
Recent research on geosciences related to the Mediterranean realm

We plan to publish a special issue based on the best performances presented during the first and second Mediterranean Geosciences Union (MedGU-21 and MedGU-22) Conferences in Istanbul and Marrakesh, respectively. Although the primary source will be papers presented during MedGU conferences, all studies related to the Mediterranean realm are welcomed. Articles can cover all fields of geology and physical geography pertaining to the Mediterranean basins and surrounding regions.

This collection was curated by the Editor in Chief from articles that also appear in the journal's issues. The journal’s standard peer review policy applies here.

The deadline for submission is March 31st, 2023, and a topical special issue will be published by the end of 2023. All accepted articles would receive a DOI and be online immediately, before the issue’s publication.

Please follow the hyperlink ‘Submit Online’ on the journal’s webpage and upload all your manuscript files following the ‘Instructions for Authors’. Any inquiries can be directed to Editor-in-Chef Prof Attila Çiner.


  • Attila Çiner

    Editor-in-Chief Ä°stanbul Technical University, Turkey

Articles (2 in this collection)