2.1 Basic Concepts

2.1.1 Emergency

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    Emergency concept

Public safety refers to the secure state of individuals, property, and social systems, without any form of destruction. Events that suddenly disrupt this state are referred to as emergencies or, more specifically, “sudden public incidents” or “emergencies.” According to the “General Emergency Plan for Sudden Public Incidents” issued by the government, a sudden public incident is an urgent event that occurs unexpectedly and results in or may result in significant casualties, property damage, ecological harm, severe social risks, and threats to public safety. These incidents can vary in scale, location, nature of hazards, and level of preparedness, leading to different impacts and consequences. The occurrence of these events is characterized by randomness and uncertainty. Improper response to such events can escalate them into larger-scale accidents, causing harm, loss, and destruction to life and property. Within the framework of the “Triangle of Public Safety,” sudden public incidents typically manifest as the catastrophic effects of various disaster factors. Examples include hazardous chemical leaks and large-scale outbreaks of infectious diseases (material impact), earthquakes (energy impact), and societal panic (information impact).

Internationally, sudden public incidents are generally categorized into two types: those caused by natural forces and those caused by human factors. For example, in the United States, sudden public incidents are classified as natural disasters, technological accidents, and terrorist disasters. In China, according to the “General Emergency Plan,” sudden public incidents are primarily classified into four categories based on their occurrence process, nature, and mechanism: natural disasters, accidents and disasters, public health incidents, and social security incidents.

  1. 1)

    A natural disaster. Natural disasters primarily refer to sudden incidents caused by natural factors. According to the “General Emergency Plan,” natural disasters in China mainly include water and drought disasters, meteorological disasters, earthquake disasters, geological disasters, marine disasters, biological disasters, and forest and grassland fires.

  2. 2)

    Accident disaster. Accidents and disasters primarily refer to emergency events caused by human factors, including unplanned incidents or accidents resulting from human activities or development. According to the “General Emergency Plan,” accidents and disasters in China mainly include various types of safety accidents in industries such as factories, mines, and commerce, transportation accidents, accidents involving public facilities and equipment, as well as environmental pollution and ecological damage incidents.

  3. 3)

    A public health event. According to the “General Emergency Plan,” public health incidents primarily include epidemic outbreaks of infectious diseases, mass outbreaks of unknown causes, food safety and occupational hazards, animal epidemics, as well as other events that seriously impact public health and life safety. These incidents predominantly manifest as various diseases that pose a threat to human or animal life and health, with causes that can be both natural and human-induced.

  4. 4)

    Social security incident. Social security incidents primarily refer to sudden events generated by individuals’ subjective intentions that pose a threat to social security. Social security incidents mainly include terrorist attacks, economic security incidents, and incidents related to foreign affairs.

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    Power emergency concept

Power emergency incidents refer to sudden and urgent events that may result in casualties, damage to power equipment, widespread power outages, environmental damage, and pose a threat to the security and stability of power companies and society. Emergency response measures need to be taken to address these incidents. Depending on the nature of the events, power emergency incidents can be classified into the following four categories:

  1. 1)

    Natural disasters category: This includes meteorological disasters (such as rain, snow, ice, severe weather, typhoons, floods, and heavy fog), earthquake disasters, geological disasters (such as landslides, mudslides, and ground collapses), forest fires, and other natural disasters that have adverse impacts on the lives of power employees, corporate property, and social stability.

  2. 2)

    Accidents and disasters category: This includes personal accidents, power grid accidents, equipment accidents, network and information security incidents, fire accidents, traffic accidents, and environmental pollution incidents within the field of power production. These accidents may have adverse impacts on the lives of power employees, corporate property, and social stability.

  3. 3)

    Public health category: This includes epidemic outbreaks of infectious diseases, mass outbreaks of unknown causes, food poisoning, and other public health incidents. These incidents may have adverse impacts on the lives of power employees, corporate property, and social stability.

  4. 4)

    Social security category: This primarily refers to mass incidents and sudden news media events that may have adverse impacts on power employees, power companies, and social stability. Social security events mainly include terrorist attacks, economic security incidents, and international emergencies. Social security events are primarily caused by human factors and often involve deliberate actions.

2.1.2 Intelligent Perception

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    Intelligent perception concept

There is currently no unified concept for intelligent perception. Generally, it is believed to be the combination of sensing and artificial intelligence. It not only includes the ability to acquire external information through sensors but also involves processes such as memory, learning, reasoning, and judgment to achieve the ability to perceive the environment, object categories, and attributes. From the understanding of the words, intelligent perception should consist of three parts-sensing, knowledge, and intelligence.

“Perception,” also known as sensing, refers to the ability of sensors to detect specified physical quantities and convert them into usable signals according to certain rules. The “specified physical quantities” generally refer to the measured physical quantities, while the “rules” refer to the operating principles of the sensors. The “usable signals” typically refer to electrical signals or parameters and signals that can be easily converted into electrical signals, including digital signals. For example, in the case of an all-fiber current sensor, the specified physical quantity is current, the rule is the magneto-optic effect, and the usable signal is an optical signal that can be converted into an electrical signal through photoelectric conversion. From the definition of a sensor, it is apparent that the output signal merely reflects the measured information, and its reliability and susceptibility to interference are not clear. To improve the reliability, accuracy, and other performance aspects of the measured results obtained by sensors, the combination of sensor technology and computer technology has given rise to intelligent sensor technology, transforming sensors into intelligent sensor systems. Intelligent sensor systems have a network connection in their structure and incorporate processes such as memory, learning, reasoning, and judgment into their workflow.

“Knowledge,” or knowing, refers to a human-like behavioral pattern achieved through certain technological means. Specifically, it refers to the performance achieved by intelligent sensor systems, where not only traditional sensor performance aspects like reliability are improved, but also conclusions can be directly drawn through logical reasoning based on the measured signals. Clearly, the “perception” in intelligent sensing fundamentally encompasses intelligent sensing involving logical reasoning, classification, and decision-making. It is not merely a concept similar to the “perception” defined in the context of sensors but carries a deeper connotation.

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    Smart grid concept

The concept of a smart grid was proposed by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in the United States in 2001, and it was later defined as a future form of the power grid in 2003. Although there is no unified definition of a smart grid, its underlying principles of construction are generally similar. The goal of a smart grid is to connect various energy resources (such as coal, hydro, solar, wind, etc.) with the development, transmission, storage, conversion (generation), transmission, distribution, supply, sale, service, and storage of electric power, as well as the electrical equipment and other energy-consuming facilities of end-users, through a digital information network system.

The key characteristics of a smart grid include a digital information network system, intelligent energy management and control, flexibility and dispatchability, reliability and security, sustainability and environmental friendliness. Through a smart grid, energy can be transmitted and utilized more efficiently, and the operation of the power system can be more flexible and reliable, allowing users to enjoy more reliable and high-quality electricity services. The construction of a smart grid requires the integration of various advanced technologies and devices, such as smart metering, remote monitoring, automation equipment, communication networks, data analysis, and artificial intelligence. Additionally, the realization of a smart grid also requires policy support, regulatory frameworks, market mechanisms, and collaborative efforts from partners.

2.1.3 Emergency Command

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    Emergency Management

Emergency management refers to a variety of human interventions that can prevent or reduce emergencies and their consequences. Emergency management can be implemented in response to emergencies to reduce the occurrence or the spatial and temporal intensity of their effects. It can also be implemented for disaster-bearing carriers, thus enhancing the resilience of disaster-bearing carriers. The study of emergency management focuses on the appropriate way, strength and timing of human intervention on emergencies and disaster-bearing vehicles, so as to prevent or control the occurrence and development of emergencies to the maximum extent, weaken the effects of emergencies and reduce the damage of disaster-bearing vehicles. The scientific and technological support for emergency management is reflected in being informed of the key objectives of emergency management, the scientific methods and key technologies of emergency management, and the appropriate timing and strength of the implementation of emergency measures.

Since the September 11 attacks, the international community has been paying more attention to public safety and emergency management. From the perspective of system theory, emergencies and their response have typical characteristics of complex systems, with complex spatio-temporal coupling among emergencies, disaster carriers and emergency management, which is an open system with high uncertainty. In the “triangle” framework of public safety, emergency management focuses on how to apply human intervention to prevent or reduce the occurrence of emergencies and weaken their role; to enhance the resilience of disaster-bearing carriers, interrupt the chain of secondary events and reduce losses; Avoiding the regeneration of emergencies and the destruction of disaster-bearing carriers that may result from improper emergency response, as well as excessive costs.

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    Emergency command

Emergency command is an organizational leadership activity conducted in emergency situations. The concept was originally derived from Army organizational command, which refers to the special direction of troops in combat and other military operations by Army commanders and their agencies. Nowadays, the concept of command has been widely used in various social management fields, referring to the organizational leadership of the higher level to the various activities of the lower level. In the field of emergency management, emergency command specifically refers to the special organizational leadership activities carried out by higher-level leaders and their organs on the emergency activities of lower levels and the handling of emergencies in the emergency response activities of emergencies. Since the establishment of emergency management system in China in 2006, emergency command has played an important role in emergency response, including command and dispatch, resource coordination, information sharing and guiding decision making. Emergency command aims to improve the efficiency and coordination of emergency response, ensure that emergencies are responded to and controlled in a timely manner, minimize damage, and protect the safety of people and society.

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    Emergency command system

The emergency command system is a set of mechanisms and measures established by the government and other public institutions in the process of prevention, response, disposal and management of emergencies, aiming to safeguard public life and property and promote the harmonious and healthy development of society. The system integrates modern technology and management tools to provide comprehensive real-time information support as its goal. The construction of the emergency command system is a complex system project involving several professional fields, such as public safety, monitoring and management, alarm linkage, computers and communications. The main functions of the system include: ① Information acquisition and processing: through various sensors, monitoring equipment, communication networks and other means, real-time acquisition, processing and transmission of information related to the emergency, including site images, sound, location and other specific details. ② Command and dispatch and decision support: Based on the collected information, provide comprehensive and accurate intelligence for commanders to help them make rapid and wise decisions and coordinate various departments and resources for emergency disposal. ③ Resource coordination and dispatching: Manage and dispatch emergency resources to ensure reasonable allocation and efficient use of resources, including personnel, equipment, materials, etc. ④ Communication and linkage: Establish an efficient communication network to realize real-time information exchange and linkage between multiple departments and levels to promote information sharing and collaborative work. ⑤ Command center and emergency commander training: establish an emergency command center as the core hub, equip professional commanders, and conduct training and drills to improve the capability and efficiency of emergency response.

2.1.4 Emergency Response Platform

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    Emergency platform concept

The emergency platform is a public safety technology as the core, information technology as the support, a combination of software and hardware emergency security technology system, is the implementation of emergency planning tools; with daily emergency management, risk analysis, monitoring, prediction and early warning, dynamic decision-making, comprehensive coordination, emergency linkage, simulation exercises, information exchange and sharing and summary evaluation and other functions, can be dynamically generated command program, rescue program, security program, etc.

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    Grid emergency platform

The power grid emergency platform is a technical security system built based on public security theory and using modern information technology, communication technology and power system analysis and control technology. Its main purpose is to respond to major emergencies and public security events such as serious accidents in power production, equipment damage, power supply crisis and serious natural disasters related to power production. The platform has emergency management functions such as emergency information collection and management, emergency watch, prediction and warning, dispatching and command, auxiliary decision making, electronic plan, resource management, exercise and evaluation, and information release.

The power grid emergency platform is a unified body of hardware and software required for power emergency management, and a fully integrated system that is a unified information support platform for the entire emergency process. It provides a full range of technical support for power emergency management. In the process of emergency treatment of large-scale power grid outage, the power grid emergency platform supports monitoring and control of danger sources, prediction and early warning, emergency command, accident rescue, social emergency rescue, post-processing, as well as emergency security, drill and training, and emergency information organization and release. In addition to emergency response to large-scale power outages, the grid emergency platform also supports basin flood control and dam safety emergencies, major construction project safety emergencies, social emergency linkages, emergency training and emergency drills. Once the grid emergency platform obtains the corresponding data, it can further analyze and process it to provide auxiliary services for emergency decision-making.

The construction and operation of the power grid emergency platform can improve the efficiency and capability of emergency management of the power system and realize timely response and coordinated response to emergencies. It is an important guarantee means to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power system, reduce losses and protect public safety, and also promotes the sustainable development of the power industry.

2.2 Theoretical Basis

2.2.1 Theory Related to Grid Sensing

Situational awareness technology is a technique for acquiring, understanding, displaying, and predicting the elements that can cause changes in system posture in a large-scale system environment. It provides data-based capabilities for macroscopic cognition and comprehensive analysis of the system's internal and external environments, similar to the intelligent cognitive processes of living things. The application of situational awareness technology in power systems can promote the integration of the application functions of various systems of power grid automation, significantly enhance the intelligence level of power systems, effectively improve the efficiency of power grid operation, and provide a strong guarantee for the safe and stable operation of power grids. Its important predictive and decision support capabilities are essential components necessary for realizing a truly smart grid.

Intelligent perception has a higher level of functionality compared to traditional perception. Traditional intelligent sensor systems mainly target specific physical quantities and aim to obtain more accurate measurement results and preliminary reasoning, classification and decision-making functions, which are relatively limited in terms of the information they obtain and their reasoning, classification and decision-making capabilities. And intelligent perception generates new feature information by acquiring more sensing information, and performs all-round reasoning and judgment through the synthesis of multiple feature information to form higher-level conclusions. Its theoretical basis includes feature extraction of sensing objects based on deep learning of big data and inference methods based on various features of bio-like mechanisms. For example, the camera is only a vision sensor, while the intelligent vision sensor can automatically focus, adjust the sensitivity according to the scene, obtain a clear image, and give preliminary judgment results, such as light intensity and spectral distribution. Monocular intelligent vision systems are capable of face recognition, identifying a specific target person in an image, while binocular intelligent vision systems are capable of simulating human vision, not only recognizing people, but also measuring the distance to the camera. Such a vision system first needs to acquire a clear image of the identified target, a function achieved by conventional smart sensors. Then, through image processing and feature extraction, it can compare, analyze and calculate with the sample set in order to produce accurate results. Intelligence is significantly improved compared to conventional smart sensors. Combining technologies such as human voice recognition, odor recognition, iris recognition and fingerprint recognition, almost 100% correct identity recognition can be achieved, further enhancing the perception capability. Such perception ability is enhanced even more.

The key technologies involved in smart grid sensing include sensor technology, artificial intelligence and big data technology, communication technology, etc.

2.2.2 Emergency Management Related Theory

Emergency management is a kind of whole process management before, during, during and after. The core objective of emergency management is to respond and dispose of emergencies, but the response and disposal of emergencies are inseparable from the emergency preparation under the normal state. Especially for routine emergencies, the effect of emergency response and disposal mainly depends on emergency preparedness. Therefore, emergency management includes not only the extraordinary work, but also the part of emergency work under normal conditions. In other words, emergency management should include the preparation work before the occurrence of an emergency, the response work after the occurrence of an emergency (such as evacuation, isolation, emergency disposal, etc.), and the social support, recovery and reconstruction work after the occurrence of an emergency.

The object of emergency management is a public emergency, that is, an emergency event that occurs suddenly and causes or may cause major casualties, property damage, ecological and environmental damage and serious social harm, endangering public safety; The main objective of emergency management is to “prevent and minimize damage caused by the occurrence of an event”. The whole process of emergency management should cover all aspects of emergency management before, during and after the incident, i.e., including prediction and warning, information reporting, emergency response, emergency disposal, recovery and reconstruction, and investigation and evaluation.

This shows that prediction and warning is the starting point of emergency management. At present, China has been emphasizing the issue of “prevention-oriented, the gateway to move forward”, that is, to do a good job of “prediction and early warning” work. The main purpose of forecasting and warning (which is the starting point of emergency management) is to prevent existing “potential hazards” from becoming “emergencies”. Although the current scope of emergency management has been extended to “prevention”, the focus of management is still on public emergencies. In this sense, emergency management is still relatively passive. Therefore, in order to promote the transformation of emergency management from “passive response” to “active protection”, we should carry out a more basic and fundamental level, that is, in “risk management”. The most important thing to do is to make an effort on “risk management”.

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    The main elements of emergency management theory

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    Accident life cycle theory

Hazards include three major categories: human hazards, physical hazards and liability hazards. First of all, human hazards can be divided into life hazards and health hazards; physical hazards refer to fire, lightning, typhoon, flood and other accidental disasters that threaten the safety of property; liability hazards are the legal liability for damages that arise from the law and are generally also known as third party liability insurance. Among them, the hazard consists of the accident, the possibility of the accident occurring and the state of danger that harbors the possibility of the accident occurring. The development of a general accident can be summarized into four stages: the gestation stage, the growth stage, the occurrence stage and the emergency stage.

Conception stage: the initial stage of the accident, which is caused by the underlying causes of the accident, such as socio-historical causes, technical and educational causes, etc. In a certain period of time due to some rules and regulations, safety and technical measures and other management tools have been destroyed, so that the material risk factors are not controlled and poor human quality, coupled with mechanical equipment due to the design, manufacturing process of various unreliability and insecurity, so that its innate latent danger, these are embedded in the possibility of accidents, are the conditions that lead to accidents.

Growth stage: Due to the unsafe behavior of people or unsafe state of things, coupled with management errors or defects, prompting the growth of accident hazards, the danger of the system increases, then the accident will develop from the gestation stage to the growth stage, it is a prerequisite for the accident to occur, and play a mediating role in causing the formation of injuries.

Occurrence stage: The accident is bound to happen when the accident develops to the growth stage and then the excitation factors come into play. This stage will inevitably result in injury or loss to people or objects, and the opportunity factor determines the extent of injury and loss.

Emergency phase: mainly includes two phases of emergency disposal and rehabilitation. Emergency disposal is the emergency and rescue actions taken immediately after the accident, including alarm and notification of the accident, emergency evacuation of personnel, first aid and medical treatment, fire and engineering rescue measures, information collection and emergency decision-making and external assistance; rehabilitation should be in the first place after the accident should make the accident-affected area back to a relatively safe basic state, and then gradually return to normal. The emergency response objectives are to rescue as many victims as possible, protect potentially threatened people, control and eliminate the accident as much as possible, return to normal as soon as possible, and reduce losses.

The connotation of incident emergency management includes four phases: prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery. Although in practice these phases often overlap, each part of them has its own separate objective and becomes part of the content of the next phase.

  1. 2)

    Emergency management life cycle theory

According to the development cycle of emergencies, the life cycle theory of emergency management provides a theoretical framework for the corresponding stages. Among them, the PPRR (prevention, preparation, response and recovery) theory proposed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of the United States is widely used. In addition, the National Governors Association (NGA) in the 1970s divided emergency management activities, policies, and programs into four phases based on the disaster cycle: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery, hence the name MPRR model. This is the life-cycle theory or four-stage theory of emergency management. The theory is the result of a summary of comprehensive emergency management, combined with lessons learned from numerous disasters. It starts with identifying and mitigating risks and aims to avoid preventable disaster consequences and mitigate the effects of unavoidable disasters. The response and recovery process prepares you for the next emergency.

In the PPRR model, the prevention and preparation phase is more important than the response and recovery phase. Only with good prevention and preparation can we better cope and recover. Without good prevention and preparedness, the effectiveness of the response and recovery phases will be limited. On the contrary, through good prevention and preparation, even if the response and recovery phases are not done well, the hazards and damages of emergencies can still be controlled, which reflects the importance of the “prevention-oriented” principle.

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    Emergency management link

According to the U.S. National Incident Management System (NIMS), the emergency management link can be under four links, as shown in the following figure (Fig. 2.1).

Fig. 2.1
A diagram presents 4 links of emergency management that can result in incidents to occur. The links are disaster response preparedness, earthquake disaster prevention and mitigation, emergency response, and post-disaster recovery and reconstruction.

The links of emergency management

Mitigation: i.e., prevention, refers to all measures to reduce the risk of emergencies to people and property in order to reduce the actual and potential losses caused by emergencies, the implementation of disaster prevention and mitigation measures throughout the event process, measures often obtained from the lessons learned from previous emergencies. The content of disaster prevention and mitigation involves reducing the likelihood of and losses from emergencies, as well as the exposure of disaster-bearing carriers to emergencies. The task is to identify the causes of emergencies and try to reduce their likelihood of occurrence or limit their scope of impact. The key to its research problem is to try to stop emergencies before they occur, including changing natural events or human behavior, or both can reduce the likelihood and consequences of emergencies; reduce the sources of accident hazards by controlling the hazardous substances themselves or by controlling their use by humans.

Preparedness: A series of well-designed major tasks and actions necessary to build, support, and improve operational capabilities to prevent, protect people from, respond to, and recover from domestic public emergencies. Preparedness is an ongoing process that includes various efforts to identify hazards, determine vulnerabilities, and identify resource requirements at all levels of government and between government and private organizations and non-governmental organizations. The content of disaster response preparation includes risk assessment, plan development, measure preparation and comprehensive evaluation.

Response: A public emergency with short-term, immediate consequences of the action. This includes prompt actions to save lives, protect property, and meet basic humanitarian needs; it also includes the implementation of emergency plans and disaster prevention and mitigation actions designed to reduce loss of life, injury to persons, damage to property, and other adverse consequences. Its contents can be divided into emergency event assessment, hazard control, personnel protection and incident management.

Recovery: refers to the development, coordination and implementation of service and site recovery plans; Rebuilding the government's operational capacity and service functions; Implementing assistance projects for individuals, the private sector, non-governmental and public to provide housing and promote recovery; Provide long-term care and treatment for those affected; and implementation of social, political, environmental, and economic recovery measures, assessment of the outbreak for lessons learned, and completion of incident reports; Proactive measures to mitigate the consequences of future events. Its components include disaster assessment, short-term recovery and reconstruction, long-term recovery and reconstruction, and recovery and reconstruction management.

  1. (3)

    Emergency management “a case of three systems”

The content of our emergency management is summarized as “a case of three systems”. “A case” refers to the emergency plan, that is, according to the occurrence and possible emergencies, prior research and development of response plans and programs. Emergency plans include overall plans, special plans and departmental plans of governments at all levels, as well as plans of grass-roots units and individual plans of large-scale activities. The “three systems” refer to the management system, operation mechanism and legal system of emergency work.

Emergency Preparedness: According to the definition of “Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, Emergency plan is a pre-developed program to control, mitigate and eliminate the serious social hazards caused by emergencies and regulate emergency response activities. Specifically, on the basis of identifying and assessing the potential major hazards, the type of event, the likelihood of occurrence and the process of occurrence, the consequences of the event and the severity of the impact, the emergency response agencies and responsibilities, personnel, technology, equipment, facilities (equipment), materials, rescue operations and their command and coordination, etc., make specific arrangements in advance, which clarify before, during and just after the occurrence of a public emergency It clarifies who is responsible for doing what and when, as well as the corresponding disposal methods and resource preparation.

Emergency management system: mainly under the unified leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, adhere to the principle of hierarchical management, hierarchical response, the combination of block, local management is the main; Establishing a sound centralized, unified and strong command structure; giving full play to our political and organizational advantages to form a strong social mobilization system; Establish and improve the leadership responsibility system based on the party committee and government of the place of occurrence, with the coordination and cooperation of relevant departments and related regions. The basic structure includes a decision-making body, an executive body, an operational body, an advisory team and an expert group.

Emergency operation mechanism: mainly to establish and improve the social early warning system, the formation of a unified command, fully functional, responsive, coordinated, orderly and efficient operation of the emergency mechanism. Its classification is currently divided in two different ways, governmental level and academic level. From the government level can be divided into prevention and emergency preparedness mechanism, monitoring and early warning mechanism, emergency decision-making and disposal mechanism, information dissemination and public opinion guidance mechanism, social mobilization mechanism, post-recovery and reconstruction mechanism, investigation and evaluation mechanism emergency security mechanism; The academic level can be divided into event management mechanism, process management mechanism, resource management mechanism, monitoring and management mechanism, and cooperative participation mechanism.

Emergency management legal system: mainly in accordance with the law of administration, efforts to make the emergency response to public emergencies gradually towards standardization, institutionalization and legalization track. And pay attention to the summary of practice to promote the continuous improvement of laws, regulations and rules. China published the “Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China” on August 30, 2007, to provide a basic framework for the legal system of emergency management and to establish the legal basis of the rule of law for emergency response in China, which is of great significance.

2.3 Grid Sensing Technology

2.3.1 Machine Vision Technology

The human visual system is composed of tens of thousands of nerve cells with different morphological functions, according to certain connection rules, forming a complex and advanced information processing system, which is the main component of the human body and is the main part of people's understanding of the complex unknown world and the colorful objective world. The retina is a key component of the human visual system and is an important way for people to experience the 3D world. The working principle of the retina is relatively simple, but the process is more complex. Light information is transformed into various neural impulses by the action of photoreceptor cells, and then the visual system, such as the optic nerve and the visual center, realizes deep processing of the acquired information, and people realize the understanding of 3D objects through the acquired processing information. For intelligent robots, they also have an advanced vision system. Machine vision is commonly known as a way for robots to obtain image information of external objects, that is, according to the principle of optics, using sensors to automatically obtain an image of a real object, and through the computer to carry out the corresponding processing and give a certain judgment to control the robot movement. That is to say, robots are using computers and various sensors to achieve human-like vision functions, and through computers, sensors and other core equipment to carry out objective cognition of the 3D world, including the acquisition and understanding of the surrounding environment in which they are located, the identification and positioning of target objects, etc. Machine vision is a discipline that integrates a variety of scientific theories and technologies, focusing on image acquisition, image processing and analysis, output, and display. In other words, the surface information of the object to be measured is first converted into 2D image data or 3D point cloud data, etc., and then various features of the image are extracted and later converted according to the requirements until it can be processed by the computer. At present, many research institutions and many scholars at home and abroad have conducted in-depth and systematic research on vision robots, and have achieved rich results.

The current rapid development of machine vision, but there is still no universal algorithm for accurate recognition of arbitrary objects, recognition algorithms face challenges in terms of robustness, computational complexity and scalability. Many domestic and foreign experts and scholars have conducted comprehensive and in-depth research on object recognition methods. Feature learning and classifier design have received a lot of attention, and these types of algorithms work well for object recognition in general categories. Currently the use of features to achieve object-specific recognition is a widespread and effective method, with feature matching and geometric verification being the key techniques of the recognition algorithm. The MOPED system developed by Carnegie Mellon University, USA, is a typical example of object recognition using local features. Target recognition is a key step in the application process of intelligent robots, and is the key for robots to sense their surroundings, recognize objects and understand them. The robot analyzes and identifies the target by image recognition technology through the image information of the actual object surface acquired by its vision system, as shown in Fig. 2.2. And image recognition technology can be generally divided into three stages, firstly the text recognition stage, then transition to 2D image recognition, and finally deep image recognition. At this stage, text recognition technology is relatively well developed, but its application areas also have significant limitations; 2D image recognition technology after recent decades of rapid development, the technology is relatively mature has a wide range of applications, but for image deformation, image rotation, scale scaling and other situations whose recognition efficiency is greatly reduced. In addition, 2D image recognition does not give the exact spatial location of the identified target; deep image recognition is the direction of image recognition technology development, this recognition technology can not only accurately identify the target, but also give the spatial location and direction of the target, so it can be better applied to intelligent robots. At the same time, with the development of technology and processing technology, depth sensors are developing rapidly and occupy a certain share in the sensor market. Such as ATOS and Microsoft's Kinect and other depth sensors make it easy to obtain depth images, 3D point clouds, and other 3D information data on the surface of objects. Therefore, the current trend of object recognition technology development is to use 3D information such as 3D point cloud data of the object surface for target recognition.

Fig. 2.2
A photograph has multiple objects in a room. The objects are cardboard boxes, a stand with a monitor, a keyboard in the lower rack, a C P U on the ground, and switches on the wall. Multiple colored circles are around the different objects in the photograph.

Machine vision point cloud recognition feature point matching process diagram

With the rapid development of computer vision technology, the research of target recognition based on 3D point cloud data has received more and more extensive attention. The target recognition of 3D point cloud data generally includes two parts: feature representation and feature matching strategy, and the matching recognition algorithm is a key component and a difficult point that needs to be tackled urgently. Object features can be classified as global features and local features, and the feature matching algorithms can be divided into direct feature point matching and indirect feature point matching methods. Therefore, there are various methods of target identification based on 3D point cloud data, and many domestic and foreign experts and scholars have done a lot of in-depth research on this, and achieved fruitful results.

2.3.2 Sensor Network Technologies

Sensing technology has a long history and the development of sensor networks has gone through four stages. The first generation sensor network is a simple measurement and control network, using wired transmission, with only a simple point-to-point transmission function, and complex wiring, poor anti-interference. The second generation sensor network is a measurement and control network composed of intelligent sensors and field control stations, and the biggest difference with the first generation sensor network is the realization of digital communication between control stations. The third generation sensor network refers to the intelligent sensor network based on fieldbus, fieldbus control system replaces the centralized control system, which is conducive to the development of sensor network in the direction of intelligence. After mankind enters the twenty-first century, the development of microelectromechanical systems technology, low-energy analog and digital circuit technology, low-energy radio frequency technology and sensor technology has made it possible to develop small, low-cost, low-power microsensors, while the development of radio, infrared, acoustic and other wireless communication technologies, especially the emergence of IEEE802.15.4 as the representative of the short-range radio communication standards, further gave birth to the fourth generation of sensor networks, namely Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN).

Wireless sensor networks are composed of a large number of small, low-cost sensor nodes with wireless communication, sensing and data processing capabilities deployed in the monitoring area. And each sensor node has the ability to store, transmit and process data. The nodes can exchange information with each other through the wireless network, and can also transmit information to the remote terminal. Figure 2.3 shows the deployment diagram of wireless sensor collection network application.

Fig. 2.3
An illustration presents the Earth, the Earth with a grid surface, and different wireless sensor collection objects. It includes satellites, radars, drones, cellular phones, sensors on bridges, buildings, and other objects.

Wireless sensor collection network application deployment diagram

2.3.3 Multiple Information Fusion Technology

The concept of multifaceted information fusion first originated from the need for warfare and was dependent on military applications. The U.S. Department of Defense JDL (Joint Directors of Laboratories) defines information fusion in terms of military applications as the process of combining, correlating, combining, and valuing data from many sensors and information sources to achieve accurate location and identity estimates, as well as a timely and complete evaluation of battlefield conditions and threats and their significance. However, with the development of information fusion, it has become an independent discipline, no longer influenced by a particular application apparently, but with the help of reasoning, generalization of concepts, and specialization of synthesis to ask its own questions. Edward Waltz and James Linas have added and modified the above definition by replacing the position estimation with state estimation and adding the function of detection, thus giving the following definition: Information fusion is a multi-layered, multi-faceted process that involves detecting, combining, correlating, estimating, and combining multiple data to achieve accurate status estimates and identity estimates, as well as complete and timely situational assessments and threat estimates. China's research work in multi-sensor technology started late, in the early 1990s, a number of domestic universities and research institutes began to engage in research work on this technology, and achieved a large number of theoretical research results, such as Sichuan University developed a multi-tube radar information fusion system, the system performance reached the world's leading level. From the late 1990s to the present, multifaceted information fusion technology has developed into a common key technology of concern to many parties in China, and many scholars have devoted themselves to research on maneuvering multi-target tracking, distributed information fusion, identity recognition, situational estimation, threat determination, warning systems, and decision information fusion. In summary, multivariate information fusion technology is increasingly broadening the engineering application scenarios in military and non-military fields, but multivariate fusion technology for distribution network operation state sensing data is still in its initial stage. The operation, control and analysis of the distribution system rely on various types of sensors installed in the distribution network, which are analyzed and processed under certain criteria to obtain the real-time conditions of the distribution network, so that the multiple information fusion technology can be introduced into the simulation of the real-time and future states of the distribution network.

2.4 Grid Emergency Technologies and Methods

2.4.1 Critical Incident Risk Assessment Techniques

Risk is the product of the probability and consequences of an event, and its basic characteristics are objectivity, suddenness, variability, and intangibility, which ISO refers to as the “uncertainty effect of the target”. The basic process of risk assessment is: ① Data collection and collation. Collect and organize the geographic information data, demographic statistics, economic statistics, emergency rescue resources distribution data, key infrastructure distribution data, etc. of the risk-prone area.② Comprehensive analysis of risk. Combined with the formation mechanism of the risk of emergencies, comprehensive analysis of the causative factors of emergencies, disaster-pregnant environment and other factors, providing information on the causative factors and disaster-pregnant environment that lead to emergencies, and grasp the causes of emergencies and their influencing factors. The GIS technology is used to generate the distribution map of disaster-causing factors, disaster-predisposing environment, causative factors, and comprehensive analysis of risk, etc. ③ Comprehensive analysis of vulnerability. Comprehensive analysis of the vulnerability of various disaster carriers (population, property, environment and infrastructure, etc.) in the risk-prone area provides information on the vulnerability of disaster carriers, and grasps the distribution of disaster carriers that may cause damage in the assessment area. GIS technology is used to generate information distribution maps of disaster carriers (population distribution map, property distribution map, critical infrastructure distribution map, etc.), distribution maps of possible event chains, and comprehensive vulnerability analysis maps, etc. ④ Comprehensive analysis of disaster prevention capability. Comprehensive analysis of various government and social disaster prevention capabilities to prevent emergencies and reduce the damage of disaster-bearing carriers, provide information on disaster prevention capabilities in response to emergencies, and grasp the distribution of various social resources and disaster prevention facilities in response to emergencies. GIS technology is used to generate emergency relief resources distribution map, disaster prevention facilities distribution map, and comprehensive analysis map of disaster prevention capacity. ⑤ Comprehensive analysis of secondary disasters. Comprehensive analysis of the secondary events that may be induced by the destruction of disaster-bearing carriers within the impact area of the emergency, providing information about secondary events and even event chains that may be induced by the emergency, and grasping the possible occurrence of event chains. GIS technology is used to generate information on possible secondary events, distribution maps of secondary event impact factors, and comprehensive analysis maps of induced secondary disasters.

Risk assessment can be divided into single-hazard risk assessment and multi-hazard integrated risk assessment according to the number of risk source types.

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    Single-hazard risk assessment

Common types of single-hazard risk assessment methods are based on indicator systems, based on predictive models (i.e., event evolution dynamics), and based on accident analysis. Currently, the familiar risk assessment methods based on indicator systems mostly use statistical principles and methods, as well as other mathematical methods to quantify the value of indicators and synthesize them into a systematic index. Due to the simplicity of the principle, easy to understand and operate, etc., it has become a more widely used method in the field of assessment at present. The method consists of three main parts: assessment indicators, weighting coefficients and mathematical statistical methods. Each indicator portrays a certain characteristic affecting the risk from different aspects, and each indicator corresponds to a weighting coefficient reflecting the degree of influence of the indicator on the total risk. Finally, the assessment values of multiple indicators are synthesized into an overall assessment value by mathematical methods, and the mathematical statistical methods often resorted to in their assessment include hierarchical analysis, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, and gray theory-based methods.

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    Hierarchical analysis steps

① Establishing a recursive hierarchical structure: constructing a hierarchical structural model, the complex problem is decomposed into components of elements, which are further divided into several levels according to their attributes and relationships, and the elements of the previous level act as criteria to govern the relevant elements of the next level; ② Constructing a two-by-two comparison judgment matrix; ③ Calculating the relative weights of elements under a single criterion: generally obtained by the eigenroot method of ranked weight vector calculation; ④ Calculating the synthetic weights of the elements of each level relative to the target level.

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    Steps of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method

Considering that there are a large number of fuzzy factors in various risk assessments, fuzzy evaluation of these factors can increase the reliability and scientificity of risk assessment results. ① Establish the fuzzy affiliation function of each index; ② Convert the results of literal linguistic estimation of risks by risk analysts and relevant experts to numerical descriptions by corresponding to the affiliation function; ③ Combine each risk factor according to the fuzzy relational operation rules to obtain the total risk degree fuzzy logical numerical description; ④ Compare the results with the affiliation function and reconvert them to literal linguistic risk degree descriptions.

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    Gray theory-based method steps

Gray theory is applicable to gray systems where the information is partially known and partially unknown, while risk information is usually not completely known, so the method based on gray theory can also be applied. ① The original data is processed by the cumulative generation method and the cumulative subtraction generation method; ② A gray model is built based on the generated numbers; ③ The determined model is tested for accuracy by the residual test, posterior difference test or correlation test; ④ When the accuracy meets the requirements, the model is used for risk analysis.

In addition, risk assessment methods based on predictive models/evolutionary dynamics of events simulate the evolutionary process of possible emergencies, analyze the scope and extent of their possible impact, examine the risk to human life, possible economic loss, environmental damage, and the risk compensation role of emergency rescue within that impact area, and thus calculate the total risk value. Risk assessment methods based on accident analysis include safety checklist method, advance hazard analysis, failure type and impact analysis method, event tree analysis method and accident tree analysis method.

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    Integrated multi-hazard risk assessment

Currently, research on single risk sources natural disasters or accidental catastrophes is more mature, but risk sources are often coupled, so the results of such risk analysis are often inaccurate and incomplete. Only when all relevant threats are considered and analyzed is it possible to reduce effective risk reduction. However, compared with the risk analysis of a single hazard or accident, the risk analysis of multiple hazards and accidents appears to be more complex and variable, mainly because the characteristics of various types of hazards and accidents are different, so the analysis methods may also differ significantly, and the interrelationships between multiple hazards and accidents may be very complex when they are concurrent, so it is not simply possible to superimpose different hazards. At the same time, many different research methods have been proposed by different researchers at home and abroad, and multiple analysis methods need to be adjusted and unified in order to be applicable to more general situations.

Comprehensive multi-hazard risk assessment generally takes natural disasters and accidental catastrophes as research objects, focusing on the risk assessment and zoning of the coupling of these emergencies. According to different disaster-incident interrelationships to distinguish different multi-hazard scenarios, multi-hazard scenarios are classified into 3 major categories of disaster-incident mutual enhancement, disaster-incident mutually exclusive weakening, and disaster-incident mutually unaffected, where disaster-incident mutual enhancement is divided into: ① Cross-category disasters: Natech events and human-initiated disasters. ② Disaster mutual enhancement (compound disaster): disaster chains and parallel disasters. ③ Accident mutual enhancement: Domino effect, parallel accident. The disaster-accident mutual enhancement includes both disaster-accident sets and disaster-accident episodes. Meanwhile, the parallel occurrence of disasters and accidents is also called parallel disaster accidents. Disaster-incident mutual enhancement is the part of multi-hazard risk assessment that focuses on. Because of the existence of interrelationship between hazard types, the risk of multi-hazard types cannot be treated as a simple linear sum of single-hazard risks. For the mutual reinforcement between hazard incidents, one is that one or more hazard incident processes triggers another or more hazard incident processes, resulting in an increase in the number, deepening and expansion of the damage; the other is that the state process of a hazard incident is changed due to the action of another or more hazard incidents, resulting in an increase in the intensity of the hazard incident and more serious consequences.

This section specifies the meaning of Natech event and domino effect in the scenario of mutual reinforcement of disaster incidents and the steps of risk assessment.

  1. 1)

    Natech event risk assessment

Natech refers to natural hazard events that trigger technological emergencies, accidents and disasters caused by natural disasters. In practice, natural disasters such as earthquakes, storms, floods and lightning are more likely to cause Natech events, and at the same time, it is easy to find that chemical parks are the key areas of concern for Natech events, and their key process equipment is vulnerable to natural disasters. Natural disasters such as storms, earthquakes and floods cause damage to the relevant structures in chemical parks through external impacts, resulting in the leakage of storage tanks containing toxic substances, which is the main evolutionary pattern of Natech events. At the same time, crush collisions between equipment units may also cause vessel pressure destabilization and lead to explosions.

Taking the chemical Natech event caused by flooding as an example, we introduce the steps of Natech event risk assessment: ① Assess the frequency and intensity of flooding. The frequency of flooding is expressed in terms of return period, and the intensity indicator is usually chosen to characterize the maximum water velocity and inundation height. These data are easily accessible and can be collected at the disaster site. ② Identification of equipment that may be damaged in a flood disaster. The type of disaster scenario is related to the following three factors: 1) the properties of the hazardous material; 2) the containment measures of the equipment; and 3) the possible forms of structural damage. Commonly damaged equipment in floods are: pipes, flanges, reaction units, storage tanks, etc. In this section, common atmospheric storage tanks are chosen as the main object of study. ③ Assumptions are made for disaster scenarios. The flood causes the storage tank to fail and rupture, and a chemical leak occurs, which in turn contaminates the water or air. ④ The probability of loss of the target equipment in a flood. Vulnerability of storage tanks in a flood is analyzed. ⑤ Quantitative risk assessment of hypothetical scenarios. By means of event tree analysis, the consequences of a disaster can be expressed in the form of individual risk and social risk.

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    Domino accident risk assessment

The domino effect is a phenomenon that occurs in an accident disaster when the initial accident occurs and the spread of the accident leads to an accident in one or more adjacent devices, resulting in a total accident that is more severe than the initial accident. There are many studies on the concept of domino effect, but in general, its core is “initial accident-propagation path-target equipment or unit”, which is essentially a “accident chain”. In industrial production, domino accidents are usually fires, explosions and toxic spills, where fire heat radiation, explosion fragments and explosion shock waves are the three main factors leading to accident propagation. Generally speaking, toxic spills do not further cause “fire and explosion poison” accident, so it is usually as the domino effect of the last accident.

Taking the Tianjiayi chemical enterprise in Ringshui County, Jiangsu Province as an example, we introduce the steps of applying Monte Carlo simulation method to carry out Domino accident risk assessment: ① Preparation stage. In the preparation stage of quantitative risk assessment of Domino accidents, a detailed hazard source analysis is required, including site construction, accident category identification and base model selection, and the most common method is process hazard analysis (PHA). ② Determine the initial accident. The LOC (Loss-of-containment) event is introduced to the random chemical plant in the accident scenario, and the initial accident of fire, explosion and poison can be triggered according to the corresponding event tree model, so that the frequency of the corresponding initial accident, the physical effect field of the accident and the accident escalation probability matrix can be calculated by the corresponding accident analysis model. ③ Accident escalation simulation. Based on the escalation probability matrix of the initial accident, the damage probability of the chemical plant in the accident scenario under the influence of the initial accident can be analyzed, and this analysis process is realized by generating random numbers. The accident escalation probability of each undamaged chemical plant in the accident scenario needs to be determined based on its accident escalation probability. ④ Iterative accident simulation. The purpose of this step is to carry out an iterative simulation of the accident escalation process in unit time steps until the end of the domino accident development process. ⑤ Monte Carlo simulation. The implementation of Monte Carlo simulation requires a large number of repetitions of steps two to four. Through Monte Carlo simulations, the initial accident occurrence frequencies of all possible accident scenarios for this domino accident and the large-scale physical effect fields can be obtained. ⑥ Analysis of results. Based on the large-scale physical effect fields and the application of the accident injury analysis model, the dynamic distribution of human mortality in the region can be calculated to obtain the regional individual risk distribution.

2.4.2 Emergency Monitoring and Warning Technology

Emergency monitoring and early warning technology is based on monitoring and monitoring data, prediction and analysis of emergencies, according to the analysis results of the early warning information release process, including the monitoring and monitoring of emergencies and their related information, emergency prediction and early warning, etc.

Monitoring and control is to observe, measure, record and analyze the collected data and propose control measures for various safety and environmental parameters of the emergency and its related things and phenomena. In the emergency before, during or after the event, can be performed as needed to perform a variety of monitoring and surveillance tasks. The monitoring route can be divided into contact and non-contact two. The purpose of monitoring and surveillance is to obtain a variety of data and information related to the prevention and disposal of emergencies, in peacetime, this data and information can be used as the basis for risk identification, risk assessment, prediction and warning, while in wartime, it is an important source of information for emergency decision-making and will become an important basis for decision analysis.

Pre-event monitoring and warning refers to risk analysis, risk assessment, prediction of the possibility of emergencies, and the release of various early warning information to emergency staff or the public (such as the occurrence of emergencies warning information the duration and scope of emergencies, secondary and derivative events occurring risk, etc.); in-event monitoring and warning refers to the development trend and impact of emergencies through scientific methods (such as model simulation extrapolation). This prediction also includes the pre-evaluation of intervention measures, i.e., the prediction of the expected effect of the disposal behavior to be taken. In view of the positioning and functions of the power grid emergency platform, the emergency platform focuses more on the monitoring of the comprehensive risk potential of emergencies and comprehensive prediction and early warning, using the data aggregation and departmental synergy advantages of the emergency platform to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the conception, occurrence and development of emergencies.

  1. (1)

    Monitoring and control technology of risk and potential hazards

Risk monitoring and control technology includes risk identification technology, risk source monitoring technology, comprehensive risk assessment technology, risk prevention and control technology, etc. Risk identification is the basis of risk assessment, which is to systematically categorize and comprehensively identify various potential risks that have not yet occurred, and to determine which potential factors will lead to the occurrence of events, or under certain specific conditions will further expand the events that have occurred, or even cause secondary and derivative events, resulting in greater losses. Risk source monitoring is the application of the principles and methods of systems theory, cybernetics, information theory, combined with automatic monitoring technology, sensors, computers, communications and other modern high-tech, real-time monitoring of the safety of risk sources, speed collection of a variety of digital and non-digital information, especially those that may make the safety of the risk source to the non-normal state of the trend of change of various parameters, to give the results of risk assessment. Timely issuance of early warning information, the hidden danger in the nascent state. Common monitoring and surveillance methods are video monitoring and surveillance methods, wireless monitoring and surveillance methods and 3S monitoring and surveillance methods.

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    Video monitoring and surveillance methods. Widely used in the field of security, divided into closed-circuit television monitoring system and remote network video surveillance system. Video surveillance system mainly consists of monitoring front-end, management center, monitoring center, PC client, and wireless network bridge.

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    Wireless monitoring and surveillance method. The prototype is a distributed sensor network, the main components of which are data acquisition network, data distribution network, nodes integrated with sensors, data processing units and communication modules, each node forms a distributed network through a protocol, and transmits the collected data to the information processing center via radio waves after optimization.

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    3S monitoring methods. 3S includes Global Positioning System (GPS), Remote Sensing System (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS). GPS monitors the deformation information of space objects, such as the deformation of landslides, the deformation of bridges and dams, etc. RS remote sensing images can pick up all kinds of characteristic information and detect the change of risk factors through sequence images, and GIS can dynamically display and analyze the data and maintain and manage them.

Risk assessment is divided into quantitative comprehensive risk assessment under single disaster and comprehensive risk assessment under multi-disaster coupling disaster. The quantitative comprehensive risk assessment in the case of single disaster is to give the corresponding risk assessment method based on a certain hazard source, while the comprehensive risk assessment of single emergency is mainly based on index system. The general idea of multi-hazard risk assessment based on emergent event chain is briefly introduced in this paper. The mathematical model of hazard comprehensive risk assessment based on induction probability matrix is used. Risk prevention and control refers to the prevention and control of risks by means of risk avoidance, risk prevention, risk control, risk tolerance, risk transfer and other methods based on the monitoring information of potential risks. When carrying out risk prevention and control, appropriate risk treatment methods shall be selected according to the characteristics of different risks, and the risk control methods shall be selected accurately and reasonably according to the results of risk forecast, identification, assessment and analysis as far as possible, and the risk treatment plan shall be adjusted timely according to the changes of risk monitoring information.

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    Comprehensive forecasting and early warning technology

Comprehensive Forecasting and Early Warning Technology. The qualitative and quantitative forecasting methods shall be adopted to simulate and analyze the development of the situation and the consequences, predict the possible secondary and derivative events, determine the scope, mode, duration and degree of harm of the event, and put forward early warning and grading suggestions in combination with the relevant early warning grading indicators. The difficulty of comprehensive forecast and early warning is that we need to combine the historical and statistical data of different fields closely to make statistical analysis, mathematical and physical modeling and numerical calculation.

The research methods of predictive model include deterministic research method, stochastic research method, information-based research method, system science research method and compound research method. Deterministic research methods mainly refer to experimental simulation, theoretical analysis and numerical simulation; stochastic research methods mainly study the laws of time series, spatial distribution and space–time coupling of public security science by means of probability, statistics and analysis, such as time series analysis method, spatial statistics analysis method and space–time coupling analysis method; information-based research methods mainly refer to the supplement of deterministic research methods and stochastic research methods, such as the acquisition of data in the experimental simulation of deterministic methods, the determination of some parameters, initial parameters and boundary parameters in theoretical analysis and numerical simulation, and the modification of intermediate results, etc.; for stochastic research methods, it is also necessary to have sufficient and effective data or information to conduct statistical analysis of the results of stochastic research methods, which will have an impact on the results of stochastic research methods, and these are inseparable from information-based research methods; systematic scientific research methods include non-linear scientific research methods such as synergistic research methods, mutation theory, etc., and research methods of complexity science such as Based on Methods, cellular automata and complex network dynamics, etc.; compound research methods are comprehensive methods formed by using several of these four methods when studying a public security scientific problem.

The prediction and analysis models of typical emergencies in power grid emergency platform include earthquake disaster damage model, landslide disaster damage model, typhoon disaster damage model, rainstorm flood disaster damage model, snow freezing disaster damage model, etc. At present, based on the understanding of the formation mechanism, disaster-causing mechanism and evolution law of some unexpected events, some scientific models and algorithms have been established to predict and analyze power grid disasters and accidents, but some models are not mature and perfect. According to the needs of emergency platform construction, some models with high input parameters, difficult to obtain parameter information, complicated steps and complex algorithms need to be improved.

2.4.3 Emergency Information Interaction and Integration Technology

Information technology is the basis for the development of the emergency system, and many developed countries have already established a relatively complete emergency platform system, and various emergency equipment technology has been quite mature. In the construction of the emergency platform system in the United States, Japan and other developed countries, all attach great importance to the application of digital information technology, the United States is more concerned about the investment in software platforms, while Japan is more concerned about the smooth flow of information and communication, all of which have good significance for the planning and construction of China's digital emergency system.

  1. (1)

    Emergency Geographic Information Technology

Geographic information belongs to the basic information of national economic construction, and plays an important role in the process of disaster prevention and emergency disposal. In the process of emergency response, it is often necessary to realize geographic information exchange and sharing between relevant emergency management departments. In the construction of emergency platform system, both government emergency platforms at all levels and professional departmental emergency platforms need the support of basic geographic information data. In order to avoid duplicate construction, facilitate the subsequent updating and maintenance of basic geographic information, and meet the demand for real-time and consistent on-site geographic information data for emergency disposal, it is necessary to study the interoperability between emergency platforms, insufficient information in the emergency disposal environment, and establish an integrated system of geographic information services for emergency management.

As a new direction in the development of GIS technology, geographic information service has become a new solution for geographic information sharing and processing in a distributed environment in recent years. How to use geographic information service technology to realize the sharing and exchange of geographic information between emergency management departments is one of the key technical problems that need to be solved for the interconnection of emergency platform system. The key technologies involved in emergency geo-information technology include: emergency geo-information service integration, emergency geo-information service resource discovery, geo-information integrated service optimization, etc.

The current primary approach to resource discovery for World Wide Web (Web) services provides only a general solution for Web service users to discover and access services. Geographic information services have their own characteristics, which require special analysis and research. In addition, given the special characteristics of the public safety field, it is necessary to study the typical service resource query requests of emergency management users and research the discovery and access algorithms of emergency geographic information services applicable to the business needs of emergency management. Web element service (WFS) is an important way to carry out vector geographic information data sharing, and WFS service often causes large transmission cost when integrating query because it adopts geographic identity language (GML) as the carrier of spatial data, and it is necessary to study the optimization strategy of WFS integrated service connection query.

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    Information integration technology

Information integration is a concept of organizing and managing information for a certain goal or for a specific service, and the core of integration is to take resources as a large system and adopt technical means to integrate and share resources. The information of subsystems and users in the system adopts a unified standard, specification and code to achieve system-wide information sharing, which in turn can realize the interaction and orderly work between the software of users. The basis of information integration is standardization, which mainly includes communication protocol standardization (e.g. MAP/TOP, Manufacturing Automation Protocol/Technical Office Protocol, etc.), product data standardization (e.g. STEP, Standard for exchange of product model data, etc.), as well as regulation network standardization, electronic document standardization, interactive graphics standardization, etc. The integration platform is a powerful tool for information integration and is an application of object-oriented open integration technology, for example, there are N applications that need to interact, and as long as each application is connected to the integration platform separately, the integration of N applications can be realized with the support of a group of integration servers, thus the complexity of integration is reduced from multiple to one. The key technologies involved in emergency geo-information technology include: heterogeneous database integration technology, middleware-based information integration technology, XML-based information integration technology, etc.

  1. 1)

    Heterogeneous database integration technology

There are mainly two options for heterogeneous database integration: multi-database language system and schema integration. The former only provides a unified multi-database operation language and a common interface to access member databases, and each member database is highly autonomous, but does not address semantic heterogeneity and achieve access locality transparency, the user must specify the database to be accessed, and the constraints or dependencies between databases must be defined and maintained by the user and the application. This method is more suitable for integrating a small number of databases. The schema integration system provides a global schema that allows clients to access each member database transparently, with the member databases still maintaining a high degree of autonomy. Schema integration is more suitable for integrating a large number of databases or databases with high access transparency requirements.

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    Middleware-based information integration technology

With the wide application of information technology in various industries, there is an urgent need to integrate information from a large number of semi-structured or unstructured data sources, such as Web information, and the system is required to be scalable to integrate additional data sources. Traditional database integration methods based on schema integration are no longer applicable to this new requirement, and middleware-based information systems have been proposed. Middleware-based information system architecture can improve concurrency of query processing and reduce response time by splitting processing tasks between middleware and wrappers. A wrapper encapsulates a specific data source, converts its data model to the common model adopted by the system as its output model, and provides a consistent physical access mechanism. The middleware focuses on global query processing and optimization, with a global schema described using a common model. It resolves data redundancy and inconsistency by calling wrappers or other middleware to integrate information from data sources, providing consistent and coordinated views of data and a unified query language. The wrapper can be either in the same location as the middleware or in the same location as the data source, depending on the performance requirements of the system, the attribution of the data source and its access control privileges.

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    XML-based information integration technology

XML, the Extensible Markup Language, is SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), as is HTML. XML is a cross-platform, content-dependent technology in the Internet environment and is a powerful tool for handling structured document information today. Extensible Markup Language XML is a simple data storage language that describes data using a series of simple tags that can be built in a convenient way. XML has great potential to become a new generation of data exchange standards, but because database management systems have more powerful data management functions, efficient data access, data consistency automation guarantee mechanism, powerful data integrity guarantee mechanism, and multi-user concurrent access control mechanism than XML, in practical applications, the storage management of large amounts of data still relies on database management systems, and the core role of XML is reflected in the implementation of shared data exchange, which has three roles: modeling of complex product data objects, exchange of shared data, and direct operation of the Web.

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    Grid information integration platform

Grid enterprise information integration platform can use grid heterogeneous database integration technology, middleware-based information integration technology, XML-based information integration technology to realize grid enterprise information integration services. The overall architecture of grid enterprise information integration can be integrated from both horizontal and vertical aspects, horizontal is mainly the integration of data information between different information systems within the grid enterprise level, vertical information integration is mainly the integration of data information between the upper and lower level units of the grid enterprise, horizontal and vertical information through the grid enterprise information integration platform constitutes the grid enterprise information interweaving, forming the grid enterprise information exchange horizontal and vertical exchange integration system.

Horizontal information integration of grid enterprises can use heterogeneous database and XML integration technology to form a grid enterprise bus for horizontal information integration of data. Vertical information integration of power grid enterprises can use heterogeneous database integration technology and middleware information integration technology to build a vertical exchange platform for power grid enterprises to realize vertical information exchange between upper and lower level units of power grid enterprises.

2.4.4 Emergency Command and Decision-Making Integrated Research and Diagnosis Technology

Emergency command and decision-making comprehensive research and analysis is after the occurrence of an emergency, in order to control the situation, reduce the loss of life and property and carry out the analysis and decision-making work, including information receiving, on-site information acquisition and display, query and analysis, situational mapping, intelligent auxiliary program production, resource scheduling and tracking, etc. In the emergency command and decision-making process, how to organize cross-field, cross-level, cross-departmental consultation and decision-making, and carry out collaborative disposal, which is a key link and a key issue in the face of emergency management of emergencies. On the basis of modern communication technology, GIS and other modern technologies, we can realize online collaborative meetings between multiple parties and different locations by integrating text, voice, video and other media interaction means, as well as “emergency one map” theory and technical research results. Emergency decision-making techniques include model chain methods, digital preplanning methods, knowledge rule-based reasoning, case-based reasoning, multi-type knowledge coupling methods, scenario evolution methods, etc. Among them, the emergency decision-making model based on human–computer interaction technology provides an important support for scientific decision-making and efficient disposal of emergency management. Decision support systems are computer applications that assist decision makers in making semi-structured or unstructured decisions through data, models and knowledge in a human–computer interactive manner. It is an advanced information management system resulting from the development of management information systems to a higher level. It provides decision makers with an environment to analyze problems to build models, simulate decision-making processes and scenarios, and call on various information resources and analytical tools to help decision makers improve the level and quality of their decisions.

  1. (1)

    Online meeting technology

In the emergency disposal of emergencies, it often requires cross-regional and cross-departmental collaborative emergency command and consultation, and for serious incidents, an on-site emergency command will be set up, which requires timely transmission of on-site information (such as the latitude and longitude of the accident site, type of disaster, casualty statistics, the scope of the incident, resource requirements, etc.) back to the rear, which, with the support of a powerful database and professional analysis system, will provide timely feedback to the front after comprehensive analysis of disaster prediction and warning results, emergency resource distribution and dispatch information to assist in the emergency disposal of the site. The online consultation technology of “Emergency One Map” can solve the problem of asymmetric information of multiple parties and incomplete information of a single party.

Traditional multi-party online conferencing is mostly based on video conferencing technology, through computer networks, in the form of voice, text and video conferencing. Videoconferencing, because of its lack of processing and support of spatial geographic information, often makes it difficult for participants to understand the location of the incident, the surrounding geographic environment, the distribution and damage of the road network at the scene, the spatial distribution of emergency resources and the location of the deployment of emergency rescue forces, and other information, making it difficult to accurately describe the spatial relationship between objects. Based on GIS technology, communication technology and computer technology, we can build a multi-party online consultation system for emergency response, which can support participants to map on the same map, exchange information in the form of graphics and text, and superimpose professional prediction and warning results of disasters from various departments, and jointly discuss and analyze the disposal measures for disasters with the support of professional database.

“ Emergency One Map” means that the initiator of the online meeting or other data owners participating in the meeting provide the basic map data, and the participants of the meeting map out the basic map and discuss disaster response measures through the interaction of text, map drawing symbols, voice and video information. The consistency of data source, data accuracy, spatial reference, and map symbol expression of “Emergency One Map” ensures that all participants can negotiate and make decisions in the same semantic environment during online meetings, and ensures the accuracy of information transmission and expression. “The “Emergency One Map” needs to solve three key technical problems: ① how to quickly build an online consultation “base map”, which consists of digital maps, on-site images (remote sensing images, aerial images, photos, etc.), hazard sources, key protection targets and emergency resources; ② how to quickly distribute the “base map” to all parties involved in the online consultation; ③ how to eliminate the semantic differences between the geographic identifiers used by the parties in the multi-party consultation and create a unified graphical language.

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    Emergency decision-making technology

Emergency decision-making is the process of studying and selecting emergency response processes and action plans in order to carry out prevention, disposal and rescue work quickly and effectively. The emergency command and decision making of power grid enterprises mainly realize the process of dealing with emergencies to provide comprehensive and accurate assistant decision analysis capability, through the analysis of information and data reasoning, to make the fastest response to emergencies in the shortest time and provide suitable auxiliary measures plan, with the help of reliable network and telephone and other communication tools to convey the decision information in a timely manner, and use advanced display technology to better express the decision information.

The research on emergency decision-making techniques is based on traditional operations research and artificial intelligence techniques on the one hand, considering the special needs and constraints of emergency decision-making, and extending and improving the traditional techniques to adapt them to the needs of decision-making activities in the emergency event environment. For example, the traditional model library system, case-based reasoning, rule-based reasoning and other methods and theories can be introduced into the system construction of emergency decision-making to establish corresponding emergency decision-making support models; on the other hand, in recent years, some researchers have introduced scenario planning, scenario evolution and other theories into the emergency decision-making system of various major emergencies and proposed the “scenario-response” emergency decision-making model based on scenario reproduction and situational projection.

Emergencies are characterized by suddenness, complexity, diversity, relevance, timeliness and uncertainty, etc. For emergency decision-making, two issues need to be addressed: first, the response to primary events and their secondary and derivative events; second, the multiparty collaborative response across departments and regions. For these two problems, we can use the traditional “prediction-response” model to maximize the multi-event prediction and early warning capability to solve some of the problems based on people's knowledge of the laws of emergencies, and at the same time, we can use the multi-party collaborative consultation model to make decisions on the difficult-to-understand parts. At the same time, a reasonable “man–machine” relationship should be established and an effective method of integrating various emergency technologies should be proposed. Human–computer interaction-based emergency decision-making technology is a kind of technology that combines the two modes of “prediction-response” and “scenario-response” and effectively integrates various emergency technology methods by establishing a reasonable “human–computer” relationship in response to the dual laws of certainty and randomness of emergencies. Based on the emergency platform system, this technology can better solve the integration and balance of the two modes of “prediction-response” and “scenario-response” in the emergency platform system, and better serve the disposal of emergencies.