
1 Introduction

With the development of economic globalization and the outbreak of the epidemic in early 2020, with social progress and the rapid development of economy and culture, plain commercial exhibitions and sales can no longer meet people's pursuit of beauty and psychological and emotional needs. Therefore, the design of digital stores came into being, which can meet various needs of consumers [2]. For the design of digital commercial space, it is necessary to integrate and reasonably use the digital elements in the layout, framework, color and material of the space, coordinate and integrate the various elements, make the commercial space, goods and consumers operate and display as a whole, and design from the perspective of consumers, so as to make the space meet the emotional needs of consumers [3].

2 Analysis of Concept and Research

2.1 Analysis of Thematic Business Space

Design never comes out of nothing, it needs the people, environment and social background it serves as its cornerstone [4]. Design derives from different geographical environment and cultural background is different. When entering a commercial space, consumers would focus on the commodity itself, while the emotional space design could create an appropriate atmosphere, set off the products, and let the consumers entering the space with spiritual resonance and emotional comfort. Emotional design needs to impress customers through design and imperceptibly influence users’ cognitive style of beauty. From the perspective of consumers, it could help consumers better understand products and services, which results in good interaction between consumers and enterprises. The emotional expression of digital commercial space is displayed through design, and the emotional experience of consumers is the ultimate goal. The space design for emotional experience is advanced, an important people-oriented way, and the exploration and creation of human emotional needs [5].

2.2 Comparative Analysis of Research

Taking jewelry as an example, data show that jewelry consumers in China are concentrated in middle and low-end jewelry; The ratio of male to female is about 4:6. It can be seen that the jewelry market is gradually diversified, but the main consumer is still women. (See Fig. 1, Fig. 2) Among all the samples collected in the questionnaire survey, the number of women filling in the questionnaire accounts for a large proportion, most of them are post-90s, and the samples are mainly middle-aged and young people. Based on the above, the emotional design of jewelry stores should take groups of mid-low income and age as the main targeted consumers, take female-friendly as the keynote of design, take active guidance and de-gender as the direction of design.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Consumption amount of jewelry consumers.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Gender distribution of jewelry consumers

2.3 Design Concepts

Female-Friendly Digital Design of Business Space.

Space is not only the carrier of things within the philosophy, but also the intermediary of aesthetics [6]. Everything in the world can be classified as time and space. It is abstract in meaning and thought but actually exists. Architectural space for life is the most common scientific space. The volume, proportion and shape of buildings are the most direct visual science. Space design is gradually developing towards “feminization” [7]. Because the product consumer group is and will be dominated by women for a long time, people need to design the digital space from a female and female friendly perspective.

Women have more detailed requirements for the performance and sensory experience, and pay more attention to emotion and psychology. Due to women's special needs for space, their characteristics must also be reflected in the design. According to the hierarchy theory of needs, human needs from low to high are physiology, security, love and belonging, respect and self realization. The most fundamental is the realization of the desire for physiology and safety. For example, the vision should be wide, the action should be relatively simple and free, the road should be smooth, and so on.

All art must strive for beauty, and its form must be closely centered on its core and function. Current design should focus on “metaphysics”, such as art, culture, fashion and style. Both “form obeys function” and “form follows experience” have their own functions [8]. Consumers’ demand for space is not only limited by the function of space, but also pursues the experience that space could offer them. The design should be committed to mobilizing consumers’ emotions towards life. When necessary, it needs to please women's mood and make them feel comfortable. It also needs to pay attention to the psychology and emotion in their emotional needs, so that women could integrate into the space and get a sense of belonging.

Conceptual Analysis-Spatial Emotional Design.

Emotional experience is divided into three: instinct, behavior and reflection. With the development of modern society, corporate culture has changed from material culture to spiritual culture. Commercial space is a place to provide services or products that meet commercial requirements. Now it has evolved into a commercial trade network system that takes the world as a stage [9]. In centralization, commercial space has also changed from dynamic to specific. Because the commercial space is fixed, both parties to the transaction have certain requirements for the commercial space - have certain commercial facilities, and design and create culture and speciality. Space itself has special emotional characteristics, which can stimulate and meet people's emotional needs. This is because the psychological needs of users are everywhere in our life and work. Qualified spatial emotional design can give full play to this function and summarize people's emotions. And psychologically and physiologically, public design can be used to meet the needs of people in a specific space.

  1. 1)

    Instinct takes precedence over one's subjective consciousness and thought. The benchmark of human first impression is instinct. Humanized design will be highly praised by human beings, while instinctive design focuses on the first impression and the beauty of the appearance seen for the first time. Therefore, in order to get a good design that evokes human instincts, we must coordinate and unify external attributes (such as shape, material and color) to conform to the “aesthetic” standards of human beings, to integrate the most real and instinctive experiences into human feelings, to adjust the overall appearance and design, and to find a balance between all contradictions.

  2. 2)

    Behavior is mainly related to the user experience brought by design. Behavior is mainly related to the user experience brought by design - whether the function division included in the experience is scientific, whether the control system is clear and whether human care is achieved. Good behavior can give consumers a sense of identity and produce pleasant and positive emotions while achieving their expected goals [10]. Interior design that lacks attention to behavior usually has a negative impact on consumers. Easy to use, it is a “considerate” humanized design and exquisite design that pay attention to details. This is the concept of “Empathy” advocated by design and science.

  3. 3)

    Reflection is related to the meaning of goods. It is affected by environment, culture, identity and identity. It is more complex and changes rapidly. The most important thing of reflective design is to help users establish their self-image and social status, so as to meet their emotional needs. Reflection exists in consciousness and higher-level feelings and emotions. Only this level can reflect the complete integration of thought and emotion (Figs. 3 and 4).

Fig. 3.
figure 3


Fig. 4.
figure 4


The Relationship Between Concepts and Emotional Space.

The focus of emotional design includes the following two aspects: (1) emotional stimulation and experience generated by the design (2) emotion and experience generated by users under specific use conditions. Resonance with space is the abstract expression of emotion in space design. This resonance of thought and emotion would not directly caused by any specific characteristics [11].

3 Design Schemes

3.1 Derivation of Space

Case design scheme is crystal, one of the main materials of jewelry, that is, the process of crystal development, collection, processing and wearing, and is presented in a narrative way. The design elements come from the NACA crystal cave in Mexico. Crystal usually develops in the harsh environment of high temperature and high pressure, and becomes shining after tens of thousands of years of precipitation. Crystal has been endowed with tenacity, purity and thoroughness from the very beginning. It symbolizes innocence, kindness, purity and unyielding. And the ancient Chinese also believed that crystal was the “Ice of the Millennium” and that crystal was full of energy, which covered the crystal with a sacred veil. When people give these beautiful words to things, they are expecting and confirming the quality of the things they own. From the subject to human beings, we will apply this idea to the theme of design. Comparing people to crystals growing under adversity and full of expectations and worship for the world, and they will eventually shine like crystals after the erosion of time and the challenge of adversity. The form of design will focus on using crystal cluster, crystal cave, mineral deposit and other elements, and a large number of common hexahedral biconical and rhombohedral crystals will be used as blocks in space design [12] (Figs. 5 and 6).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Hexagonal biconical crystal.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Rhombohedral crystal

It will take the process of people entering the crystal pit, discovering, excavating, cutting and inlaying as the narrative node in space, and show the process of people longing for light and finding treasure in the dark and adversity. Under site selection, the plane of the building would be deduced on the basis of the crystal shape to form a plane building (Figs. 7 and 8).

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Radine cutting

Fig. 8.
figure 8

The floor plan

3.2 Analysis of Colors in Spaces

In real life, architectural space is an integral part of personal activities. It must have enough privacy, security and let people comfortable. With the increasing awareness of gender equality, modern architecture reduces the gender differences in space and creates a homogeneous space, which is a breakthrough in balancing the relationship between men and women. Obviously, color is very important for shaping an overall commercial space. It maximizes the aesthetic experience and spiritual satisfaction. There is a certain distance between human vision and the real color of decoration, and the color of objects is usually scattered and colored in a large area. Therefore, the color in the space structure should be very pure and harmonious. The gray shadow can make the small space show a sense of intimacy and warmth. The emotional expression of color makes the commercial space more colorful and meaningful. The specific expression of color in business space can make customers emotional and stimulate their inner feelings. A good commercial space will undoubtedly let people move their sight, because color can quickly and effectively capture people's mind, and the emotional information conveyed by color used in buildings could resonate with more customers.

4 Conclusion

In the study of commercial space design, firstly, the design direction is put forward according to the background, comparing the research at home and abroad, analyzing the design condition and the users, then determining the location according to the users, combining with the design principle of space emotional design theory; Secondly, the theme of digital business design is integrated to describe the design concept of digital business related to jewelry stores. [13]Finally, make the design theme scheme, from the overall layout to local details, fully reflect the characteristics and significance of space emotional design, so that users can resonate emotionally and integrate into the space, which can be emotionally satisfied and fully reflect the significance of spatial digital design.