
1 Introduction

In recent years, the Key Laboratory of complex ship system simulation has accumulated a large amount of equipment system demand demonstration data, equipment construction scheme data, equipment performance data, and equipment performance data in the process of using the simulation experiment system for equipment system development to provide support for equipment combat demand demonstration [1], equipment development strategy demonstration, equipment planning plan demonstration and equipment key technology demonstration Force deployment data, equipment combat effectiveness data, battlefield environment data, key technology data and other multi type data [2,3,4]. Due to the different use characteristics and storage structure of the data of each system in the experimental environment, the utility of each system is single, and the value of the data can not be fully realized [5,6,7]; Therefore, the author introduces big data technology to find out the relationship in the process of operational demand demonstration, development strategy demonstration, planning plan demonstration and key technology demonstration, mine and give full play to the maximum utility of existing data, and realize the integrated and collaborative demonstration among operational demand, development strategy, equipment construction and key technology [8].

2 Application Mode of Big Data Technology in Simulation Experiment

A simulation experiment system has been built with the operational experiment database and key technology management platform as the data support and the operational deduction research, operational simulation research, military value analysis method, system evolution simulation method and technology maturity evaluation method as the theoretical support, so as to complete the demonstration from equipment operational requirements to equipment development strategy, and then to equipment construction planning, Until the whole process and multi angle demonstration process of equipment key technology demonstration, so as to realize the construction and development of weapon equipment demonstration system [9]. Equipment system of systems experimental framework is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Equipment system of systems experimental framework

The operational experiment database mainly provides data support for operational deduction research and operational simulation research. Operational deduction research and operational simulation research jointly provide theoretical support for the equipment system of systems confrontation simulation experimental environment to support the demonstration of operational requirements.

Military value analysis method and system evolution simulation method jointly provide theoretical support for the simulation analysis experimental environment of equipment development planning.

The key technology management platform provides data support for the technology maturity evaluation method, and together constitutes the equipment key technology evaluation experimental environment to support the key technology demonstration.

The equipment system of systems confrontation simulation experiment environment, equipment development planning simulation analysis experiment environment, equipment key technology evaluation experiment environment and combat experiment database support each other and cooperate organically, which constitute the experimental framework for the development of equipment system of systems.

3 Application Process of Big Data Technology in Simulation Experiment

In the demonstration process for the development of equipment system, a set of integrated demonstration methods are provided by using the above experimental framework. There is still no actual coordinated demonstration in the data flow, and the systems only achieve logical consistency. When facing the demonstration task, they mostly rely on the experience analysis of arguers, Independently use each system to provide corresponding experimental support.

Introduce big data technology, adopt big data storage and management technology, break through the data barriers between systems, comprehensively analyze the heterogeneous data of multiple systems and scenarios by using big data analysis technologies such as data mining and in-depth learning, identify valuable information from massive data information, analyze and judge the laws of strategic and tactical application, equipment development and construction According to the evolution law of equipment structure and the iteration law of key technologies, starting from the top level of operational requirements, clarify the equipment development strategy, put forward the equipment construction plan, sort out the framework system and development roadmap of key supporting technologies, and provide scientific experimental support for the better and faster development of weapon equipment system. The application process of big data technology is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Application process of big data in equipment system of systems simulation experiment

4 Application Analysis of Big Data Technology

At this stage, the data in the equipment system simulation experiment fails to meet the requirements of big data characteristics, the data volume is not enough, the data acquisition process is slow, the real-time contact with the real equipment state cannot be established, and the battlefield environment data is one-sided and untrue. To make full use of the advantages of big data technology, we must recognize the shortcomings and difficulties of applying big data technology in the current equipment system simulation experiment.

  1. 1)

    Data acquisition channels are blocked.

    At present, major units have established multiple data centers. Due to the poor organizational relationship, the interconnection between data centers has not been solved. Many important data are basically distributed in the hands of business organs, and a complete and easy-to-use data warehouse has not been formed.

  2. 2)

    Poor real-time data.

    In the equipment system simulation experiment, the data sources include military exercises, major subject research, data engineering construction, scheme evaluation, etc. the real-time performance of the data is difficult to be guaranteed, especially the equipment strength statistics, which is updated once a year. Even if the data is obtained, it is the equipment state one year ago, and the research and analysis conclusions can not reflect the latest equipment situation.

  3. 3)

    The doubling of data volume challenges data storage capacity.

    Video, audio, battlefield environment monitoring data and other huge data sources require the use of special database technology and special data storage equipment. The doubling of the amount of data is a great challenge to the data storage capacity.

  4. 4)

    Diverse data types challenge data processing capabilities.

    With the increase of multi-source data storage, data types become more complex, including not only traditional relational data types, but also unprocessed, semi-structured and unstructured data in the form of web pages, video, audio and documents. The diversification of data types challenges the traditional data analysis platform.

  5. 5)

    Data heterogeneity and incompleteness challenge the ability of data management.

    Equipment system of systems simulation experiments involve a wide range of data. The data directly obtained or precipitated by experiments are generally heterogeneous, which is difficult to describe with a simple data structure.

  6. 6)

    Data security challenges organizational management.

    Data is faced with security risks in the process of storage, processing and transmission. For military data, data security is the top priority. In order to achieve big data security and ensure the efficient and rational use of data, it has brought challenges to the current organization and management mode.

5 Conclusion

In the simulation experiment for the development of equipment system, big data technology is introduced to mine and analyze the hidden laws of equipment application, development and evolution according to systematic thinking, so as to provide a scientific basis for the demonstration of system development of weapons and equipment. It can break the traditional modeling and simulation technology based on accurate calculation, and realize the fuzzy The new scientific research paradigm without hypothesis injects new vitality into the equipment system of systems simulation experiment.