, 47, 48, 74, 76, 92]. Moreover, the realistic scenarios lack perfect shoeprints to train deep learning models for HR image generation. To better address the aforementioned challenges, we propose an end-to-end deep learning model for generating high-fidelity shoeprints having no HR images.Footnote 1 To the best of our knowledge, our proposed model is first-of-its-kind to recover HR shoeprint images from their LR ones.

Super-resolution (SR) is the generation of HR images from their LR counterparts, and it has been studied from using early convolution networks [15, 16] to employ the recent Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) based models [50]. SR learning strategies can be divided into interpolation-based [43, 100], learning-based [15, 97, 98], and reconstruction-based [80]. SR includes the generation of single-LR or multi-LR images [61, 99]. Single-image-super-resolution (SISR) [101] is an ill-posed reverse problem in which a high-fidelity image is generated from its lower LR image, and SISR is also attempted in the this study. For HR image generation via SISR, the input LR image can be passed through a model featured with either pre-upsampling [15, 16, 41], post-upsampling [17, 76], progressive upsampling [47, 48, 92], or hourglass [27, 52] learning approaches. The pre-upsampling methods are simpler as they only require prior interpolation, but they may circumvent checkerboard artifacts, amplify noise and blurriness, and cause expensive computation [42, 77, 84, 85]. Similarly, post-upsampling methods can reduce the computational complexity by extracting the features at lower dimensional space, but the upsampling process in single step increases the learning difficulty for large scaling factors (i.e., \( 4\times , 8\times \)) [50, 53, 89]. The progressive upsampling reduces the learning difficulty and improves performance, but it may cause training instability due to complicated model structure [47, 48, 92]. Similarly, the iterative up-and-down methods can better mine the relationship between the given LR and generated HR image pairs with high quality reconstruction results [27, 52, 93]. The iterative up-and-down approaches adapt the deconvolution (transpose) operation instead of upsampling to overcome high computational complexity and maintain accuracy [17]. In addition, there are some algorithms specialized to sports and medical images [26, 33, 38], surveillance and security systems [66, 103], faces [87, 96], scenes [81], arts [54], and so on. Most of these areas provide both high and low quality images for training DL models.

To the best of our knowledge, the proposed model (GUV-Net, see Fig. 1) is the first attempt to generate high-fidelity shoeprints from their low quality images with no original ground truths (HRs) in the database [28]. Thus, we interpolates (bicubic-interpolation) the original shoeprint images to HR images, which enables the model to learn the generation of good quality images while training. GUV-Net downsamples and upsamples a given LR image and enable the model to pass on low-level features to high level (high-resolution, refinement) learning. GUV-Net utilizes all possible learning phases to generate high-fidelity images. Overall, the model compresses the given input into a latent space, learns probabilistic distributions, generates distinct sample variants in a controlled way at the decoding side, passes the key features from encoder to decoder and then from decoder to refinement-phase (high spatial phase). Finally, the model discriminates high quality generated images following adversarial and other objective functions. GUV-Net borrows features from the GAN, VAE, and U-Net architectures and fuses them in an efficient way.

In addition to wide applications of GAN model [105], GAN has also been used for SISR generation. GAN based SISR generation is often visually pleasing but the generated HR images may contain fake details and textures, which deviate from the ground truths [89]. The undesirable generation in SR is caused by the inversion (taking LR from HR and generating back into HR), in which the critical spatial information may not be kept faithfully at the low dimensional space (latent space) to recover back image both at pixel and semantic levels [106]. GANs face the problem of complex distributions of images and depends on extensive high-fidelity data, which may make the convergence hard, the model difficult to optimize hyper-parameters, unstable to train, and sometimes GAN may produce visually absurd outputs [4, 29]. Despite the widespread use of GAN for high resolution images, the generated samples often do not fully capture the diversity of true distributions [12, 67], which make inadequate the solely GAN based model to the generation of high fidelity shoeprints.

On the other hand, variational autoencoder (VAE) follows the maximum likelihood principle with an encoder–decoder structure, compresses input to latent space, which can be more efficiently optimized compared to pixel space [67]. The inherent mathematical formulation in VAE makes it relatively cheap and stable to train [29]. The negative log-likelihood in the VAE objective function enables VAE to generalize well to unseen data and cover all modes of data so that mode collapse as observed in GAN can be avoided [67, 88]. In contrast to GAN for SR applications, VAE based models are more in control during training and generating samples (i.e., beneficial for shoeprint generation with respect to forensics) but may output blurry results [18, 49, 90]. In VAE, the encoding distribution regularizes and matches the latent space for LR and HR images and ensures the generative process to recover the missing information [35, 67]. In addition to the GAN and VAE models, our model also infuses the U-Net-like [70] features to carry out the shoeprint super-resolution image generation from the challenging poor quality data. The introduction of U-Net enables the model to pass on spatial features from the compressing module to the decompressing module via skip-connections to maintain contextual features. In GUV-Net, similar skip-connections are further extended to pass low level features into high dimensional space (i.e., to refinement phase).

Based on the aforementioned information, the intended model addresses the critical challenges faced in the generation of high-fidelity shoeprints from their poor quality images with no ground-truths (HR images). Thus, combining the good features of GAN, VAE, and U-Net models may be a reliable way to generate the desired output. For this purpose, GAN and VAE are infused by overcoming the downsides of GAN (i.e., training and convergence instability [49], sensitive to hyper-parameters [55], mode collapse [4, 59]) and VAE (i.e., blurriness [18, 49, 90] and over smoothness [49] of the generated images) for high-fidelity image generation [29, 32, 40, 49, 72]. Hence, the high quality images can be generated through training VAE in an adversarial manner [29] by imposing a discriminator in the data space [49]. The infusion of VAE into GAN brings training stability and optimization in the manifold of latent-space structure [71, 72]. The sampling representation at the latent space of VAE can be utilized as a generator in GAN [9, 91]. Similarly, multi-scale structure similarity (MS-SSIM) and \(L_1\) norm have been attempted to overcome the blurriness in VAE [90]. For latent space optimization, the posterior and prior distributions can be discriminated in order to generate a high quality images [57].

However, the infusion of GAN and VAE still has the following issues: poor scalability in high dimensions, limitations in scaling to high dimensions, expensive evaluation, variational inferencing, lack of distributions matching both in latent and visible spaces, and limited improvement in the quality of generated images [71]. Both VAE and GAN models for high fidelity image generation may synthesize unnecessary patterns [7], which lose the importance for producing high quality shoeprints with respect to forensics. To avoid undesirable patterns and texture in HR shoeprints, the infusion of U-Net into the generative models may control and guide high fidelity image generation [20]. As U-Net facilitates the preservation of spatial information [75], thus the U-Net equipped models control the learned features to generate the desired image against LR image. Considering the pros-and-cons of GAN, VAE, and U-Net architectures, the proposed GUV-Net model infuses the features of GAN, VAE, and U-Net into a single DL model (Fig. 1), which is trained in an end-to-end fashion, and thus high quality shoeprints can be generated from their lower-quality counterparts with no perfect/ground truth images. The model optimizes the distribution in latent space and synthesize the guided shape image generation by avoiding unnecessary patterns in shoeprints. Similarly, the model overcomes the blurriness result by conditioning the decoder part with the reduced version (inverse-encoding unit) of interpolated HR input (\(Y_\mathrm{{HR}}\)). With the infusion of U-Net, the model can better control and preserve the spatial information to output the desired variant against LR image. In addition, the discriminative property borrowed from GAN also overcomes the deficiencies (blurriness) caused by the reconstruction-loss (\(L_2\)) and generates high quality shoeprints with better perceptual ability. The model maintains training stability to generate HR (\(X_\mathrm{{HR}}\)) images learning from nice latent manifold structure together with skip spatial information. The generated \(X_\mathrm{{HR}}\) images (fake) are then put in the adversarial training against the corresponding interpolated ones (\(Y_\mathrm{{HR}}\)) (Fig. 1). Overall, the model generates the coarse image (\(X_\mathrm{{MR}}\)) in the encoder–decoder structure up to the same level as \(X_\mathrm{{LR}}\) with dimension \(h=h/n\) and \(w=w/n\) (where h, w are the height and width of \(X_\mathrm{{LR}}\) obtained from \(X_\mathrm{{o}}\)), and the high-fidelity output (\(X_\mathrm{{HR}}\)) is obtained in the refinement unit. Different loss terms are adopted at distinct levels to facilitate the generation of high resolution shoeprints.

Fig. 1
figure 1

GUV_Net receives \(X_\mathrm{{LR}}\) (hight \(=h/n\), width \(= w/n\)) shoeprint image obtained from original shoeprint \(X_\mathrm{{o}}\) (hight \(=h\), width \(=w\)) and generates an \(X_\mathrm{{HR}}\) (hight \(=h\times n\), width \(=w\times n\)). The model trains with generative loss-terms including \(L_\mathrm{{PS}}\), \(\lambda _iL_2\), where \(i=1,2,3\), and KL-divergence. Similarly, the discriminative loss-term composed of \(D_{XY}\) and \(L_2\), where the details can be seen in the Section of loss-function. a) Prior to training, both \(X_\mathrm{{LR}}\) and \(Y_\mathrm{{HR}}\) images are generated through interpolation methods. b) The network receives \(X_\mathrm{{HR}}\) as input, extracts features and encodes into latent representation (Encoder), learns probabilistic distribution (VAE), and passes (skip-connections) spatial features into \(X_\mathrm{{MR}}\) together with decoded layer. The model samples from the learned latent space and further optimize the weights at mid-level (\(X_\mathrm{{MR}}\)) against the interpolated image (\(Y_\mathrm{{MR}}\)) as ground truth. The \(X_\mathrm{{MR}}\) version is further processed for refinement process together with passed features from the decoder at distinct levels. From the refinement stage, the model generates high-fidelity (\(X_\mathrm{{HR}}\)) images by optimizing the weights against \(Y_\mathrm{{HR}}\) in high dimensional space. The generative module of GVU_Net only be used for evaluation purposes. c) Discriminator resolves the real image (\(Y_\mathrm{{HR}}\)) obtained by interpolation and fake image (\(X_\mathrm{{HR}}\)) output by the generator

There are a wide range of specialized and generalized applications of SR; however, to the best of our knowledge, this study is the first attempt to address the challenges in the super-resolution tasks for shoeprint images. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: “Literature study” provides related work in shoeprint based processing and infusion models of GAN, VAE, and U-Net. “Methodology” presents the methodology for GUV-Net structure and training, and “Results evaluation and analysis” analyzes the derived results, which are followed by the conclusion and future directions in “Conclusion and future directions”.

Literature study

Shoeprint images have been studied in many areas, including forensic podiatry [45, 86, 104], biological traits examination and investigation [62], gender prediction [5, 8, 63], and body morphological studies [95]. A number of operations underlying shoeprints have been performed including retrieving, recognition, pattern matching via different approaches, and these operations have been performed by many approaches, including manual [3], semi-automated [2, 24], automated [1, 68], and machine learning (ML) (in particular DL methods) [15, 97, 104]. Among these, DL methods have shown promising results in shoeprint related operations [14, 22, 56, 104]. Regarding shoeprint enhancement, there are some conventional approaches [21]; however, DL algorithms for generating super resolution version of the low quality shoeprints are lacking.

A variety of models for Super resolution-SR have been proposed, starting from the early convolution neural networks [15, 16] to the latest GAN based networks [50]. To generate high-fidelity HR images, the given HR images are downscaled via interpolation into LR images and then mapped back to the HR ones using different learning approaches [15,16,17, 41, 47, 48, 76, 92]. Some of these approaches first upsample (pre-upsampling) the LR images to the HR space, and then CNN learns in the HR space to refine the coarse images [42, 77, 84, 85]. Such methods are simple but may amplify checkerboard artifacts, noise, and blurriness. To reduce the complexity, feature extraction can be performed at lower dimensional space (post-upsampling) and then upscaled to HR space either with interpolation or with transpose-convolution learning [17, 50, 53, 89]. To reduce the complexity in HR space, a progressive learning based strategy have been adopted by the use of cascade CNNs to generate HR images at smaller factors [47, 48, 92]. However, more guidance and advanced training are needed for a complicated model designing to avoid instability during training. To better mine the mapping between LR–HR pairs of images, iterative up and down sampling methods are applied with effective learning to provide high quality images [27, 52, 93]. Such methods mostly adopt the encoder–decoder like structure to mine the non-linear relationship between the LR–HR image space. Moreover, the aforementioned methods are trained with the availability of HR versions. However, in our case, the available original shoeprint images are not in good quality and vulnerable to noise and distortion. Bear in mind the above challenges and network architecture designs, our model (GUV-Net) adopts feature extraction and learns both at lower dimensional space and latent space (i.e., at encoder–decoder structure), and at high dimensional space through post upscaling via transpose convolution. Thus, GUV-Net infuses the features from variational autoencoder into a U-Net-like structure and append with adversarial as in GAN.

A wide range of deep learning models has been proposed to address the challenges in SR [43, 61, 99, 100] adopting either GAN [29, 32, 40, 49, 72] or VAE [20] for the generative purpose. However, SR generation with GAN [4, 11, 67] or VAE [18, 49, 90] in isolated forms faces challenges such as training in stability, sensitivity to the nature of datasets and the low quality of output result. To compensate the downsides of generative models, several attempts have been made to infuse GAN with VAE [4, 29, 49, 55, 59, 90], and VAE with U-Net [20] for output high-fidelity images. However, the existing infused forms of GAN and VAE still have limitations in terms of training complexity and generating high quality images [71], and lacking of approaches with no ground truths (HR images). Furthermore, VAE is also infused into U-Net structure for guided shape and controlled image generation with desired variants of the queried image [20]. For images like shoeprints which are vulnerable to noise and hard to find the cleaned and good quality ground truths, the infusion of GAN, VAE, and U-Net architectures with their positive aspects is expected to more effectively generate high resolution output retaining the original patterns and textures. For this purpose, the proposed model adopts the generative features from VAE with a control structure and passing. Moreover, the adoption of VAE enables the optimal and controlled image synthesis at latent space and stables the HR shoeprint generation as vital to forensics. The adoption of adversarial learning from GAN structure encourages the model to synthesis a high quality realistic version of the given shoeprint.


SR needs both low and high resolution images to train an end-to-end deep learning model. In most cases, the LR images are obtained from their HR counterparts through different degradation methods including interpolation, noise, blur, and so on [89]. The benchmark datasets provide both LR and HR pairs of images while some only provide HR images [93]. The state-of-the-art (SOTA) models then use the desired scaling factor to downsample the HR to LR images [17, 89, 93]. However, the unavailability of HR images makes SISR problem more challenging. Moreover, the HR image generation from dataset susceptible to noise which becomes more crucial to model from their LR image. Sometimes, the generation of HR from their LR counterparts with noise and distortion may raise unnecessary regions in HR images (shoeprints) which lose their critical role in the fields such as forensics. Regarding the aforementioned challenges, our proposed model (GUV-Net) provides a deep learning based SR model specialized to shoeprint images. In this section, we describe our network-architecture in details, objective function, and training the understudied models. The network architecture and training details are presented in the following section.

Network architecture

Our GUV-Net architecture is mainly divided into three units including inverse-encoding or preparation of ground truth samples (Fig. 1a), generation of fake images via the main network (Fig. 1b), and adversarial learning (Fig. 1c).

Sample preparation

In normal circumstances, acquiring shoeprint images with high resolution are rare and challenging, especially scanning shoe outsole while stepping on a scanning-machine. Thus, the collected huge amount of dataset is lack of high resolution-HR images and their LR counterparts [28]. Therefore, the original shoeprint (\(X_\mathrm{{o}}\), with \(height=h\) and \(width=w\)) is simultaneously downsampled (\(X_\mathrm{{LR}}\)) and upsmapled (\(Y_\mathrm{{HR}}\)) to generate both high-resolution and low-resolution images, respectively. The isolated downsample and upsample may not reflect the real distribution in realistic environment. The overall downsampling and umpsampling can be formulated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} X_\mathrm{{LR}}&= \varPsi \{X_\mathrm{{o}};~(h/n, w/n)\}\nonumber \\ Y_\mathrm{{HR}}&=\varUpsilon \{X_\mathrm{{o}};~(h\times n, w\times n)\}\nonumber \\ Y_\mathrm{{MR}}&=\zeta \{Y_\mathrm{{HR}};~\varphi \} \nonumber \\ Y_R&= \zeta _R\{Y_\mathrm{{MR}};~\varphi _R\}\nonumber \\&\quad \mathrm{where}~X_\mathrm{{o}} \in \mathbb {R}_\mathrm{{o}}^\mathrm{{HWC}}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\varPsi \) and \(\varUpsilon \) are the inter-area and bi-cubic interpolations used for LR and HR shoeprint images generation, respectively. \(Y_\mathrm{{MR}}\) is obtained at training time by the convolution operation \(\zeta \) over the learning parameters \(\varphi \). The network further convolves over \(Y_\mathrm{{MR}}\) using learning parameter \(\zeta _R\) with linear activation and ends with a regression \(Y_R\). GUV-Net receives \(X_\mathrm{{LR}}\) and compares the middle phase (\(X_\mathrm{{MR}}\)) of the main model with \(Y_\mathrm{{HR}}\), which enables the model to learn progressively at distinct levels. Similarly, during training, the interpolated high-level real image \(Y_\mathrm{{HR}}\) convolves to a middle-level mapping (\(Y_\mathrm{{MR}}\)) to optimize the mainstream learning of \(X_\mathrm{{HR}}\) generation. \(Y_\mathrm{{HR}}\) further contributes to discriminative learning in a similar way as in GAN.

Variational inferencing and skip-connections

GUV-Net imitates and infuses three popular deep learning structures including VAE, U-Net, and GAN models. The aim of infusing VAE in GUV-Net is to extract features at the compressed level and generate multiple corresponding output among which the closed one will be chosen. The generation via VAE at lower dimensional space reduces computational complexity and learning ability at detail level. Furthermore, the sampling generation of a fake HR shoeprint from the latent space enables the model to avoid the generation of unnecessary regions caused by the inclusion of GAN. Similarly, the skip-connections \(S_f\) incorporated from U-Net enables the model to maintain the salient spatial features passing from encoder \(e\{X_\mathrm{{LR}};~\phi \}\) to decoder \(d\{e\oslash S_f;~\vartheta \}\). Both VAE and U-Net share the same encoding and decoding structure in a harmonized way. The network structure of GUV-Net adopts U-Net to maintain necessary key patterns to facilitate the generation of high-fidelity images, where VAE empowers the model to utilize probabilistic distributions to sample and generate variants of shoeprints.

Encoding: The infused form of VAE and U-Net receives \(X_\mathrm{{LR}}\) (Eq. 1) and maps to a compressed form (\(z_i \in \mathbb {R}^k\) where k is the dimension of latent space) at the bottleneck (Fig. 1a). The input passes through five blocks where the first three blocks are residual based and the remaining two blocks are stacked convolutional layers. Each block ends with batch normalization (BN) [37] and ReLu [60] to normalize zero-centered around (\(\mu \)) with standard deviation (\(\sigma \)) by regularizing internal covariate shift and providing a stable learning environment to subsequent deep layers and latent space optimization. All the convolution layers of the block have the same kernel window-size (3 \(\times \) 3, with more focus on local features), non-linear operations (ReLu), strides of one (1), and the same padding [30, 36, 83]. The size of the channels reduces by halves in each subsequent deep layer where the loss of information can be compensated by increasing the number of filters [78]. The encoding layer capable of the network model to learn at different levels of \(X_\mathrm{{LR}}\) representation, from various dimensional spaces to a number of filters, and finally generates latent variable (\(z_i\)).

Bottleneck layer: The encoder part (\(e\{X_\mathrm{{LR}};~\phi \}\)) generates probabilistic distributions (posterior) over the latent space (\(z_i\)) and then forwards the latent sampling (\(P_i\)) to the decoder \(d\{e\oslash S_f;~\vartheta \}\) in order to generate back the images (\(X_\mathrm{{MR}}\)) (Fig. 1). In parallel, the encoder also maps the input (\(X_\mathrm{{LR}}\)) to a linear regression value \(X_R\) which further compares against \(Y_R\). To utilize the decoder as a generative part, \(e\{X_\mathrm{{LR}};~\phi \}\) maps \(X_\mathrm{{LR}}\) to posterior distribution \(P(z|X_\mathrm{{LR}})\) in the latent space z, as shown below:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} z_i\sim \mathscr {P}_i(z|X_\mathrm{{LR}}). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

The drawn sample (\(z_i\)) from the distribution \({P}_i(z|X_\mathrm{{LR}})\) maps into the same shape of decoder (\(d\{e\oslash S_f;~\vartheta \}\)) for the generation operations. The distribution regularizes both locally (\(\mu \)) and globally (\(\sigma \)), where \(\mu \) and \(\sigma \) are the mean and variance for the sample in the given distribution. The sampling process needs to back-propagate the error through the network which is made possible by the parameterize-trick [44]. The decoder then generates multiple outputs corresponding to the same input from a distribution around the center rather than from a fixed point. The latent space needs to be smoothly interpolated between the distributions (i.e., via KL-divergence) for the samples, so as to generate images with restored information facilitating further the high-fidelity samples.

Decoding layer: On the decoding side, a random sample (\(z_i, for~i=1,2, \ldots ,n\) ) is generated from a probabilistic distribution \(P(z|X_\mathrm{{LR}})\) and then is projected to \(X_\mathrm{{MR}}\), as shown below:

$$\begin{aligned} X_\mathrm{{MR}}=d\big \{[z_i\odot R_i]\oslash S_f(X_\mathrm{{LR}});~\vartheta \big \}, \end{aligned}$$

Here, \(X_\mathrm{{MR}}\) is the reconstruction map corresponding to \(z_i\) with adjustable weights (\(\odot R_i\)), which are regularized by the objective function (see loss-function, “Objective function”) and finally merged with the contextual skipped features (\(\oslash S_f\)). Besides KL-divergence, a reconstruction loss term \(\lambda _2L_2\) is also included between \(X_\mathrm{{MR}}\) and \(Y_\mathrm{{MR}}\).

Skip layers: As featured by U-Net, GUV-Net avoids the loss of salient features [82] by passing the contextual information (\(S_f(X_\mathrm{{LR}})\)) between \(e(X_\mathrm{{LR}};~\phi )\) to \(d(z_i;~\vartheta )\) in order to generate \(X_\mathrm{{MR}}\) with learned detail-level features. At each encoding block, prior to down-sampling, the salient features are retained and passed to the corresponding decoding layer. These extracted features are merged (\(\oslash \)) channel-wise (i.e., axis \(=3\)), and then passed to the next layer followed by the transpose convolution layers [102]. The transpose layer expands the features’ window-size by avoiding to memorize, and learns useful knowledge as necessary for generating high resolution images. The skip-connections are merged as element-wise-sum at the deeper decoding layer, and we keep the number-of-features fixed and refined, which is very important for pixel-wise prediction and generation [58]. However, the lower level merged skip-connections enable variant features, preserving detailed information, and better gradient propagation across the network [31, 51]. Overall, the skip-connections control and avoid the loss of spatial information which needs to be retained in HR images required in forensics.

Refinement and high-fidelity image generation

In the proposed study, during sample preparation, the original image (\(X_\mathrm{{o}}\)) interpolated to lower (\(X_\mathrm{{LR}}\)) and higher dimensional spaces (\(Y_\mathrm{{HR}}\)) which are then upsampled from \(X_\mathrm{{LR}}\) to \(X_\mathrm{{HR}}\) while training with balanced computational complexity and progressive learning at distinct scaling factors. GUV-Net mainly prioritizes the generation of high-fidelity shoeprints from their lower resolution noised versions, where the feature learning complexity is dealt at lower dimensional space. The output (\(X_\mathrm{{MR}}\)) from the infused structure borrowed from U-Net with VAE further maps to high resolution version \(X_\mathrm{{HR}}\), as shown below:

$$\begin{aligned} X_\mathrm{{HR}}= C_\mathrm{{tn}}\big [\{ (X_\mathrm{{MR}};~\varPhi );~{L_\mathscr {PS}}\};~D_\mathrm{{disc}}\big ] \end{aligned}$$

\(C_\mathrm{{tn}}\) denotes the learning of \(\varPhi \) given \(X_\mathrm{{MR}}\). The terms \(\varPhi \) and \(D_\mathrm{{disc}}\) denote the learning parameters and discriminative learning at high spatial space, respectively. \(L_\mathcal {PS}\) is composed of pixel-wise difference (\(\mathcal {P}\)) and structure similarity (\(\mathcal {S}\)) based optimization. Thus, the learning process of high dimensional space is optimized by the content and perceptual objective function followed by the discriminator structure. The inclusion of (\(1-\lambda \cdot \mathrm{{SSIM}}\), see loss-function 3.2) [62] at higher-level tunes the network parameters and bring contextual similarities between given and generated images.

The encoder–decoder structure passes \(X_\mathrm{{MR}}\) and skip-connections to the refinement unit (RU) (see refinement unit in Fig. 1c). The network upscales \(X_\mathrm{{MR}}\) to HR space via transpose convolution (\(2\times 2, 3\times 3\)). The learning and refinement at higher dimensional space via transpose convolutional operations [17, 27, 58, 89, 102] reduce computational complexity, noise amplification, and blurriness [41]. Moreover, the transpose-convolution operations bring new information while training the projection of \(X_\mathrm{{LR}}\) to \(X_\mathrm{{HR}}\) image space [17, 58]. In RU, \(X_\mathrm{{MR}}\) further convolves through a stacked of convolutional operations (\(3\times \mathrm{{Conv}}\). R.B) where each is followed by batch-normalization (B.N) and rectified linear unit (ReLu). Similarly, the parameters through skip-connections are upscaled through variant strides (\(16\times 16\), \(8\times 8\), \(4\times 4\)) and filter-size (\(17\times 17\), \(9\times 9\), \(5\times 5\)). All the skip-connections are projected to the same filter dimensionality with the use of \(1\times 1\) convolutions which further merged element-wise-sum along the third-dimension. The outcome from merged operation is proceeded to a convolutional layer and then merged in the RU. This process continues to a convolution layer with filter size \(5\times 5\) followed by mapping to HR image space with a single feature map (filter size \(7\times 7\)) activated via tangent function. To avoid the checkerboard-like pattern and over-smoothness in the high quality images [23, 76], GUV-Net uses the objective loss term (\(L_\mathcal {PS}\)) to tune the mainstream generative model.

In normal circumstances, the ground truth HR images are available, which enable the model to fine-tune the network parameters for an optimal HR space. However, in our case, the ground truth HR images (\(Y_\mathrm{{MR}}\)) are acquired by bi-cubic interpolation from the original low quality images (\(X_\mathrm{{o}}\)) which may enable the model to only remember the mapping to the interpolated ones. To avoid such phenomena and allow the network model to learn, a parallel compressing operation performed from higher dimensional (\(Y_\mathrm{{HR}}\)) to lower dimensional (\(Y_{MR}\)). For a regression output, (\(Y_{MR}\)) space is followed to \(Y_R\) which further enable parameter fine-tuning of mainstream network at level \(X_\mathrm{{MR}}\).

Adversarial inferencing

To avoid the blurriness in VAE [25] infused with U-Net, and bring sharpness and better quality in the generated images [65], GUV-Net learns jointly generative and inference networks in an adversarial manner (Fig. 1c). Adversarial learning plays a min–max game to distinguish the original and fake (generated or synthetic) images. Similarly, GUV-Net brings the inferencing features to reason at the latent space and generates high-quality samples [49]. VAE infused with U-Net together with high-fidelity section (IU) is trained as a generative model and tries to fool discriminator for reaching better level of quality. In our case, the generator maps \(X_\mathrm{{LR}}\) to \(X_\mathrm{{MR}}\) proceeded by \(X_\mathrm{{HR}}\) and the discriminator distinguishes \(Y_\mathrm{{HR}}\) and \(X_\mathrm{{HR}}\) as real and fake, respectively. The min-max game of learning in GAN can be formulated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} V(D,G) = \underset{G}{\min }~\underset{D}{\max }(D_{XY}, G_X), \end{aligned}$$

Similarly, the generative (\(G_X\)) and discriminative (\(D_{XY}\)) operations can be illustrated in mathematical forms as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} G_{X}&= G\{\underbrace{e(X_\mathrm{{LR}};~\phi )\rightarrow d(X_\mathrm{{MR}};~\vartheta )}_\mathrm{{Feature\,extraction}}\rightarrow \underbrace{C_{tn}(X_\mathrm{{HR}};~\varPhi )}_\mathrm{{Refining \,Unit}}\} \nonumber \\ G_{X}&= G(X_\mathrm{{LR}},~X_\mathrm{{HR}};~\omega )~\mathrm{where}~\omega =\{\phi ,\vartheta , \varPhi \} \end{aligned}$$

The discriminator performs binary classification by assigning probability 1 to \(Y\sim P(Y_\mathrm{{HR}})\) and 0 to \(X\sim P(X_\mathrm{{HR}})\). Hence, the discriminator can be optimized as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} D_{XY} = \frac{P(Y_\mathrm{{HR}})}{P(Y_\mathrm{{HR}})+P(X_\mathrm{{HR}})} \end{aligned}$$

The discriminator plays a vital role in the abstract reconstruction error in the circumstances where VAE is infused in the network model. The discriminator part measures the sample similarity [49] at both element and feature levels. In addition, the discriminator is made stronger to distinguish between real and fake images by including \(L_2\) loss term.

Objective function

Discriminative loss function

The objective function for GUV-Net can be mainly divided into discriminative and generative objective functions. The discriminative objective function (DoF) is a combination of sigmoid cross-entropy (\(\mathcal {D_{XY}}\)) and regression loss (\(L_2\)) functions which can be formulated as whole in the following equation.

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{DoF}=D_{XY}+L_2, \end{aligned}$$

where \(D_{XY}\) and \(L_2\) are the cross-entropy and mean square error (MSE) losses between the real and fake images. \(D_{XY}\) in Eq. (5) as a loss term for the discriminator seeks to maximize the log probabilities of real and inverse probability for fake images [25].

$$\begin{aligned} D_{XY} = \frac{1}{n}\sum _{k=1}^{n}\big [\mathrm{log}(D(Y^k_\mathrm{{HR}})) + \mathrm{log} (1-D(G(X^k_\mathrm{{LR}})))\big ], \end{aligned}$$

where n denotes the number of batches. Similarly, the regression loss term \(L_2\) can be illustrated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} L_2=\frac{1}{n}\bigg [{\sum _{i=1}^{n} \{X_\mathrm{{HR}}-Y_\mathrm{{HR}}\}^2}\bigg ] \end{aligned}$$

Generative loss function

Similarly, the generative objective function (GoF) is composed of multiple loss terms, which is the accumulated sum with more weightage given to generative part (\(G_X\)) of GAN for adversarial learning, as shown below:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{GoF}&= G_X+\mathscr {KL}+\lambda _{1,2,3}\mathscr {L}_2+\mathscr {L}_\mathrm{{ps}}&\end{aligned}$$

In Eq. (10), the adversarial term adopted from the GAN model seeks to minimize the inverse probability.

$$\begin{aligned} G_X = \frac{1}{n}\sum _{k=1}^{n}\big [\mathrm{log} (1-D(G(X_\mathrm{{LR}})))\big ]. \end{aligned}$$

\(G_X\) in GoF encourages the generator to produce samples that being predicted fake by the discriminator with low probability [55]. The generative loss term takes part in min-max game to distinguish real and fake images to produce a realistic high-fidelity image [25, 50, 73].

Moreover, \(\mathscr {KL}\) in Eq. (10) is the KL-divergence, and it computes the log difference between the probability of data in actual distribution \(P(X_\mathrm{{LR}})\) and that of the approximating distribution \(Q(X_\mathrm{{LR}})\). Thus, in the VAE part of GUV-Net, the inference model (\(Q_\phi (z|X_\mathrm{{LR}})\)) approximates the posterior (true) distribution (\(P_\theta (z|X_\mathrm{{LR}})\)) in terms of KL-divergence to minimize the gap [44]:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathscr {KL}(Q_\phi (z|X_\mathrm{{LR}})||P_\theta (z|X_\mathrm{{LR}})))=\mathbb {E}_{q_\phi }\Big [log \frac{q_\phi (z|x)}{p_\theta (z|x)} \Big ].\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

Specifically in our case, KL-divergence measures the difference between the distribution \(\mathcal {N}(\mu _i, \sigma _i)\) of inference model with mean \(\mu _i\) and variance \(\sigma _i\), and standard normal distribution \(\mathcal {N}(0,I)\) with mean 0 and unit variance I. After the Bayesian inference simplification [13, 19], KL-divergence can be rewritten as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathscr {KL}(\mathcal {N}(\mu , \sigma )||\mathcal {N}(0,I))=\frac{1}{2}\sum _{i=1}^{l}\big (\sigma _i^2+\mu _i^2-1-\mathrm{exp}(\sigma _i^2) \big ),\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

and by choosing \(I=1\), Eq. (13) becomes:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathscr {KL}(\mathcal {N}(\mu , \sigma )||\mathcal {N}(0,1))=\frac{1}{2}\sum _{i=1}^{l}\big (\sigma _i+\mu _i^2-1-\mathrm{exp}(\sigma _i) \big ).\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

Similarly, \(\mathscr {L}_2\) is the pixel-wise loss to efficiently evaluate noisy images while training [6]. The subscript of \(\lambda \) in Eq. (10) is 3, representing the three versions of \(\mathscr {L}_2\) for pixel-wise difference. For \(\lambda _1\), the difference between \(X_\mathrm{{LR}}\) and \(X_\mathrm{{MR}}\) can be illustrated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \lambda _1\mathscr {L}_2 = \lambda _1.\frac{1}{r.c}\bigg [{\sum _{r=0}^{h-1} \sum _{c=0}^{w-1}\{X_\mathrm{{LR}}(r,c)-X_\mathrm{{MR}}(r,c)\}^2}\bigg ],\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

where r and c denote the row and column indexes, respectively. \(X_\mathrm{{LR}}(r,c)\) and \(X_\mathrm{{MR}}(r,c)\) denote the corresponding pixel positions in the input (X) and projected (Y) images, respectively. While h and w are the height and width of both images, respectively. Similarly, for \(\lambda _2\), the element-wise difference between \(X_\mathrm{{HR}}\) and \(Y_\mathrm{{HR}}\) can be formulated by re-writing Eq. (15) as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \lambda _2\mathscr {L}_2 = \lambda _2.\frac{1}{r.c}\bigg [{\sum _{r=0}^{h-1} \sum _{c=0}^{w-1}\{X_\mathrm{{HR}}(r,c)-Y_\mathrm{{HR}}(r,c)\}^2}\bigg ]. \end{aligned}$$

For \(\lambda _3\), the loss term can be formulated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \lambda _3\mathscr {L}_2 = \lambda _3.\frac{1}{n}\bigg [{\sum _{i=1}^{n} \{X_R^{i}-Y_R^{i}\}^2}\bigg ], \end{aligned}$$

where \(X_R\) and \(Y_R\) are the regression values computed from the encoder and inverse-encoding parts corresponding to sample (i), respectively.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Two shoeprint samples are shown with each has two rows. The generated shoeprints (first and third rows) by the SOTA models and GUV-Net with highlighted regions (second and fourth rows). Each network receives the input shoeprint and generates the corresponding HR (upscaled by \(\times 2\)) images. Bi-Cubic interpolated shoeprints are used as ground truths (for details see “Result” section). Similarly, the corresponding PSNR and SSIM metric values are also displayed

Fig. 3
figure 3

SR of shoeprint together with highlighted regions generated with upscaling factor \(\times 2\). Each image contains PSNR and MS-SSIM score. The higher the score, the better the quality of the images is

Furthermore, the refinement process at a higher spatial level is optimized by following both pixel-wise loss (\(\mathscr {L}_2\)) and structure similarity (SSIM) [6]. \(\mathscr {L}_2\) favors higher peak-to-single-noise-ratio (PSNR) while SSIM improves the perceptual quality in the generated HR images [18, 39]. The final term \(\mathcal {L}_\mathrm{{ps}}\) in Eq. (10) can be rewritten as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathscr {L}_\mathrm{{ps}}&= \mathscr {L}_p+ (1-\mathscr {L}_s)\nonumber , \\ \mathscr {L}_\mathrm{{ps}}&= \lambda _2\mathscr {L}_2+(1-\mathscr {L}_s). \end{aligned}$$

The HR shoeprints should maintain the original structure in terms of forensic applications; hence, the structure similarity (SSIM) [6] index as an objective function is also included. It also quantifies the perceptual quality of the degraded images. By including SSIM as a loss term, GUV-Net penalizes the learning parameters at high dimensional spaces between \(X_\mathrm{{HR}}\) and \(Y_\mathrm{{HR}}\). SSIM focuses mainly on three properties of the given images as shown in the following illustration.

$$\begin{aligned} \mathscr {L}_s(X_\mathrm{{HR}},Y_\mathrm{{HR}}) = \big [\mathbb {L}(X, Y)\big ]\cdot \big [\mathbb {C}(X,Y)\big ]\cdot \big [\mathbb {S}(X,Y)\big ], \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mathbb {L}\), \(\mathbb {C}\), and \(\mathbb {S}\) denote the luminous, contrast, and structure differences between X and Y. SSIM enables GUV-Net to generate high quality and visually pleasant images having similarity in structure with their LR images.

Model training

To assess the performance of GUV-Net, some SOTA models included SRDensNet [89], SRGAN [50], IDN [34], and EBRN [64] are also trained on the same training (84,000 images) and testing (4000 images) datasets [28], as well as with fine-tuned hyper-parameters corresponding to the current problem of HR shoeprints. All models, including GUV-Net, are trained for super-resolution with upscaling factors \(\times \)2 and \(\times \)4. ADAM is used for the optimization of GUV-Net with an initial learning rate \(10^{-4}\), with learning decay \(10^{-1}\) after every 20 epochs, \(\beta _1=0.9\), and \(\beta _2=0.999\), which are also applied to the understudied SOTA models [34, 50, 64, 89].

Results evaluation and analysis

We compare the performance of GUV-Net against SOTA models through both subjective and objective evaluation methods. Some random images with their zoomed regions of both input and generated SR images are shown. Similarly, the corresponding values for PSNR, SSIM Fig. 2, and MS-SSIM Fig. 3 are also calculated.

Bi-cubic interpolated shoeprints as ground truths

For computing PSNR, SSIM, and MS-SSIM, we used bi-cubic interpolated shoeprint as ground truth. The interpolated version is generated with a new dimension (\(h\times n\), \(w \times n\)) from that of original shoeprint images (h, w) for training purpose. The original shoeprints have a variety of sizes and dimensions. To bring them into the same dimensional structure, a variational scaling factor (\(\eta \)) is used. Recall Eq. (1), \(Y_\mathrm{{HR}}\) can be rewritten as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} Y_\mathrm{{HR}} = \varUpsilon \{X_\mathrm{{o}},~(h\times \eta n, w\times \eta n)\}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\eta \) can be a fractional or multiple numbers chosen according to the dimension of \(Y_\mathrm{{HR}}\). Therefore, the bi-cubic interpolated shoeprints are not the versions created from \(X_\mathrm{{LR}}\) images; hence, these upscaled images can be observed with good quality. However, the trained models including GUV-Net receive \(X_\mathrm{{LR}}\) during training and evaluation. Regarding the aforementioned reason and absent ground truths, bi-cubic interpolated shoeprints are used as a baseline to carry out both subjective and empirical evaluations.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Two shoeprint samples are selected from the testing dataset. Each sample is shown in generated form (first row) and zoomed-in region (second row). The visualization shows the input and generated SR images by SOTA and GUV-Net models for the upscaling factor \(\times 4\)

Performance evaluation

Based on the SR generation with upscaling factor \(\times 2\), GUV-Net results higher PSNR and SSIM values against the trained SOTA models (Fig. 2). Similarly, in the given visualization, the patterns in cropped regions of shoeprints generated by GUV-Net can be observed more clearly as compared to SOTA models. This reflects the learning specialization to shoeprint by producing a better result in terms of noise and structure similarities with that of ground truths.

To better assess the quality of SR images, we also used another highly adapted evaluation metric (MS-SSIM) based on the assumption of human visual system [94]. MS-SSIM follows multi-scale processes for multi-stage sub-sampling operations to subjectively compare the given images. For this purpose, the generated images by SOTA models and GUV-Net models are displayed in Fig. 3, where GUV-Net results significant MS-SSIM score.

Furthermore, the generated results with upscaling factor \(\times 4\) can also be observed together with highlighted regions (Fig. 4). The SR images generated by GUV-Net keep sufficient original patterns and texture from the input image (\(X_\mathrm{{LR}}\)), as well as reduce the noise level by producing high PSNR score compared to SOTA. GUV-Net also keeps the low level features empowered by the direct connections from the decoder part into the refinement module (see Fig. 1b). Moreover, GUV-Net outperforms the SOTA models in terms of the empirical evaluations using PSNR, SSIM, and MS-SSIM as tabulated the averaged values in Table 1. In addition, SRDensNet performs best at second position following dense structure which is followed by GUV-Net for passing information and refinement unit.

Table 1 Average PSNR, SSIM, and M-SSIM values for the testing dataset

Ablation study

Exclusion of variational inferencing

GUV-Net generates samples through the decoding layer by inferencing in the latent space optimized by the KL-divergence. To know the importance of features borrowed from VAE architecture, we re-designed GUV-Net by excluding the inferencing unit at the bottle-neck of encoder–decoder structure. We trained the network with the same network-parameters by solely adding autoencoder instead of VAE. The modified version of GUV-Net performs satisfactory result for the scaling factor \(\times 2\) in terms of PSNR and SSIM; however, it shows poor result at high scaling factors (i.e., \(\times 4, \times 8\)). The model convergence was negatively affected after the training reached to 10 epochs and produced blurry results.

Refining association with skip-connections

Similarly, we remove the skip-connections between the decoding part and the refinement unit to better observed the contribution of passing information from various spatial levels. The model performance retains normal in terms of perception quality and SSIM but shows low PSNR value for the scaling factor \(\times 4\) and above. Thus, the skip-connections not only pass the low level features from distinct levels but also take part in refining the high dimensional space. The existing of these connections show more importance where the original and low quality images are often found in distorted forms.

Conclusion and future directions

In this study, we proposed GUV-Net for SISR specialized in shoeprint generation. GUV-Net possesses features of the three popular network structures: GAN, VAE, and U-Net, which effectively addresses the crucial challenges in shoeprint generation. The main challenges addressed by GUV-Net is the unavailability of ground truths and the generation of SR shoeprints from their naturally distorted versions. The model is trained and tuned following multiple loss terms in an efficient way. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first model to attempt super-resolution image generation, which is of great importance in forensic investigation by maintaining the key patterns and textures of LR images. Moreover, the model efficiently retains the salient features and patterns from the LR (\(X_\mathrm{{LR}}\)) to HR (\(X_\mathrm{{HR}}\)) version. GUV-Net outperforms the SOTA models in terms of subjective (Figs. 34) and objective (Table 1) evaluations.

The unavailability of HR shoeprints arises multiple questions regarding training and evaluation of GUV-Net. The SR image quality with upscaling factors (UF) \(\times 2\), \(\times 4\), and \(\times 8\) generated by GUV-Net sustains to an acceptable level; however, GUV-Net including SOTA show poor result for higher upscaling factor (i.e., UF\(\times 8>\)). In the future, GUV-Net can be extended to higher upscaling factors (i.e., \(\times 16, \times 32, \times 64\)). For this purpose, the depth of the encoder–decoder structure can be deepen together with skip-connections between the decoder and refinement modules to get an improved version.

Similarly, in our future work, the modified version of GUV-Net should focus more on noise and blur control in SR generation. For the improved version of GUV-Net, the training and convergence rates can also be considered which has been given less emphasize due to the challenge in SR shoeprint generation with no ground truths. Moreover, SR shoeprint generation needs special attention to study network models for no-reference HR images. The SISR of shoeprint image generation through GUV-Net using a fusion strategy can be extended to other vision tasks.