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Операторы постоянно й силы с оценкой снизу через производные и формал ьно гипоэллиптическ ие операторы

Permanent strength operators with lower estimates through derivatives and formally hypoelliptic operators

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For a differential operatorP(x, D) conditions are considered under which this operator has permanent strength or permanent power (in the sense of L. Hörmander) inΩ.

In the casen=2 the necessary and sufficient conditions coincide.

Using properties of permanent strength operators we get estimates of the form

$$\parallel D^v f\parallel _{L_2 } \leqq C\parallel P(x,D)f\parallel _{L_2 } (f \in C_0^\infty (\Omega ))$$

for a certain set of multiindicesν with factorС independent offC 0 (Ω).

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КАЗАРЯН, Г.Г. Операторы постоянно й силы с оценкой снизу через производные и формал ьно гипоэллиптическ ие операторы. Analysis Mathematica 3, 263–289 (1977).

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