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Mast cells and postnatal topographic anomalies in mammalian subfornical body and supraoptic crest

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Zeitschrift für Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte Aims and scope Submit manuscript


In the central nervous system of 22 animal species, mast cells occur (1) in both the subfornical body and the supraoptic crest in chimpanzee, stumpatailed monkey, agouti and flying squirrel and in cynomolgus monkey from 1 day of age; (2) in the subfornical body in paca, ground squirrel, woodchuck and prairie dog; and (3) in the supraoptic crest in cats from 2 days of age through the fourth month, and capybara. The medial habenular nucleus and the area postrema contain mast cells in many of the animals, but differences in number with species and with age do not follow the same pattern as in the above regions. Not infrequently, the thalamus has a considerable number of mast cells, and occasionally other regions, such as the dentate nuclei and the medulla oblongata, have a few mast cells.

The number of mast cells, amounting to several hundreds in the circumventricular regions, varies with region, species, individual animal and age. The marked qualitative and quantitative differences, which complicate interpretation of experimental results, are associated with differences in functional requirements; the migratory faculty of the mast cell would enable each of its many biogenic amines to act separately on specific elements at different sites as demand arises.

Study of newborn animals disclosed mitotic cells in several of the circumventricular regions. The formation of dysmitotic elements, as an expression of anomalous mitosis, may be the cause of disproportionate growth of the tissue and the overlying ependyma, whereby aberrations in the development of the ventricular wall ensue.

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Cammermeyer, J. Mast cells and postnatal topographic anomalies in mammalian subfornical body and supraoptic crest. Z. Anat. Entwickl. Gesch. 140, 245–269 (1973).

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