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Programming the Postdigital: Curation of Appropriation Processes in (Collaborative) Creative Coding Spaces

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Postdigital Science and Education Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Creative coding is a form of postdigital art that uses programming to solve esthetical problems, subordinating functionality to expression. It often comes with rather uncommon usage patterns of coding, going beyond technologies’ affordances and finding ways of appropriating them in an individual way and in exchange with others. The learning ecologies GitHub, Stack Overflow, and Pouët present digital infrastructures that curate and support such appropriation-related activities. The paper presents a qualitative analysis of the structure of these spaces, and the appropriation-related communication taking place. It shows how crucial the varying designs of the learning ecologies and the implemented interaction possibilities are for the appropriation activities taking place and draws a line to the desire for stronger participation in postdigital curation.

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This paper was created within the framework of the research project ‘Postdigital Art Practices in Cultural Education. Esthetical Encounters between Appropriation, Production and Education’ located at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany (BMBF) since 2017.

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Ackermann, J., Egger, B. & Scharlach, R. Programming the Postdigital: Curation of Appropriation Processes in (Collaborative) Creative Coding Spaces. Postdigit Sci Educ 2, 416–441 (2020).

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