1 Introduction

Environmental economics or the analysis of integrated economy-ecology systems must often take account of the possible occurrence of tipping points which can occur in many ecological systems [12]. At a tipping point, the ecological system shifts into another domain of attraction, with another equilibrium, and with other and usually worse properties. A tipping point is like the last straw that breaks the camel’s back. For example, the last unit of phosphorus pollution turns a blue lake into a green soup, or a small increase in the maximal temperature of the ocean bleaches a coral reef. For some ecosystems, it is well known when a tipping point will occur but for other ecosystems, tipping points are expected but it is uncertain when they will occur. In such a case, a hazard rate can be used to model the possibility of a shock to one or more parameters of the ecosystem. An interesting question is whether the possibility of tipping leads to precaution which would give a basis for the precautionary principle.

In an economy-ecology model for a fishery, Polasky et al. [10] show that a constant exogenous hazard rate does not change the optimal harvest before tipping occurs, but an endogenous hazard rate depending on the stock of fish leads to a lower harvest, i.e., precautionary behavior. Indeed, if a lower harvest reduces the probability of tipping, it is better to catch less fish. Ren and Polasky [11] and de Zeeuw and He [15] show that precautionary behavior may also result for a constant hazard rate in case utility of harvest is not simply the fixed-price revenue. In the simple model, the fishery can adjust instantaneously to the new circumstances after tipping, so that behavior before tipping does not have to change. However, for a general CRRA utility function, it depends on the elasticity of intertemporal substitution whether for a constant hazard rate precaution or the opposite is optimal. If the opposite is optimal and the hazard rate depends on the stock of fish, the net effect on precaution is ambiguous.

Lemoine and Traeger [4] and Cai et al. [1] analyze the effect of possible climate tipping points in the DICE model (Dynamic Integrated Climate-Economy, [6]. Calibrating a Ramsey growth model for the world economy, van der Ploeg and de Zeeuw [7] analyze the effect of a possible shock to the total factor productivity at a climate tipping point. These analyses show that a significant increase in the tax on emissions is needed to cover for the risk of climate tipping if the hazard rate of climate tipping depends on the stock of pollution. Besides the higher tax, van der Ploeg and de Zeeuw [8] also find that higher saving or capital accumulation is needed to mitigate the downward jump in consumption at the tipping point, and they call this precautionary saving. However, this may be a property of the calibrated model and it may not hold in general. Indeed, this paper will show that it depends on the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, as in the fishery model. Since this elasticity can be seen as the inverse of intergenerational inequality aversion, it depends on concern for the future generations whether precautionary saving results or not.

The basic economy-ecology model is the pollution control model where emissions from production accumulate into a stock of pollution that causes damage. At a tipping point, a shock occurs to the parameter of the damage function, so that the damage jumps up. This unambiguously leads to precaution (de Zeeuw and Zemel [16]). They use the so-called evolution function, which is a tool for characterizing optimal steady states [13]. This paper uses the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation to show this result. This technique is also used in the analyses of the other two models and seems to be the best way to incorporate both constant and stock-dependent hazard rates.

The paper focuses on a constant hazard rate to show when this causes precaution or not. It starts with the pollution control model that always leads to precaution. The paper then switches to the fishery model, with a possible shock to the carrying capacity, and the Ramsey growth model, with a possible shock to the total factor productivity. In case of CRRA utility functions, the elasticity of intertemporal substitution determines whether optimal harvesting or saving are precautionary or not. By referring to earlier literature, the paper also discusses the effect of a stock-dependent hazard rate. Finally, at the end of each section, a possible extension to differential games is discussed.

Ngo Van Long was an expert in optimal control theory and differential games. He has a long list of contributions, both in theory and many different applications. He also had a strong interest in tipping points or regime shifts [5]. He was much aware of the richness of the HJB equations that he used in an important contribution to the game of international pollution control [3].

Section 2 analyzes the pollution control model with tipping of the damage. Section 3 analyzes the fishery model with tipping of the carrying capacity. Section 4 analyzes the Ramsey growth model with tipping of the total factor productivity. Section 5 concludes.

2 Pollution Control with Tipping

The pollution control model considers the intertemporal trade-off between the benefits of production and the damage of pollution that results from production. Production \(y\) generates emissions \(e\) that accumulate into a stock of pollution \(s\), as far as emissions exceed the natural assimilation \(\delta s\). For a proper choice of dimensions, \(e\) equals \(y\), so that the accumulation of the stock of pollution becomes

$$ \dot{s}(t) = y(t) - \delta s(t),s(0) = s_{0} , $$

where \(\delta\) denotes the natural assimilation rate, and \(s_{0}\) the initial stock of pollution. The trade-off between the benefits of production \(\beta y - 0.5y^{2}\) and the damage \(0.5\gamma s^{2}\) of the resulting stock pollution requires to maximize the welfare indicator

$$ \mathop {\max }\limits_{y(.)} \int\limits_{0}^{\infty } {e^{ - rt} [\beta y(t) - 0.5y^{2} (t) - 0.5\gamma s^{2} (t)]{\text{d}}t} , $$

subject to (1), where \(r\) denotes the discount rate, \(\beta\) the production level in the absence of pollution, and \(\gamma\) the parameter that weighs the damage of pollution compared to the benefits of production. It is standard practice to solve this problem with Pontryagin’s maximum principle or with dynamic programming. Because it is easier to implement the risk of tipping in dynamic programming, this is used here.

The accumulation of pollution can reach a point where the ecosystem tips into a state with a higher value for the parameter \(\gamma\) which means that the damage of stock pollution shifts up. For example, climatologists expect that exceeding a certain accumulated level of greenhouse gas emissions leads to a shift in damage from climate change. However, it is not known when tipping may take place. This event uncertainty can be modeled with the hazard rate \(h\), giving the conditional probability of tipping at point \(T\) in time, so that \(h\Delta t\) approximates the probability that tipping occurs between \(t\) and \(t + \Delta t\), and not before \(t\). A stock-dependent hazard rate \(h(s)\) would clearly lead to precaution, and is easy to implement in dynamic programming, but this section focuses on a constant hazard rate \(h\) to show that this already leads to precaution.

In the presence of a possible tipping point \(T\), the welfare indicator (2) becomes

$$ \mathop {\max }\limits_{y(.)} E\left( {\int\limits_{0}^{T} {e^{ - rt} [\beta y(t) - 0.5y^{2} (t) - 0.5\gamma_{b} s^{2} (t)]{\text{d}}t} + e^{ - rT} V_{a} (s(T),\gamma_{a} )} \right), $$

where \(E\) denotes expected value, \(\gamma_{b}\) and \(\gamma_{a}\) the damage parameters before and after tipping, \(V_{a}\) the current-value function after tipping, and \(T\) the stochastic tipping point that is subject to the hazard rate \(h\). After tipping, the problem is a standard stationary optimal control problem, starting at time \(T\) in the pollution stock \(s(T)\). The current-value function \(V_{a}\) must satisfy the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation

$$ rV_{a} (s) = \mathop {\max }\limits_{y} [\beta y - 0.5y^{2} - 0.5\gamma_{a} s^{2} + V_{a}^{\prime } (s)(y - \delta s)]. $$

It is a bit tedious but straightforward to derive the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation before tipping. The value function \(W_{b}\) before tipping is the maximal expected value of the welfare indicator at time \(t\) for the stock \(s(t)\). Tipping means a switch to the value function after tipping, and the hazard rate \(h\) means that the term \(h\Delta t\) approximates the probability that tipping occurs between \(t\) and \(t + \Delta t\), and not before \(t\). It follows that the value function \(W_{b}\) before tipping becomes

$$ \begin{aligned} W_{b} (t,s(t)) = & {\mkern 1mu} \mathop {\max }\limits_{{y(.)}} [\int\limits_{t}^{{t + \Delta t}} {e^{{ - r\tau }} (\beta y(\tau ) - 0.5y^{2} (\tau ) - 0.5\gamma _{b} s^{2} (\tau )){\text{d}}\tau } \\ & + (1 - h\Delta t)W_{b} (t + \Delta t,s(t + \Delta t)) + h\Delta te^{{ - r(t + \Delta t)}} V_{a} (s(t + \Delta t))]. \\ \end{aligned} $$

For small \(\Delta t\), the integral in the maximization in Eq. (5) can be approximated by \(e^{ - rt} (\beta y(t) - 0.5y^{2} (t) - 0.5\gamma_{b} s^{2} (t))\Delta t\). Dividing Eq. (5) by \(\Delta t\) yields

$$ \begin{aligned} 0 = & \,\,\mathop {\max }\limits_{y(.)} [e^{ - rt} (\beta y(t) - 0.5y^{2} (t) - 0.5\gamma_{b} s^{2} (t)) - hW_{b} (t + \Delta t,s(t + \vartriangle t)) \\ + & \,\,he^{ - r(t + \vartriangle t)} V_{a} (s(t + \vartriangle t)) + (W_{b} (t + \Delta t,s(t + \vartriangle t)) - W_{b} (t,s(t)))/\Delta t]. \\ \end{aligned} $$

Assuming that \(W_{b}\) is differentiable in \((t,s)\), taking the limit for \(\Delta t \to 0\) yields

$$ \begin{aligned} 0 = & \,\,\mathop {\max }\limits_{y(.)} [e^{ - rt} (\beta y(t) - 0.5y^{2} (t) - 0.5\gamma_{b} s^{2} (t)) - hW_{b} (t,s(t)) \\ &+ \,\,e^{ - rt} hV_{a} (s(t)) + \partial W_{b} (t,s(t))/\partial t + (\partial W_{b} (t,s(t))/\partial s)\dot{s}(t)]. \\ \end{aligned} $$

Introducing the current-value function \(V_{b} (t,s) = e^{rt} W_{b} (t,s)\) eliminates \(e^{ - rt}\), because \(\partial V_{b} (t,s)/\partial s = e^{rt} (\partial W_{b} (t,s)/\partial s)\), \(\partial V_{b} (t,s)/\partial t = rV_{b} (t,s) + e^{rt} (\partial W_{b} (t,s)/\partial t)\), so that Eq. (7) is stationary, with \(\partial V_{b} (t,s)/\partial t = 0\), which yields

$$ rV_{b} (s) = \mathop {\max }\limits_{y} [\beta y - 0.5y^{2} - 0.5\gamma_{b} s^{2} - h(V_{b} (s) - V_{a} (s)) + V_{b}^{\prime } (s)(y - \delta s)]. $$

The HJB Eq. (8) before tipping is comparable to the HJB Eq. (4) after tipping but it has a lower damage parameter \(\gamma_{b} < \gamma_{a}\), and an additional loss \(h(V_{b} (s) - V_{a} (s))\), which gives the risk of tipping into a domain with a lower current-value \(V_{a} < V_{b}\).

2.1 Solutions to the HJB Equations

Because the welfare indicator is quadratic and the state transition (1) is linear, solutions to the HJB-Eqs. (4) and (8) can be found by postulating quadratic current-value functions \(V_{a}\) and \(V_{b}\).

If \(V_{a} (s) = p_{a} s^{2} + q_{a} s + c_{a} ,p_{a} < 0\), the maximization in Eq. (4) yields the optimal production \(y_{a} = \beta + 2p_{a} s + q_{a}\), as a function of the stock \(s\). After substitution, Eq. (4) must hold for all \(s\), so that the coefficients of \(s^{2}\) and \(s\) must be zero. The solutions for the parameters of \(V_{a}\), and thus \(y_{a}\), become

$$ p_{a} = \frac{{(r + 2\delta ) - \sqrt {(r + 2\delta )^{2} + 4\gamma_{a} } }}{4},q_{a} = \frac{{2\beta p_{a} }}{{r + \delta - 2p_{a} }},c_{a} = \frac{{(\beta + q_{a} )^{2} }}{2r}. $$

By substituting optimal production \(y_{a} = \beta + 2p_{a} s + q_{a}\) in Eq. (1), accumulation of the stock of pollution after tipping becomes

$$ \dot{s}(t) = (2p_{a} - \delta )s(t) + \beta + q_{a} ,s(T) = s_{T} , $$

where \(s_{T}\) is the stock of pollution at the tipping point \(T\). The differential Eq. (10) is stable, and the state \(s\) converges to the steady state \(s_{a} = (\beta + q_{a} )/(\delta - 2p_{a} )\), because \(2p_{a} - \delta < 0\). Note that \(p_{a}\) is the negative root of \(2p_{a}^{2} - (r + 2\delta )p_{a} - 0.5\gamma_{a} = 0\). Using (9), the steady state \(s_{a}\) becomes

$$ s_{a} = \frac{{\beta + q_{a} }}{{\delta - 2p_{a} }} = \frac{\beta (r + \delta )}{{(\delta - 2p_{a} )(r + \delta - 2p_{a} )}} = \frac{\beta (r + \delta )}{{\gamma_{a} + \delta (r + \delta )}}. $$

Figure 1 depicts the optimal solution. The line for the optimal production after tipping \(y_{a} = \beta + 2p_{a} s + q_{a}\) intersects the steady-state line \(y = \delta s\) in \(s_{a}\). For \(s < s_{a}\), the optimal production is larger than \(\delta s\), so that the stock of pollution \(s\) increases. For \(s > s_{a}\), the optimal production is smaller than \(\delta s\), so that the stock of pollution \(s\) decreases. In steady state \(s_{a}\), the optimal production is equal to the natural assimilation \(\delta s\).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Optimal production

Note that the line for the optimal production after tipping \(y_{a} = \beta + 2p_{a} s + q_{a}\) intersects the \(y\)-axis in \(\beta + q_{a}\), which is equal to \(\beta (r + \delta )/(r + \delta - 2p_{a} )\). It follows that if the parameter \(p_{a}\) increases, the line starts higher and declines slower, and the steady state is larger. This results if the risk of tipping is ignored. That problem is the same as the problem after tipping, but it has a lower damage parameter \(\gamma_{b} < \gamma_{a}\), and it starts at time 0 in the initial pollution stock \(s_{0}\). Denoting the parameters of the current-value function of this problem by \(p*\) and \(q*\), it follows that \(p* > p_{a}\) and \(\beta + q* > \beta + q_{a}\), using (9). The steady state is \(s* = \beta (r + \delta )/(\gamma_{b} + \delta (r + \delta )) > s_{a}\), using (11). Figure 1 also depicts the line for the optimal production \(y* = \beta + 2p*s + q*\), in the case the risk of tipping is ignored. It provides a benchmark for the sequel.

The analysis before tipping follows the same route. If \(V_{b} (s) = p_{b} s^{2} + q_{b} s + c_{b} ,p_{b} < 0\), the maximization in Eq. (8) yields the optimal production \(y_{b} = \beta + 2p_{b} s + q_{b}\), as a function of the stock \(s\). After substitution, Eq. (8) must hold for all \(s\), so that the coefficients of \(s^{2}\) and \(s\) must be zero. Equation (8) is different from Eq. (4) in three respects. First, it has parameter \(\gamma_{b}\) instead of \(\gamma_{a}\). Second, the additional term \(- hV_{b} (s)\) implies that \(r\) is augmented with \(h\), which reflects the discounting effect of the hazard rate \(h\). Third, the additional term \(hV_{a} (s)\) implies that the coefficients of \(s^{2}\) and \(s\) on the right-hand side of Eq. (8) have the additional terms \(hp_{a}\) and \(hq_{a}\), respectively. Note that if the value after tipping \(V_{a} (s)\) is zero, the hazard rate \(h\) simply adds to the discount rate \(r\), which reflects the possible interpretation of a discount rate as the probability that life comes to an end. The solutions for the parameters \(p_{b}\) and \(q_{b}\) of \(V_{b}\) (parameter \(c_{b}\) is not needed in the sequel), and thus of \(y_{b}\), become

$$ p_{b} = \frac{{(r + h + 2\delta ) - \sqrt {(r + h + 2\delta )^{2} + 4\gamma_{b} - 8hp_{a} } }}{4},q_{b} = \frac{{2\beta p_{b} + hq_{a} }}{{r + h + \delta - 2p_{b} }}. $$

By substituting optimal production \(y_{b} = \beta + 2p_{b} s + q_{b}\) in Eq. (1), accumulation of the stock of pollution before tipping becomes

$$ \dot{s}(t) = (2p_{b} - \delta )s(t) + \beta + q_{b} ,s(0) = s_{0} . $$

The differential Eq. (13) is stable, because \(2p_{b} - \delta < 0\), and the stock \(s\) aims for the steady state \(s_{b} = (\beta + q_{b} )/(\delta - 2p_{b} )\). However, the stock \(s\) does not converge to this steady state because with probability one, the ecosystem will tip at some point. The optimal production will switch, and the stock will converge to the steady state \(s_{a}\) after tipping. Note that \(p_{b}\) is the negative root of \(2p_{b}^{2} - (r + h + 2\delta )p_{b} - 0.5\gamma_{b} + hp_{a} = 0\). Using (9), the targeted steady state \(s_{b}\) becomes

$$ s_{b} = \frac{{\beta + q_{b} }}{{\delta - 2p_{b} }} = \frac{{\beta (r + h + \delta ) + hq_{a} }}{{(\delta - 2p_{b} )(r + h + \delta - 2p_{b} )}} = \frac{{\beta (r + \delta ) + h(\beta + q_{a} )}}{{\gamma_{b} + \delta (r + \delta ) + h(\delta - 2p_{a} )}}. $$

2.2 Optimal Solution of the Model

It is easy to prove the following two lemmas.

Lemma 1

The targeted steady-state stock of pollution before tipping \(s_{b}\) lies between the steady-state stock of pollution \(s*\), in case tipping is ignored, and the steady-state stock of pollution after tipping \(s_{a}\), i.e., \(s_{a} < s_{b} < s*\).


Using (14) and (11),

$$ s_{b} = \frac{{\beta (r + \delta ) + hs_{a} (\delta - 2p_{a} )}}{{\gamma_{b} + \delta (r + \delta ) + h(\delta - 2p_{a} )}}. $$

It follows that \(s_{b} > s_{a}\) if and only if \(s* > s_{a}\). Moreover, \(s* > s_{b}\) if and only if

$$ \frac{\beta (r + \delta )}{{\gamma_{b} + \delta (r + \delta )}} > \frac{{\beta (r + \delta ) + hs_{a} (\delta - 2p_{a} )}}{{\gamma_{b} + \delta (r + \delta ) + h(\delta - 2p_{a} )}}, $$

and this also holds if and only if \(s* > s_{a}\). Q.E.D.

Lemma 2

The slope \(2p_{b}\) of the line depicting optimal production \(y_{b} = \beta + 2p_{b} s + q_{b}\) before tipping lies between the slope \(2p*\) in case tipping is ignored and the slope \(2p_{a}\) of the line depicting optimal production after tipping, i.e., \(p_{a} < p_{b} < p*\).


The parameters \(p_{a}\), \(p*\) and \(p_{b}\) are the negative roots of

$$ \begin{gathered} 2p_{a}^{2} - (r + 2\delta )p_{a} - 0.5\gamma_{a} = 0, \hfill \\ 2(p*)^{2} - (r + 2\delta )p* - 0.5\gamma_{b} = 0, \hfill \\ 2p_{b}^{2} - (r + 2\delta )p_{b} - 0.5\gamma_{b} - h(p_{b} - p_{a} ) = 0, \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$

Respectively. It follows that \(p_{a} < p*\), because \(\gamma_{b} < \gamma_{a}\). Furthermore, the left-hand side of the third equation in (17) is positive for \(p_{b} = p_{a}\) and negative for \(p_{b} = p*\), so that the negative root \(p_{b}\) must lie between \(p_{a}\) and \(p*\), i.e., \(p_{a} < p_{b} < p*\). Q.E.D.

Figure 1 depicts the line for the optimal production before tipping \(y_{b} = \beta + 2p_{b} s + q_{b}\). It is situated between the two other lines. If the initial stock of pollution \(s_{0}\) is small, the production \(y\) starts on this line. When tipping occurs at time \(T\), the stock of pollution \(s\) has accumulated up to \(s(T)\), and the production \(y\) jumps down to the line for the optimal production after tipping \(y_{a} = \beta + 2p_{a} s + q_{a}\). After \(T\), the stock of pollution \(s\) converges to the steady state \(s_{a}\), and the optimal production \(y\) converges to the steady-state level, which is equal to \(\delta s_{a}\). Note that if tipping occurs early, at \(T = T_{1}\), production \(y\) jumps down but it remains higher than the natural assimilation, so that the stock of pollution \(s\) continues to accumulate. However, if tipping occurs late, at \(T = T_{2}\), so that the stock of pollution \(s\) has accumulated beyond \(s_{a}\), production \(y\) jumps down below the natural assimilation, so that the stock of pollution \(s\) decreases and converges to the steady-state level after tipping \(s_{a}\).

The general picture is clear. Anticipating the possibility of tipping and an upward jump in the damage of stock pollution, it is optimal to behave precautionary by lowering the production. This slows down the accumulation of the stock of pollution and reduces the jump to the lower production after tipping.

Figure 2 depicts the dynamics of the stock of pollution \(s\). Differential Eq. (13), for the period before tipping, and (10), for the period after tipping, are linear, and thus easy to solve. Using (14) and (11), the solutions are

$$ \begin{gathered} s(t) = (s_{0} - s_{b} )e^{{(2p_{b} - \delta )t}} + s_{b} ,0 \le t \le T, \hfill \\ s(t) = (s_{T} - s_{a} )e^{{(2p_{a} - \delta )(t - T)}} + s_{a} ,t \ge T. \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$
Fig. 2
figure 2

Stock of pollution

Figure 2 depicts the dynamics for the two tipping points, \(T_{1}\) and \(T_{2}\). At \(T_{1}\), the stock of pollution \(s\) is still below \(s_{a}\). Production \(y\) jumps down (see Fig. 1), so that the path has a kink at \(T_{1}\). The stock of pollution \(s\) continues to accumulate and converges to \(s_{a}\) from below. At \(T_{2}\), however, the stock of pollution \(s\) has already accumulated beyond the level \(s_{a}\). Production \(y\) jumps down, below the natural assimilation (see Fig. 1). The stock of pollution \(s\) decumulates and converges to \(s_{a}\) from above. In this model, the possibility of tipping always leads to precaution.

2.3 Extension to Differential Games

In case of global pollution (like climate change) and independent countries, the game of international pollution control arises which changes the optimal control problem into a differential game. Cooperation is still optimal control but ignoring the transboundary pollution externalities leads to a non-cooperative Nash equilibrium. Furthermore, the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman framework implies stock-dependent strategies and yields the Markov-perfect or feedback Nash equilibrium. Solving for the linear symmetric Nash equilibrium in the HJB framework follows the same route as above and leads to higher levels for production and the stock of pollution than under cooperation [7]. Adding the possibility of tipping is somewhat tedious but gives a similar precautionary picture as above. However, Dockner and Long [3] show that for this game, a nonlinear Markov-perfect Nash equilibrium exists with the steady state converging to the steady state of the cooperative outcome if the discount rate converges to zero. Adding the possibility of tipping to this analysis is not straightforward and is left for further research.

3 The Fishery with Tipping

In the fishery model, \(s\) denotes the stock of fish and \(y\) denotes the harvest. The natural growth of the fish stock has a logistic growth function \(G(s)\), with a growth rate \(g\) and a carrying capacity \(k\). The dynamics of the stock of fish becomes

$$ \dot{s}(t) = G(s(t)) - y(t),G(s) = gs(1 - s/k),s(0) = s_{0} , $$

where \(s_{0}\) denotes the initial stock of fish. If a unit of fish always sells at a fixed price \(p\) on the market, and if the costs are zero, the objective of a fisherman is to maximize the discounted stream of revenues, that is

$$ \mathop {\max }\limits_{y(.)} \int\limits_{0}^{\infty } {e^{ - rt} py(t)dt} , $$

subject to (19), where \(r\) denotes the discount rate.

The solution to this linear optimal control problem is well known (see, e.g., [2]. The solution is to choose the most rapid approach path toward the steady-state stock \(s*\) that is given by the golden rule \(G^{\prime}(s*) = r\). This implies a moratorium on fishing when \(s_{0} < s*\), and maximal harvesting when \(s_{0} > s*\), until the steady state is reached where harvesting becomes \(y = G(s*)\).

If the fish is part of an ecosystem that can tip because of climate tipping or exceeding a certain level of pollution, the carrying capacity jumps down from \(k_{b}\) to \(k_{a}\), so that the growth function switches from \(G_{b}\) to \(G_{a}\) (see Fig. 3). The steady-state stock of fish after tipping \(s_{a}\) is given by \(G_{a}^{\prime } (s_{a} ) = r\). Polasky et al. [10] show for constant hazard rate that the steady-state stock of fish before tipping \(s_{b}\) is given by \(G_{b}^{\prime } (s_{b} ) = r\), which is the same as in case tipping cannot occur. The reason is that when tipping occurs, the fishery can instantaneously adjust to the new steady state (if maximal harvesting allows it), so that the fishery does not have to prepare for possible tipping. The fishery behaves as if there is no risk of tipping and adjusts to the new circumstances if tipping occurs. This changes when the utility of harvest is not linear, for example because the price is not fixed or by switching to general welfare.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Tipping in a fishery

As in Sect. 2, after changing the fixed-price revenues \(py\) in the objective of a fishery in Eq. (20) into a general utility of harvesting \(U(y)\), the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations after and before tipping become

$$ rV_{a} (s) = \mathop {\max }\limits_{y} [U(y) + V_{a}^{\prime } (s)(G_{a} (s) - y)], $$
$$ rV_{b} (s) = \mathop {\max }\limits_{y} [U(y) - h(V_{b} (s) - V_{a} (s)) + V_{b}^{\prime } (s)(G_{b} (s) - y)]. $$

where \(V_{a}\) and \(V_{b}\) denote the current-value functions after and before tipping.

3.1 Solutions to the HJB Equations

The Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Eqs. (21) and (22) have the same structure, so that the solution of (21) follows immediately from the solution of (22) by setting \(h = 0\).

Before tipping, the optimality condition in (22) becomes

$$ U^{\prime}(y) = V_{b}^{\prime } (s). $$

By substituting the optimal \(y(s)\) from (23) in (22) and differentiating (22) with respect to \(s\), the terms \(U^{\prime}(y)y^{\prime}\) and \(- V_{b}^{\prime } (s)y^{\prime}\) cancel out (envelope theorem), and this yields

$$ V_{b}^{\prime \prime } (s)(G_{b} (s) - y(s)) = (r - G_{b}^{\prime } (s) + h)V_{b}^{\prime } (s) - hV_{a}^{\prime } (s). $$

For the CRRA utility function \(U(y) = y^{1 - \sigma } /(1 - \sigma )\), \(U^{\prime}(y) = y^{ - \sigma }\), \(U^{\prime\prime}(y) = - \sigma y^{ - \sigma - 1}\), using Eq. (23) again, Eq. (24) becomes the differential equation in \(y\)

$$ (G_{b} (s) - y(s))y^{\prime}(s) = \sigma^{ - 1} [G_{b}^{\prime } (s) - r - h(1 - V_{a}^{\prime } (s)/y^{ - \sigma } (s))]y(s). $$

Using Eq. (19), the differential equation in the time-domain becomes

$$ \dot{y}(t) = \sigma^{ - 1} [G_{b}^{\prime } (s(t)) - r - h(1 - V_{a}^{\prime } (s(t))/y^{ - \sigma } (t))]y(t). $$

The stable manifold for the solution of the dynamical system (19) and (26) toward the steady state of this system yields the same curve as the stable solution of (25).

After tipping, the optimality condition in (21) becomes

$$ U^{\prime}(y) = V_{a}^{\prime } (s), $$

and in the same way as above (with \(h = 0\)) the differential equations in \(y\) become

$$ (G_{a} (s) - y(s))y^{\prime}(s) = \sigma^{ - 1} (G_{a}^{\prime } (s) - r)y(s), $$
$$ \dot{y}(t) = \sigma^{ - 1} (G_{a}^{\prime } (s(t)) - r)y(t). $$

3.2 Optimal Solution of the Model

After tipping, the solution of the differential Eq. (28) yields the optimal harvesting policy \(y_{a} (s)\). The optimal path of the fish stock converges to the steady state \(s_{a}\) given by \(G_{a}^{\prime } (s_{a} ) = r\). In the steady state \((s_{a} ,G_{a} (s_{a} ))\), using Eq. (28), l’Hôpital’s rule yields a quadratic equation for the slope \(y_{a}^{\prime } (s_{a} )\) of \(y_{a} (s)\):

$$ \begin{gathered} y_{a}^{\prime } (s_{a} ) = \mathop {\lim }\limits_{{s \to s_{a} }} \frac{{\sigma^{ - 1} (G_{a}^{\prime } (s) - r)y_{a}^{\prime } (s) + \sigma^{ - 1} G_{a}^{\prime \prime } (s)y_{a} (s)}}{{G_{a}^{\prime } (s) - y_{a}^{\prime } (s)}} \Rightarrow \hfill \\ y_{a}^{\prime } (s_{a} )(r - y_{a}^{\prime } (s_{a} )) = \sigma^{ - 1} G_{a}^{\prime \prime } (s_{a} )G_{a} (s_{a} ). \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$

The phase diagram in the time-domain, with the steady-state conditions \(y = G_{a} (s)\) and \(s = s_{a}\), implies that the slope of \(y_{a}^{\prime } (s_{a} )\) is the positive root of Eq. (30), i.e.,

$$ y_{a}^{\prime } (s_{a} ) = 0.5\left( {r + \sqrt {r^{2} - 4\sigma^{ - 1} G_{a}^{\prime \prime } (s_{a} )G_{a} (s_{a} )} } \right). $$

Note that the logistic growth function \(G(s) = gs(1 - s/k)\) has \(G^{\prime}(s) = g(1 - 2s/k)\) and \(G^{\prime\prime}(s) = - 2g/k\), so that \(2G^{\prime\prime}(s)G(s) = (G^{\prime}(s))^{2} - g^{2}\).

Because \(G_{a}^{\prime } (s_{a} ) = r\), it follows that Eq. (31) becomes

$$ y_{a}^{\prime } (s_{a} ) = 0.5\left( {r + \sqrt {r^{2} - 2\sigma^{ - 1} (r^{2} - g^{2} )} } \right). $$

If the elasticity of intertemporal substitution \(\sigma^{ - 1}\) is equal to 0.5, the slope \(y_{a}^{\prime } (s_{a} )\) is the constant \(0.5(r + g)\). In fact, the linear optimal harvesting policy \(y_{a} (s) = 0.5(r + g)s\) is the solution of the differential Eq. (28). Because the policy does not depend on the carrying capacity \(k_{a}\), \(y(s) = 0.5(r + g)s\) is also the optimal harvesting policy in the absence of a tipping point. It follows that for \(\sigma^{ - 1} = 0.5\), basically the same story results as in Polasky et al. [10]. Before tipping, the fishery behaves as if there is no risk of tipping, and the optimal path follows the stable manifold \(y(s) = 0.5(r + g)s\) toward the steady state \(s_{b}\) given by \(G_{b}^{\prime } (s_{b} ) = r\). At the tipping point, the fishery adjusts to the new circumstances. If the fish stock has passed \(s_{a}\), the optimal path follows this stable manifold back toward the steady state \(s_{a}\) given by \(G_{a}^{\prime } (s_{a} ) = r\). Figure 3 shows the stable manifold \(y(s)\). The only difference with a linear fishery is that the optimal path toward \(s_{b}\) is not a moratorium, and the optimal path back to \(s_{a}\) is not instantaneous. Note that this result fits with the analysis of the fishery before tipping in Sect. 3.1. The reason is that according to Eq. (27) the term \(V_{a}^{\prime } (s)\) in Eqs. (25) and (26) is equal to \(U^{\prime}(y_{a} )\), and thus equal to \(y_{a}^{ - \sigma }\). It follows that the last term between brackets in Eqs. (25) and (26) becomes \(h(1 - y_{a}^{ - \sigma } /y_{b}^{ - \sigma } )\), which cancels out because \(y_{a}\) and \(y_{b}\) have the same value for each \(s\), although \(s\) changes direction when tipping occurs. The golden rule before tipping becomes \(G_{b}^{\prime } (s_{b} ) = r\), which is the same as the golden rule \(G_{b}^{\prime } (s*) = r\) for the fishery in the absence of a tipping point.

If the elasticity of intertemporal substitution \(\sigma^{ - 1}\) is smaller than 0.5, the slope \(y_{a}^{\prime } (s_{a} )\) in Eq. (31) is smaller than \(0.5(r + g)\), and the stable manifold \(y_{a} (s)\) bends away below the line \(0.5(r + g)s\) (Fig. 4). It passes below the steady state \((s*,G_{b} (s*))\), so that harvesting \(y\) jumps down if tipping occurs in that steady state. The steady-state stock of fish before tipping \(s_{b}\) cannot be equal to \(s*\), because it does not fit the golden rule of the fishery before tipping which is given by

$$ G_{b}^{\prime } (s_{b} ) = r + h(1 - y_{a}^{ - \sigma } (s_{b} )/G_{b}^{ - \sigma } (s_{b} )), $$

according to Eqs. (27) and (25), where \(y_{b} (s_{b} ) = G_{b} (s_{b} )\). The second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (33) is not zero in this case. If harvesting \(y\) jumps down at the tipping point from \(G_{b} (s_{b} )\) to the stable manifold \(y_{a} (s)\), this term in Eq. (33) becomes negative, so that the steady-state stock of fish before tipping \(s_{b}\) is larger than \(s*\), because \(G_{b}^{\prime } (s_{b} ) < r\). Figure 4 pictures this situation and denotes the steady state before tipping by \(s_{b2}\). The steady state \(s_{b2}\) lies between \(s*\) and the intersection of the stable manifold \(y_{a} (s)\) and the growth function \(G_{b} (s)\). It means that harvesting becomes precautionary, because it aims for a higher steady-state stock of fish than in the absence of a tipping point. If the hazard rate \(h\) increases, the steady state \(s_{b2}\) moves closer to the intersection point, so that precaution increases.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Effect of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution

If the elasticity of intertemporal substitution \(\sigma^{ - 1}\) is larger than 0.5, the slope \(y_{a}^{\prime } (s_{a} )\) in Eq. (31) is larger than \(0.5(r + g)\). The stable manifold \(y_{a} (s)\) bends away above the line \(0.5(r + g)s\). It passes above the steady state \((s*,G_{b} (s*))\), so that harvesting \(y\) would jump up if tipping occurs in that steady state. The golden rule in Eq. (33) does not fit. If harvesting \(y\) jumps up from \(G_{b} (s_{b} )\) to the stable manifold \(y_{a} (s)\) at the tipping point, the second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (33) is positive, so that the steady-state stock of fish before tipping \(s_{b}\) is smaller than \(s*\), because \(G_{b}^{\prime } (s_{b} ) > r\) (see Fig. 4). This steady state \(s_{b1}\) lies again between \(s*\) and the intersection of the stable manifold \(y_{a} (s)\) and the growth function \(G_{b} (s)\), but to the left of \(s*\). It follows that the harvesting does not become precautionary but increases exploitation and aims for a lower steady-state stock of fish than in the absence of a tipping point. The analysis yields the following proposition [14]:

Proposition 1

For the targeted steady-state stock of fish before tipping \(s_{b}\) it holds that \(s_{b} > s*\), if \(\sigma^{ - 1} < 0.5\), and \(s_{b} < s*\), if \(\sigma^{ - 1} > 0.5\), where \(s*\) is the steady-state stock of fish in the absence of tipping. This means that optimal harvesting is precautionary, if the elasticity of intertemporal substitution is below 0.5, and increases exploitation, if the elasticity of intertemporal substitution is above 0.5.

Note that the elasticity of intertemporal substitution \(\sigma^{ - 1}\) can be interpreted as the price elasticity. For this interpretation, sufficient flexibility (\(\sigma^{ - 1} > 0.5\)) allows for an increase in exploitation because the later necessary reduction is not that harmful.

A numerical example may help to get the picture. Using \(G^{\prime}(s) = g(1 - 2s/k)\), it follows that \(s* = 30\) and \(s_{a} = 24\), if \(g = 0.05\), \(r = 0.02\), \(k_{b} = 100\) and \(k_{a} = 80\). For \(h = 0.05\), it follows from Eq. (33), by calculating the stable manifolds \(y_{a} (s)\) numerically, that \(s_{b1} = 28.65\), if \(\sigma^{ - 1} = 1\), and \(s_{b2} = 31.53\), if \(\sigma^{ - 1} = 0.33\).

3.3 Stock-Dependent Hazard Rate

Polasky et al. [10] show in the fishery model with fixed-price revenues as utility that an endogenous or stock-dependent hazard rate \(h(s)\), with \(h^{\prime}(s) < 0\), leads to precaution before tipping. The sections above show that a fishery model with a more general utility can lead to precaution or the opposite for a constant hazard rate \(h\). If the opposite results here, it is interesting to see what the net effect is in case the hazard rate \(h\) depends on the stock of fish \(s\). It is easy to implement a stock-dependent hazard rate \(h(s)\) in the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Eq. (22), and to derive the extension of the golden rule for the fishery which yields, for the new current-value functions,

$$ G_{b}^{\prime } (s_{b} ) = r + h(s_{b} )\left( {1 - \frac{{V_{a}^{\prime } (s_{b} )}}{{V_{b}^{\prime } (s_{b} )}}} \right) + h^{\prime}(s_{b} )\left( {\frac{{V_{b} (s_{b} ) - V_{a} (s_{b} )}}{{V_{b}^{\prime } (s_{b} )}}} \right). $$

Because \(h^{\prime}(s_{b} ) < 0\) and \(V_{b} (s_{b} ) > V_{a} (s_{b} )\) the third term on the right-hand side of Eq. (34) is negative which pushes \(s_{b}\) upwards. This is the precautionary effect in Polasky et al. [10], because the second term is zero in the linear fishery. However, Sect. 3.2 shows that the sign of the second term of Eq. (34) can go both ways in case of a more general utility. It follows that the precautionary effect is either stronger or reduced or even turned around for a stock-dependent hazard rate \(h(s)\). The net result depends on the parameters of the fishery (see [14].

3.4 Extension to Differential Games

The problem with extending the analysis to a differential game with \(n\) fishing actors is that the HJB Eqs. (21) and (22) in individual harvest \(y = y_{i} ,i = 1,...,n,\) have the term \(G(s) - ny\) instead of \(G(s) - y\), so that differentiation of these HJB equations with respect to \(s\) yields differential Eqs. (25) and (27) in the state-domain that do not have the equivalent differential Eqs. (26) and (28) in the time-domain. It follows that (25) and (27) have multiple stable solutions. This is also the result of Dockner and Long [3] in the game of international pollution control. As mentioned in Sect. 2.3, Dockner and Long [3] show that in this way, the tragedy of the commons can be solved to some extent. However, Wirl [14] shows that this not only depends on the availability of nonlinear strategies but that it is crucial to have an increasing elasticity of marginal utility, which holds in the game of international pollution control. Since the fishery here has a constant elasticity of intertemporal substitution, which is the inverse of the elasticity of marginal utility, this result may not hold.

The analysis with a possible tipping point becomes much more complicated and is left for further research. It is easier, however, to perform this analysis for an open-loop Nash equilibrium. In that case, the strategies of the other actors are exogenous inputs which do not affect the analysis in the state-domain, and the HJB framework is only used to implement the hazard rate. This approach was applied to the Ramsey growth model and will be shortly discussed at the end of the next section.

4 Ramsey Growth with Tipping

In the Ramsey growth model, capital \(k\) is an input factor for production, and production \(y\) is allocated over consumption \(c\) and investment in capital \(y - c\) to maximize the intertemporal utility \(U\) of consumption \(c\). For the net production function \(y = F(k)\), the dynamical maximization problem becomes

$$ \mathop {\max }\limits_{c(.)} \int\limits_{0}^{\infty } {e^{ - rt} U(c(t))dt} ,U(c) = c^{1 - \sigma } /(1 - \sigma ), $$

where \(r\) denotes the discount rate, subject to the accumulation of capital

$$ \dot{k}(t) = F(k(t)) - c(t),k(0) = k_{0} , $$

where \(k_{0}\) denotes the initial stock of capital.

Climate tipping may give a shock to productivity by a sudden increase in severe weather conditions. If the production function is given by \(F(k) = A\sqrt k\), where \(A\) denotes total factor productivity, climate tipping may cause \(A\) to jump down, so that the production function shifts from \(F_{b}\) before tipping to \(F_{a}\) after tipping. For the constant hazard rate \(h\), this problem is almost the same as the fishery in Sect. 3.

4.1 Constant Hazard Rate

For the constant hazard rate \(h\), the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations after and before tipping become

$$ rV_{a} (k) = \mathop {\max }\limits_{c} [U(c) + V_{a}^{\prime } (s)(F_{a} (k) - c)], $$
$$ rV_{b} (k) = \mathop {\max }\limits_{c} [U(c) - h(V_{b} (k) - V_{a} (k)) + V_{b}^{\prime } (k)(F_{b} (k) - c)], $$

where \(V_{a}\) and \(V_{b}\) denote the current-value functions after and before tipping.

The golden rules of capital accumulation are \(F_{a}^{\prime } (k_{a} ) = r\) after tipping and \(F_{b}^{\prime } (k*) = r\) in the absence of tipping, while before tipping the golden rule becomes

$$ F_{b}^{\prime } (k_{b} ) = r + h(1 - c_{a}^{ - \sigma } (k_{b} )/F_{b}^{ - \sigma } (k_{b} )), $$

where \(k_{a}\), \(k*\) and \(k_{b}\) denote the respective steady-state capital stocks.

In the steady state \((k_{a} ,F_{a} (k_{a} ))\) after tipping, the slope of the stable manifold is

$$ c_{a}^{\prime } (k_{a} ) = 0.5\left( {r + \sqrt {r^{2} - 4\sigma^{ - 1} F_{a}^{\prime \prime } (k_{a} )F_{a} (k_{a} )} } \right). $$

The production function \(F(k) = A\sqrt k\) has \(F^{\prime}(k) = 0.5Ak^{ - 0.5}\) and \(F^{\prime\prime}(k) = - 0.25Ak^{ - 1.5}\) so that \(F^{\prime\prime}(k)F(k) = - (F^{\prime}(k))^{2}\).

Because \(F_{a}^{\prime } (k_{a} ) = r\), the slope of the stable manifold \(c_{a}^{\prime } (k)\) in the steady state is \(2r\), if the elasticity of intertemporal substitution \(\sigma^{ - 1}\) is equal to 2. The same story follows as in Sect. 3 for the fishery, but the threshold is 2 now instead of 0.5 because of the different functional forms. The linear stable manifold \(c_{a} (k) = 2rk\) coincides with the stable manifold before tipping. The economy before tipping targets for the same capital stock as in the absence of a tipping point. If \(\sigma^{ - 1} < 2\), the targeted capital stock \(k_{b}\) is larger than \(k*\), which implies precautionary saving in this case. However, if \(\sigma^{ - 1} > 2\), the targeted capital stock \(k_{b}\) is smaller than \(k*\), and the opposite occurs.

This result depends of course on the specific functional form of the production function \(F(k) = A\sqrt k\). However, for a general increasing concave production function \(F\), the slope of the stable manifold \(c_{a} (k)\) increases for an increasing elasticity of intertemporal substitution \(\sigma^{ - 1}\). In general, a value of \(\sigma^{ - 1}\) exists for which the stable manifold \(c_{a} (k)\) intersects the production function \(F_{b}\) in the steady state \((k*,F_{b} (k*))\). For a lower \(\sigma^{ - 1}\) the stable manifold \(c_{a} (k)\) passes below this steady state, so that consumption \(c\) jumps down and the targeted capital stock \(k_{b}\) is larger than \(k*\). However, for a higher \(\sigma^{ - 1}\) the stable manifold \(c_{a} (k)\) passes above this steady state, so that consumption \(c\) jumps up and the targeted capital stock \(k_{b}\) is smaller than \(k*\).

Proposition 2

For the targeted steady-state capital stock before tipping \(k_{b}\) it holds that \(k_{b} > k*\), if \(\sigma^{ - 1}\) is small, and \(k_{b} < k*\), if \(\sigma^{ - 1}\) is big, where \(k*\) is the steady-state capital stock in the absence of tipping. This means that optimal saving is precautionary, if the elasticity of intertemporal substitution is low, but the opposite occurs, if the elasticity of intertemporal substitution is high.

Because the elasticity of intertemporal substitution can be interpreted as the inverse of intergenerational inequality aversion, optimal saving is precautionary if this inequality aversion is high. This implies, for example, that the prospect of possible climate tipping requires to save more and consume less, if the intergenerational inequality aversion is sufficiently high.

4.2 Stock-Dependent Hazard Rate

The hazard rate \(h\) for climate tipping depends on the stock of accumulated greenhouse gases \(s\), with \(h^{\prime}(s) > 0\). Greenhouse gases \(e\) result from the use of fossil fuels (also \(e\) for a proper choice of dimensions) as input factor in the production function \(F(k,e)\). The accumulation of the stock of pollution \(s\) becomes

$$ \dot{s}(t) = e(t) - \delta s(t),s(0) = s_{0} , $$

where \(\delta\) denotes the natural assimilation rate, and \(s_{0}\) the initial stock of pollution.

The economy produces a stream of greenhouse gas emissions by using fossil fuels but for a constant hazard rate \(h\) and in the absence of direct damage of pollution, this does not affect the analysis. For each level of the capital stock \(k\), and a given price of fossil fuels \(d\), maximization of \(F(k,e) - de\) over \(e\) yields the optimal production function \(\tilde{F}(k)\), net of costs and depreciation. The problem is same as in Sect. 4.1. Because of the possible shock to total factor productivity at the climate tipping point, the optimal production function can shift from \(\tilde{F}_{b}\) before tipping to \(\tilde{F}_{a}\) after tipping.

For a stock-dependent hazard rate \(h(s)\), an incentive arises to lower the risk of climate tipping and reduce the stream of greenhouse gas emissions. The analysis becomes more complicated, because it has a stock-dependent hazard rate \(h(s)\) and two state Eqs. (36) (with \(F(k,e)\)) and (41). After tipping, the problem is the same again as in Sect. 4.1, because pollution does not play a role anymore, but before tipping, the Hamilton–Jacobi-Bellman equation becomes significantly different:

$$ \begin{aligned} rV_{b} (k,s) = & \,\,\,\mathop {\max }\limits_{c,e} [U(c) - h(s)(V_{b} (k,s) - V_{a} (k)) \\ & + \,\,\,V_{bk} (k,s)(F_{b} (k,e) - de - c) + V_{bs} (k,s)(e - \delta s)]. \\ \end{aligned} $$

The current-value function before tipping \(V_{b}\) has two state variables, \(k\) and \(s\), and \(V_{a}\) denotes the current-value function after tipping.

The optimality conditions before tipping become

$$ U^{\prime}(c) = V_{bk} (k,s),F_{be} (k,e) = d - V_{bs} (k,s)/V_{bk} (k,s). $$

The term \(- V_{bs} (k,s)/V_{bk} (k,s)\) in the second condition of (43) can be interpreted as the social cost of carbon. A carbon tax \(\tau\) equal to this term corrects for this externality. It pushes down the stream of greenhouse gas emissions \(e\), and thus the accumulated stock of greenhouse gases \(s\) and the hazard rate \(h(s)\). Implementing this tax \(\tau\), the optimal (lower) use of fossil fuel \(e\) yields the optimal production function \(\tilde{F}_{b} (k)\), net of costs and depreciation, which drives the capital accumulation (36). Note that \(\tilde{F}_{b} (k)\) depends on the tax \(\tau\) now. By substituting the optimal consumption \(c\) and use of fossil fuels \(e\) from (43) in (42) and then by partially differentiating (42) with respect to \(k\) and with respect to \(s\), some terms cancel out using (43) (envelope theorem), and this yields in the time-domain (omitting the time dependence of \(k\), \(s\) and \(\tau\))

$$ \begin{gathered} \dot{V}_{bk} (k,s) = (r + h(s) - \tilde{F}_{bk} (k,\tau ))V_{bk} (k,s) - h(s)V_{a}^{\prime } (k), \hfill \\ \dot{V}_{bs} (k,s) = (r + \delta + h(s))V_{bs} (k,s) + h^{\prime}(s)(V_{b} (k,s) - V_{a} (k)). \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$

Using (43), the first equation of (44) yields the system of differential equations

$$ \begin{gathered} \dot{c}(t) = \sigma^{ - 1} [\tilde{F}_{bk} (k(t),\tau (t)) - r - h(s(t))(1 - V_{a}^{\prime } (k(t))/c^{ - \sigma } (t))]c(t), \hfill \\ \dot{k}(t) = \tilde{F}_{b} (k(t),\tau (t)) - c(t),k(0) = k_{0} . \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$

This system is familiar but requires the paths of the tax \(\tau (t)\) and the stock of greenhouse gases \(s(t)\). The path of the tax \(\tau (t)\) determines the path of the emissions \(e(t)\) and thus the path of the stock \(s(t)\), by using Eq. (41). Because \(\tau = - V_{bs} (k,s)/V_{bk} (k,s)\), Eqs. (44) yield

$$ \begin{aligned} \dot{\tau }(t)& = [\tilde{F}_{bk} (k(t),\tau (t)) + \delta + h(s(t))V_{a}^{\prime } (k(t))/c^{ - \sigma } (t)]\tau (t) \\ &\qquad - h^{\prime}(s(t))(V_{b} (k(t),s(t)) - V_{a} (k(t))/c^{ - \sigma } (t). \end{aligned} $$

Note that for a constant hazard rate \(h\), the second term on the right-hand side of (46) is zero, so that \(\tau = 0\) and the system reduces to the case of a constant hazard rate above.

Using (45), the golden rule of capital accumulation becomes

$$ \tilde{F}_{bk} (k_{b} ,\tau_{b} ) = r + h(s_{b} )(1 - c_{a}^{ - \sigma } (k_{b} )/\tilde{F}_{b}^{ - \sigma } (k_{b} ,\tau_{b} )), $$

where \(\tau_{b}\) and \(s_{b}\) denote the steady-state values of the tax \(\tau\) and the stock of greenhouse gases \(s\). The golden rule (47) for a stock-dependent hazard rate \(h(s)\) is like the golden rule for a constant hazard rate \(h\) but has important differences. The steady-state tax \(\tau_{b}\) lowers the use of fossil fuel. This has two effects. First, it lowers the steady-state stock of greenhouse gases \(s_{b}\) and thus the hazard rate \(h(s_{b} )\) which implies that if saving is precautionary, this result is mitigated. Second, it affects the level of production \(\tilde{F}_{b}\) in the steady state, so that it affects whether precautionary saving results or not, because this level of production also determines whether consumption jumps down or not when tipping occurs. Remember that when consumption jumps down, the second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (49) is negative, so that the marginal production \(\tilde{F}_{bk}\) is lower than \(r\) and the capital stock \(k_{b}\) increases.

The dynamical system (41)–(45)–(46) is very difficult to analyze. Adding the option of renewables as an alternative for fossil fuel in the production function and calibrating the model with data for the world economy in 2010, van der Ploeg and de Zeeuw [9] analyze the system numerically, for different hazard rates and different shocks to total factor productivity. They conclude that the optimal policy response to the possibility of climate tipping is twofold. First, the carbon tax should be much higher than what results in the absence of climate tipping (about 60 instead of 15 dollar per ton CO2). Second, the optimal policy requires precautionary saving (an additional capital accumulation of about 25%). They also show that a higher elasticity of intertemporal substitution (or a lower intergenerational inequality aversion) lowers precautionary saving but for a range of reasonable values, saving remains precautionary in this analysis.

4.3 Extension to Differential Games

The same problem arises as in the previous sections. However, as mentioned in Sect. 3.4, it is possible to perform the analysis by restricting the differential game to the open-loop Nash equilibrium. In that case, the HJB framework is only used to implement the hazard rate. The strategies of the other actors are exogenous time-dependent inputs. It follows that the value functions are time-dependent, and the problem is not stationary, but otherwise the analysis is the same as above. In case of two actors, this leads to two sets of dynamical equations in consumption \(c\), capital stock \(k\) and tax \(\tau\), and a joint dynamical equation in the pollution stock \(s\) [7]. An interesting application is to compare cooperative and non-cooperative behavior of the North and the South when facing the joint risk of climate tipping. Assuming that the North is in a further stage of development and less vulnerable to climate catastrophes, the result is as follows. The carbon taxes are lower in the absence of cooperation, as is to be expected, so that precautionary saving increases. If the North and South cooperate, they aim for a high common carbon tax but initially allow for a lower carbon tax in the South, so that the South can catch up. If the North and South do not cooperate, the North always has a low carbon tax. The South has initially a low carbon tax, giving priority to growth, but later a high carbon tax, giving priority to prevent climate tipping.

5 Conclusion

Since it became clear that ecological systems have tipping points where such a system suddenly shifts into a state with a loss of ecosystem services, economic analyses that were integrated with these systems had to be reconsidered. This paper considers three classical cases. The first one is the pollution control model where the level of production is adjusted to take account of the damage of pollution, and particularly the upward shift in the damage due to tipping in the natural system. The second one is the fishery model where the harvest is adjusted to take account of a drop in the carrying capacity due to tipping in the ecological system. The third one is the Ramsey growth model where a policy of taxing emissions and adjusting saving is needed in response to a drop in total factor productivity due to tipping in the climate system.

The paper focuses on the question whether the possibility of tipping in the ecological system leads to precautionary behavior in the sense of lower production, lower harvest, or more accumulation of capital. The pollution control model always leads to precaution but for the fishery model and the Ramsey growth model, it depends on the elasticity of intertemporal substitution. A lower elasticity, i.e., a higher intergenerational inequality aversion, leads to more precaution. For these last two models, the paper considers both a constant and a stock-dependent hazard rate. For the fishery, the hazard rate depends negatively on the stock of fish which pushes up precautionary behavior. For Ramsey growth, the hazard rate depends on the stock of greenhouse gases which yields a tax on emissions that mitigates precautionary saving.

The Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations are the appropriate framework to implement both the constant and the state-dependent hazard rate. The paper uses this framework consistently, which means that the analysis of the pollution control model is different from the analysis in the previous literature. The analysis of the other two models is very similar to the analysis in the previous literature, but it is more precise in the analysis of the mechanisms that lead to precautionary behavior. The paper provides a transparent analysis of the link between the risk of tipping in ecological systems and the response in three classical integrated economy-ecology models.

This paper is part of a special issue in honor of Ngo Van Long. He had a strong interest in optimal control, tipping points, and applications in environmental economics. This paper is just a modest attempt to work in his line of thinking.