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Does nationality matter? The impact of stereotypical expectations on student teachers’ judgments

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Social Psychology of Education Aims and scope Submit manuscript


In Germany, Turkish students are overrepresented on lowest school tracks. Research has provided evidence that stereotypical expectations can color judgments. We experimentally investigated whether student information that strongly confirmed or disconfirmed Turkish stereotypical expectations led to student teachers’ judgments that were biased against nationality. Furthermore, we explored whether judging an expectation-confirming or expectation-disconfirming Turkish student resulted in changes in stereotypical beliefs. Results showed that student teachers’ judgments were biased against nationality when it came to an expectation-confirming student and that the expectation-disconfirming student could change stereotypical beliefs into slightly more positive ones. Results are discussed with regard to their theoretical relevance as well as to their importance for teacher education.

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Glock, S., Krolak-Schwerdt, S. Does nationality matter? The impact of stereotypical expectations on student teachers’ judgments. Soc Psychol Educ 16, 111–127 (2013).

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