3.1 Parameterization of Heterogeneous Workloads

As for the characterization of the requests, there is a direct correspondence between Service times, Visits, and Service demands used in single-class models and those used in multiclass models. However, since their values must be specified on a per-class basis, each parameter must be identified now with two indexes: the station and the class it will refers to. For example, the service demand \(D_r\) of resource r becomes now \(D_{r,c}\), the Service demand of class-c request to resource r.

However, new problems arise when the growth of workload intensity has to be described as this can be done in different ways. Indeed, while to specify the workload intensity in single-class models is sufficient to know the Number of customers \(N_0\) in execution in closed systems, or the arrival rate \(\lambda _0\) and distribution of Interarrival times in open systems, the presence of multiple classes make these descriptions no longer adequate. Recall that with the index 0 (zero) of a metric we refer to the system as a whole.

In this section we first consider closed models, then we will analyze open models.

In closed models with of C classes of jobs, the workload intensity is described by the vector \(\mathbf {N_0}=\{N_{0,1}, N_{0,2}, ... , N_{0,C}\}\) whose components are the number of jobs of each class in execution. The total number of jobs in execution is given by \(N_0=N_{0,1}+N_{0,2}+...+N_{0,C}\). For example, \(\mathbf {N_0}=\{25,75\}\) means that in the closed model there are globally \(N_0=100\, jobs\) in execution, 25 of class-1 and 75 of class-2.

A new parameter very useful for the description of multiclass workloads growth is the vector \(\mathbf {\beta }\) representing the fractions of jobs of the C classes in execution in the system, that we will denote as population mix or job-mix:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbf {\beta }=\{\beta _1, ..., \beta _C\} \;\;\;\;\textit{with}\;\;\;\; \beta _c=N_{0,c}/N_0 \;\;\;\;\textit{and}\;\;\;\; \beta _1+\beta _2+...+\beta _C=1 \end{aligned}$$

Using the population mix, the workload \(\mathbf {N_0}\) of the previous example can be described by \(\textbf{N} = N_0\, \mathbf {\beta }\), with \(N_0=100\) and \(\mathbf {\beta }=\{0.25,0.75\}\).

The importance of the job-mix lies in the fact that in multiclass networks the ratio of the global utilizations of two stations is no longer constant with \(N_0\), as in single class case,  but depends on the fractions of jobs of the various classes in execution. Indeed, applying in single-class models the Utilization law to resources i and j we have: \(U_i=X_0 D_i\) and \(U_j=X_0 D_j\), and their ratio \(U_i/U_j = D_i/D_j\) is constant with N. The immediate consequence of this behavior is that the bottleneck of the system may migrate among the resources as a function of the population mix. Thus, since it is known that the overall performance of a system is limited by the congested resource (i.e., the bottleneck), the fluctuation of the mixes may abruptly change them deeply.

While the definition of bottleneck is simple, i.e., the resource with the highest utilization, in multiclass models, the problem of bottleneck identification is not trivial since the same model can exhibit different bottlenecks depending on the population mix. Different types of bottlenecks can be identified. The class-c bottleneck is the station with the highest service demand of that class and saturates (its utilization tends to one) when the number of class-c customers grows to infinity. The problem in multiclass systems is that, as a function of the population mix, a station may saturate also if it is not a class-bottleneck (in this case the station will be referred to as system-bottleneck or model-bottleneck) or more stations may saturate concurrently with several mixes, referred to as common saturation sector (see [2, 3, 15]).

Therefore, to characterize the workload behavior in multiclass models, we must describe the variations of the mixes. In general, different \(\mathbf {\beta }\) may yield different bottlenecks. Two types of workload increment should be considered: proportional and unbalanced. The population growth that consists of letting the total number of customers \(N_0\) to grow keeping constant the population mix \(\mathbf {\beta }\) is referred to as proportional growth.

According to this type of growth, in the example of workload above considered, the jobs in execution will be increased according to the proportions 25% of class-1 and 75% of class-2 since the mix is \(\mathbf {\beta }=\{0.25,0.75\}\). So, when the total number of jobs increases to 300, we will have 75 class-1 and 225 class-2 jobs in execution.

We have the unbalanced population growth when only one class of jobs, say c, increases. As \(N_{0,c}\) continue to growth, the bottleneck of the system tends to the station that is the class-c bottleneck, the population mix tends to \(\mathbf {\beta }=\{0, 0, 0, ... , 1_C\}\), and the performance tend to the asymptotes of single-class workloads.

To support users who need to model the different types of population growth, JMT implement specific features of the What-if analysis that allow the automatic increment of the population of a single class only (see, e.g., Fig. 3.2) or the generation of all the possible mixes of two classes in closed models (see, e.g., Fig. 3.7b).

Most of what has been previously described for the closed models also applies to open models. The number of jobs in execution of the various classes must be replaced with the corresponding arrival rates. So, the global arrival rate to a open system is \(\mathbf {\lambda _0}=\{\lambda _{0,1}, \lambda _{0,2}, ... , \lambda _{0,C}\}\) and the population mix is described by:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbf {\beta }=\{\beta _1, ..., \beta _C\} \beta _c=\lambda _{0,c}/\lambda _0 \beta _1+\beta _2+...+\beta _C=1 \end{aligned}$$

Differences between open and closed systems lie in the bottleneck switch behavior. In the former, the bottleneck migrate instantaneously between two resources without going through a common saturation section, i.e., the set of mixes that saturate both concurrently.

Regarding the scheduling disciplines of the various classes in multiclass models, there are differences as a function of the solution technique adopted. While with simulation the users have practically no limitations (some minor incompatibilities may take place as a function of the types of discipline selected), the analytical technique introduce some constraints. Typically, the queueing networks that are solved analytically are of the separable types (see, e.g., [9, 36]) and their solution (the stationary probability of their states) can be obtained by the product of the individual solutions of the stations. The computational complexity introduced by the presence of multiple classes that may have different scheduling algorithms, and usually by the large numbers of stations and customers has required the introduction of some limitations. An important theorem, the BCMP (see, e.g., [6, 36]), for open, closed, and mixed queueing networks define the characteristics that a multiclass network should have to be separable and thus to be solved analytically with efficient algorithms. Each station must be of one of the following types:

  • a queue station with FCFS scheduling discipline (requests are served according to the sequence of arrival), with one or more servers, having the same exponential distribution of Service times for all the classes. For each resource, the Service times \(S_{r,c}\) must be the same for all the classes. The differences between the classes may be considered using the number of visits \(V_{r,c}\) to the resources, providing the possibility to have different Service demands \(D_{r,c}\) for the same station (which in any case cannot be modeled with FCFS discipline).

  • a queue station with PS (processor-sharing) scheduling discipline: the n requests in the station are served simultaneously receiving each 1/n of the server capacity.  For example, in a queue station with one server if during the execution of a request that has Service time S = 2 s there are 10 requests in the station, then the execution of this request will be completed after 20 sec. This discipline is commonly used to model the time quantum of the processors, in this case the quantum tends to zero. The distribution of the service times, and their means, can be general and different for each class.

  • a queue station with LCFS-PR (last-come first-served preemptive-resume) scheduling discipline.  When a new request arrives, it interrupts the execution currently in progress and starts its execution immediately. When it is completed, the last preempted request resumes the execution at the point it was interrupted. The distribution of the Service times, and their means, can be general and different for each class.

  • a delay station, referred to as IS infinite servers station,   in which each request has its dedicated server. Its Response time coincide with the Service time since there is no queue time. The distribution of the service times, and their means, can be general and different for each class.

Load-dependent service times are allowed. For PS, LCFS-PR, and IS stations the service times for the requests of a class may depend on the number of requests of that class in the station, or on the global number of requests in that station. For FCFS station the service times may depend only on the global number of requests of all the classes in that station.

In conclusion, users must be sure that the multiclass models who want to solve analytically have stations of the four types described. For example, if you want to solve analitycally a model that has different per-class Service times \(S_{r,c}\) on the same resource, the JMVA will solve it in any case (it compute the \(D_{r,c}\)) but you should be aware that the modeled scheduling discipline is PS and not FCFS. If in any case it is necessary to solve this model with the FCFS discipline, then there is no other choice than to use simulation.

3.2 Motivating Example of Multiclass Models

tags: closed, two-class, Delay/Queue, JMVA.

In this section we describe an example purposely designed to emphasize the errors on the performance forecast that can be obtained from the same model assuming that a multiclass workload consists of a single class of jobs. The counterintuitive behavior exhibited by some performance indexes of multiclass models as a function of the fluctuations of the classes of jobs in execution is also investigated. We solve this model analytically with JMVA.

3.2.1 Problem Description

Consider a powerful web server, accessed by administrative staff and graduate students of a university, which has two main resources: CPU and Storage (Fig. 3.1a). The workload consists of two different applications. The first one is used to manage the administrative procedures concerning the students curricula (tuition fees payments, courses attended, grades obtained, ...). The second one is devoted to the management (uploads, downloads, folder structure) of the course materials/documents (slides, notes, class exercises, homeworks, exams) that professors, assistants, and students access. According to the resource requirements of the two types of users, two classes of jobs, referred to as Adm and Doc, are identified.

Fig. 3.1
figure 1

Web server layout (a) and closed queueing network with two different applications (b)

Initially, we want to investigate the effects on performance indexes generated by different workload scenarios. More precisely, we increment the number of jobs of one class only while keeping constant the jobs of the other class. The different growth rates of the various classes of the workload are described by modifying the parameter \(\mathbf {\beta }\). To model the growth of class-i jobs, we increase the corresponding \(\beta _i\).

Then, we want to illustrate the errors that can be introduced in the performance forecast by a wrong assumption on the number of classes of the workload. We solve the same system model assuming the two-class workload as consisting of a single-class of jobs. We consider a base system and an upgraded system with a CPU more powerful of a factor of five (the corresponding CPU service demands are decreased by five times). The behavior of the performance indexes are studied with respect to all the possible combinations of the two classes of jobs in execution, i.e., all the possible population mix.

Table 3.1 Service demands [s] of the two classes of jobs

3.2.2 Model Implementation

We use a closed model (Fig. 3.1b) since the customers that have access to the server are limited (administrative staff and graduate students). It consists of three resources: Users, CPU, and Storage. The Users station is of delay type.

The two classes of the workload are characterized by the Service demands shown in Table 3.1. Let \(N_0\) be the global number of jobs of the two classes. To model the growth of class-Doc jobs only (unbalanced population growth), we use the What-if feature with Number of customers and class-Doc as control parameters (Fig. 3.2). The \(N_{0,Doc}\) values range from 5 to 280 with step of 5. To study the effects on performance forecast corresponding to the two different assumptions on the number of classes (one and two) in the workload, we consider two configurations, i.e., base and upgraded, of the same system. The behavior of performance indexes in the two configurations has been investigated modeling all possible population mixes \(\mathbf {\beta } \) with \(N_0=300\,\) jobs (Fig. 3.5) and modifying the Service demands of Table 3.1 (see Table 3.2).

3.2.3 Results

In what follows we will describe the operations required to achieve the objectives of the study (referred to as Obj.1–Obj.2).

Obj.1: Show the counterintuitive result that with a multiclass workload the Global System Throughput \(\boldsymbol{X}_{\textbf {0}}\) can decrease in spite that the global number \( \boldsymbol{N}_{\textbf {0}}\) of jobs in execution increases

We consider the model with the two-class workload whose service demands are shown in Table 3.1. The initial workload is \(\textbf{N}=\{20,5\}\), globally \(N_0=25\,\) jobs are in execution, 20 of class-Adm and 5 of class-Doc. The volume of traffic due to the class-Doc jobs is expected to increase during the next semester up to 280. This behavior is the typical unbalanced population growth that can be used when one class increases more than the others. We use the What-if feature of JMVA to evaluate the Global System Throughput \(X_0\). The parameters that describe the increase of class Doc jobs are shown in Fig. 3.2. The Control Parameter is the Number of customers of class-Doc \(N_{0,Doc}\), and the execution of 276 models with its increasing values from 5 to 280 are required.

Fig. 3.2
figure 2

Parameters of the What-if for the description of the unbalanced population growth: only class-Doc jobs increase while class-Adm jobs are kept constant

In Fig. 3.3a the behavior of the Global and per-class System Throughput are shown for the number of jobs \(N_0\) in execution increasing from 25, \(\textbf{N}=\{20,5\}\), to 300, \(\textbf{N}=\{20,280\}\). Initially \(X_0\) increases until the number of Doc jobs reaches 19, corresponding to the maximum value of \(X_0=5.416\,\)j/s. Then, any further increase of \(N_{0,Doc}\), and clearly of \(N_0\), corresponds to a decrease of \(X_0\) (with \(N_{0,Doc}=280\) it is \(X_0=2.724\,\)j/s). How is it possible this happens?

The answer is prompted by Fig. 3.3b showing the Global Utilization of CPU and Storage. For \(N_{0,Doc}\le 18\) the CPU is the most utilized resource, while for \(N_{0,Doc}\ge 19\) the Storage is the most utilized. We are addressing the bottleneck switch phenomenon that can occur with multiclass workloads when different classes have their highest service demands on different stations. The basic concept is the following: the service demands of the various classes at the bottleneck station determine the performance of the global system. Since when the station bottleneck changes typically also the corresponding service demands are different, this migration may have a deep impact on the performance. While the identification of the bottleneck in single-class models is easy, in multiclass models is more complex [3]. As described in Sect. 3.1, with multiclass workloads the bottleneck may migrate among stations as a function of the percentage of jobs of the different classes in execution, i.e., of the population mix.

Fig. 3.3
figure 3

Counterintuitive behavior of performance indexes (Base system) with unbalanced increase of the Global Number \(N_0\) of jobs in execution: only class-Doc jobs increases from 5 to 280

With the workload behavior considered in this Obj.1 study, only class-Doc jobs increase from 5 to 280 and the population mix range from \(\mathbf {\beta }=\{0.8,0.2\}\) (\(\textbf{N}=\{20,5\}\)) to \(\mathbf {\beta }=\{0.066,0.933\}\) (\(\textbf{N}=\{20,280\}\)). When the Doc jobs are \(\le 18\), the contribute of the Adm jobs, with \(D_{max,Adm}=0.2\) on CPU, is fundamental for the saturation of CPU. When Doc jobs, with \(D_{max,Doc}=0.6\), are \(\ge 19\) the load generated on Storage makes its global utilization predominant with that of the CPU.

As the number of Doc jobs continue to increase, asymptotically it will be (\(N_{0,Doc}\rightarrow \infty \)), and the workload assume the characteristics of a single-class with \(\mathbf {\beta } \rightarrow \{0,1\}\). In this case, the maximum system throughput is given by \(1/D_{max,Doc}\). In our workload the max Service demand of class-Doc is \(D_{Sto,Doc}= 0.6 \) s, thus it will be \(X_0^{\infty }=1/D_{Sto,Doc}=1.666\,\)j/s. As can be seen from Figs. 3.3a, 3.4a, the System throughput of class-Doc and of the Global system tend to this value: for \(N_{0,Doc}=280\,jobs\) it is \(X_{0,Doc}= 1.57\,\)job/s and for \(N_{0,Doc}=2000\,jobs\) it is \(X_{0,Doc}= 1.65\,\)job/s. The Global System Throughput \(X_0\) decreases as \(N_{0,Doc}\) increases beyond 19 jobs.

To emphasize the impact of the population mix on the Global System Throughput we ran two experiments with unbalanced population growth. Starting from the same initial workload \(\textbf{N}=\{20,5\}\), in the first one we increase to 2000 only class-Doc jobs while in the second one we increase to 2000 only class-Adm jobs. The System throughputs are shown in Fig. 3.4.

In Fig. 3.4a \(X_{0,Doc}\) and \(X_0\) tend to the same asymptotic value 1.666 j/s while in Fig. 3.4b \(X_{0,Adm}\) and \(X_0\) tend to the same asymptotic value 5 job/sec. The Global System Throughput \(X_0\) tend to \(X_{0,Doc}\) in (a) and to \(X_{0,Adm}\) in (b). The differences between the two asymptotic values are evident. It should be pointed out that these values are not bounds! Indeed, a program mix that maximize the Utilization of all the resources of a system (see Fig. 3.3) maximize also the System throughput.

Fig. 3.4
figure 4

System throughput asymptotes of the (Base system) when only class-Doc jobs increase from 5 to 2000 (a), and only class-Adm jobs increase from 20 to 2000 (b)

Obj.2: Show that assuming a multiclass workload as single-class allows the construction of models that generate very inaccurate performance forecast. Some counterintuitive results (other than those of Obj.1) that occur with multiclass models are also shown.

In this study (inspired, with some differences, by [25]) we will show that the performance projections obtained using a wrong assumption for the workload characterization, i.e., the workload is assumed to consist of a single class instead of multiple classes of customers, are unreliable.

We consider the closed system with three stations (Fig. 3.1b), that process the two-class workload whose Service demands are shown in Table 3.1.

In what follows we will refer to the values reported in Table 3.2 obtained with the two-class workload \(\textbf{N}=\{255,45\}\) jobs, the corresponding population mix is \(\mathbf {\beta }=\{0.85,0.15\}\). The study has been carried out according to the following steps:

Table 3.2 Inputs and outputs of the single- and two-class models, for the original (Base) and the upgraded (Up) systems. The two-class workload is \(\textbf{N}=\{255,45\}\) jobs, \(\mathbf {\beta }=\{0.85,0.15\}\)

step (1)—First, we assume to know that the workload consists of \(N_0=300\,\) jobs belonging to two classes Adm and Doc whose service demands are shown in Table 3.1. We consider the population mix \(\mathbf {\beta }=\{0.85, 0.15\}\), i.e., the workload is \(\textbf{N}=\{255, 45\}\) jobs, 255 Adm and 45 Doc. Some output measures (System Response time \(R_0\), System Throughput \(X_0\), and the Utilizations of CPU and Storage) obtained from the execution of the two-class model are shown in columns Adm-Base and Doc-Base of Table 3.2.

step (2)—From the outputs of the two class model we compute the correspondent single class aggregate model (column aggregate-Base). The aggregate values of Utilization and System Throughput \(X_0\) are obtained summing the correspondent per-class indexes: \(U_{CPU}=U_{CPU,Adm}+U_{CPU,Doc}=0.89+0.11=1\) \(U_{Sto}=U_{Sto,Adm}+U_{Sto,Doc}=0.22+0.66=0.88\) \(X_0=X_{0,Adm}+X_{0,Doc}=4.448+1.102=5.551\). For the System Response time \(R_0\), according to the Little law \(N_i=X_i R_i\), the per-class values must be weighted by the relative throughput:

$$\begin{aligned} R_0^{Base} = \frac{N_0}{X_0} = R_{0,Adm}\, \frac{X_{0,Adm}}{X_0}\, +\, R_{0,Doc}\, \frac{X_{0,Doc}}{X_0}= 49.649\, sec \end{aligned}$$

This is the correct computation of the System Response time with multiclass workloads.The same weights must be applied to the computation of the aggregate service demands \(D_{CPU}^{Base}=0.180\,s\) and \(D_{Sto}^{Base}=0.159\,s\). The weights of the relative throughputs have also the following intuitive interpretation. The number of jobs of the two classes Adm and Doc executed in the interval T are \(C_{0,Adm}\) and \(C_{0,Doc}\), respectively. This means that in the log file of the system executing the two classes workload there will be \(C_{0,Adm}\) times the value of \(R_{0,Adm}\) and \(C_{0,Doc}\) times the value of \(R_{0,Doc}\). Thus, to compute the mean of all the \(R_0\) s we need to weight the two values with the respective times they appear in the file. And, dividing by T both the terms of the ratios \(C_{0,Adm}/C_0\) and \(C_{0,Doc}/C_0\) we obtain \(X_{0,Adm}/X_0\) and \(X_{0,Doc}/X_0\), that are the weights considered in Eq. 3.3.

step (3)—Now consider a new analyst who does not know anything about the system workload and builds a single-class model considering all measures of the log file as belonging to a single type of jobs. If he made the right computations, he will get the same values shown in the column Aggregate-Base for both input parameters and output measures. We note that these values are the same as those already computed in the previous step. Indeed, he, without being aware, automatically applies for their computation the correct weights described in step 2. At this point, the analyst has the wrong certainty that the implemented model is correct!

step (4)—Now we will use the two workload models (the one with two classes and the one with a single class) for the performance projections. An increase of Doc customers is expected in the near future. We want to evaluate the effect on the response time \(R_{0,Doc}\) of Doc jobs that will be generated by an increase of the CPU speed. We assume to consider a multicore processor that for the workload considered increases by a factor of five the CPU speed.

The primary effect of this upgrade is the decrease of the CPU service demands \(D_{CPU,Adm}\) from 0.2 to 0.04 and of \(D_{CPU,Doc}\) from 0.1 to 0.02 (see \(D_{CPU}\) in columns Adm-Up and Doc-Up, respectively). The execution of the two-class model compute the indexes reported in the lower part of these columns. Applying the computations described in step 2) it is possible to derive the correct values of the aggregated single-class model corresponding to the two-class model (see column Aggregate-Up correct).

Analyzing the System Response times of the two classes, we may see that while the \(R_{0,Adm}\) decreases of 77%, the \(R_{0,Doc}\) increases of 377% (from 30.8 to 147.2 s)! This is a counterintuitive result: performance degrades with a CPU upgrade!  The motivation of this result hampered by intuition is related to the switch of the bottleneck from the CPU to the storage which take place after the upgrade. Indeed, since the throughput \(X_{0,Adm}\) of class-Adm (that has the CPU as class-bottleneck) increases from 4.4 to 16.5 j/s, the competition for the Storage increases a lot (\(U_{Sto}\) reach saturation) and the class-Doc jobs, that are heavily storage bound (it is \(D_{Sto,Doc}=0.6\,s\), the Storage is the class-Doc bottleneck), experience a strong degradation of the response time.

Figure 3.5 shows the behavior of the System Response times of the two classes and the aggregated value as a function of all the population mixes, of the original system (a) and the upgraded version (b). The workload consists of 300 jobs, ranging from \(\textbf{N}=\{300,0\}\) to \(\textbf{N}=\{0,300\}\) jobs. The differences between the behavior of the correspondent curves are evident.

Fig. 3.5
figure 5

System Response times versus all \(\mathbf {\beta }\) population mixes of the original (Base) and the upgraded (Up) systems, with 300 jobs. Dashed lines represent \(\mathbf {\beta }=\{0.85,0.15\}\) used in Table 3.2

step (5)—We consider here the single-class model built in step 3) by the ignorant analyst, assuming that all the jobs as belonging to the same single class. The effect of the CPU upgrade is a decrease in service demand \(D_{CPU}\) from 0.180 to 0.036 s, see columns (Aggregate-Base) and (Aggregate-Up wrong). The output measures (Table 3.2) obtained from the execution of this single class model with \(N=300\) jobs show an improvement of performance: \(R_0\) decreases from 49.64 to 43.38 s, and \(X_0\) increases from 5.5 to 6.2 j/s. As this qualitative behavior corresponds to the expectations, the analyst my have the wrong impression that the implemented model is correct. Indeed, comparing the values of the two columns Aggregate-Up wrong and Aggregate-Up correct it is possible to understand immediately the large errors affecting \(R_0\) and \(X_0\): -66% and +168%, respectively. Thus, we may conclude that

the performance forecast based on single-class models of heterogeneous workloads are inaccurate when used to obtain projections for the average aggregate job. Furthermore, as Fig. 3.5 shows, it is evident that the average aggregate job cannot be used to derive reliable projections for each class of the two-class workload.

Let us remark that the per-class System Response times plotted by JMVA in Fig. 3.5 are the sum of the Residence times of a job of that class at all the resources of the system, including the Reference station. Thus, for example, we should add \(Z_{0,Doc}=10\,\)s (the Residence time of Doc jobs at the Reference station) to the System Response time of Doc jobs \(R_{0,Doc}=30.801\,\)s of Table 3.2 to obtain the value 40.801 plotted in Fig. 3.5a in correspondence to program mix \(\mathbf {\beta }=\{0.85,0.15\}\).

3.3 Performance Optimization of a Data Center

tags: closed, two-class, Queue, JMVA.

In this case study we illustrate a general approach applicable to several capacity planning problems with an example based on the performance optimization of a data center with a workload consisting of heterogeneous applications, [14, 38]. The problems of bottleneck identification and migration are addressed as a function of the fluctuations of the different types (classes) of requests being executed. The topic of load balancing is also investigated. 

3.3.1 Problem Description

A data center partition consists of six servers utilized by business critical applications that access to sensitive data stored. The area is highly protected for both physical access and digital security. It consists of one Web Server, two Application Servers, and three Storage Servers (see Fig. 3.6). The access to the applications and data stored on these servers is permitted only to a limited number of employees with the appropriate authorization. Based on the different requirements, in terms of amount of resources used and Quality of Service (QoS) targets, two types of applications can be identified in the workload. The two classes of requests, called class-1 and class-2, generated by the two applications are focused on business logic processing the first, and on intensive data processing (search, update) the second.

Fig. 3.6
figure 6

Layout of the data center considered

The mean number of their requests that are in execution simultaneously is 100. According to forecasts, the number of employees authorized to access the servers is expected to double over the next nine months. The management is concerned that performance may degrade to an unacceptable level. Several initiatives are considered.

As a first action it is required to investigate the impact on performance of an increase of the global number \(N_0\) of requests in execution from 100 to 200. More precisely, it is required to know if the QoS in terms of the mean per-class Response times defined for 100 employees are still satisfied. Since it is not possible to know how the fractions of the requests in execution of the two classes vary over time, to compute the upper bound of Response times it is necessary to consider all the possible combinations of the two classes of requests in execution, i.e., all the population mix, with \(N_0=200\) req.

The capacity planning study should answer to several questions such as “Does the data center with the current configuration support the increase of the workload without saturating one or more resources?”, “With \(N_0=200\) req in execution will the QoS targets on the per-class Response times be satisfied?”, “Which is the resource that is the bottleneck of the system?”.

Other important questions to be answered concern the actions that should be taken to increase, if possible, the performance of the data center with the current configuration: “Which is the impact of the population mix on the potential increase of performance?”, “The utilization of the resources are balanced?”, “Which is the population mix that maximizes the System Throughput and minimize the mean System Response time (referred to as optimal population mix)?”. 

These questions have been grouped into the two Objectives of the study that are analyzed below.

3.3.2 Model Implementation

We need to evaluate the performance of the data center with an overall number of customers doubled (200) with respect to the current one (100). We implement a closed queueing model with six queue stations (see Fig. 3.6) and \(N_0=200\, \)req in execution. The workload \(\mathbf {N_0}= \{N_{0,1}, N_{0,2}\}\) consists of two classes of requests, where \(N_{0,1}\) and \(N_{0,2}\) are the number of requests in execution of class1 and class2, respectively.

To characterize the two type of applications in terms of processing requirements, a set of Service demands, one for each resource and each class, is used. The Service demand \(D_{r,c}\) of a request of class-c at resource r is the total amount of time the request requires at that resource in order to be completely executed. The \(D_{r,c}\) are computed ignoring contention by other requests and may be estimated measuring utilizations and throughputs and using the equation \(U_{r,c} = X_{0,c}\, D_{r,c}\), where \(X_{0,c}\) is the system throughput for class-c requests and \(U_{r,c}\) is their utilization of resource r. To minimize the errors in the parameter estimation, it is recommended, when possible, to collect the measurements when the two types of applications are executed in isolation. The Service demands of the two classes of requests, in ms, are shown in Fig. 3.7a. The amount of work requested from the Web Server is much less demanding than the one requested from the Application and Storage Servers. The computations required by the business logic place a medium load on the Application Servers while the high number of data manipulated, uploaded and downloaded, generate a high load on the Storage Servers.

The Service demands are exponentially distributed and the scheduling discipline of the servers is processor sharing PS. These assumptions allows us to solve the model analytically with the MVA algorithm [25, 31] using the JMVA. Indeed, according to the BCMP theorem (see Sect. 3.1) , multiclass models in which the queue stations adopt the PS scheduling discipline can be solved analytically with efficient algorithms also if the service times (as may be considered the service demands of the single visit used our case) of the two classes at the same resource are different. Models in which these assumptions are not satisfied (e.g., if FCFS scheduling is required), must be solved with the simulation technique using JSIM.

The performance predictions obtained by the capacity planning study are based on several What-if analyses.

To evaluate the performance metrics corresponding to all the possible population mix we used the What-if feature of JMVA varying from 100% to 0% the requests in execution of one class and the opposite (from 0% to 100%) the fraction of the other class.

Fig. 3.7
figure 7

Service demands of the two classes of requests (a), and What-if parameters (b)

3.3.3 Results

The peculiarity of the workload forecasting strategy adopted in this study is that only the global intensity, i.e., the total number \(N_0=200\) requests in execution is known, and it is not possible to predict how the fractions of the requests of the two classes (i.e., the population mix) vary over time. Typically, it may be quite bursty.

Thus, to achieve the capacity planning goals What-if analyses are required with population mix as control parameter, Fig. 3.7b. The fraction \(\beta _1\) of class-1 requests in execution range from 0.5% to 99.5%, the one of class-2 is the complement to 100%.

Obj.1: Evaluate the behavior of the performance indexes of the data center with a global Number of requests in execution \(\boldsymbol{N}_{\textbf {0}}\) = 200 and for all the possible combinations of the two classes.

JMVA is used to estimate the performance of the data center for the required parameter range with the Service demands shown in Fig. 3.7a. In the What-if screenshot of Fig. 3.7b the control parameter is population mix, and 199 models are executed with all the possible mix of the requests of the two classes ranging from \(\mathbf {N_0}=\{1,199\}\) to \(\mathbf {N_0}=\{199,1\}\).

Let’s start with the analysis of the behavior of per-class and Global System Response times with respect to all the population mix with \(N_0=200\,\)req shown in Fig. 3.8a. The x-axis represents the fraction of class-1 requests \(\beta _1\) with respect to the total number of requests in execution. In the two extremes \(\beta _1=0\) and \(\beta _1=1\) the workload consists of a single class, class-2 and class-1 only, respectively. In these cases, the resource that limit the performance of the system, i.e, the bottleneck, corresponds to the one with the max service demand \(D_{max}\). When the bottleneck is saturated (\(U_{bott}=1\)), the values of System Response times can be easily computed considering the \(D_{max}\) and applying the Utilization and Little laws, see Sect. 1.2. With only class-2 requests (\(\beta _1=0\)), the bottleneck is Storage1 with \(D_{Sto1}=D_{max}=0.105\,\)s, from the Utilization law \(U_{Sto1}=X_0 D_{max}=1\) we derive \(X_0=1/D_{max}\) and by Little law it will be \(R_0^{max}=N_0 D_{max}=200\, \texttt {x}\, 0.105=\, {\textbf {21}}\, {\textbf {s}}\). In the other extreme \(\beta _1=1\) with only class-1 requests, the bottleneck is Storage2 with \(D_{Sto2}=D_{max}=0.070\, \)s and it will be \(R_0^{max}=N_0 D_{max}=200\, \texttt {x}\, 0.070=\, {\textbf {14}}\, {\textbf {s}}\).

Fig. 3.8
figure 8

System Response times [ms] (a) and System Throughputs [req/s] (b) with \(N_0= 200\,\)req versus fraction of class-1 requests in execution, from 0.5% to 99.5%

As soon as the number of class-1 requests in execution increases (and thus class-2 requests decrease), the load of Storage2 starts to grow. As a consequence, the bottleneck tends to migrate from Storage1, i.e., the class-2 bottleneck, to Storage2, i.e., the class-1 bottleneck. The corresponding class-1 System Response time \(R_{0,1}\) increases until \(13.86\,\)s with the workload \(\mathbf {N_0}=\{199,1\}\), very close to the asymptotic value \(14\,\)s above computed. It does not coincide with it because with 199req of class-1 and 1 req of class-2 the Utilization \(U_{Sto2,1}\) of Storage2 for class-1 req. is 0.995 and not 1. Similar motivations apply with the opposite workload \(\mathbf {N_0}=\{1,199\}\), i.e., \(\beta _1=0.005\), where it is \(U_{Sto1,2}=0.995\) and the class-2 System Response time \(R_{0,2}\) is 20.85 s while the asymptotic value is \(21\,\)s.

As can be seen in Fig. 3.8a, the Global System Response time \(R_0\) is practically constant for a wide range of mixes, approximately between 30% and 70% of class-1. The important feature of these mixes is that executing a workload with one of them will result in the saturation of two resources simultaneously.

This interval of joint saturation, referred to as common saturation sector, is important in order to find the load of the system that optimize the performance, i.e., Throughput maximization and Response time minimization.

The identification of this interval can be done analytically under the assumption that the workload in execution is very large so that the bottleneck(s) is saturated [3]. With our workload of 200 req. the extremes of this interval are only approximate since the load does not saturate completely the bottlenecks.

The Response times of the two classes are identical when the two bottlenecks are equiloaded (for \(\beta _1=0.6\) it is \(R_0,1=R_0,2=10.8 \) s) and it can be shown that the corresponding equiload mix lies inside the common saturation sector [35]. \(R_0\) is minimum in correspondence to this mix.

Figure 3.8b shows the System Throughput, Global \(X_0\) and per-class \(X_{0,1}\) \(X_{0,2}\). It is evident that \(X_0\) is maximized for all the mix of requests that belong to the common saturation sector while the per-class throughput are constant in the interval. It can be shown that the equiutilization point, i.e., the mix of the two classes that causes two bottlenecks to be equally utilized, lies into this interval and provides the optimal load that maximizes [35] the global System Throughput.

The behavior of Response times and Throughputs in Fig. 3.8 can be understood by analyzing the bottleneck migration. Indeed, it is known that the resource that limit the performance of the system under all possible workload mix is the bottleneck. So, when the bottleneck changes also the performance changes.

The Utilizations of the three Storage Servers of Fig. 3.9a show graphically this phenomenon. We do not consider Web and App servers because their Service demands, see Fig. 3.7a, are definitively lower than those of Storage servers, and therefore will never be saturated. As predicted, Storage1 and Storage2 saturate together for all the mixes of the common saturation sector (approximately between 30% and 70% fractions of class-1 req. of the total population of 200 req.) while the Utilization of Storage3 is definitively lower (its max Utilization reached in the common saturation sector is \(U_{Sto3} = 0.52\)), since its Service demands are smaller with respect to those of Storage1 and Storage2. When only a few class-1 requests are in execution (\(\beta _1<0.3\)), the bottleneck is Storage1. On the other side, when the fraction of class-1 req in execution is high (\(\beta _1>0.8\)) only Storage2 is saturated.

Fig. 3.9
figure 9

Utilizations of the Storage servers in the original configuration (a) and in the balanced system (b) vs population mixes. The workload ranges from {0,200} to {200,0} req

With regard to the Quality of Service targets on the per-class System Response times that were set for the original configuration of the data center with a workload of \(N_0=100\, \)req evenly divided between the two classes, i.e., \(\mathbf {\beta }=\{0.5,0.5\}\), we can see that with \(N_0=\) 200 req cannot be satisfied. Indeed, the target values assigned to the mean System Response times of the two classes were \(R_{0,1}=8\, \)s and \(R_{0,2}=12 \,\)s, respectively. With \(N_0=100\, \)req these values were met (\(R_{0,1}=4.5 \) s and \(R_{0,2}=6.7 \) s), with \(N_0=200\, \)req otherwise they are not (\(R_{0,1}=9\, \)s and \(R_{0,2}=13.5\, \)s), see Fig. 3.8a. We will see in the following Obj.2 that a load balancing action allows the satisfaction of the targets.

Fig. 3.10
figure 10

Service demands for the balanced configuration of the three Storage Servers

Obj.2: Investigate on the actions that may improve the performance of the data center with the current configuration and a workload of \(\boldsymbol{N}_{\textbf {0}}\) = 200 req. Can the System Response time objectives be achieved after these actions?

Figure 3.9a emphasizes the problem: the unbalanced utilization of the Storage Servers.

To enhance the performance we need to take into consideration the most heavily loaded servers, namely Storage1 and Storage2, since reducing the Service demands at resources other than the bottlenecks produces only marginal improvements. The total load on the two Storage Servers 1 and 2 is fairly balanced, \(D_{Sto1}= 125\,\) ms and \(D_{Sto2}= 100\,\) ms, while the load of the third server is much smaller, \(58\,\)ms, see Fig. 3.7a. We want to assess the effect of alleviating the bottlenecks, trying to balance the loads of all three Storage Servers. So, even according to usage statistics, some files have been migrated between the various storage, more precisely from Storage1 and Storage2 to Storage3, in order to make their total Service demands more similar to each other than in the original configuration. Figure 3.10 shows the new Service demands.

Let us remark that the Global Service demand to all the three Storage Servers must remain the same as the one of the original configuration, namely \(283\,\) ms, since all the servers have the same technical characteristics. Thus, shifting some data from one resource to another alter the visits \(V_r\) but not the Service time \(S_r\) of a request.

This configuration denotes a good balancing of the load of the three storages and no server is underutilized, Fig. 3.9b. By comparing their behavior with those of Fig. 3.9a obtained with the original system it is evident that the sum of the three \(U_r\) is maximized, thus enabling the maximization of the System Throughput.

The maximum System Throughput of the original system, obtained with fractions inside the common saturation sector, was \(X_0^{max} = 0.0185 \, \)req/ms, Fig. 3.8b, while the one obtained after the balancing action, Fig. 3.11b, is \(X_0^{max}\) = 0.0218 req/ms, with an improvement of about 17.8%.

The corresponding minimum System Response time were \(R_0^{min} = 10.8\,\)s for the original system, Fig. 3.8a, and \(R_0^{min} = 9.18\,\)s for the balanced, Fig. 3.11a, with a reduction of about 15%.

Fig. 3.11
figure 11

System Response times [ms] and Throughputs [req/ms] in the balanced configuration versus population mixes. The workload ranges from {0,200} to {200,0} req

With regard to the targets defined for the per-class System Response times, i.e., \(R_{0,1}=8\,\)s and \(R_{0,2}=12\,\)s, with the mix \(\mathbf {\beta }=\{0.5,0.5\}\), we can see from Fig. 3.11b that the balanced configuration is able to satisfy them, i.e., \(R_{0,1}=7.65\,\)s and \(R_{0,2}=11.47\,\)s. Instead, as described previously, the original configuration of data center with 200 req in execution was unable to reach them.