
1 Introduction

Lattice-based cryptography relies on the presumed hardness of lattice problems such as the shortest vector problem (SVP) and its variants. For efficiency, many practical lattice-based cryptosystems are based on assumptions on structured lattices such as the NTRU lattice. Introduced by Hoffstein et al. [HPS96, HPS98], the NTRU assumption states that it is hard to find a short vector in the \(\mathcal {R}\)-module

$$\begin{aligned} \varLambda _h^q = \{(x,y) \in \mathcal {R}^2 \text { s.t. } hx - y = 0 \bmod q\} \end{aligned}$$

with the promise that a very short solution — the private key — (fg) exists. The ring \(\mathcal {R}= \mathbb Z[X]/(P(X))\) is a polynomial ring of rank n over \(\mathbb Z\), typically a circular convolution ring (\(P(X) = X^n-1\)) or the ring of integers in a cyclotomic number field (\(P(X) = \varPhi _m(X)\) and \(n = \phi (m)\)).

Following the pioneer scheme NTRUencrypt [HPS98], the NTRU assumption has been re-used in various cryptographic constructions such as signatures schemes [HHGP+03, DDLL13], fully homomorphic encryption [LTV12, BLLN13] and a candidate construction for cryptographic multi-linear maps [GGH13a, LSS14, ACLL15]. After two decades of cryptanalysis, the NTRUencrypt scheme remains essentially unbroken, and is one of the fastest candidates for the public-key cryptosystems in the post-quantum era.

Coppersmith and Shamir [CS97] noticed that recovering a short enough vector, may it be different from the actual secret key (fg), may be sufficient for an attack and claimed that the celebrated LLL algorithm of Lenstra et al. [LLL82] would lead to such an attack. However, it turned out [HPS98] that for sufficiently large dimension n, a much stronger lattice reduction is required and that the NTRUencrypt is asymptotically secure. Meanwhile, parameters have been updated to take account for progress in lattice reduction algorithms and potential quantum speed-ups [HPS+15].

Other types of attacks have been considered, such as Odlyzko’s meet-in-the-middle attack described in [HSW06]. In practice, the best known algorithm for attacking NTRU lattices is the combined lattice-reduction and meet-in-the-middle attack of Howgrave-Graham [HG07]. Asymptotically, a slightly sub-exponential attack against the ternary-NTRU problem was proposed by Kirchner and Fouque [KF15], with a heuristic complexity \(2^{\varTheta (n/\log \log q)}\), which is to our knowledge the only sub-exponential attack when q is polynomial in n.

It is typically assumed that NTRU lattices are essentially as intractable as unstructured lattices with similar parametersFootnote 1, but without the structure of \(\mathcal {R}\)-module.

In the present work, we consider the application of lattice reduction in a subfield to attack the NTRU assumption for large moduli q. This subfield lattice attack is asymptotically faster than the direct lattice attack as soon as q is super-polynomial, and may also be relevant for polynomially-sized q. We call the problemFootnote 2 considered in this work “overstretched NTRU” to distinguish it from the original NTRU parameter choices, which remain secure.

Asymptotics. The subfield attack leads to solving overstreched NTRU instances in time complexity \(\mathsf {poly}(n ) \cdot 2^{\varTheta (\beta )}\) with \(\beta / \log \beta = \varTheta \left( n\, \log n / \log ^2 q \right) \) when ever the relative degree parameter \(r = \varTheta (\log q / \log n)\) is greater than 1. In comparison, the direct lattice attack required setting \(\beta / \log \beta = \varTheta \left( n / \log q \right) \).

We are mostly concerned with overstretched NTRU assumptions when q is super-polynomial in n, in which case the best known attacks are already sub-exponential in n. For cryptographic relevance, we will therefore state all our asymptotics in terms of what was previously thought as the security parameter \(\lambda \): given \(q = q(\lambda )\) we constrain \(n = n(\lambda )\) so that the previously best known attack requires exponential time \(2^{\varTheta (\lambda )}\). In this cryptographic metric, the subfield lattice attack is sub-exponential as soon as q is super-polynomial, and gets polynomial for larger parameters .

Our Contribution. In this work, we resurrectFootnote 3 the subfield lattice attack sketched in [GS02, Sec.6], attributed to Gentry, Szydlo, Jonsson, Nguyen and Stern. It consists of norming down the secret key to a subfield, running lattice reduction in the subfield to solve a smaller, potentially easier lattice problem and lifting the solution back to the full field.

While the original sketch [GS02] only considered the maximal real subfield, we naturally generalize it to any subfield. We also spell out a different lifting step from arbitrary subfields and prove it applicable even if only an approximation of the normed-down key is found.

We then show that this algorithm solves the overstretched NTRU problem in sub-exponential time when the modulus q is quasi-polynomial in the security parameter \({\lambda }\) and in polynomial time when the modulus q is super-exponential in \({\lambda }\) (equivalently, ). Applying this algorithm, we show that it gives a subexponential attack on parameter choices for NTRU-based FHE schemes [LTV12, BLLN13] which were believed secure previously. We also show that this algorithm enables new attacks on GGH-like graded encoding schemes [GGH13a, LSS14, ACLL15]. These attacks lead to subexponential classical and polynomial-time quantum attacks on GGH-like constructions but do not require encodings of zero nor do they use the zero-testing parameter in contrast to previous work [HJ15].

We also report on experimental results for the subfield lattice attack which show that the attack is meaningful in practice. Using LLL in dimension 512 we have obtained vectors that would have required running BKZ with block-size about 130 in dimension 8192. We refer the reader to the full version of this work for the experimental results.

Related Work. As mentioned above, a variant of the attack considered in this work was sketched in [GS02]. Moreover, the Gentry-Szydlo algorithm from the same work, which allows to reconstruct an element a given the ideal (a) as well as the Gram element \(a\bar{a}\), i.e. the norm \({{\mathrm{N}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb K^+}(a)\) of a relatively to the real subfield, can be seen as a subfield attack. It lead to an attack of the NSS scheme [HPS01] in which the Gram element \(a \bar{a}\) was leaked as the covariance of a certain function of the signatures. The Gentry-Szydlo algorithm was recently revisited [LS14].

This attack is very similar in spirit to an attack of Gentry [Gen01] against the NTRU-composite assumption which tackles NTRU problems over rings \(\mathcal {R}\) that can be written as direct products \(\mathcal {R}\simeq \mathcal {R}_1 \times \mathcal {R}_2\). More specifically [Gen01] targets circulant convolution rings \(\mathbb Z[X]/(X^n-1) \simeq \mathbb Z[X]/(X^{n_1}-1) \times \mathbb Z[X]/(X^{n_2}-1)\) where \(n = n_1n_2\). Under such condition, there exists a projection \(\pi : \mathcal {R}\rightarrow \mathcal {R}_1\) that is a ring homomorphism, and he showed that this projection could only increase the Euclidean length of secret polynomials by a factor \(\sqrt{n_2}\). This makes this attack very powerful (even when the modulus q is quite small). Because this projection is a ring homomorphism, this approach is not limited to NTRU and would also apply to Ring-SIS or Ring-LWE.

In some sense, the line of work by Lauter et al. [ELOS15, EHL14, CLS15] against skewedFootnote 4 variants of Ring-LWE falls in this framework, with a direct factorization of the rings \(\mathcal {R}\) modulo q: \((\mathcal {R}/q\mathcal {R}) \simeq (\mathcal {R}_1/q\mathcal {R}_1) \times (\mathcal {R}_2/q\mathcal {R}_2)\). As already noted in [Gen01], this requires the — seemingly sporadic — property that the projection map \(\pi _q : (\mathcal {R}/q\mathcal {R}) \rightarrow (\mathcal {R}_1/q\mathcal {R}_1)\) induces only a manageable geometric distortion. Similar ideas are being explored to attack schemes based on certain quasi-cyclic binary codes in work [Loi14, LJ14, HT15].

In comparison, this work tackles NTRU when the ring \(\mathcal {R}\) equals \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\) (the ring of integer of a number field \(\mathbb K\)) and therefore cannot be a direct product; and when \(\mathbb K\) admits proper subfields. Due to the aforementioned attack of [Gen01], direct product rings are now avoided for lattice-based cryptography, and the typical choice is to use the ring of integers of a cyclotomic number field of the form \(\mathcal {R}= \mathcal O_{\mathbb Q(\omega _m)} = \mathbb Z[\omega _m]\). This setting allows to argue worst-case hardness of certain problems (Ring-SIS [Mic02], Ideal-LWE [SSTX09], later improved and renamed to Ring-LWE [LPR10]). Yet all those number fields admit proper subfields (at least, the maximal real subfield). Instead of using a projection map \(\pi \), this attack exploits a relative norm map \({{\mathrm{N}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb L}: \mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\rightarrow \mathcal O_{\mathbb L}\), which is only a multiplicative map. This induces a significant yet manageable blow-up on the Euclidean length of secret polynomials and requires a large modulus q. This seems to also limit this attack to the NTRU setting.

Our work is also strongly inspired by the the logarithm-subfield strategy of Bernstein [Ber14], which anticipated other works towards a logarithm attack [CGS14, CDPR16]. While the presence of subfields was in the end not necessary for the recovery of short generators of principal ideals in cyclotomic rings, we show in this work that, indeed, the presence of proper subfields can be exploited in other specific set-ups.

Concurrently and independently to this work, Cheon, Jeong and Lee also investigated subfield attacks on GGH-like graded encoding schemes in work [CJL16]. The general approach is very similar to the one adopted in this work. In [CJL16], however, the trace map is utilised instead of the norm and the result is only presented for the case of powers-of-two cyclotomic rings. Despite using the trace map — which is linear — they obtain a growth of the secret that is similar to ours: multiplicative. For example, when the relative degree of \(\mathbb K\) over \(\mathbb L\) is \(r = 2\), the trace map \({{\mathrm{Tr}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb L}\) sends g / f to \(g / f + \bar{g} / \bar{f} = (g \bar{f} + \bar{g} f) / f \bar{f}\) where \(\bar{\cdot }\) denotes the adequate automorphism. For comparison, the norm \({{\mathrm{N}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb L}\) sends g / f to \(g\bar{g} / f\bar{f}\). Using the norm map is therefore slightly better when both fg have the same size (the numerator is smaller by a factor \(\approx \sqrt{r}\)); but the trace map could be very advantageous when \(g \gg f\). Furthermore, Cheon, Jeong and Lee achieve better results for GGH-like graded encoding schemes by making use of the zero-testing parameter which leads to a polynomial-time classical attack for large levels of multilinearity \(\kappa \).

Outline. Section 2 gives preliminaries on the geometry of NTRU lattices and a brief introduction of the lattice reduction algorithms. Section 3 then presents the subfield lattice attack with its asymptotic performance analyzed in Subsect. 3.4. In Sect. 4, we apply this attack to the FHE and MLM constructions proposed in recent literature. In Sect. 5, we report experimental results for the subfield lattice attack. Finally, Sect. 6 presents the conclusions and suggests directions for future research.

2 Preliminaries

Vectors are presented in row vectors. The notation \({[\,\cdot \,]}_q\) denotes reduction modulo an integer q.

2.1 Number Fields and Subfields

We assume some familiarity with basic algebraic number theory. The reader may refer to [Sam70] for an introduction on the topic.

Let \(\mathbb K\) be a number field of degree \(n = [\mathbb K:\mathbb Q]\) over \(\mathbb Q\), and assume \(\mathbb K\) is a Galois extension of \(\mathbb Q\) with the Galois group G. The fundamental theorem of Galois Theory states an one-to-one correspondence between the subgroups \(G'\) of G and the subfields \(\mathbb L\) of \(\mathbb K\) with \(G'\) being the subgroup of G fixing \(\mathbb L\). Let therefore \(\mathbb L\) be a subfield of \(\mathbb K\) and \(G'\) be the subgroup of G fixing \(\mathbb L\), and denote \(n' = [\mathbb L:\mathbb Q]\), \(r = [\mathbb K:\mathbb L]\) (so \(r = n/n'\)). The number fields \(\mathbb K\), \(\mathbb L\) and therefore the degrees n, \(n'\) and relative degree r are fixed in the rest of this work.

The relative norm \({{\mathrm{N}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb L}: \mathbb K\rightarrow \mathbb L\) (resp. relative trace \({{\mathrm{Tr}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb L}: \mathbb K\rightarrow \mathbb L\)) is a multiplicative (resp. an additive) map defined by

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathrm{N}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb L} : a \mapsto \prod _{\psi \in G'} \psi (a), \quad \text {resp.} \quad {{\mathrm{Tr}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb L} : a \mapsto \sum _{\psi \in G'} \psi (a). \end{aligned}$$

The canonical inclusion \(\mathbb L\subset \mathbb K\) will be written explicitly as \(L : \mathbb L\rightarrow \mathbb K\). The ring of integers of \(\mathbb K\) and \(\mathbb L\) are denoted by \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\) and \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb L}\).

A number field of degree n admits n embeddings –i.e. field morphisms– to the complex numbers. Writing \(\mathbb K= \mathbb Q(X)/(P(X))\) for some monic irreducible polynomial P, and letting \(\alpha _1, \dots , \alpha _n \in \mathbb C\) be the distinct complex roots of P, each embedding \(e_i : \mathbb K\rightarrow \mathbb C\) consists of evaluating \(a \in \mathbb K\) at a root \(\alpha _i\), formally \(e_i : a \mapsto a(\alpha _i)\). The Galois group acts by permutation on the set of embeddings.

Cyclotomic Number Field. We denote by \(\omega _m\) an arbitrary primitive m-th root of unity. For cryptanalytic purposes, we are mostly interested in the case when \(\mathbb K= \mathbb Q(\omega _m)\) is the m-th cyclotomic number field; But we may also want to instantiate the attack for subfields \(\mathbb L\) of \(\mathbb K\) that are not necessarily cyclotomic number fields.

The number field \(\mathbb L= \mathbb Q(\omega _m)\) has degree \(n = \phi (m)\), and has a Galois group isomorphic to \(\mathbb Z_m^*\): explicitly \(i \in \mathbb Z_m^*\) corresponds to the automorphism \(\psi _i : \omega _m \mapsto \omega ^i_m\). Any number field \(\mathbb Q(\omega _{m'})\) for \(m' | m\) is a subfield of \(\mathbb Q(\omega _m)\), but there are other proper subfields. In particular, the maximal real subfield \(\mathbb Q(\omega _m + \bar{\omega }_m)\) is a proper subfield of degree n / 2, and more generally, \(\mathbb K= \mathbb Q(\omega _m)\) admits a subfield of degree \(n'\) for any divisor \(n'|n\).Footnote 5

We recall (see [Was97], Theorem 2.6) that the ring of integers \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\) of \(\mathbb K= \mathbb Q(\omega _m)\) is exactly \(\mathbb Z[\omega _m]\).

2.2 Coprimality in \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb L}\)

To argue below that we can lift solutions in the subfield to the full field, we rely on two randomly chosen elements in \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb L}\) being coprime. We use density results to estimate such probability. The density of coprime pairs of ideals [Sit10] and elements [FM14] in \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb L}\) is \(1/\zeta _{\mathbb L}(2)\) where \(\zeta _{\mathbb L}\) denotes the Dedekind zeta function over \(\mathbb K\).

We consider \(\zeta _{\mathbb L}\) for cyclotomic number fields \(\mathbb K= \mathbb Q(\omega _m)\) where \(m = p^k\) for some prime p. The next lemma shows that \(\lim _{k \rightarrow \infty }\zeta _{\mathbb L}(s) = 1/(1-p^{-s})\) for real \(s > 3/2\).

Lemma 1

Let \(\mathbb L\) be a cyclotomic number field \(\mathbb Q(\omega _{m'})\) for \(m' = p^k\). Then for any real \(s > 3/2\) we have

$$\begin{aligned} \lim _{k \rightarrow \infty }\zeta _{\mathbb L}(s) = 1/(1-p^{-s}). \end{aligned}$$

In particular \(\lim _{k \rightarrow \infty }\zeta _{\mathbb L}(2) = 4/3\) for cyclotomic number fields of conductor \(m' = 2^k\).


Please refer to the full version of this work for the proof.    \(\square \)

Further, we numerically approximated \(\zeta _{\mathbb L}^{-1}(2)\) for \(\mathbb L= {\mathbb Q}[x]/(x^{n} + 1)\) for \(n=128\) and \(n=256\) by computing the first \(2^{22}\) terms of the Dirichlet series of the Dedekind zeta function for \(\mathbb L\) and then evaluated the truncated series at 2. In both cases we get a density \(\approx 0.75\).

We stress that our pairs \(f'\), \(g'\) are random elements obtained as relative norms \({{\mathrm{N}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb L}(f)\),\({{\mathrm{N}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb L}(g)\) of random short f and g, and under the additional condition that f is invertible modulo q. However, our experiments indicate that 3 / 4 is a good approximation of the actual probability of coprimality. Additionally, it seems that this requirement is an artifact of our proof, as experiments succeeded even when those elements had a common factor.

2.3 Euclidean Geometry

The number field \(\mathbb K\) (or \(\mathbb L\)) is viewed as a Euclidean \(\mathbb Q\)-vector space by endowing it with the inner product

$$\begin{aligned} \langle a , b\rangle = \sum _e e(a) \bar{e}(b) \end{aligned}$$

where e ranges over all the n (or \(n'\)) embeddings \(\mathbb K \rightarrow \mathbb C\). This defines a Euclidean norm denoted by \(\Vert \cdot \Vert \). In addition to the Euclidean norm, we will make use of the operator norm \(|\cdot |\) defined by:

$$\begin{aligned} |a| = \sup _{x \in \mathbb K^*} \Vert ax\Vert /\Vert x\Vert . \end{aligned}$$

It is easy to check that the operator norm |a| of a equals to the maximal absolute complex embedding of a:

$$\begin{aligned} |a| = \max _e |e(a)| \end{aligned}$$

where e ranges over all the embeddings \(e: \mathbb K\rightarrow \mathbb C\). We note that if \(\omega \in \mathbb K\) is a root of unity, then \(|\omega | = 1\). The operator’s norm is sub-multiplicative: \(|ab| \le |a| \,|b|\), and we have the inequality \(|a| \le \Vert a\Vert \). The Euclidean norm and the operator norm are invariant under automorphisms \(\psi : \mathbb K\mapsto \mathbb K\),

$$\begin{aligned} \Vert a\Vert = \Vert \psi (a)\Vert , \quad |a| = |\psi (a)| \end{aligned}$$

since the group of automorphisms acts by permutation on the set of embeddings. One also verifies that \(\Vert L(a)\Vert ^2 = r \Vert a\Vert ^2\) and \(|L(a)| = |a|\) for all \(a \in \mathbb L\). Additionally, the algebraic norm can be bounded in term of geometric norms:

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathrm{N}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb Q}(a) \le |a|^n \le \Vert a\Vert ^n. \end{aligned}$$

The inner product (and therefore the Euclidean norm) are extended in a coefficient-wise manner to vectors of \(\mathbb K^d\): \(\langle (a_1, \dots , a_d), (b_1, \dots , b_d) \rangle = \sum \langle a_i , b_i \rangle \).

Definition 1

A distribution \(\mathcal D\) over \(\mathbb K^d\) is said to be isotropic of variance \(\sigma ^2 \ge 0\) if, for any \(y \in \mathbb K^d\) it hold that

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb E_{x \leftarrow \mathcal D} \left[ \langle x , y \rangle ^2 \right] = \sigma ^2 \Vert y\Vert ^2 \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mathbb E[\,\cdot \,]\) denotes the expectation of a random variable.

Remark. In most theoretical work, the distributions of secrets or errors are spherical discrete Gaussian distribution over \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\) which are isotropic —up to negligible statistical distance. For simplicity, some practically oriented work instead chose random ternary coefficients. In the typical power-of-two case cyclotomic case, such distribution is isotropic of variance 2n / 3. Yet, for more general choices \(\mathbb K= \mathbb Q(\omega _m)\), in the worse case (when m is composed of many small distinct prime factor), this may induce up to quasi-polynomial distortion \(n^{\log (n)}\) (see [LPR10]). Such choice of set-up should only marginally affect our asymptotic results.

2.4 \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\) Modules and Lattices

To avoid confusion, we shall speak of the rank of \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\)-modules and of \(\mathbb K\)-vectors-spaces when \(\mathbb K\ne \mathbb Q\), and restrict the term of dimension to \(\mathbb Z\)-modules and \(\mathbb Q\)-vector spaces.

The dimension \(\dim (\varLambda )\) of a lattice \(\varLambda \) is the dimension over \(\mathbb Q\) of the \(\mathbb Q\)-vector space it spansFootnote 6. We recall that the minimal distance of a lattice \(\varLambda \) is defined as \(\lambda _1(\varLambda ) = \min _{v \in \varLambda \setminus \{0\}} \Vert v\Vert \). Also, the volume of a lattice \({{\mathrm{Vol}}}(\varLambda )\) is defined as the square root of the absolute determinant of the Gram matrix of any basis \(\{b_1 \dots b_{\dim (\varLambda )}\}\) of \(\varLambda \) \({{\mathrm{Vol}}}(\varLambda ) = \sqrt{\det ( {[\langle b_i, b_j \rangle ]}_{i,j})}\). For any set of \(\mathbb Q\)-linearly independent vectors \(\{v_1, \dots , v_{\dim (\varLambda )}\}\subset \varLambda \), we have the inequality:

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathrm{Vol}}}(\varLambda ) \le \prod \Vert v_i\Vert . \end{aligned}$$

The rank of an \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\) module \(M \subset \mathbb K^d\) can be defined as the rank over \(\mathbb K\) of the \(\mathbb K\) vector-space it spans, but it does not necessarily equal the size of a minimal set of \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\)-generatorsFootnote 7. The Euclidean vector space structure of \(\mathbb K^d\) allows to view any discrete \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\)-module \(M \subset \mathbb K^d\) as a lattice. The discriminant \(\varDelta _\mathbb K\) of a number field relates to the volume of its ring of integers \(\sqrt{|\varDelta _\mathbb K|} = {{\mathrm{Vol}}}(\mathcal O_{\mathbb K})\). More generally, we have the identity:

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathrm{Vol}}}(a \mathcal O_{\mathbb K}) = {{\mathrm{N}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb Q}(a) \sqrt{|\varDelta _\mathbb K|}. \end{aligned}$$

This gives rise to a lower bound on the volume \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\)-modules of rank 1 in term of its minimal distance:

Lemma 2

Let \(M \subset \mathbb K^d\) be a discrete \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\)-module of rank 1. It follows that \({{\mathrm{Vol}}}(M) \le {\lambda _1(M)}^n \sqrt{|\varDelta _\mathbb K|}\).


Without loss of generality, we may assume that \(d=1\) (by constructing a \(\mathbb K\)-linear isometry \(\iota : {{\mathrm{Span}}}_\mathbb K(M) \rightarrow \mathbb K\otimes _\mathbb Q\mathbb R\)). Let \(a \in \mathbb K\otimes _\mathbb Q\mathbb R\) be a shortest vector of M, we have \(M \supset a \mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\), therefore \({{\mathrm{Vol}}}(M) \le {{\mathrm{Vol}}}(a\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}) = {{\mathrm{N}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb Q}(a) \sqrt{|\varDelta _\mathbb K|}\), and we conclude noting that \({{\mathrm{N}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb Q}(a) \le \Vert a\Vert ^n\).   \(\square \)

2.5 NTRU Assumption

Let us first describe the NTRU problem as follows.

Definition 2

( \(\mathsf {NTRU}\) problem, a.k.a. DSPR). The \(\mathsf {NTRU}\) problem is defined by four parameters: a ring \(\mathcal {R}\) (of rank \(n\) and endowed with an inner product), a modulus \(q\), a distribution \(\mathcal D\), and a target norm \(\tau \). Precisely, \(\mathsf {NTRU}(\mathcal {R},q,\mathcal D,\tau )\) is the problem of, given \(h = {[g f^{-1}]}_q\) (conditioned on \(f\) being invertible \(\bmod \ q\)) for \(f,g \leftarrow \mathcal D\), finding a vector \((x,y) \in \mathcal {R}^2\) such that \((x,y) \ne (0,0) \bmod q\) and of Euclidean norm less than \(\tau \sqrt{2n}\) in the lattice

$$\begin{aligned} \varLambda ^q_h = \{(x,y) \in \mathcal {R}^2 \text { s.t. } hx - y = 0 \bmod q\} . \end{aligned}$$

We may abuse notation and denote \(\mathsf {NTRU}(\mathcal {R},q,\sigma ,\tau )\) for \(\mathsf {NTRU}(\mathcal {R},q,\mathcal D,\tau )\) where \(\mathcal D\) is any reasonable isotropic distribution of variance \(\sigma ^2\).

Note that \(\mathsf {NTRU}(\mathcal {R},q, \sigma , \sigma )\) is essentially the problem of recovering the secret key \((f,g)\). Yet, in many cases, solving \(\mathsf {NTRU}(\mathcal {R},q, \sigma , \tau )\) for some \(\tau > \sigma \) is enough to break \(\mathsf {NTRU}\)-like cryptosystems.

The \(\mathsf {NTRU}\) lattice \(\varLambda ^q_h\) . The lattice \(\varLambda ^q_h\) defined by the instance \(h \leftarrow \mathsf {NTRU}(\mathcal O_{\mathbb K},q,\sigma ,\tau )\) has dimension \(2n\) and volume \({{{\mathrm{Vol}}}(\mathcal {R})}^2 q^n\). Consequently, if \(h\) were to be uniformly random, the Gaussian heuristic predicts that the shortest vectors of \(\varLambda _h^q\) have norm \({{{\mathrm{Vol}}}(\mathcal {R})}^{1/n} \sqrt{n q /{\pi e}} \). Therefore, whenever \(\sigma < {{{\mathrm{Vol}}}(\mathcal {R})}^{1/n} \sqrt{q/{2\pi e}}\), the lattice \(\varLambda ^q_h\) admits an unusually short vector. This vector is not formally a unique shortest vector: for example, if \(\mathbb K= \mathbb Q(\omega _m)\), \(\mathcal {R}= \mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\), all rotations \((\omega _m^i f, \omega _m^i g) \) of that vector have the same norm.

Target Parameter \(\tau \) for Attacks. Because no solution would be expected if \(h\) was uniformly random, note that solving \(h \leftarrow \mathsf {NTRU}(\mathcal {R},q,\sigma ,\tau )\) for \(\tau < {{{\mathrm{Vol}}}(\mathcal {R})}^{1/n} \sqrt{q/{2\pi e}}\) already constitutes a distinguishing attack on the \(\mathsf {NTRU}\) problem. As we discuss in Sect. 4, solving NTRU for such \(\tau \) would break the FHE scheme based on NTRU from [LTV12] and typical parameter choices for the scheme presented in [BLLN13].

2.6 Lattice Reduction Algorithms

Lattice reduction algorithms have been studied for many years in work such as [LLL82, Sch87, GN08, HPS11]. From a theoretical perspective, one of the best lattice reduction algorithm is the slide reduction algorithm from [GN08].

Theorem 1

([GN08]). There is an algorithm that, given \(\epsilon > 0\), the basis \(B\) of a lattice \(L\) of dimension \(d\), and performing at most

$$\begin{aligned} {\text {poly}}(d, 1/\epsilon , {\text {bitsize}}(B) ) \end{aligned}$$

many operations and calls to an SVP oracle in dimension \( \beta \), outputs a vector \(v \in L\) whose length satisfies the following bounds:

  • the approximation-factor bound:

    $$\begin{aligned} \Vert v\Vert \le {\left( (1+\epsilon ) \gamma _\beta \right) }^{\frac{d - \beta }{\beta -1}} \cdot \lambda _1(L) \end{aligned}$$

    where \(\lambda _1(L)\) is the length of a shortest vector in L and \(\gamma _\beta \approx \beta \) is the \(\beta \)-dimensional Hermite constant.

  • the Hermite-factor bound:

    $$\begin{aligned} \Vert v\Vert \le {\left( (1+\epsilon ) \gamma _\beta \right) }^{\frac{d - 1}{2\beta -2}} \cdot {{{\mathrm{Vol}}}(L)}^{1/d} \end{aligned}$$

Alternatively, one may use the \(\mathsf {BKZ}\) algorithm [Sch87] and its terminated variant [HPS11]. Similar to slide reduction, the terminated \(\mathsf {BKZ}\) performs at most \({\text {poly}}(d, 1/\epsilon , {\text {bitsize}}(B) )\) many operations and calls to an SVP oracle in dimension \(\beta \); and outputs a vector \(v \in L\) whose length has order \(\beta ^{\varTheta (n/\beta )} \cdot {{{\mathrm{Vol}}}(L)}^{1/d}\). Using [Lov87, p. 25], the terminated \(\mathsf {BKZ}\) also provides an algorithm to find an approximated shortest vector of length \(\beta ^{\varTheta (n/\beta )} \cdot \lambda _1(L) \) in similar time.

It is well known [CN11] that in practice lattice reduction algorithms achieve much shorter results and are more efficient, but the approximation and Hermite factors remain of the order of \(\beta ^{\varTheta (n/\beta )}\) asymptotically, for a computational cost in . We will use such estimate in the following analysis.

3 The Subfield Lattice Attack

The subfield lattice attack works in three steps. First, we map the NTRU instance to the chosen subfield, then we apply lattice reduction, and finally we lift the solution to the full field. We first describe the three steps of the attacks in Sects. 3.13.2 and 3.3. In Sect. 3.4, we then analyze the asymptotic performances compared to direct reduction in the full field for cryptographically relevant asymptotic parameters.

We are given an instance \(h \leftarrow \mathsf {NTRU}(\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}, q, \sigma , \tau )\), and \((f,g) \in \mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\) is the associated secret. We wish to recover a short vector of \(\varLambda _h^q\).

3.1 Norming Down

We define \(f' = {{\mathrm{N}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb L}(f)\), \(g' = {{\mathrm{N}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb L}(g)\), and \(h' = {{\mathrm{N}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb L}(h)\). The subfield attack follows from the following observation: \((f',g')\) is a vector of \(\varLambda ^q_{h'}\) and depending on the parameters it may be an unusually short one.

Lemma 3

Let \(f,g \in \mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\otimes _\mathbb Q\mathbb R\) be sampled from continuous spherical Gaussians of variance \(\sigma ^2\). For any constant \(c > 0\), there exists a constant C, such that,

$$\begin{aligned} \Vert g'\Vert \le {\left( \sigma n^C\right) }^r ,\quad \Vert f'\Vert \le {\left( \sigma n^C\right) }^r ,\quad |f'| \le {\left( \sigma n^C\right) }^r ,\quad |f'^{-1}| \le {\left( n^C / \sigma \right) }^r \end{aligned}$$

except with probability \(O(n^{-c})\).


For all embeddings \(e : \mathbb K\mapsto \mathbb C\), it simultaneously holds that

$$\begin{aligned} \sigma / n^C \le |e(f)| \le \sigma n^C \end{aligned}$$

except with polynomially small probability \(O(n^{-c})\). Once this is established, the conclusion follows using the invariant \(|\psi (a)| = |a|\) since \(f' = \prod \psi (f)\), where \(\psi \) ranges over r automorphisms of \(\mathbb K\).

To prove inequality (12), note that for each embedding e, the \(\mathfrak {R}(e(f))\) and \(\mathfrak {I}(e(f))\) follow a Gaussian distribution of parameter \(\varTheta (n) \sigma \). Classical tails inequality gives the upper bound \(|e(f)| \le \sigma n^C\). For the lower bound, we remark that the probability density function of a Gaussian of parameter \(\varTheta (n) \sigma \) is bounded by \(1/(\varTheta (n) \sigma )\). This implies that the probability that a sample falls in the range \(\frac{1}{\varTheta (n) \sigma } [-\epsilon , \epsilon ]\) is less than \(2 \epsilon \). It remains to choose \(\epsilon = \varTheta (n^{-c-1})\) which gives the conclusion by the union-bound.    \(\square \)

In this work, we assume that Lemma 3 holds also for all reasonable distributions considered in cryptographic constructions.

Heuristic 1

For any m and any \(f,g \in \mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\) with reasonable isotropic distribution of variance \(\sigma ^2\), and any constant \(c > 0\), there exists a constant C, such that,

$$\begin{aligned} \Vert g'\Vert \le {\left( \sigma n^C\right) }^r ,\quad \Vert f'\Vert \le {\left( \sigma n^C\right) }^r ,\quad |f'| \le {\left( \sigma n^C\right) }^r ,\quad |f'^{-1}| \le {\left( n^C / \sigma \right) }^r \end{aligned}$$

except with probability \(O(n^{-c})\).

3.2 Lattice Reduction in the Subfield

We now apply a lattice reduction algorithm with block-size \(\beta \) to the lattice \(\varLambda _{h'}^q\), and according to the approximation factor bound (10) we obtain a vector \((x',y') \in \varLambda _{h'}^q\) of norm:

$$\begin{aligned} \Vert (x',y')\Vert&\le \beta ^{\varTheta (2n'/\beta )} \cdot \lambda _1(\varLambda _{h'}^q) \le \beta ^{\varTheta (n/\beta r)} \cdot \Vert (f',g')\Vert \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\le \beta ^{\varTheta (n/\beta r)} \cdot {(n\sigma )}^{\varTheta (r)}. \end{aligned}$$

Next, we argue that if the vector \((x',y')\) is short enough, then it must be an \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\)-multiple of \((f',g')\). In turn, this will allow us to lift \((x',y')\) to a short vector in the full lattice \(\varLambda ^q_h\).

Theorem 2

Let \(f',g' \in \mathcal O_{\mathbb L}\) be such that \(\langle f'\rangle \) and \(\langle g'\rangle \) are coprime ideals and that \(h' f' = g' \bmod q\mathcal O_{\mathbb L}\) for some \(h' \in \mathcal O_{\mathbb L}\). If \((x',y') \in \varLambda _{h'}^q\) has length satisfying

$$\begin{aligned} \Vert (x',y') \Vert < \frac{q}{\Vert (f',g')\Vert } \end{aligned}$$

then \((x',y') = v (f',g')\) for some \(v \in \mathcal O_{\mathbb L}\).


We first prove that that \(B = \{(f',g'),(F',G')\}\) is a basis of the \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb L}\)-module \(\varLambda _{h'}^q\) for some \((F',G') \in \mathcal O_{\mathbb L}^2\). The argument is adapted from [HHGP+03], Sect. 4.1 By coprimality, there exists \((F',G')\) such that \(f'G' - g'F' = q \in \mathcal O_{\mathbb L}\). We note that:

$$\begin{aligned} f' (F',G') - F' (f',g')&= (0,q);\\ g' (F',G') - G' (f',g')&= (-q,0);\\ {[f'^{-1}]}_q (f',g')&= (1,h') \bmod q. \end{aligned}$$

That is, the module M generated by B contains \(q\mathcal O_{\mathbb L}^2\) and \((1,h')\): we have proved that \(\varLambda _{h'}^q \subset M\). Because \(\det _{\mathbb L}(B) = f'G' - g'F' = q = \det _{\mathbb L}(\{(1,h'),(0,q)\})\) we have \({{\mathrm{Vol}}}(M) = |\varDelta _\mathbb L| q^{n'} = {{\mathrm{Vol}}}(\varLambda ^q_{h'})\) and therefore \(M = \varLambda ^q_{h'}\).

We denote \(\varLambda = (f',g') \mathcal O_{\mathbb L}\) and \(\varLambda ^*\) the projection of \((F',G') \mathcal O_{\mathbb L}\) orthogonally to \(\varLambda \). Let \(s^*\) of length \(\lambda _1^*\) be a shortest vector of \(\varLambda ^*\). We will conclude using the fact that any vector of \(\varLambda _{h'}^q\) of length less than \(\lambda _1^*\) must belong to the sublattice \(\varLambda \). It remains to give an lower bound for \(\lambda _1^*\).

We will rely on the identity \({{\mathrm{Vol}}}(\varLambda ) \cdot {{\mathrm{Vol}}}(\varLambda ^*) = {{\mathrm{Vol}}}(\varLambda _{h'}^q) = |\varDelta _\mathbb L| q^{n'}\). By Lemma 2, we have

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathrm{Vol}}}(\varLambda ) \le |\varDelta _\mathbb L|^{1/2} \Vert (f',g')\Vert ^{n'} \quad \text {and } {{\mathrm{Vol}}}(\varLambda ^*) \le |\varDelta _\mathbb L|^{1/2} \Vert s^*\Vert ^{n'}. \end{aligned}$$

We deduce that \(\lambda _1^* = \Vert s^*\Vert \ge q / \Vert (f',g')\Vert \). Therefore, the hypothesis (15) ensures that \(\Vert (x',y') \Vert < \lambda _1^*\), and we conclude that \((x',y') \in \varLambda = (f',g') \mathcal O_{\mathbb L}\).    \(\square \)

We note that according to Heuristic 1, the length condition of Theorem 2 are satisfied asymptotically when

$$\begin{aligned} \beta ^{\varTheta (n/\beta r)} \cdot {(n\sigma )}^{\varTheta (r)} \le q. \end{aligned}$$

The probability of satisfying the coprimality condition for random \(f'\), \(g'\) is discussed in Sect. 2.2, where we argue it to be larger than a constant. On the other hand, experiments (cf. Sect. 5) show that the co-primality condition does not seems necessary in practice for the subfield lattice attack to succeed.

The partial conclusion is that, one may recover non-trivial information about f and g — namely, a small multiple of \((f',g')\) — by solving an NTRU instance in a subfield. Depending on the parameters, this new problem is potentially easier since the dimension \(n' = n/r\) of \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb L}\) is significantly smaller than the dimension 2n of the full lattice \(\varLambda _{h}^q\).

3.3 Lifting the Short Vector

It remains to lift the solution from the sub-ring \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb L}\) to \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\). Simply compute the vector (xy) where

$$\begin{aligned} x = L(x') \quad \text { and } \quad y = L(y') \cdot h / L(h') \bmod q \end{aligned}$$

where \(L : \mathbb L\rightarrow \mathbb K\) is the canonical inclusion map of \(\mathbb L\subset \mathbb K\).

Recall from Theorem 2 that \((x',y') = v (f',g')\). We set \(\tilde{f} = L(f') / f\), \(\tilde{g} = L(g') / g\) and \(\tilde{h} = L(h') / h\). Note that \(\tilde{f}, \tilde{g}\) and \( \tilde{h}\) are integers of \(\mathbb K\). We rewrite

$$\begin{aligned} x&= L(v) \cdot \tilde{f} \cdot f \bmod q.\\ y&= L(v) \cdot L(g') / \tilde{h} = L(v) \cdot g \tilde{g} / \tilde{h} \bmod q\\&= L(v) \cdot \tilde{f} \cdot g \bmod q. \end{aligned}$$

That is, under condition (17) we have found a short multiple of (fg):

$$\begin{aligned} (x,y)&= u \cdot (f,g) \in \varLambda _h^q \quad \text {with } u = L(v) \cdot \tilde{f} \in \mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\\ \Vert (x,y)\Vert&\le |v| \cdot |f|^{r-1} \cdot \Vert (f,g)\Vert \\&\le |x'| \cdot |f'^{-1}| \cdot |f|^{r-1} \cdot \Vert (f,g)\Vert \\&\le \beta ^{\varTheta (n/\beta r)} \cdot {(n \sigma )}^{\varTheta (r)}. \end{aligned}$$

The first inequality is established by writing \(\tilde{f}\) as the product of \(r-1\) many \(\psi (f)\) where the \(\psi \)’s are automorphisms of \(\mathbb K\). The second inequality decomposes \(v = x' / f'\), and the last follows from Lemma 3 or Heuristic 1.

Not only we have found a short vector of \(\varLambda _h^q\), but also have the guarantee that it is an \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\)-multiple of the secret key (fg). This second property will prove useful to mount attacks on the graded encoding schemes [GGH13a].

3.4 Asymptotic Performance

For the subfield attack to be successful, we require

$$\begin{aligned} \sqrt{q} = \beta ^{\varTheta (2n/(\beta \,r))} \cdot \lambda _1(\varLambda _{h'}^q) = \beta ^{\varTheta (2n/(\beta \,r))} \cdot n^{\varTheta (r)} \end{aligned}$$

when \(\sigma = \mathsf {poly}(n)\). Hence, asymptotically we get

$$ \frac{\beta }{\log \beta } = \varTheta \left( \frac{4 \, n}{r \log q - 2 \, r^2 \log n} \right) , $$

where we require \(r \log q - 2 \, r^2 \log n > 0\). Setting \(r=1\) roughly recovers the lattice attack in the full field. Setting \(r = \log q / (4\,\log n)\) minimizes the expression.

We illustrate the complexity for two extreme cases, where all parameters are expressed in term of a security parameter \({\lambda }\), and are such that the previously best known attack required time greater than \({2^\lambda }\). Additionally, it is assumed that \(\mathbb K\) contains adequate subfields so that a subfield \(\mathbb L\) of the desired relative degree r exists. This condition is satisfied asymptotically for the typical choice \(\mathbb K= \mathbb Q(\omega _{2^k})\).

In the first case, we set , and the subfield attack is polynomial in the security parameter. For the second case, we show that as soon as q gets super-polynomial, the subfield attack can be made sub-exponential.

Remark. Our analysis does not rule out that the attack may even be relevant even for polynomial gaps \(q/\sigma \): it could be that it remains exponential but with a better constant than the direct attack.

Exponential and super-exponential q . We set:


Complexity of the Direct Lattice Attack. With such parameters, using \({2^\lambda }\) operations, we argue that one may not find any vector shorter than \(\lambda _1(q\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}) = q \sqrt{n}\). Indeed, one may run lattice reduction up to block-size \({\beta = \varTheta (\lambda )}\). Either from approximation bound or Hermite bound, the vector found should not be shorter than:

$$\begin{aligned} {\beta ^{\varTheta (n/\beta )} = \exp \left( {\varTheta (\lambda ^2 \log ^3 (\lambda ) / \lambda )}\right) > \lambda _1(q\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}).} \end{aligned}$$

We verify that having such choice of super-quadratic n makes the Kirchner-Fouque [KF15] attack at least exponential in .

Complexity of the Subfield Attack. In contrast, the same parameters allow the subfield attack to recover a vector of norm less than \(\sqrt{q}\) in polynomial time: set \(r = \varTheta (\lambda )\) and \(\beta = \varTheta (\log \lambda )\). Then, the vector found will have norm

$$\begin{aligned} \beta ^{\varTheta (n/\beta r)} \cdot n^{\varTheta (r)}&= \exp \left( \varTheta \left( \frac{\lambda ^2 \log \lambda \log \log \lambda }{\lambda \log \lambda } + \lambda \log \lambda \right) \right) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&= \exp \left( {\varTheta (\lambda \log \lambda \log \log \lambda )}\right) < \sqrt{q}. \end{aligned}$$

Similarly, setting \(n = \varTheta \left( \lambda ^{2}\right) \), \(q = \exp (\varTheta (\lambda ))\), \(\beta = \varTheta \left( \log ^{1+\varepsilon }\lambda \right) \), \(r = \varTheta \left( {\lambda }/\left( {\log \lambda \log \log \lambda }\right) \right) \) leads to a quasi-polynomial version of the subfield attack for exponential q.

Quasi-polynomial q . We set

Complexity of the Direct Lattice Attack. With such parameters, using \(2^\lambda \) operations, we argue that one may not find any vector shorter than \(\lambda _1(q\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}) = q \sqrt{n}\). Indeed, one may run lattice reduction up to block-size \(\beta = \varTheta (\lambda )\). Either from approximation bound or Hermite bound, the vector found should not be shorter than:

$$\begin{aligned} \beta ^{\varTheta (n/\beta )} = \exp \left( \varTheta \left( {\log ^{1+\varepsilon }\lambda } \log \log \lambda \right) \right) > \lambda _1(q\mathcal O_{\mathbb K}). \end{aligned}$$

We verify that having such choice of super-linear n makes the Kirshner and Fouque [KF15] attack at least exponential in \(\lambda \): . Complexity of the Subfield Attack. In contrast, the same parameters allow the subfield attack to recover a vector of norm less than \(\sqrt{q}\) in sub-exponential time \(\exp (\lambda / \log ^{\epsilon /3} \lambda )\): set \(r = \varTheta (\log ^{2\epsilon /3} \lambda )\) and \(\beta = \varTheta (\lambda / \log ^{\epsilon /3} \lambda )\). Then, the vector found will have norm

$$\begin{aligned} \beta ^{\varTheta (n/\beta r)} \cdot n^{\varTheta (r)}= & {} \exp \left( \varTheta \left( \frac{\log ^{1+\frac{4}{3} \, \epsilon }(\lambda ) \log \log (\lambda )}{\log ^{\frac{2}{3} \, \epsilon }(\lambda )} + \log ^{1 + {2/3} \, \epsilon }(\lambda ) \right) \right) \nonumber \\= & {} \exp \left( \varTheta \left( \log ^{1+ 2/3\,\varepsilon }{(\lambda )} \log \log \left( \lambda \right) \right) \right) < \sqrt{q}. \end{aligned}$$

4 Applications

We apply this attack to the FHE and MLM constructions from the literature and show that it necessitates to increase parameters for these schemes to remain secure at level \(\lambda \). In the cryptographic context, we typically have \(\mathbb K= \mathbb Q(\omega _m)\), m a power of 2, and speak of the ring \(\mathcal {R}= \mathbb Z_q[X]/(X^n+1) \simeq \mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\) endowed with the cannonical inner product of its coefficients vector. The ring isomorphism \(\mu : \mathcal {R}\rightarrow \mathcal O_{\mathbb K}\) is a scaled isometry: \(\Vert \mu (x)\Vert = \sqrt{n} \Vert x\Vert \). This normalization is quite convenient, for example \(\Vert 1_\mathcal {R}\Vert = 1\).

4.1 Fully Homomorphic Encryption

NTRU-like schemes are used to realise fully homomorphic encryption starting with the LTV scheme from [LTV12]; the scheme was optimized and implemented in [DHS15].

LTV is motivated by [SS11] which shows that under certain choices of parameters the security of an NTRU-like scheme can be reduced to security of Ring-LWE. That is, [SS11] shows that if f and g have norms , then \(h = {[g/f]}_q \in \mathbb Z_q[X]/(X^n+1)\) — with n a power of two — is statistically indistinguishable from a uniformly sampled element. Note that under this choice of parameters the subfield lattice attack does not apply.

However, this choice of parameters rules out even performing one polynomial multiplication and hence the schemes in [LTV12, DHS15] are based on an additional assumption that \({[g/f]}_q\) is computationally indistinguishable from random even when f and g are small. This assumption — which essentially states that Decisional-NTRU is hard — is called the Decisional Small Polynomial Ratio assumption (DSPR) in [LTV12]. Note that this work shows that DSPR does not hold in the presence of subfields and an overstretched NTRU assumption.

LTV can evaluate circuits of depth for \(q = 2^{n^{\varepsilon }}\) with \(\varepsilon \in (0,1)\) and its decryption circuit can be implemented in depth \((\mathcal {O}{\log \log q + \log n})\). This implies

$$\begin{aligned} \log (n^{\varepsilon +1})< n^{\varepsilon }/\log n,\\ \log (n^{\varepsilon +1}) < \log q /\log n, \end{aligned}$$

i.e. that q must be super-polynomial in n to realise fully homomorphic encryption from LTV.

A scale-invariant variant of the scheme in [LTV12] called YASHE was proposed in [BLLN13]. This variant does not require the DSPR assumption by reducing the noise growth during multiplication. This allows f and g to be sampled from a sufficiently wide Gaussian, such that the reduction in [SS11] goes through. Sampling f and g this way allows to evaluate circuits of depth \(L = (\mathcal {O}{\log q / (\log \log q + \log n))}\) [BLLN13, Theorem 2] for \(\mathbb Z_2\) being the plaintext space.

On the other hand, setting the bounds on fg to \(\Vert f \Vert _{\infty } = \Vert g \Vert _{\infty } = B_{key} = 1\), the plaintext space to \(\mathbb Z_2\) via \(t=2\), the multiplicative expansion factor of the ring to \(\delta =n\) by assuming n is a power of two and \(w=O(1)\), then the multiplicative expansion factor of YASHE is \((\mathcal {O}{n^2})\). For correctness, it is required that the noise be less than q / 4. Hence, to evaluate a circuit of depth L, YASHE requires \(q/4 > (\mathcal {O}{n^{2L}})\) or \(L = \mathcal {O}({\log q / \log n})\) under this choice of parameters. As a consequence, YASHE is usually instantiated with f and g very short, cf. [LN14].

Following [BV11, Lemma 4.5], Appendix H of [BLLN13] shows that YASHE is bootstrapable if it can evaluat depth \(L = \mathcal {O}({\log \log q + \log n})\) circuits. For \(\Vert f \Vert _{\infty } = \Vert g \Vert _{\infty } = B_{key} = 1\) this implies

$$\begin{aligned} \log \log q + \log (n)<&\log q/\log n,\\ \log (n \log q)< & {} \log q/\log n, \end{aligned}$$

i.e. q must be super-polynomial in n for YASHE to provide fully homomorphic encryption.

To establish a target size, recall that NTRU-like encryption of a binary message \(\mu \in \mathbb Z_2\) is given by \(c = h \cdot e_1 + e_2 + \mu \lfloor q/2 \rfloor \) for random errors of variance \(\varsigma ^2\). To decrypt from a solution \((F,G)\) to the instance \(h \leftarrow \mathsf {NTRU}(\mathcal {R},q,\sigma ,\tau )\), simply compute \(Fc = G \cdot e_1 + F \cdot e_2 + F \cdot \mu \lfloor q/2 \rfloor \). The error term \(G \cdot e_1 + F \cdot e_2\) will have entries of magnitudes \(\varsigma \tau \sqrt{n}\) which we require to be \(<q/2\) to decrypt correctly. Hence, we require \(F,G < q/(2\,\varsigma \sqrt{n})\). In [LTV12, BLLN13] like in other FHE schemes, \(\varsigma \) is chosen to be bounded by a very small, constant value.

In [CS15] several Ring-based FHE schemes are compared. For comparability amongst the considered schemes and performance, the authors chose the coefficients of fg from \(\{-1,0,1\}\) with the additional guarantee that only 64 coefficients are non-zero in f or g. Then, to establish hardness they assume that an adversary who can find an element \(< q\) in a q-ary lattice with dimension m and volume \(q^n\) wins for all schemes considered. Now, to achieve security against lattice attacks, the root Hermite factor \(\delta _0\) in \(q = \delta _0^m q^{n/m}\) should be small enough, where “small enough” depends on which prediction for lattice reduction is used. In [DHS15] the same approach is used to pick parameters, but for a slightly smaller target norm of q / 4.

The attack presented in this work results in a subexponential attack in the security parameter \(\lambda \) for LTV and YASHE, if L is sufficiently large to enable fully homomorphic encryption and if n is chosen to be minimal such that a lattice attack on the full field does not succeed. Set

$$\begin{aligned} q = \exp \left( \varTheta \left( \left( \epsilon + 1\right) \log ^{2}{n}\right) \right) \end{aligned}$$

to satisfy correctness. Now, to rule out lattice attacks on the full field set \(n = \varTheta \left( \lambda \log \lambda \log \log ^{2}{\lambda }\right) \). Hence, for \({\beta = \lambda }\) we have

$$\begin{aligned} \beta ^{\varTheta (n/\beta )}>&\sqrt{q},\\ \varTheta \left( \log ^{2}{\lambda } \log \log ^{2}{\lambda }\right)> & {} \varTheta \left( \log ^{2}{\lambda }\right) . \end{aligned}$$

For the subfield attack, pick \(\beta = \varTheta \left( \lambda /{\log ^{1/3}\lambda } \right) \) and \(r = \varTheta \left( \log ^{2/3}{\lambda }\right) \) and we get

$$\begin{aligned} \beta ^{\varTheta \left( n/\beta \,r \right) } \cdot n^{\varTheta \left( r \right) }<&\sqrt{q},\\ \varTheta \left( \log ^{\frac{5}{3}}\lambda \log {\log ^{2}\lambda }\right)< & {} \varTheta \left( \log ^{2}\lambda \right) . \end{aligned}$$

4.2 Graded Encoding Schemes

In [GGH13a] a candidate construction for graded encoding schemes approximating multilinear maps was proposed. The GGH construction was improved in [LSS14] and implemented and improved further in [ACLL15]. In these schemes, short elements \(m_i \in \mathbb Z[X]/(X^n+1)\) are encoded as \({[(r_i\cdot g + m_i)/z]}_q \in \mathcal {R}/q\mathcal {R}\) for some \(r_i\), g with norms of size and some random z. For correctness, the latest improvements [ACLL15] require a modulus , where \(\kappa \) is the multi-linearity level. The subfield attack is therefore applicable in sub-exponential time for any \(\kappa = \log ^\epsilon \lambda \), according to Sect. 3.4, and would become polynomial for \(\kappa > \varTheta (\lambda \log \lambda )\). In practice, the fact that the constants in the exponent \(q = \lambda ^{\varTheta (\kappa )}\) is quite large could make this attack quite powerful even for small degrees of multi-linearity.

While initially these constructions permitted the inclusion of encodings of zero (\(m_i=0\)) to achieve multilinear maps, it was shown that these encodings break security [HJ15]. Without such encodings, the construction still serves as building-block for realizing Indistinguishability Obfuscation [GGH+13b].

To estimate parameters, [ACLL15] proceeds as followsFootnote 8. Given encodings \(x_0 = {[(r_0\cdot g + m_0)/z]}_q\) and \(x_1 = {[(r_1\cdot g + m_1)/z]}_q\) for unknown \(m_0, m_1 \ne 0\) we may consider the NTRU lattice \(\varLambda ^q_h\) where \(h = {[x_0/x_1]}_q\). This lattice contains a short vector \((r_0\cdot g + m_0, r_1\cdot g + m_1)\). In [ACLL15] all elements of norm \(\approx \Vert r_0\cdot g + m_0 \Vert = \sigma _1^{\star }\) are considered “interesting” and recovering any such element is considered an attack. This is motivated by the fact that if an attacker recovers \(r_0\cdot g + m_0\) exactly, then it can recover z. This completely breaks the scheme.

The subfield lattice attack does not yield the vector \((r_0\cdot g + m_0, r_1\cdot g + m_1)\) exactly but only a relatively small multiple of it \(u (r_0\cdot g + m_0, r_1\cdot g + m_1)\). We provide two approaches to completely break the scheme from this small multiple. The first approach consists of solving a principal ideal problem and leads to a quantum polynomial-time and classical subexponential attack. The second approach relies on a statistical leak using the Gentry-Szydlo algorithm [GS02, LS14], but is just outside reach with our current tools [GGH13a]. This approach is arguably worrisome, and the authors of [GGH13a] spent significant efforts to rule this approach out completely.

We remark that unlike previous cryptanalysis advances of multi-linear maps [HJ15] this attack does not rely either on the zero testing parameter, neither on encodings of zero. Our cryptanalytic result therefore impacts all applications of multilinear maps, from multi-party key exchange to jigsaw puzzles and Indistinguishability Obfuscation [GGH+13b]. For completeness, we note that the CLT construction [CLT13] of Graded Encoding Schemes is also subject to a quantum polynomial-time attack, because it relies on the hardness of factoring large integers.

The Principal Ideal Problem and Short Generator Recovery. The problem of recovering a short principal ideal generator from any generator received a lot of attention recently, and a series of works has lead to subexponential classical and polynomial-time quantum attacks against principal ideal lattices [EHKS14, CGS14, CDPR16, BS16]. Precisely, given the ideal \(\mathfrak I = \langle g \rangle \), Biasse and Song [BS16] showed how to recover an arbitrary generator ug of \(\mathfrak I\) in quantum polynomial time, extending the recent breakthrough of Eisentrager et al. [EHKS14] on quantum algorithms over large degree number fields. Such results were conjectured already in a note of Cambell et al. [CGS14], where a classical polynomial time algorithm is also suggested to recover the original g from ug (namely, LLL in the log-unit lattice). The correctness of a similar algorithm was formally established using analytical number theory by Cramer et al. [CDPR16].

In combination with this subfield lattice attack, this directly implies a polynomial quantum attack. Indeed, the subfield lattice attack allows to recover \(u (r_0\cdot g + m_0)\) for some relatively short u. Repeating this attack several time, and obtaining \(u (r_0\cdot g + m_0)\) for various u eventually leads to the reconstruction of the ideal \(\langle r_0\cdot g + m_0 \rangle \). Because \(r_0\cdot g + m_0\) follows exactly a discrete Gaussian distribution, the approach sketched above can be applied, and reveals \(r_0\cdot g + m_0\) exactly, and therefore z.

In conclusion, for any degree of multi-linearity \(\kappa \), the subfield attack can be complemented with a quantum polynomial step to a complete break. Alternatively, when \(\kappa = O(\lambda ^c)\) for any \(c<1/2\), — leading according to the previous best known attacks to a choice of dimension — the \(2^{\tilde{O}(n^{2/3})}\) algorithms of Biasse and Biasse and Fiecker [Bia14, BF14] combined lead to a classical attack in time sub-exponential in \(\lambda \).

The Statistical Attack. This attack consists in recovering \(u\bar{u}\) and \(\langle u \rangle \) and using the Gentry-Szydlo algorithm [GS02, LS14] to recover u.

To recover \(\langle u\rangle \), note that we are given \(u (a_0, a_1)\). We will assume that \( \langle a_0 \rangle , \langle a_1 \rangle \) are coprime with constant probability, cf. Sect. 2.2. Under this assumption, \(\langle u\rangle \) can be recovered as \(\langle u\rangle = \langle u a_0\rangle + \langle u a_1\rangle \).Footnote 9

To recover more information on u, we can compute \(ua_0 \cdot {[x_i / x_0]}_q = u a_i\) for other \(i>1\), and the equation hold over \(\mathcal {R}\) because u and \(a_i\) are small. For \(i>1\), \(a_i\) is a independent of u and follows a spherical Gaussian of parameter \(\sigma \). It follows that the variance of \(ua_i\) leaks \(u \bar{u}\): \(\mathbb E[ua_i \cdot \overline{u a_i} ] = \sigma ^2 u \bar{u} \).

Given polynomially many samples \(x_i\) one can therefore recover \(u\bar{u}\) up to a approximation factor. The original attack of Gentry-Szydlo algorithm [GS02, LS14] requires the exact knowledge of \(u\bar{u}\) that could be obtained by rounding when u has poly-sized coefficient. However, the u provided by the subfield lattice attack is much larger. In [GGH13a] this algorithm is revisited and extended to when \(u \bar{u}\) is only known up to a \(1 + {{(\log n)}^{-\varTheta (\log n)}}\) approximation factor.

In conclusion, with the current algorithmic tools this approach is asymptotically inapplicable if we assume only a polynomial number of available samples, but only barely so. This raises the question of how to improve the tolerance of the Gentry-Szydlo algorithmFootnote 10. Yet, because \((\log n)^{\varTheta (\log n)}\) is arguably not so large, it is unclear whether this approach is really infeasible in practice.

We concur with the decision made in [GGH13a], to attempt to rule out such an attack by design even if it is not yet known how to fully exploit it.

5 Experimental Verification

Please refer to the full version of this work for experiments.

6 Conclusions

Practicality of the Attack. The largest instance we broke in practice is for the set of parameter \(n = 2^{12}\) and \(q \approx 2^{190}\). Choosing a relative degree \(r = 16\), the attack required to run LLL in dimension 512, which took about 120 hours, single-threaded, using Sage [Dev15] and Fplll [ABC+]. The direct, full field lattice reduction attack, according to root-Hermite-factor based predictions [CN11], would have required running BKZ in block-size \(\approx 130\), and in dimension 8192, which is hardly feasible with the current state-of-the art [CN11] (requiring more than \(2^{70}\) CPU cycles). We conclude that the subfield attack proposed in this work is not only theoretical but also practical.

Obstructions to Concrete Predictions. We are currently unable to predict precisely how a given set of parameters would be affected, for example to predict the power of this attack against concrete parameter choices of NTRU-based FHE [LTV12, BLLN13] and Multilinear Maps [GGH13a].

There are two issues for those predictions. The first issue is that we make use of LLL/BKZ in the approximation-factor regime, not in the Hermite-factor regime. While the behavior of LLL/BKZ is quite well modeled in the latter regime, we are not aware of precise models for the former for NTRU lattices. Unlike the Hermite-factor regime, this case could very well be influenced by the presence of many short vectors rather than just a few.

The second issue is that we do not know the actual size of the shortest vector of \(\varLambda _{h'}^q\): all we know is that it is no larger than \((f',g')\). In several cases in the experiments we found vectors \((x',y') = v(f',g')\) that were actually shorter than \((f',g')\)— the tentative root-approximation factor \(\alpha \) is less than 1. One may expect that \((f',g')\) may still be (or close to) the shortest vector for small relative degree r as it is the shortest with high probability in the full field (i.e. when \(r=1\)).

Immunity of NTRU Encryption and BLISS Signature Schemes. If q is small enough, then the attacks should become inapplicable, even with the smallest possible relative dimension \(r = 2\). Precisely, if \((f',g')\) is not an unusually short vector of \(\varLambda _{h'}^q\), then there is little hope that any lattice reduction strategy would lead to information on this vector. Quantitatively, this perfect immunity happens when \(\Vert (f',g')\Vert \approx \sqrt{2} \cdot \sigma ^2 \cdot n' > \sqrt{n' q / \pi e}\). This was the case of the old parameter of NTRU as discussed in [Gen01], which lead this attack being discarded. This is not the case of all the parameters of NTRUencrypt [HPS+15] and Bliss [DDLL13], for which \((f',g')\) is sometime unusually short vector, but not by a very large factor. Numerical values are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Vulnerability factor for some parameters of NTRUencrypt [HPS+15] and Bliss [DDLL13].

When the vulnerability factor F is less then 1, the parameters achieve perfect immunity. When F is greater than 1, the subfield attack consist informally of solving “unusual-SVP” in dimension \(2n' = n\), where the unusually short solutions are a factor F shorter than predicted by the Gaussian Heuristic.

According to this table, NTRU-743 should be perfectly immune to the subfield lattice attacks. For other parameters, it seems likely, despite imperfect immunity, that the subfield lattice attack will be more costly than the full attack, but calls for further study, especially for BLISS-I.

Note that the perfect immunity to this attack is achieved asymptotically around \(\sigma \approx \varTheta (q^{1/4})\), parameter for which h does not have enough entropy to be statistically close to random. For comparison, it was shown that for \(\sigma = \omega (q^{1/2})\), h is statistically close to uniform [SS11]. We note that \(\sigma > \varTheta (q^{1/4})\) could provide enough entropy for the normed-down public key \(h'\) to be almost uniform. It would be interesting to see if the proof of [SS11] can be adapted to \(h'\).

Recommendations. Even if credible predictions were to be made, we strongly discourage basing a cryptographic scheme on a set-up to which this attack is applicable. Indeed, it is quite likely that the performance of the attack may be improved in several ways. For example, after having found several subfield solutions \((x',y') = v (f',g')\), it is possible to run a lattice reduction algorithm in the lattice \((f',g')\cdot \mathcal O_{\mathbb L}\) of dimension \(n'\) rather than \(2n'\) to obtain significantly shorter vectors. Additionally, the lifting step may also be improved in the case where \(\mathcal O_{\mathbb L}\) is a real subfield using the Gentry-Syzdlo algorithm [GS02, LS14] to obtain shorter vector in the full field (i.e. recovering x from \({{\mathrm{N}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb L}(x)\)). More generally, one may recover x from \({{\mathrm{N}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb L}(x)\) even when \(\mathbb L\) isn’t the real subfield of \(\mathbb K\): assuming (x) is prime, it can be recovered as a factor of \({{\mathrm{N}}}_{\mathbb K/\mathbb L}(x)\), which then leads to x via a short generator recovery; as mentioned before, both steps are now known to be classically sub-exponential or even polynomial for quantum computers [Bia14, EHKS14, CGS14, BS16, CDPR16].

Evaluating concrete security against regular lattice attacks is already a difficult exercise, and leaving open additional algebraic and statistical attack opportunities will only make security assessment intractable. We therefore recommend that this set-up — NTRU assumption, presence of subfields, large modulus — be considered insecure.

Designing Immune Rings. We believe that our work further motivates the design and the study of number fields without subfields to fit for the lattice-based cryptographic purposes, as already recommended in [Ber14]. Even for assumptions that are not directly affected by this attack (Ring-SIS [Mic02], Ideal-LWE [SSTX09], Ring-LWE [LPR10]), it could be considered desirable to have efficient fallback options ready to use, in case subfields induce other unforeseen weaknesses. While this work does not suggest an immediate threat to the Ring-SIS and Ring-LWE, such a precaution is not unreasonable.

An interesting option has been suggested in [Ber14] to use rings of the form \(\mathbb Z[X]/(X^p-X-1)\). The design rationale seems to be that \(\mathbb Q[X]/(X^p-X-1)\) has a reasonable expansion factorFootnote 11 which is often needed for the correctness in cryptographic schemes, but is a non Galois extension with a very large Galois group for its splitting field, which is intended to hinder algebraic handles. In particular it contains no proper subfields. This leads to the design of the NTRUPrime encryption scheme [BCLvV16]. We note that the security of this scheme is not supported by a worst-case hardness argument. If such an argument is desired then we note that the search version of Ideal/Ring-LWE is supported by worst-case hardness for any choices of number field, and this is actually sufficient to achieve provable CPA-secure encryption, as already proved by Stehlé et al. [SSTX09].

Open Problems. Another natural option would be to choose p as a safe primeFootnote 12 and to work with the ring of integer of the totally real number field \(\mathbb K= \mathbb Q(\zeta _p + \bar{\zeta }_p)\). The field remains Galois, and its automorphism group may still allow a quantum worst-case (Ideal-SVP) to average-case (Ring-LWE) reduction a-la [LPR10] thanks to a generalization of the search to decision step presented in [CLS15]. Nevertheless the Galois group has prime order \((p-1) / 2\), it has no proper subgroups, and \(\mathbb K\) has no proper subfields.

But working with \(\mathbb K= \mathbb Q(\zeta _p + \bar{\zeta }_p)\) has a drawback: the class number \(h(\mathbb K) = h^+_p\) seems quite small (see [Was97, Table 4 pp. 421]), and this makes the worst-case ISVP problem solvable in quantum polynomial time for approximation factors \(2^{\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n})}\) as proved in [CDPR16, BS16]: the reduction of [LPR10] is vacuous for such parameters.

This raises the question of whether NTRU and Ring-LWE are actually strictly harder than ISVP in the underlying number field, whether algorithms for ISVP in \(\mathbb K\) can be lifted to modules over \(\mathbb K\) as used in NTRU, Ideal-LWE or Ring-LWE. In this regard, overstretched NTRU, and Ideal/Ring-LWE with large approximation factors over the ring \(\mathbb Z(\zeta _p + \bar{\zeta }_p)\) are very interesting cryptanalytic target: despite those rings not being used in any proposed schemes so far, such an attack will teach us a great deal on the asymptotic security of ideal-lattice based cryptography.