
1 The Development of Community Residential Space

1.1 The Evolution of the Connotation of Community

The development of community has its origins in Aristotle’s “idea of the city-state community: perfectionism”, in which the city-state is a community and all communities are established for a common good. This concept evolved through a series of connotations until the end of the twentieth century, when Western liberal theory emerged as both a reflection of community thought on the problems of real society and an extension of the Western rational cultural tradition, playing an important role in real social problems. Focusing on the value of community, which emphasizes the new vision of conceiving the state of complementary and harmonious coexistence between self and other, individual and family, and family and family, is an important ideological resource for enriching lifestyles and promoting neighborhood relations in the design context. Starting from spatial justice, American urban sociologist David Harvey proposes the theory of spatial squeeze, advocating that spatial community is a remedial strategy to safeguard citizens’ basic rights and prevent urban spatial risks. Based on the ontology of residential community, it is concluded that any community practice is a spatial presence and invariably shapes the spatial layout of the community At the same time, if the community wants to form a warm and comfortable place in the process of spatial production and reproduction, it can only resort to a spatial effort practice oriented to solidarity and mutual benefit, and this place is also the third domain where the residents’ material space and psychological space are transformed.

1.2 The Value of Community Residential Space

Influenced by the idea of community, the function of “connection” of residential space, the way of thinking and decision making of residents have also undergone important changes, which are caused by the increasing awareness of diverse life under the influence of information. Based on this, this paper understands community residential space as “spatial community” and “housing”. In this paper, it is interpreted as a group of people living together under the conditions and goals of common residence.

Residential community can be understood through the form of community. The so-called residential community refers to a family group that is established in the same geographical, blood, action and neighborhood internal spatial environment, spontaneously interacts and has a certain sense of sharing; under the same lifestyle, it spontaneously interacts with its neighbors in the residential space and has a certain sense of sharing, thus generating an autonomous, interactive and united interaction relationship. In the design of community housing, considering the emergence of new family structures, it is first necessary to take into account the segmentation of target users, as well as the characteristics that influence the gradual change of modern Chinese family structures into smaller scale, structural nucleation and diversification of types.

1.3 Community Residential Space in Modern Context

In the modern context, the most consistent spatial forms of community residential design in China are the quadrangle dwellings of Beijing and the earth buildings of Fujian. These spatial forms are characterized by the public space as the center and the open entry space and the private living space as the enclosure, so that the public space in the center has a certain natural privacy and people spontaneously interact in it. In foreign countries, the main high-rise public housing in use and in line with the concept and spatial form of community residential space is Singapore, whose design is characterized by the following six points.

First, it has supporting infrastructure, such as transportation system, schools, stores and cleanliness and safety; second, it is planned comprehensively between the completion of the building, divided into three levels of new town, neighborhood and neighborhood; third, it needs to pass through the air street to enter the neighborhood common space; fourth, its design system that allows residents to participate; fifth, its use of apartment layout to deal with height difference, and supporting convenience stores, nursing homes and small plazas to provide a convenient way for the elderly to age in place; sixth, its introduction of eco-neighborhood models and neighborhood parks.

2 Digital Value of Community Residential Space

2.1 Residents’ New Perception of Individual Self-reconstruction

With the advent of digitalization and informatization, one of the first results is the reawakening of man’s perception of himself, what is the constituent essence of his existence. The current complete understanding includes three aspects, one is the physical person, that is, a real person with a body and weight, and belonging to a specific place at any given time; the second is the information person, who can process the input information in the behavioral environment on the basis of certain cognition and previous experience, and finally form behavioral decisions and output; the third is the cyber person, who lives in the cyber space as a disproportionate incarnation, but whose role is real.In particular, cyberspace has brought certain changes to the social construction of personal identity. Specifically, its transformation of individual life patterns that include beliefs, values and cognitive styles from modernism to postmodernism and the use of these as a symbol to complete the self-proof of human existence has led to an increased need for self-attribution in space.

2.2 New Behavioral Decision-making Model of Residents

The cognitive basis of human behavioral decision pattern represents the cognitive and processing ability of information formed in the brain and varies depending on the spatial environment, culture and family life of the person as the cognitive subject of the objective world. In addition, even with a certain cognitive base, the availability, accuracy and richness of information can produce different behavioral outcomes. The public environment in residential space plays an important role as the main activity place for residents in interaction. If a spatial environment suitable for interaction is built in a house, it is not only important to promote the establishment of good neighborhood relations among users, but also to enhance parent-child relationships. Behavioral information originates from the part of the objective environment that people perceive, i.e., the behavioral environment. Given that the human behavioral decision-making process can be generally described as “need-information search-information processing-behavioral decision selection-behavioral output and behavior”, the human behavioral decision-making process is essentially a process of information flow.

2.3 New Types of Behavioral Output for Residents

In this study, the analysis of the output types of residents’ behaviors is mainly based on the data statistics of the case study in the user analysis method. First, a representative sample of five households in Beijing was selected for analysis. By conducting in-home interviews and CCTV recording of modern household users, the living behavior and usage time records of modern households were summarized. At the same time, the location plan was recorded by camera (as Fig. 1) then the interactions of users, usage patterns and use space spaces in modern households at different stages were analyzed sequentially to derive the relatively public spaces in modern household living spaces. Finally, by integrating the relatively public space in the residence, a residence with multiple families sharing a common space is established to form a new public shared environment.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

CCTV settings record tracks

A week-long user analysis process was conducted for five representative households, during which the behavioral characteristics of users in their homes, the current status of usage problems, and the characteristics of different users’ stage lifestyles were recorded from 7:00 to 22:00 every day, and this was used to derive the design requirements for the future residential space. The following is a description of the specific analysis process for one of the households.

Table 1. Cases analysis of family lifestyle characteristics in different time periods

By recording statistics, it can be concluded that the daily demand behavior of different families in the same type of space is as follows.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

New types of behavioral output for resident

Based on the user behavior, it can be seen that family communication, parent-child play, and family work are the main events occurring in family interaction, while smart home, acting, and talking to oneself are the events occurring alone in children’s lives. Combining the results of the questionnaire, household interviews, and CCTV observations, it can be analyzed that family interaction education and children’s free growth are intertwined. Families that do not know each other are more likely to communicate and interact with each other spontaneously using children as a channel and emerge with a sense of sharing, more autonomy in the form of interaction, and more solidarity when problems arise. However, considering the small amount of public space in the existing residential form and the fact that most of the residential space has only access space outside the living space of each household, a community residential space with abundant public space was selected for the main users of two-child families.

3 Digital Community Residential Space Design

3.1 Prototype of Spatial Design of Community Residential

In this study, based on the spatial forms of the traditional quadrangle dwellings of Beijing and the earth buildings of Fujian and combined with the modern design of the quadrangle dwellings and earth buildings, the prototype of community residential space is modeled to derive the spatial form of future communitarian residential design.

At the same time, by adjusting the composition of space in modern houses, appropriately reducing the area of public spaces such as kitchen, living room and dining room, a model centered on public space is established. The open entry space and the private living space are enclosed, so that the public space in the center has a certain natural privacy, allowing people to interact spontaneously in it. With regard to the process of building residential interiors, the spatial forms are combined and innovated on the basis of the living space required for the residence, creating a form of residence that guides people to communicate and enhances neighborhood relations.

3.2 Computerized 3D Space Modular Construction

Regarding the modular construction of computerized 3D space, firstly, the basic household area of 120 m2 was calculated based on GB 50096–2011, which states that the core household of four people should have 30 m2 of usable area per person. Given that there may be elderly people coming to take care of children at home from time to time, the area of 20 m2 is increased and decomposed in modules of 1000mm*1000mm, resulting in 140 space modules, and the space modules are given functions to divide the living room, dining room, kitchen, master bedroom, second bedroom, children’s room and bathroom. Then, according to the spatial forms and data application of traditional quadrangle dwellings of Beijing, traditional earth buildings, and modern quadrangle dwellings, the spatial forms that can accommodate four households are derived. The public space in each household is integrated to form a new public space in the center, in which a functional space with parent-child activities, reading and learning, viewing greenery, audio and video, and urban viewing platform is established; finally, the spatial system is integrated to leave a 1600mm passage, and the passage is given the functions of entry, stairwell and shared activity platform. Ultimately, the spatial form of community residential space is obtained.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Modular space generation process

3.3 New Residential space under the role of digitalization

The simulated residential space under the role of digitization is committed to establishing a unified body of space daily life module, family activity module and neighborhood interaction module, where the space module is divided into four levels: functional space, morphology, combination unit and shared space.

(Classification of spatial function modules: 1. Activity space, 2. Learning space, 3. Experience space, 4. Traffic space, 5. Emotional space, 6. Rest space, 7. Public communication space).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Modular community residential space composition

The final space design drawing is as follows.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Digital community residential space plan

Regarding the design of residential space under the role of digitalization, it is necessary to first construct functional components according to the overall demand ratio of space, and then retrieve the confidence of household design resources through the household type resource library; along with the gradual depth of space morphology and standardized drawing design and refine the space allocation into parent-child activities, reading and learning, viewing greenery, audio and video viewing and urban viewing platform functional space and give the wall parent-child interaction and neighborhood communication. In the process of establishing the combination unit, it is necessary to create a shared part set of transition space that needs to link public space, and finally form a complete residential monolithic design scheme.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Digital community residential space renderings

4 Conclusions

The new period of social development has given rise to the increasing perfection of digital building technology, which brings more possibilities and ways of realization for residential space. On the basis of sorting out the evolution of the connotation of community and analyzing the new value orientation of community residential design, this paper provides constructive thoughts on the path of constructing a community of residential space through spatial transition and cultivation of shared space to enhance the intimacy and public awareness of residents’ neighborhood relationship within the design system of residential space. At the same time, the modular space scheme in the form of community family life is proposed, the unity of daily life module, family activity module and neighborhood interaction module of residential space is formed through the construction of digital space model. The combination of computer 3D modeling and digital space design is used to realize the unification of indoor and outdoor residential environment. According to the residents’ behavior, lifestyle and spatial interactions within the family, this paper analyzes and derives diverse living modules applicable to the modern community residential space and carries out three-dimensional spatial modular design, which facilitates the rapid transformation of design ideas to physical space construction and forms an integrated spatial design logic of “life-design-services”. The above research, on the one hand, met the diversified needs of modern residents for residential space to a certain extent and promoted the sustainable development of residential space, and on the other hand, played an active role in enhancing the economic benefits of the residential construction industry.