
1 Introduction

Commitment schemes are one of the most fundamental primitives in cryptography. A commitment scheme is a two-party protocol consisting of two phases, the commit and the open phase. The goal of the commitment is to allow the sender to transmit information related to a message m during the commit phase in such a way that the recipient learns nothing about the message (hiding property). But at the same time, the sender cannot change his mind later about the message (binding property). Later, in the open phase, the sender reveals the message m and proves that this was indeed the message that he had in mind earlier (by sending some “opening information” u). Unfortunately, it was shown by [11] that the binding and hiding property of a commitment cannot both hold with statistical (i.e., information-theoretical) security even when using quantum communication. Thus, one typically requires one of them to hold only against computationally-limited adversaries. Since the privacy of data should usually extend far beyond the end of a protocol run, and since we cannot tell which technological advances may happen in that time, we may want the hiding property to hold statistically, and thus are interested in computationally binding commitments. Unfortunately, computationally binding commitments turn out to be a subtle issue in the quantum setting. As shown in [1], if we use the natural analogue to the classical definition of computationally binding commitments (called “classical-style binding”),Footnote 1 we get a definition that is basically meaningless (the adversary can open the commitment to whatever message he wishes). [16] suggested a new definition, “collapse binding” commitments, that better captures the idea of computationally binding commitments against quantum adversaries. This definition was shown to perform well in security proofs that use rewinding.Footnote 2 (They studied classical non-interactive commitments, i.e., all exchanged messages are classical, but the adversary is quantum.)

We describe basic idea of “collapse-binding” commitments: When committing to a message m using a commitment c, it should be impossible for a quantum adversary to produce a superposition of different messages m that he can open to. Unfortunately, this requirement is too strong to achieve (at least for an statistically hiding commitment).Footnote 3 Instead, we require something slightly weaker: Any superposition of different messages m that the adversary can open to should look like it is a superposition of only a single message m. Formally, if the adversary produces a classical commitment c, and a superposition of openings mu in registers MU, the adversary should not be able to distinguish whether M is measured in the computational basis or not measured. That is, for all quantum-polynomial-time AB, the circuits (a) and (b) in Fig. 1 are indistinguishable (assuming A only outputs superpositions that contain only valid openings).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

For collapse-binding commitments, (a) and (b) should be indistinguishable, i.e., \(\Pr [b=1]\) negligibly close in both cases. For collapsing hash functions, (c) and (d) should be indistinguishable.

[16] showed that collapse-binding commitments avoid various problems of other definitions of computationally binding commitments in the quantum setting. In particular, they compose in parallel and are well suited for proofs that involve rewinding (e.g., when constructing zero-knowledge arguments of knowledge).

[16] further showed that in the quantum random oracle model, collapse-binding, statistically hiding commitments can be constructed. However, they left open two big questions:

  • Can collapse-binding commitments be constructed in the standard model? That is, without the use of random oracles?

  • One standard minimum requirement for commitments (called “sum-binding” in [16]) is that for quantum-polynomial-time A, \(p_0+p_1\le 1+ negligible \) where \(p_b\) is the probability that A opens a commitment to b when he learns b only after the commit phase. Surprisingly, [16] left it open whether the collapse-binding property implies the sum-binding property.

First contribution: collapse-binding commitments in the standard model. We show that collapse-binding commitments exist in the standard model. More precisely, we construct a non-interactive, classical commitment in the public parameter model (i.e., we assume that some parameters are globally fixed), for arbitrarily long messages (the length of the public parameters and the commitment itself do not grow with the message length), statistically hiding, and collapse-binding. The security assumption is the existence of lossy trapdoor functions [13] with lossiness rate , or alternatively that SIVP and GapSVP are hard for quantum algorithms to approximate within factors for some constant \(c>5\).

The basic idea of our construction is the following: In [16], it was shown that statistically hiding, collapse-binding commitments can be constructed from “collapsing” hash functions (using a classical construction from [6, 9]). A function H is collapsing if an adversary that outputs h and a superposition M of H-preimages of h cannot distinguish whether M is measured or not. That is, the circuits (c) and (d) in Fig. 1 should be indistinguishable. So all we need to construct is a collapsing hash function in the standard model.

To do so, we use a lossy trapdoor function (we do not actually need the trapdoor part, though). A lossy function \(F_s:A\rightarrow B\) is parametrized by a public parameter s. There are two kinds of parameters, which are assumed to be indistinguishable: We call s lossy if , that is, if its image is very sparse. We call s injective if \(F_s\) is injective.

If s is injective, then it is easy to see that \(F_s\) is collapsing: There can be only one preimage of \(F_s\) on register M, so measuring M will not disturb M. But since lossy and injective s are indistinguishable, it follows that \(F_s\) is also collapsing for lossy s. Note, however, that \(F_s\) is not yet useful on its own, because its range B is much bigger than A, while we want a compressing hash functions (output smaller than input).

However, for lossy s, . Let \(h_r:B\rightarrow C\) be a universal hash function, indexed by r, with . We can show that with overwhelming probability, \(h_r\) is injective on , for suitable choice of C. Hence \(h_r\) is collapsing (on ). The composition of two collapsing functions is collapsing, thus \(H_{(r,s)}:=h_r\circ F_s\) is collapsing for lossy s. (Note that is not an efficiently decidable set. Fortunately, we can construct all our reductions such that we never need to decide that set.)

Thus far, we have found a collapsing \(H_{(r,s)}:A\rightarrow C\) that is compressing. But we need something stronger, namely a collapsing hash function , i.e., applicable to arbitrary long inputs. A well-known construction (in the classical setting) is the Merkle-Damgård construction, that transforms a compressing collision-resistant function H into a collision-resistant one with domain . We prove that the Merkle-Damgård construction also preserves the collapsing property. (This proof is done by a sequence of games that each measure more and more about the hashed message m, each time with a negligible probability of being noticed due to the collapsing property of \(H_k\).) Applying this result to \(H_{(r,s)}\), we get a collapsing hash function . And from this, we get collapse-binding commitments.

We present our results with concrete security bounds, and our reductions have only constant factors in the runtime, and the security level only has an \(O(\textit{message length})\) factor.

We stress that the security proof for the Merkle-Damgård construction has an additional benefit: It shows that existing hash function like SHA-2 [12] are collapsing, assuming that the compression function is collapsing (which in turn is suggested by the random oracle results in [16]). Since we claim that collapsing is a desirable and natural analogue to collision-resistance in the post-quantum setting, this gives evidence for the post-quantum security of SHA-2.

Second contribution: Collapse-binding implies sum-binding. In the classical setting, it relatively straightforward to show that a computationally binding bit commitment satisfies the (classical) sum-binding condition. Namely, assume that the adversary breaks sum-binding, i.e., \(p_0+p_1 \ge 1+\textit{non-negligible}\). Then one runs the adversary, lets him open the commitment as \(m=0\) (which succeeds with probability \(p_0\)), then rewinds the adversary, and lets him open the same commitment as \(m=1\) (which succeeds with probability \(p_1\)). So the probability that both runs succeed is at least \(p_0+p_1-1 \ge \textit{non-negligible}\), which is a contradiction to the computational binding property.

Since collapse-binding commitments work well with rewinding, one would assume that a similar proof works using the quantum rewinding technique from [14]. Unfortunately, existing quantum rewinding techniques do not seem to work.

To show that a collapse-binding commitment is sum-binding, another proof technique is needed. The basic idea is, instead of simulating two executions of the adversary (opening \(m=0\) and opening \(m=1\)) after each other, we perform the two executions in superposition, controlled by a register M, initially in state . This entangles M with the execution of the adversary and thus disturbs M. It turns out that the disturbance of M is greater if we measure which bit the adversary opens than if we do not. This allows us to distinguish between measuring and not measuring, breaking the collapse-binding property.

The same proof technique can be used to show that a collapse-binding string commitment satisfies the generalization of sum-binding presented in [3]. (In this case we have to use a superposition of a polynomial-number of adversary executions.)

Possibly the technique of “rewinding in superposition” used here might be a special case of a more general new quantum rewinding technique (other than [14, 17]), we leave this as an open question.

On the necessity of public parameters. Our commitment scheme assumes the existence of public parameters. This raises the question whether these are necessary. We argue that it would be unlikely to be able to construct non-interactive, statistically hiding, computationally binding commitments without public parameters (not even only classically secure ones) from standard assumptions other than collision-resistant or collapsing hash functions. Namely, such a commitment can always be broken by a non-uniform adversary. (Because the adversary could have a commitment and two valid openings hardcoded.) Could there be a such a commitment secure only against uniform adversaries, based on some assumption X? That is, a uniform adversary breaking the commitment could be transformed into an adversary against assumption X. All cryptographic proof techniques that we are aware of would then also transform a non-uniform adversary breaking the commitment into a non-uniform adversary breaking X. Since a non-uniform adversary breaking the commitment always exists, it follows that X must be an assumption that cannot be secure against non-uniform adversaries. The only such assumptions that we are aware of are (unkeyed) collision-resistant and collapsing hash functions.Footnote 4 Thus it is unlikely that there are non-interactive, statistically hiding, computationally binding commitments without public parameters based on standard assumptions different from those two. (We are aware that the above constitutes no proof, but we consider it a strong argument.) We know how to construct such commitments from collapsing hash functions [16]. We leave it as an open problem whether such commitments can be constructed from collision-resistant hash functions.

Of course, it might be possible to have interactive statistically-hiding collapse-binding commitments. In fact, our construction can be easily transformed into a two-round scheme by letting the recipient choose the public parameters. This does not affect the collapsing property (because for that property we assume the recipient to be trusted), nor the statistical hiding property (because the proof of hiding did not make any assumptions about the distribution of the public parameters).

Related work. Security definitions for quantum commitments were studied in a number of works: What we call the “sum-binding” definition occurred implicitly and explicitly in different variants in [2, 4, 7, 11]. Of these, [11] showed the impossibility of statistically satisfying that definition (thus breaking [2]). [7] gave a construction of a statistically hiding commitment based on quantum one-way permutations (their commitment sends quantum messages). [4] gives statistically secure commitments in the multi-prover setting. [3] generalizes the sum-binding definition for string commitments, arriving at a computational-binding definition we call CDMS-binding. (Both sum-binding and CDMS-binding are implied by collapse-binding as we show in this paper.) [5] gives another definition of computational-binding (called Q-binding in [16]; see there for a discussion of the differences to collapse-binding commitments). They also show how to construct Q-binding commitments from sigma-protocols. (Both their assumptions and their security definition seem incomparable to ours; finding out how their definition relates to ours is an interesting open problem.) [18] gives a statistical binding definition of commitments sending quantum messages and shows that statistically binding, computationally hiding commitments (sending quantum messages) can be constructed from pseudorandom permutations (and thus from quantum one-way functions, if the results from [10] hold in the quantum setting, as is claimed, e.g., in [19]). [16] gave the collapse-binding definition that we achieve in this paper; they showed how to construct statistically hiding, collapse-binding commitments in the random oracle model. [1] showed that classical-style binding does not exclude that the adversary can open the commitment to any value he chooses. [16] generalized this by showing that this even holds for certain natural constructions based on collision-resistant hash functions.

Organization. In Sect. 2, we give some mathematical preliminaries and cryptographic definitions. In Sect. 3, we recall the notions of collapse-binding commitments and collapsing hash functions, with suitable extensions to model public parameters and to allow for more refined concrete security statements. We also state some known or elementary facts about collapse-binding commitments and collapsing hash functions there. In Sect. 4 we show that the Merkle-Damgård construction allows us to get collapsing hash functions with unbounded input length from collapsing compression functions. In Sect. 5 we show how to construct collapsing hash functions from lossy functions (or from lattice assumptions). Combined with existing results this gives us statistically hiding, collapse-binding commitments for unbounded messages, interactive and non-interactive. In Sect. 6 we show that collapse-binding implies the existing definitions of sum-binding and CDMS-binding. In the full version [15] we give proofs for getting concrete security bounds. Those proofs use the same techniques as the proofs in this paper, but are somewhat less readable due to additional calculations and indices.

2 Preliminaries

Given a function \(f:X\rightarrow Y\), let denote the image of f.

Given a distribution \(\mathcal D\) on a countable set X, let denote the support of \(\mathcal D\), i.e., the set of all values that have non-zero probability. The statistical distance between two distributions or random variables XY with countable range is defined as .

Let denote the empty word.

We assume that all algorithms and parameters depend on an integer , the security parameter (unless a parameter is explicitly called “constant”). We will keep this dependence implicit (i.e., we write A(x) instead of for an algorithm A, and \(\ell \) instead of for an integer parameter \(\ell \)). When calling an adversary (quantum-)polynomial-time, we mean that the runtime is polynomial in .

We do not specify whether our adversaries are uniform or non-uniform. (I.e., whether the adversary’s code may depend in an noncomputable way on the security parameter.) All our results hold both in the uniform and in the non-uniform case.

Definition 1 (Universal hash function)

A universal hash function is a function family \(h_r:X\rightarrow Y\) (with \(r\in R\)) such that for any \(x,x'\in X\) with \(x\ne x'\), we have .

We define lossy functions, which are like lossy trapdoor functions [13], except that we do not require the existence of a trapdoor.

Definition 2 (Lossy functions)

A collection of \((\ell ,k)\) -lossy functions consists of a PPT algorithm \(S_F\) and polynomial-time computable deterministic function \(F_s\) on and a message space \(M_k\) such that:

  • Existence of injective keys: There is a distribution such that for any we have that \(F_s\) is injective. (We call such a key s injective.)

  • Existence of lossy keys: There is a distribution such that for any we have that . (We call such a key s lossy.)

  • Hard to distinguish injective from lossy: For any quantum-polynomial-time adversary A, the advantage is negligible.

  • Hard to distinguish lossy from S: For any quantum-polynomial-time adversary A, the advantage is negligible.

The parameter k is called the lossiness of \(F_s\).

This is a weakening of the definition of lossy trapdoor functions from [13]. Our definition does not require the existence of trapdoors, and also does not require that lossy or injective keys can be efficiently sampleable. (We only require that keys that are indistinguishable from both lossy and injective keys can be sampled efficiently using \(S_F\).)

If \(k/\ell \ge K\) for some constant K, and , we say that the lossy function has lossiness rate K.

Any “almost-always lossy trapdoor function” \((S_\mathrm {ldtf},F_\mathrm {ldtf},F^{-1}_\mathrm {ldtf})\) in the sense of [13] is a lossy function in the sense of Definition 2.Footnote 5

[13] shows that for any constant \(K < 1\), there is an almost-always lossy trapdoor function with lossiness rate K based on the LWE assumption for suitable parameters. [13] further shows that almost-always \((\ell ,k)\)-lossy trapdoor functions with lossiness rate K exist if SIVP and GapSVP are hard for quantum algorithms to approximate within factors, where for any desired \(\delta >0\). The same thus holds for lossy functions in our sense. Furthermore, the construction from [13] has keys that are indistinguishable from uniformly random, hence we can choose \(S_F\) to simply return for suitable \(\ell _s\).Footnote 6

3 Collapse-Binding Commitments and Collapsing Hash Functions

We reproduce the relevant results from [16] here. Note we have extended the definitions in two ways: We include a public parameter . And we give additional equivalent definitions for a more refined treatment of the concrete security of commitments.

Commitments. A commitment scheme consists of three algorithms . chooses the public parameter. produces a commitment c for a message m, and also returns opening information u to be revealed later. checks whether the opening information u is correct for a given commitment c and message m (if so, \( ok =1\), else \( ok =0\)).

Definition 3 (Collapse-binding)

For algorithms (AB), consider the following games:

figure a

Here SMU are quantum registers. is a measurement of M in the computational basis.

We call an adversary (AB) c.b.-valid for iff for all k, when we run and measure M in the computational basis as m, and U in the computational basis as u.

A commitment scheme is collapse-binding iff for any quantum-polynomial-time adversary (AB) that is c.b.-valid for , \(\bigl |\Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}_1] - \Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}_2]\bigr |\) is negligible.

The only difference to the definition from [16] is that we have introduced a public parameter k chosen by . The proofs in [16] are not affected by this change.

For stating concrete security results (i.e., with more specific claims about the runtimes and advantages of adversaries than “polynomial-time” and “negligible”), we could simply call \(\bigl |\Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}_1] - \Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}_2]\bigr |\) the advantage of the adversary (AB). However, we find that we get stronger results if we directly specify the advantage of an adversary that attacks t commitments simultaneously.Footnote 7 This leads to the following definition of advantage. (A reader only interested in asymptotic results may ignore this definition. The main body of this paper will provide statements and proofs with respect to the simpler asymptotic definitions. Concrete security proofs are given in the full version [15].)

Definition 4 (Collapse-binding – concrete security)

For algorithms (AB), consider the following games:

Here \(S,M_1,\dots ,M_t,U_1,\dots ,U_t\) are quantum registers. is a measurement of \(M_i\) in the computational basis.

We call an adversary (AB) t -c.b.-valid for iff for all k, when we run and measure all \(M_i\) in the computational basis as \(m_i\), and all \(U_i\) in the computational basis as \(u_i\).

For any adversary (AB), we call \(\bigl |\Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}_1] - \Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}_2]\bigr |\) the collapse-binding-advantage of (AB) against .

Lemma 5

A commitment scheme is collapse-binding iff for any polynomially-bounded t, and any quantum-polynomial-time adversary (AB) that is t-c.b.-valid for , the collapse-binding-advantage of (AB) against is negligible.

This follows from the parallel composition theorem from [16].

In [16], two different definitions of collapse-binding were given. The second definition does not require an adversary to be valid (i.e., to output only valid openings) but instead measures whether the adversary’s openings are valid. We restate the equivalence here in the public parameter setting, the proof is essentially unchanged.

Lemma 6

(Collapse-binding, alternative characterization). For a commitment scheme , and for algorithms (AB), consider the following games:

figure b

Here \(V_{c}\) is a measurement whether MU contains a valid opening. Formally \(V_{c}\) is defined through the projector . is a measurement of M in the computational basis if \( ok =1\), and does nothing if \( ok =0\) (i.e., it sets \(m:=\bot \) and does not touch the register M).

is collapse-binding iff for all polynomial-time adversaries (AB), \(\bigl |\Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}_1] - \Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}_2]\bigr |\) is negligible.

Hash functions. A hash function is a pair of a parameter sampler and a function \(H_k:X\rightarrow Y\) for some range X and domain Y. \(H_k\) is parametric in the public parameter . (Typically, Y consists of fixed length bitstrings, and X consists of fixed length bitstrings or .)

Definition 7 (Collapsing)

For algorithms A, B, consider the following games:

Here SM are quantum registers. is a measurement of M in the computational basis.

For a family of sets , we call an adversary (AB) valid on for \(H_k\) iff for all k, when we run and measure M in the computational basis as m. If we omit “on ”, we assume to be the domain of \(H_k\).

A function H is collapsing (on ) iff for any quantum-polynomial-time adversary (AB) that is valid for \(H_k\) (on ), \(\bigl |\Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}_1] - \Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}_2]\bigr |\) is negligible.

In contrast to [16] we have added the public parameter k. Furthermore, we have extended the definition to allow to specify the set of messages the adversary is allowed to use. This extra expressiveness will be needed for stating some intermediate results.

Analogously to case of commitments, we give a definition of advantage for a t-session adversary to get more precise results.

Definition 8 (Collapsing – concrete security)

For algorithms A, B, and an integer t, consider the following games:

Here \(S,M_1,\dots ,M_t\) are quantum registers. is a measurement of \(M_i\) in the computational basis.

For a family of sets , we call an adversary (AB) t -valid on for \(H_k\) iff for all k, when we run and measure all \(M_i\) in the computational basis as \(m_i\). If we omit “on ”, we assume to be the domain of \(H_k\).

We call the collapsing-advantage of (AB) against .

Lemma 9

A hash function is collapsing (on ) iff for any polynomially-bounded t, and any quantum-polynomial-time adversary (AB) that is t-valid for \(H_k\) (on ), the collapsing-advantage of (AB) against is negligible.

This follows from the parallel composition theorem for hash functions from [16].

Constructions of commitments. In [16] it was shown that the statistically hiding commitment from Halevi and Micali [9] (which is almost identical to the independently and earlier discovered commitment by Damgård, Pedersen, and Pfitzmann [6]) is collapse-binding, assuming a collapsing hash function. We restate their results with respect to public parameters, the proofs are essentially unchanged.

Definition 10

(Unbounded Halevi-Micali commitment [9]). Let with be a hash function. Let \(L:=6\ell +4\). Let with be an universal hash function.

We define the unbounded Halevi-Micali commitment as:

  • is the same parameter sampler as in .

  • : Pick and uniformly at random, conditioned on \(h_r(u)=H_k(m)\).Footnote 8 Compute \(h:=H_k(u)\). Let \(c:=(h,r)\). Return commitment c and opening information u.

  • with \(c=(h,r)\): Check whether \(h_r(u)=H_k(m)\) and \(h=H_k(u)\). If so, return 1.

We define the statistical hiding property in the public parameter model. We use an adaptive definition where the committed message may depend on the public parameter.

Definition 11 (Statistically hiding)

Fix a commitment and an adversary (AB). Let

We call the hiding-advantage of (AB). We call statistically hiding iff for any (possibly unbounded) (AB), the hiding-advantage is negligible.

Theorem 12

(Security of the unbounded Halevi-Micali commitment). is statistically hiding and collapse-binding.

Miscellaneous facts. These simple facts will be useful throughout the paper.

Lemma 13

Let be a family of sets. Assume that is negligible. Then is collapsing on .

Lemma 14

Fix hash functions and with the same and with polynomial-time computable \(f_k\). If is collapsing and is collapsing on , then is collapsing.

Lemma 15

If and are computationally indistinguishable, and is collapsing, then is collapsing.

4 Security of Merkle-Damgård Hashes

For this section, fix a hash function with and . Let . Fix some bitstring (may depend on the security parameter). Fix a message space with (e.g., ). Fix a function .

Definition 16 (Iterated hash)

We define the iterated hash as for the empty word and for and .

Definition 17 (Merkle-Damgård)

We call a Merkle-Damgård padding iff is injective and for any with \(x\ne y\), we have that is not a suffix of (in other words, is a suffix code).Footnote 9

We define the Merkle-Damgård construction by .

Note that and depend on the choice of \(H_k\), , and , but we leave this dependence implicit for brevity.

Lemma 18

(Security of iterated hash). Let be a suffix code with . If is a polynomial-time computable collapsing hash function, then is collapsing on .

We sketch the idea of the proof: What we have to show is that, if the adversary classically outputs , we can measure \(\mathbf m\) on register M without the adversary noticing. We show this by successively measuring more and more information about the message \(\mathbf m\) on M, each time noting that the additional measurement is not noticed by the adversary. First, measuring does not disturb M because is already known. Note that for \(\mathbf m=:\mathbf m'\Vert m\). Thus, we have measured the image of under \(H_k\). Since \(H_k\) is collapsing, we know that, once we have measured the hash of a value, we can also measure that value itself without being noticed. Thus we can measure (this value will be called in the full proof). Now we use the same argument again: for \(\mathbf m'=:\mathbf m''\Vert m'\). Since we know classically , we can measure (this value will be called ). Now we already have measured the two last blocks \(m'\Vert m\) of \(\mathbf m\) without being noticed. We can continue this way, until we have all of \(\mathbf m\). Since in each step, the adversary did not notice the measurement, he will not notice if we measure all of \(\mathbf m\).

There is one hidden problem in the above argument: We claimed that given , we have that . This is only correct if \(\mathbf m'\) is not empty! So, the above measurement procedure will implicitly measure whether \(\mathbf m'\) is empty (and similarly for the values \(\mathbf m''\) etc. that are measured afterwards). Such a measurement might disturb the state. Here the assumption comes in that is a suffix code. Namely, since we know m such that \(\mathbf m=\mathbf m'\Vert m\), we can tell whether (then \(\mathbf m'\) must be empty) or (then \(\mathbf m'\) cannot be empty). Thus we already know whether \(\mathbf m'\) is empty, and measuring this information will not disturb the state. Similarly, we deduce from \(m'\Vert m\) whether \(\mathbf m''\) is empty, etc.

We now give the formal proof:


of Lemma 18. Assume a polynomial-time adversary (AB) that is valid for on . Let \(\mathsf {Game}_1\) and \(\mathsf {Game}_2\) be the games from Definition 7 for adversary (AB). Let

$$\begin{aligned} \varepsilon := \bigl |\Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}_1]-\Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}_2]\bigr |. \end{aligned}$$

We will need to show that \(\varepsilon \) is negligible.

We have . ( denotes the empty word.) Otherwise, we would have since is a suffix code, which contradicts .

For a multi-block message , let denote the number of -bit blocks in \(\mathbf m\). (I.e., is the bitlength of \(\mathbf m\) divided by .) Let \(\mathbf m_i\) denote the i-th block of \(\mathbf m\), and let \(\mathbf m_{-i}\) denote the i-th block from the end (i.e., ). Let \(\mathbf m_{\ge -i}\) denote all the blocks in \(\mathbf m\) starting from \(\mathbf m_{-i}\) (i.e., \(\mathbf m_{\ge -i}\) consists of the last i blocks of \(\mathbf m\)). Let \(\mathbf m_{<-i}\) denote the blocks before \(\mathbf m_{-i}\). (I.e., \(\mathbf m=\mathbf m_{<-i}\,\Vert \, \mathbf m_{\ge -i}\) for .)

Let B be a polynomial upper bound on the number of blocks in the message \(\mathbf m\) output by A on register M.

For a function f, let denote a measurement that, given a register M that contains values in superposition, measures \(f(\mathbf m)\), but without measuring more information than that. Formally, is a projective measurement consisting of projectors \(P_y\) () with .

For , we define

(The function also depends on k, but we leave that dependence implicit.) Intuitively, represents a partial evaluation of , with the last i blocks not yet processed.

Note that always contains enough information to compute . And the larger i is, the more about \(\mathbf m\) is revealed. In fact, learning is equivalent to learning , and learning is equivalent to learning m as the following easy to verify facts show:

Fact 1

for all .

Fact 2

for all with .

We will need one additional auxiliary function , defined by for . (And if .) Intuitively, is the input to last call of \(H_k\) when computing . The following facts are again easy to verify using the definition of , , and :

Fact 3

If and \(h\ne \bot \), then .

Fact 4

From one can compute and vice versa. Formally: there are functions f, g such that for all , and .

In a sense, interpolates between the knowledge of only (case \(i=0\)), and full knowledge of \(\mathbf m\) (case \(i=B\)). (Cf. Facts 1, 2.) We make this more formal by defining the following hybrid game for \(i=0,\dots ,B\):

(Here is as defined above with .)

Consider \(\mathsf {Game}^{ hyb }_{0}\). By assumption, (AB) is valid for on , so we have that the register M contains superpositions of states with and . By Fact 1, this implies that the measurement will always yield the outcome . Hence the measurement has a deterministic outcome. Thus, the probability of \(b=1\) in \(\mathsf {Game}^{ hyb }_{0}\) does not change if we omit the measurements . Thus

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}^{ hyb }_{0}] = \Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}_2]. \end{aligned}$$

Consider \(\mathsf {Game}^{ hyb }_{B}\). By assumption, A outputs only states on M which are superpositions of with and . Thus, by Fact 2, is a complete measurement in the computational basis. Hence

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}^{ hyb }_{B}] = \Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}_1]. \end{aligned}$$

From (1, 2, 3), we get

$$\begin{aligned} \bigl |\Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}^{ hyb }_{0}]-\Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}^{ hyb }_B]\bigr | = \varepsilon . \end{aligned}$$

For \(i=0,\dots ,B\) we now define an adversary \((A_i^*, B^*)\) against \(H_k\).

Algorithm \(A_i^*(k)\) runs:

  • .

  • .

  • Initialize M with .

  • If \(h'\ne \bot \):

    • Apply to \(M^*,M\).

    • \(h:=h'\).

  • If \(h'=\bot \):

    • Let .

  • Let \(S:=S^*,M^*,h',i\). (That is, all those registers and classical values are combined into a single register S.)

  • Return (SMh).

Here refers to the unitary transformation . See the left dashed box in Fig. 2 for a circuit-representation of \(A^*_i\).

Algorithm \(B^*(S,M)\) runs:

  • Let \(S^*,M^*,h',i:=S\).

  • If \(h'\ne \bot \): apply to \(M^*,M\).

  • Run .

  • Return b.

See the left dashed box in Fig. 2 for a circuit-representation of \(B^*\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The adversary \((A_i^*,B^*)\) in games \(\mathsf {Game}_1^i\) and \(\mathsf {Game}_2^i\). Depicted is \(\mathsf {Game}_1^i\). \(\mathsf {Game}_2^i\) is derived by omitting the measurement in the middle.

Claim 1

\((A_i^*,B^*)\) is valid.

We show this claim: After the measurement , we have that \(M^*\) contains a superposition of with . If \(h'=\bot \), then \(A_i^*\) initializes M with and sets . Thus in this case, M trivially contains a superposition of with \(H_k(m)=h\). If \(h'\ne \bot \), then by Fact 3, \(M^*\) contains a superposition of with . Then \(A^*\) initializes M with and applies to \(M^*,M\). Thus after that, M is in a superposition of with \(H_k(m)=h_j\). Concluding, in both cases M is in a superposition of with \(H_k(m)=h\), thus \((A^*_i,B^*)\) is valid and the claim follows.

Let \(\mathsf {Game}_1^i\) denote \(\mathsf {Game}_1\) from Definition 7, but with adversary \((A_i^*,B^*)\) and hash function . Analogously \(\mathsf {Game}_2^i\). Figure 2 depicts both games.

Claim 2

\(\Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}_2^i] = \Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}^{ hyb }_{i}]\).

We show this claim: In \(\mathsf {Game}_2^i\), no measurement occurs between the invocation of by \(A^*_i\) and the invocation of by \(B^*\). (Cf. Fig. 2.) Since is an involution, those two invocations cancel out. Thus only the invocations of , A, , and B remain. This is exactly \(\mathsf {Game}_i^{ hyb }\). This shows the claim.

Claim 3

\(\Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}_1^i] = \Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}^{ hyb }_{i+1}]\).

We show the claim: Note that in \(\mathsf {Game}_1^i\), after the measurement , on the registers \(M^*,M\), we have the following sequence of operations if \(h'\ne \bot \):

M is initialized with . is applied to \(M^*,M\). M is measured in the computational basis (outcome m). is applied to \(M^*,M\). M is discarded.

This is equivalent to just executing .

Furthermore, if \(h=\bot \), then the sequence of operations is simply: Initialize M with . Measure M. Discard M. This is equivalent to doing nothing. And doing nothing is equivalent to in case \(h'=\bot \). (Because in that case, \(M^*\) is in a superposition of with , and thus , and hence the outcome of is deterministic.)

Thus \(\mathsf {Game}_1^i\) is equivalent to the following \(\mathsf {Game}_{1*}^{i}\) (in the sense that \(\Pr [b=1]\) is the same in both games):

By Fact 4, measurements and have the same effect on \(M^*\) as . (The measurement outcome may be different, but we do not use the measurement outcome in our games.) Thus \(\mathsf {Game}^i_{1*}\) is equivalent to \(\mathsf {Game}^i_{1**}\) (in the sense that \(\Pr [b=1]\) is the same in both games):

But \(\mathsf {Game}^i_{1**}\) is the same as \(\mathsf {Game}^{ hyb }_{i+1}\), except that SMh are renamed to \(S^*,M^*,h^*\). Hence \(\Pr [b=1]\) is the same in \(\mathsf {Game}_1^i\) and \(\mathsf {Game}^{ hyb }_{i+1}\), the claim follows.

Let \(A^*\) pick and then run \(A_i^*\). From Claim 1, it follows that \((A^*,B^*)\) is valid, too. Let \(\mathsf {Game}_1^*\) denote \(\mathsf {Game}_1\) from Definition 7, but with adversary \((A^*,B^*)\) and hash function . Analogously \(\mathsf {Game}_2^*\).

Since is collapsing by assumption, and \((A^*,B^*)\) is valid and polynomial-time, we have that \(\varepsilon ^*:= \bigl |\Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}_1^*]-\Pr [b=1:\mathsf {Game}_2^*]\bigr |\) is negligible.

Then we have:

Here \((*)\) follows from Claims 2 and 3.

Since \(\varepsilon ^*\) is negligible, \(\varepsilon =B\varepsilon ^*\) is negligible.    \(\square \)

Theorem 19

(Security of Merkle-Damgård). Assume that is a polynomial-time computable Merkle-Damgård padding. If is a polynomial-time computable collapsing hash function, is collapsing.

A concrete security statement is given in Theorem 20.


Since is a Merkle-Damgård padding, we have that is injective and is a suffix code. Since the domain of is , and by assumption, . Thus by Lemma 18, is collapsing on .

Since is injective, is collapsing by Lemma 13.

Since , by Lemma 14, is collapsing.    \(\square \)

Concluding, we also state Theorem 19 in its concrete security variant. Let \(\tau _H\) denote an upper bound on the time needed for evaluating \(H_k\). Let denote an upper bound on the time for computing for . Let denote an upper bound on for . ( refers to the length in bits.)

Theorem 20

(Concrete security of Merkle-Damgård). Assume that is a Merkle-Damgård padding.

Let (AB) be a \(\tau \)-time adversary, t-valid for on , with collapsing-advantage \(\varepsilon \) against .

Then there is a -time adversary \((A^*,B^*)\), t-valid for \(H_k\), with collapsing-advantage against .

5 Collapsing Hashes in the Standard Model

In the following, let be am -lossy function with . Let be a universal hash function (with key ). Let and be as in Definition 2.

We will often write \(F_{(r,s)}\) and \(h_{(r,s)}\) for \(F_s\) and \(h_r\) to unify notation (one of the parameters will be silently ignored in this case).

Construction 1 (Collapsing compression function)

We define the parameter sampler to return (rs) with , . We define the parameter sampler to return (rs) with , . We define the parameter sampler to return (rs) with , .

We define the hash function by \(H_{(r,s)}:=h_{(r,s)}\circ F_{(r,s)}\).

Note that we are mainly interested in the case where . Otherwise, \(H_{(r,s)}\) could simply be chosen to be an injective function which is always collapsing (Lemma 13).

Furthermore, note that and are not necessarily polynomial-time. The final construction will use , but we need and to state intermediate results.

Lemma 21

If \((S_F,F_s)\) is a lossy function, then is collapsing.


For , \(F_{(r,s)}\) is always injective. Hence by Lemma 13, is collapsing.

Since \((S_F,F_s)\) is a lossy function, we have that and are computationally indistinguishable. Hence and are computationally indistinguishable.

Thus by Lemma 15, is collapsing.    \(\square \)

Lemma 22

If \((S_F,F_s)\) is a lossy function with lossiness rate K, and if for some constant c, is collapsing on .


We first compute the probability that \(h_{(r,s)}\) is not injective on .


Here \((*)\) uses the fact that is the same as , . And \((**)\) is by definition of universal hash functions. And \((*\mathord **)\) follows from the fact that for any s in the support of , has size at most (recall that k is the lossiness of \(F_{s}\)).

Since \((S_F,F_s)\) has lossiness rate K, we have by definition, and is superlogarithmic. Remember that . Then

Since by assumption, c and K are constants and \(c>2-2K\), we have that \(d>0\) is a constant. Since is superlogarithmic, this implies that is negligible.

From (5) and Lemma 13, we then have that is collapsing on .    \(\square \)

Theorem 23

If \((S_F,F_s)\) is a polynomial-time computable lossy function with lossiness rate K, and if for some constant c, then is collapsing.


By Lemma 21, is collapsing. By Lemma 22, is collapsing on . By Construction 1, \(H_{(r,s)}=h_{(r,s)}\circ F_{(r,s)}\). Thus, by Lemma 14, is collapsing.

Since \((S_F,F_s)\) is a lossy function, and \(S_F\) are computationally indistinguishable. Hence and are computationally indistinguishable. Hence by Lemma 15, is collapsing.    \(\square \)

Theorem 24

Assume . Let be the Merkle-Damgård construction applied to \(H_{(r,s)}\) (using a Merkle-Damgård padding ).

If \((S_F,F_s)\) is a polynomial-time computable lossy function with lossiness rate K, and \(h_r\) is polynomial-time computable, and if for some constant c, then is collapsing.


By Lemma 23, is collapsing. Then by Theorem 19, is collapsing.    \(\square \)

Theorem 25

Assume . Let be the Merkle-Damgård construction applied to \(H_{(r,s)}\). Let denote the unbounded Halevi-Micali commitment using .

If \((S_F,F_s)\) is a polynomial-time computable lossy function with lossiness rate K, and \(h_r\) is polynomial-time computable, and if for some constant c, then is statistically hiding and collapse-binding.


By Theorem 24, is collapsing. Then by Theorem 12, is statistically hiding and collapse-binding.    \(\square \)

Note that if , we have \(2-2K<1\). Then \(h_r,c\) can always be chosen to satisfy the conditions of Theorems 24 and 25 (namely and ).

For completeness, we now give the concrete security variant of Theorem 25 here. Let \(\tau _F\) denote the time needed for evaluating \(F_{(r,s)}\). Let \(\tau _h\) denote the time needed for evaluating \(h_{(r,s)}\). Let \(\tau _h'\) denotes an upper bound on the time needed for computing the universal hash function from Definition 10. For a given adversary (AB), let be a upper bound on the length of each message output by A on the registers \(M_i\) (cf. Definition 8).

Theorem 26

Assume . Let be the Merkle-Damgård construction applied to \(H_{(r,s)}\). Let denote the unbounded Halevi-Micali commitment using .

Then any adversary against has hiding-advantage .

Let (AB) be a \(\tau \)-time adversary t-c.b.-valid for with collapsing-advantage \(\varepsilon \) against .

Then there are -time adversaries \(C_1,\dots ,C_6\), such that \(C_1,C_2,C_3\) distinguish and with some advantages \(\varepsilon _1,\varepsilon _2,\varepsilon _3\), and \(C_4,C_5,C_6\) distinguish and with some advantages \(\varepsilon _4,\varepsilon _5,\varepsilon _6\), and .

By using existing constructions of lossy functions, we further get:

Theorem 27

If SIVP and GapSVP are hard for quantum algorithms to approximate within factors for some \(c>5\), then there is a collapsing hash function with domain and codomain for some , as well as a non-interactive, statistically hiding, collapse-binding commitment schemes with message space .

Furthermore, the hash function and the commitment scheme can be chosen such that their parameter sampler returns a uniformly random bitstring.


[13] shows that almost-always lossy trapdoor functions with lossiness rate \(K<1\) exist if SIVP and GapSVP are hard for quantum algorithms to approximate within factors, where for any desired \(\delta >0\). Almost-always lossy trapdoor functions are in particular lossy functions. If \(c>5\), we can chose some constant such that for some \(\delta >0\). Thus there is a lossy function with constant lossiness rate . Hence by Theorems 24 and 25 there are a collapsing hash function and a non-interactive collapse-binding statistically hiding commitment .

returns (sr) with and . Furthermore, as discussed after Definition 2, the lossy function \((S_F,F_s)\) can be chosen such that \(S_F\) returns uniformly random keys s. In that case returns a uniformly random bitstring.    \(\square \)

Interactive commitments without public parameters. The above text analyzed non-interactive commitments using public parameters. We refer to the introduction for the reason why it is unlikely that we can get rid of the public parameters in the non-interactive setting. However, in the interactive setting, we get the following result:

Theorem 28

If lossy function with lossiness rate exist, or if SIVP and GapSVP are hard for quantum algorithms to approximate within factors for some \(c>5\), then there is a collapse-bindingFootnote 10 statistically-hiding commitment scheme with two-round commit phase and non-interactive verification, without public parameters.


Let be the commitment scheme analyzed above.

We construct an interactive commitment scheme as follows: To commit to a message m, the recipient runs and sends k to the committer. Then the committer computes and sends c. To open to m, the committer sends u, and the verifier checks whether .

It is easy to see that if is collapse-binding, so is the resulting interactive scheme. (In the collapse-binding game, the verifier is honest. Hence it is equivalent whether the verifier or picks k.)

In general, having the verifier pick k may break the hiding property of the commitment. However, the proof of the hiding property of (in the full version) reveals that commitment is statistically hiding for any choice of k. Thus the interactive commitment is statistically hiding.    \(\square \)

6 Collapse-Binding Implies Sum-Binding

For the remainder of this section, let be a commitment scheme with message space \(\{0,1\}\). (I.e., a bit commitment.)

A very simple and natural definition of the binding property for bit commitment schemes is the following one (it occurred implicitly and explicitly in different variants in [24, 7, 11]): If an adversary produces a commitment c, and is told only afterwards which bit m he should open it to, then \(p_0+p_1\le 1+ negligible \). Here \(p_0\) is the probability that he successfully opens the commitment to \(m=0\), and \(p_1\) analogously. This definition is motivated by the fact that a perfectly binding commitment trivially satisfies \(p_0+p_1\le 1+ negligible \).

Definition 29 (Sum-binding)

For any adversary \((C_0,C_1)\) and \(m\in \{0,1\}\), let

Here S is a quantum register, and c a classical value. We call the sum-binding-advantage of \((C_0,C_1)\). (With if the difference is negative.)

A commitment is sum-binding iff for any quantum-polynomial-time \((C_0,C_1)\), is negligible.

Unfortunately, this definition seems too weak to be useful (see [16] for more discussion), but certainly it seems that the sum-binding property is a minimal requirement for a bit commitment scheme. Yet, it was so far not known whether collapse-binding bit commitments are sum-binding. In this section, we will show that collapse-binding bit commitments are sum-binding, thus giving additional evidence that collapse-binding is a sensible definition.

Proof attempt using rewinding. Before we prove our result, we first explain why existing approaches (i.e., rewinding) do not give the required result.

First, the classical case as a warm up. Assume a classical adversary with \(p_0+p_1=1+\varepsilon \) for non-negligible \(\varepsilon \). We then break the classical computational-binding property as follows: Run the adversary to get c. Then ask him to provide an opening u for \(m=0\). Then rewind him to the state where he produced c. Then ask him to provide an opening \(u'\) for \(m=1\). The probability that u is valid is \(p_0\), the probability that \(u'\) is valid is \(p_1\). From the union bound, we get that the probability that both are valid is at least \(p_0+p_1-1=\varepsilon \).Footnote 11 But that means that the adversary has non-negligible probability \(\varepsilon \) of finding \(c,m,m',u,u'\) with \(m\ne m'\) and \(u,u'\) being valid openings for \(m,m'\). This contradicts the classical-style binding property.

Now what happens if we try to use rewinding in the quantum case to show that collapse-binding implies sum-binding? If we use the rewinding technique from [14], the basic idea is the following:

Run the adversary to get a commitment c (i.e., ). Run the adversary to get an opening u for \(m=0\) (i.e., run ). Here we assume w.l.o.g. that \(C_1\) is unitary. Measure u. Run the inverse of the unitary \(C_1(S,0)\). Run the adversary to get an opening \(u'\) for \(m=1\) (i.e., run ).

To get a contradiction, we need to show that with non-negligible probability u and \(u'\) are both valid openings. While u will be valid with probability \(p_0\), there is nothing we can say about \(u'\). This is because measuring u will disturb the state of the adversary so that \(C_1(S,1)\) may return nonsensical outputs. [14] shows that if there is only one valid u, then rewinding works. But there is nothing that guarantees that there is only one valid u.Footnote 12 At this point the rewinding-based proof fails.

Collapse-binding implies sum-binding. We now formally state and prove the main result of this section with a technique different from rewinding. (But possibly this is a new rewinding technique under the hood.)

Theorem 30

If is collapse-binding, then is sum-binding.

An interesting open question is whether the converse holds. If so, this would immediate give strong results for the parallel composition of sum-binding commitments and their use in rewinding proofs (because all the properties of collapse-binding commitments would carry over).

We give a proof sketch first: As we have seen, running two executions of the adversary sequentially (first opening to \(m=0\), then opening to \(m=1\)) via rewinding is problematic because the second execution may not be successful any more. Instead, we will run both executions at the same time in superposition:

Assume an adversary against sum-binding with non-negligible advantage \(\varepsilon \). We initialize a qubit M with . Then we let the adversary commit (), and then we run \(C_1(S,0)\) or \(C_1(S,1)\) in superposition, controlled by the register M. This may entangle M with the rest of the system. And we get openings for \(m=0\) and \(m=1\) in superposition on a register U. Now if we measure whether U contains a valid opening for the message on register M, the answer will be yes with probability where \(p_0,p_1\) are as in Definition 29 (call this measurement \(V_c\)). Now, we either measure the register M in the computational basis or we do not. And finally we apply the inverse of \(C_1(S,0)\) or \(C_1(S,1)\) in superposition. And finally we measure whether M is still in the state (call this measurement ).

We distinguish two cases: If we measure M in the computational basis, then or afterwards. So the measurement succeeds with probability . Hence the probability that both \(V_c\) and succeed is .

If we do not measure M in the computational basis, then we have the following situation. The invocation \(C_1(S,0)\) or \(C_1(S,1)\) in superposition, together with the measurement \(V_c\), together with the uncomputation of \(C_1(S,0)\) or \(C_1(S,1)\) can be seen as a single binary measurement \(R_c\). Now if we have a measurement that succeeds with high probability, it cannot change the state much. Thus, the higher the success probability \(\delta \) of \(R_c\), the more likely it is that M is still in state and succeeds. An exact computation reveals: the probability that both \(R_c\) (a.k.a. \(V_c\)) and succeed is \(\delta ^2\).

Thus the measurement distinguishes between measuring and not measuring M with non-negligible probability . This contradicts the collapse-binding property, the theorem follows.

We now give the full proof:


of Theorem 30. Let \((C_0,C_1)\) be an adversary in the sense of Definition 29 (against sum-binding). Let \(p_0:=p_0(C_0,C_1)\) and \(p_1:=p_1(C_0,C_1)\). We have to show that the advantage \(\varepsilon :=p_0+p_1-1\) is upper bounded by a negligible function.

Without loss of generality, we can assume that \(C_1\) is unitary. More precisely, \(C_1(S,m)\) applies a unitary circuit \(U_m\) to S, resulting in two output registers U and E. Then he measures U in the computational basis and returns the outcomes u.

With that notation, we can express the game from Definition 29 as the following circuit (renaming the register S to \(S'\) to avoid name clashes later):

figure c

(Here and in the following, denotes a measurement in the computational basis.) In that circuit, .

Let M denote a one-qubit quantum register, and define . That is, \(U_M\) is a unitary with two input registers \(M,S'\), and three output registers MUE which is realized by applying \(U_0\) or \(U_1\) to \(S'\), depending on whether M is or .

Let be the binary measurement that checks whether register M is in state . Formally, is defined by the projector on M.

Recall that \(V_c\) from Lemma 6 is the measurement defined by the projector \(P\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Circuit describing \(\mathsf {Game}_1\). \(\mathsf {Game}_2\) can be derived by omitting . The adversary algorithms A and B are depicted in the dashed boxes. (To avoid wires crossing gates, the outgoing wires of \(U_M\) are ordered EMU, not MUE as in the text.)

We define an adversary (AB) against the collapse-binding property of (using the alternative definition from Lemma 6). Algorithm A(k) performs the following steps (see also Fig. 3):

  • Run .

  • Initialize a register M with .

  • . That is, apply \(U_M\) to \(M,S'\).

  • \(S:=E\). (That is, we rename the register E.)

  • Return (SMUc).

Algorithm B(SMU) performs the following steps (see also Fig. 3):

  • \(E:=S\).

  • .

  • .

  • Return b.

Let \(\mathsf {Game}_1,\mathsf {Game}_2\) refer to the games from Lemma 6 with adversary (AB). Figure 3 depicts those games as a quantum circuit.

We consider \(\mathsf {Game}_1\) first. We are interested in computing the probability \(p:=\Pr [b=1\wedge ok =1]\) in this game. Observe that replacing by (the latter being the measurement in the computational basis, applied even when \( ok =0\)) does not change p. (Because and behave differently only when \( ok =0\).) Thus, replacing on M by does not change p. Thus, we get the following circuit:

figure d

and have

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [b=1\wedge ok =1 : \text {Circuit }(7)] = \Pr [b=1\wedge ok =1:\mathsf {Game}_1]. \end{aligned}$$

Note that on M commutes with \(V_c\) and \(U_M\). So we can move to the beginning (right after initializing M with ). But measuring in the computational basis yields a uniformly distributed bit m. And furthermore, if M contains , then \(U_M\) degenerates to \(U_m\) on register \(S'\), and M stays in state until the measurement . Thus we can simplify (7) as follows:

figure e

We thus have

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [b=1\wedge ok =1 : \text {Circuit}~(7)] = \Pr [b=1\wedge ok =1 : \text {Circuit }(9)]. \end{aligned}$$

It is easy to see that

Furthermore, in (9), b is independent of \( ok \), and we have by definition of . Thus


We now consider \(\mathsf {Game}_2\). This game is depicted in Fig. 3 (when omitting the measurement ). We are interested in computing the probability \(q:=\Pr [b=1\wedge ok =1]\) in this game. Recall that \(P_{+}\), \(P_{c}\) are the projectors describing the measurements , \(V_c\). Thus, where \(\rho \) is the final state of the following circuit:

figure f

We abbreviate the product of the operators \(U_M\), \(P_c\), \(U_M^\dagger \) with \(R_c\). Note that \(R_c\) is a projector since \(P_c\) is a projector and \(U_M\) is unitary. Let . Furthermore, let \(\rho _c\) be the state output by \(C_0\) on \(S'\) conditioned on classical output c (and let \(p_{c}\) be the probability of that output). We can write \(\rho _c\) as for some normalized quantum states and some probabilities \(p_{ci}\) with \(\sum _ip_{ci}=1\). Let . Let . With that notation, we have and \(\sum _{c,i}p_{c}p_{ci}=1\). Hence .

Furthermore, if \(\rho '\) is the state in circuit (12) after \(U_M^{\dagger }\), then it is easy to see that (recall that \(\delta \) is the success probability in (6)). We then have that with .

By definition of Q and , we have that . Then


Here \((*)\) uses Jensen’s inequality and the fact that .


$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [b=1\wedge ok =1:\mathsf {Game}_2]=q\ge \delta ^2. \end{aligned}$$

Since \(\mathsf {Game}_1\) and \(\mathsf {Game}_2\) are identical unless \( ok =1\), we have that

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [b=1\wedge ok \ne 1:\mathsf {Game}_1]= \Pr [b=1\wedge ok \ne 1:\mathsf {Game}_2]. \end{aligned}$$




Since \((C_0,C_1)\) is polynomial-time adversary, (AB) is polynomial-time. By assumption, is collapse binding. Thus by Lemma 6, the rhs of (15) is negligible. Hence \(\varepsilon \) is negligible. Since \(\varepsilon \) was the advantage of the adversary \((C_{0},C_{1})\) against the sum-binding property, it follows that is sum-binding.    \(\square \)

6.1 CDMS-Blinding

For the remainder of this section, let be a commitment scheme with message space .

The sum-binding definition is restricted to bit commitments. In [3], a generalization of sum-binding definition is given. Intuitively, for any function f, if the adversary produces a commitment c, then there should be at most one value y such that the adversary can open c to a message m with \(f(m)=y\). Slightly more formally, we require that where is the probability that the adversary (who gets y after producing the commitment c) manages to open c to a message m with \(f(m)=y\). Again, this definition is motivated by the fact that perfectly binding commitments satisfy . The definition can be parametrized by specifying the set F of allowed functions f.

Definition 31

(CDMS-binding, following [3]). Let F be a family of functions .

For any adversary \((C_0,C_1)\) and any , let

Here S is a quantum register, and c a classical value, and f a function in F (represented as a Boolean circuit).

We call \((C_0,C_1)\) F-CDMS-valid if it only outputs functions \(f\in F\). We call the F -CDMS-advantage of \((C_0,C_1)\). (With if the difference is negative.)

We call a commitment scheme F-CDMS-binding iff for all quantum-polynomial-time F-CDMS-valid \((C_0,C_1)\), the F-CDMS-advantage of \((C_0,C_1)\) is negligible.

We have somewhat modified the definition with respect to [3]: Namely, instead of quantifying over all \(f\in F\), we let the adversary choose f. This gives the adversary additional power, because f may depend on the public parameter k, but at the same time it also removes some power (because f needs to be efficiently computed in our definition). For non-uniform adversaries, our definition implies the one from [3].

Note that the sum-binding definition is a special case of the CDMS-binding definition: A bit commitment is sum-binding iff it is F-binding where F contains only the identity.

The following theorem is shown using a similar technique as Theorem 30. The main difference is that we have to use a superposition of all possible values y, instead of the superposition of messages 0 and 1. Furthermore, the fact that the adversary has free choice of m, subject to the condition \(f(m)=c\) introduces additional technicalities, but these are solved in the full proof.

Theorem 32

If is collapse-binding, then is F-CDMS-binding for any with logarithmically-bounded \(\varLambda \).

Note the condition that \(\varLambda \) is logarithmically-bounded. This condition is necessary as the following example shows: Let be a perfectly binding commitment, except that with probability \(\varepsilon \) the adversary finds a secret that allows him to open the commitment to any message. This small probability \(\varepsilon \) does not change the fact that the commitment is collapse-binding (and arguably any reasonable definition of computationally binding should tolerate such a negligible error). However, an adversary that commits to 0, then gets , and then tries to open to an arbitrary m with \(f(m)=y\) will succeed with probability for all \(y\ne f(0)\), and with probability for \(y=f(0)\). Hence . If \(\varLambda \) is superlogarithmic, then \((2^\varLambda -1)\varepsilon \) will not necessarily be negligible. This example shows that collapse-binding cannot imply CDMS-binding for superlogarithmic \(\varLambda \) and also indicates that probably CDMS-binding with superlogarithmic \(\varLambda \) is not a reasonable definition of computationally binding. (Note: in [3], only CDMS-binding with logarithmically-bounded \(\varLambda \) was used and is sufficient for their OT protocol.)