Erratum to: ann. behav. med.

DOI 10.1007/s12160-011-9308-7

In “Health Message Framing Effects on Attitudes, Intentions, and Behaviors: A Meta-Analytic Review,” (Volume 43, Number 1, February 2012, pp. 101–116, doi:10.1007/s12160-011-9308-7) the effect size for Rothman et al. (1993 [70]) study 2 should be reported as r = .06 (95 % CI = −.15, .23) in Table 1. The summary effect size for the 2 studies of skin cancer prevention behavior should be reported as marginally significant, r = .15 (p = .054; 95 % CI = −.00, .289) in Table 3 and on p. 109. The meta-analysis’ main finding of an overall effect size for framing on prevention behavior remains significant, and should be reported as r = .075 (p = .003; 95 % CI = .03, .13) in Table 2 and on pp. 101, 109, and 111; the fail-safe N for this finding is 166 (p. 110). All other findings remain unchanged.