Correction to: Mar Biodiv

In the originally published article, spicule size measurements in the descriptions of Tables 7, 9, 11, 15, 17 and 19 are indicated in centimeters [cm], which should be changed to micrometres [µm]. Corrected tables are provided below.

Table 7 Spicule size of Hyalonema (Cyliconemaoida) campanula, values in [μm] are given as follows: minimum – mean – maximum (number of spicules measured)
Table 9 Spicule size of Hyalonema (Cyliconemaoida) ovuliferum, values in [μm] are given as follows: minimum – mean – maximum (number of spicules measured)
Table 11 Spicule size of Hyalonema (Onconema) agassizi, values in [μm] are given as follows: minimum – mean – maximum (number of spicules measured)
Table 15 Spicule size of Hyalonema (Onconema) obtusum, values in [μm] are given as follows: minimum – mean – maximum (number of spicules measured)
Table 17 Spicule size of Hyalonema (Prionema) breviradix sp. nov., values in [μm] are given as follows: minimum – mean – maximum (number of spicules measured)
Table 19 Spicule size of Poliopogon microuncinata sp. nov., values in [μm] are given as follows: minimum – mean – maximum (number of spicules measured)