
1 Introduction

Peer assessment aims to actively involve peers in employing their knowledge and skills to assess peer work (Cestone et al., 2008; Van Gennip et al., 2010). This may include providing peers with quantitative feedback, for instance, scores across assessment criteria, and/or qualitative feedback, with any justification of scores as well as recommendations for improving peer work (Hovardas et al., 2014; Tsivitanidou et al., 2011). The later would be decisive for letting peer assessees benefit from peer feedback. In education, a quite effective peer assessment format has been the formative/reciprocal one (Tsivitanidou et al., 2011), which engages students in both the roles of peer assessor and peer assessee. Usually this starts with all students undertaking the same set of learning activities to deliver a set of learning products to be assessed. Learning products are any physical or virtual artefacts created by students themselves as they go through a learning activity sequence (Hovardas, 2016; Hovardas et al., 2018). Having created the learning products to be assessed later on, the formative/reciprocal peer assessment procedure should be able to familiarize students with the main requirements and characteristics of the work needed to produce the objects of assessment and shape their background knowledge and skills to be able to act as peer assessors. To better support students in their peer assessor role, a training session is often preceding peer assessment (van Zundert et al., 2010; Xiao & Lucking, 2008). In the peer assessee role, peers screen peer feedback and use it constructively to rework and improve their learning products. The formative/reciprocal peer assessment arrangement lets students gain from multiple reflection processes, for example, when peer assessors compare their own learning products with those of their peers, and when peer assessees are about to rework their learning products taking into account peer feedback (Anker-Hansen & Andree, 2019; Hovardas et al., 2014).

Although peer assessment has been practiced quite often with pre-service teachers (Topping, 2021), there are too few studies engaging pre-service teachers in peer assessment for pedagogical designFootnote 1 (Fang et al., 2021; Lin, 2018; Ng, 2016; Tsai et al., 2002) and, with the exception of Tsai et al. (2002), who reported that peer assessment was not valid across all dimensions studied, no previous study reported either on the validity or the reliability of peer assessment for pedagogical design. What is more, peer assessment has not been yet implemented in pedagogical design for integrated Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)Footnote 2 education (Margot & Kettler, 2019; Thibaut et al., 2018). Integrated STEAM education is understood as the inclusion of at least two STEAM subjects in designing learning activity sequences, whole lesson plans or even projects, with a concentration on real-world problems (Tasiopoulou et al., 2020). Peer assessment would be especially valuable in this case, where teacher collaboration for pedagogical design is indispensable (Margot & Kettler, 2019). STEAM integration seems to be quite demanding and challenging for primary and secondary teachers (Brown & Bogiages, 2019), despite the fact that STEAM education should already presuppose some interdisciplinarity. The silo approach, which compartmentalizes each STEM discipline within its own confines, is still prevailing in many curricula and in everyday school practice in most educational systems, presenting substantial barriers for promoting integrated STEAM education (Kelly & Knowles, 2016). To address these barriers, pre-service teachers need to be familiarized with good practice in pedagogical design in integrated STEAM education and to work with their peers to design learning activity sequences, lesson plans and projects based on STEAM integration (Hovardas et al., 2020; Tasiopoulou et al., 2020). Using peer assessment for that purpose would allow pre-service teachers develop the competences and mindset needed to provide insightful feedback to peers as well as gain from such input. If peer assessment proves valid and reliable in the context of pedagogical design for integrated STEAM education, and if peer feedback can include constructive input, for instance, justifications for quantitative scores given by peers and suggestions for improving peer work, then it may be instrumental for pre-service teacher training.

Another considerable challenge for pedagogical design in integrated STEAM education, which could be tackled by peer assessment, is female engagement (Zacharia et al., 2020). Previous research has shown that female students in primary education do not differ from their male peers in their attitudes towards STEM (McGuire et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2019). Moreover, girls in primary education tend to receive higher STEM grades than boys (O’Dea et al., 2018) and tasks related to ICT literacy (Siddiq & Scherer, 2019). It is quite interesting that career beliefs of female students in STEM do not correspond at all to their attitudes and ability in primary education (Sadler et al., 2012; Selimbegović et al., 2019). Indeed, girls do not expect to be as successful as boys in STEM‐related careers, which results eventually in fewer girls than boys being interested in pursuing a STEM career at the beginning of high school. This mismatch between female attitudes and performance in STEM, on the one side, and female STEM career beliefs, on the other, is a distinguishing feature in the transition from primary to secondary education and marks female field-specific ability beliefs (Wang & Degol, 2017). What we confront here is a type of “bottleneck effect”, where the overall decrease of students interested in following STEM careers is accompanied by a sharp decrease in the gender diversity of students who still remain interested. This bottleneck effect may be held responsible for any further reduction in female enrolment in STEM subjects and degrees in higher education (Zacharia et al., 2020). It would be crucial to examine if the implementation of peer assessment in pedagogical design for integrated STEAM education could offer input and insight for addressing female engagement. Specifically, qualitative feedback provided by peers can include justification of scores (quantitative part of feedback) and suggestions for improving pedagogical design in this direction. Female engagement will be one of the design dimensions on which we will focus in present study.

Our objective was to implement peer assessment for pedagogical design in integrated STEAM education and to compare expert and peer feedback, in this regard. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate if peer assessment can be employed for improving pedagogical design in integrated STEAM education. We engaged pre-service teachers registered in an undergraduate programme for primary education in a formative/reciprocal peer assessment arrangement, where they had the chance to act as both peer assessors and peer assessees. Participants delivered a short but comprehensive pedagogical scenario concentrating on educational robotics, where they had to refer to at least two STEAM subjects, describe a real-world problem to be solved by primary students through thinking critically and creatively, include problem-solving activities for educational robotics, and engage girls as much as boys. Following a training session, participants acted as peer assessors providing quantitative feedback (scores) and qualitative feedback (justification of their scores; suggestions for improving pedagogical scenarios) to their peers. An expert also assessed each pedagogical scenario, and, based on these scores, we awarded badges to a number of participants for recognition of excellence in developing pedagogical scenarios. Moreover, we awarded assessment badges to pre-service teachers based on deviations of peer assessor scores from expert assessor scores for the same pedagogical scenario.

We first investigated if pre-service teachers were able to respond to expert assessment by improving their pedagogical design (Research question 1). This would provide a solid indication of understanding assessment criteria, grasping the dimensions of pedagogical design and working productively to improve pedagogical scenarios along these dimensions. Then, we examined if peer assessment was valid and reliable (Research question 2). If it was, then it could be exploited in pre-service teacher training for pedagogical design in integrated STEAM education. Our next objective was to compare between expert and peer feedback and outline the weaknesses of peer feedback, if any, for instance, where peer feedback was inferior to expert feedback (Research question 3). This would give us the opportunity to target such weaknesses in training sessions for peer assessment. Finally, we investigated the main determinants that led groups of peer assessees to choose a pedagogical scenario that they would then fully develop into a lesson plan. Here we aimed to explore if performance badges would feature out as significant determinants (Research question 4), which would imply that pre-service teacher training may benefit from exploiting performance badges and letting pre-service teachers use them in their social media and networks.

2 Methods

2.1 Participants

Participants were pre-service teachers (5 males and 20 females) who registered as undergraduate students in the compulsory course “Science Teaching Methods” offered in the fourth semester of the undergraduate programme for primary education at the Department of Education, University of Cyprus. The course content involved a strong component on integrated STEAM education. Participation in the study was part of an assignment given to students, which counted, upon completion of all related activities, towards 10% of their final mark in the course. Student performance in the assignment did not influence their final grade but, to receive the 10%, they had to submit all deliverables related to the assignment on time. Although all 29 students enrolled in the course agreed to take part in the study, only 25 managed to conclude all tasks and be included in the sample. All participants were guaranteed anonymity. They were informed that their deliverables would be used within the frame of the current study and they provided their informed consent for using them as data sources. Participants were notified that they were free to withdraw at any time from the study, if they felt inclined to do so, without providing any further explanation and without their withdrawal having any impact on the allocation of the 10% of their grade. No participant had any prior experience in peer assessment.

2.2 Procedure


All participants followed an introductory session to the study and a training session on peer assessment, where the first and second authors acted as instructors (see Fig. 6.1 for a presentation of the whole procedure). Participants then developed pedagogical scenarios for integrated STEAM education concentrating on educational robotics. Each scenario was assessed twice by an expert and once by a peer (the second round of expert assessment was accompanied by peer assessment as well). The first round of expert assessment was planned to check if pre-service teachers would respond to expert feedback and improve their scenarios. This would also provide some additional guidance to pre-service teachers in terms of good practice in pedagogical design, concentrating on the first version of the scenarios they delivered. The second round of expert assessment was used to estimate the validity and reliability of peer assessment and investigate differences between expert and peer feedback. Based on expert scores for pedagogical scenarios in the second round, and overlap of peer scores with expert scores, two types of performance badges were granted to a selection of participants, namely, a scenario badge and an assessment badge. Participants then were randomly assigned to groups and they had to choose one scenario to fully develop into a lesson plan among the ones that group members had already delivered for assessment. The focus here was on whether performance badges were decisive for scenario selection.

Fig. 6.1
A flow diagram for procedure followed after an introductory and training session. They are followed by expert assessment round 1 with pedagogical scenarios version 1, expert assessment round 2 with pedagogical scenarios version 2, followed by performance badges and scenario selection.

Procedure: After an introduction session to the study and a training session for peer assessment, pre-service teachers developed a first version of pedagogical scenarios in integrated STEAM education with a focus on educational robotics. A first round of expert assessment followed and pre-service teachers reworked their scenarios. This second version of pedagogical scenarios were subjected to a second round of expert assessment and peer assessment. Based on expert and peer scores, a selection of pre-service teachers were awarded performance badges (scenario badge; assessment badge). Pre-service teachers then formed groups and selected one scenario among the ones already delivered by group members to fully develop into a lesson plan

Introductory session

In the introductory session, the aim and scope of the study was presented, specifications of participation were discussed and the participants granted their informed consent for the use of the data sources, which will be presented in the next section. Participants were informed that they would take part in a procedure of developing pedagogical scenarios for integrated STEAM education, which would involve two rounds of expert assessment and one round of peer assessment. Each participant would deliver one pedagogical scenario using the GINOBOT for designing learning activities for primary students ( The introductory session included a component of educational robotics focusing on the GINOBOT, the basic functionalities and capabilities of the robot, the KEIRO software for programming the GINOBOT (, and prototype lesson plans concentrating on the GINOBOT. Pedagogical scenarios were meant to be comprehensive descriptions of pedagogical design that should meet four requirements: First, scenarios should address at least two STEAM subjects, which was used as an approach to operationalize integrated STEAM education. Each scenario should describe a real-world problem to be solved by primary students using the GINOBOT in problem-solving activities through thinking critically and creatively. Apart from these requirements, pedagogical scenarios should also seek to engage girls as much as boys to address the gender gap in STEAM education. The introductory session included examples of good practice in pedagogical design for all these dimensions.

Another objective of the introductory session was to familiarize participants with Open Badges, specifically, Open Badge Factory (, which is used by competent organizations to create, issue and manage Open Badges, and Open Badge Passport (, where badge owners can obtain and store a pdf certificate of their badge and share it with other users in their social media accounts. Open Badges can be issued for recognizing either intention (e.g., intention to enter a community of practice, intention to communicate a message) or performance (e.g., knowledge, achievements, competences, skills, abilities). They have the form of a digital artefact with malleable visual identity and they carry relevant metadata. Open Badges can be employed in social media accounts to increase visibility of intention or performance of badge owners and shape interaction with other social media users accordingly. All participants created an account in Open Badge Passport and this infrastructure was employed for issuing participant badges for recognizing excelling performance in pedagogical design and peer assessment.

Training session

The training session on peer assessment focused on formative/reciprocal peer assessment. It started with all participants creating an account in HumHub (, which was used by the expert assessor and peer assessors to rate pedagogical scenarios and submit expert and peer feedback to peer assessees. Participants rated two different ready-made scenarios provided by the instructors using four assessment criteria, which followed closely the good practice requirements given to participants for developing scenarios:

Criterion 1: The scenario refers explicitly to the STEAM subjects involved;

Criterion 2: The scenario describes a real-world problem to be solved through thinking critically and creatively;

Criterion 3: The scenario includes problem-solving activities with the GINOBOT robot; Criterion 4: The scenario seeks to engage girls as much as boys.

After rating the first ready-made scenario, participants discussed with instructors their scores and justifications for these scores. A comparison with expert scores followed and an elaboration upon deviations between expert and participant scores concluded that part of the training session. Then, participants rated the second ready-made scenario, and in this case, they were requested to provide justifications for their scores as well as suggestions for changes to improve the scenario. Another round of discussion followed, which involved all above aspects.

Delivery of scenarios, expert assessment, peer assessment, performance badges and student group formation

Each participant delivered one pedagogical scenario, which was first rated by an expert assessor (Senior Research Associate at the University of Cyprus holding a PhD in Science Education and having participated in five European research projects in STEAM education during the last decade). The expert assessor used the same assessment criteria which participants had used in the training session. The expert assessor also provided qualitative feedback to participants with justification of scores across criteria and changes proposed for improving pedagogical scenarios. Reworked scenarios were again assessed by the expert assessor in a second expert assessment round, as well as by participants themselves who acted as peer assessors. Each participant used the same four assessment criteria they had used in the training session to rate two peer pedagogical scenarios chosen randomly and provide qualitative feedback to peer assessees with justification of scores for each assessment criterion and suggestions for changes. The identity of all assessors and asseesees was known to all participants. Excelling performance in pedagogical design (i.e., scenarios with the three highest total expert assessor scores, which belonged to 7 participants) as well as excelling performance in peer assessment (i.e., the three lower ranked deviations of total peer scores from the expert assessor for the same pedagogical scenario, which belonged to 10 participants) were recognized by being awarded specific badges (scenario badge and assessment badge, respectively). The identity of all pre-service teachers who received badges was known to all peers. Participants then were randomly assigned to groups and selected one pedagogical scenario from those that group members had already submitted for assessment, to further develop it into a lesson plan in integrated STEAM education.

2.3 Data Sources and Coding

Pedagogical scenarios, quantitative scores for each assessment criterion and qualitative feedback (justification of scores; suggestions for changes for improving pedagogical scenarios) provided by the expert assessor and peer assessors in HumHub were the data sources for the study. We coded expert and peer qualitative feedback for items justifying scores and changes proposed for improving pedagogical scenarios. An additional coding process focused on how different STEAM disciplines were integrated in pedagogical scenarios. The first and third author acted as independent coders for 10% of all data. Inter-rater reliability amounted to over 85% and the rest of the cases were resolved after a discussion between coders.

2.4 Statistical Analyses

We employed non-parametric statistics for all data we collected, since data distributions were non-normal. Specifically, we used Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Tests to ascertain whether size (word count) of pedagogical scenarios provided by participants, total expert assessor scores and expert scores for each assessment criterion differed significantly between the first and second round of expert assessment. These analyses would reflect if participants were able to respond to expert assessment and improve their pedagogical scenarios. To estimate the validity of peer assessment, we computed Spearman’s rho correlation coefficients for total scores between expert and peer assessors as well as for scores given for each assessment criterion between expert and peer assessors. Another set of Spearman’s rho correlation coefficients were computed for total scores and scores for each assessment criterion between the two different peer assessors who were assigned the same pedagogical scenario. This second correlational analysis concentrated on the reliability of peer assessment. Differences in the characteristics of expert and peer feedback, including size (word count) of feedback, scores for each assessment criterion, number of items justifying scores, and number of changes proposed to peer assessees, were examined by means of Mann–Whitney Tests. Finally, we employed tree modeling to investigate if performance badges would be significant determinants for the selection of pedagogical scenarios by peer assessees for developing a lesson plan in integrated STEAM education. In this analysis, we used as independent variables the following parameters: Participants’ gender, whether they had been granted a scenario badge and/or an assessment badge, total expert assessor score in the first and second round of expert assessment, the difference in total scores between the first and second round of expert assessment, total peer assessor scores, and the absolute value of the difference in total scores between peer assessors.

3 Results

3.1 Pre-service Teacher Responsiveness to Expert Assessment

Average word count of pre-service teachers’ pedagogical scenarios increased from the first to the second round of expert assessment from 107.28 to 160.12 words (Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test Z = −3.58, p < 0.001). This increase in the size of scenarios was accompanied by an analogous increase in the average value of the total score of the expert assessor from 5.88 (min = 4, max = 9; standard deviation = 1.33), in the first round, to 7.32 (min = 4, max = 10; standard deviation = 1.60) in the second round (Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test Z = −3.67, p < 0.001). These results suggest that pre-service teachers, overall, responded to the suggestions of the expert assessor and were able to enrich the descriptions of their pedagogical scenarios and improve their scores. Examining each assessment criterion separately (Table 6.1), there was significant improvement of scenarios in three out of four criteria (Criterion 1: The scenario refers explicitly to the STEAM subjects involved, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test Z = −2.71, p < 0.01; Criterion 2: The scenario describes a real-world problem to be solved through thinking critically and creatively, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test Z = −2.89, p < 0.01; Criterion 4: The scenario seeks to engage girls as much as boys, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test Z = −2.83, p < 0.01). For problem-solving activities with the GINOBOT robot (Criterion 3), improvement was not significant. In this case, there was probably a ceiling effect, with the average expert score being already quite high in the first round of expert assessment. We need to highlight the rather low average scores for Criterion 4 (“The scenario seeks to engage girls as much as boys”). Despite the improvement that was recorded, most scenarios failed to effectively address female engagement after the first round of expert assessment.

Table 6.1 Mean scores for pedagogical scenarios for each assessment criterion in the two rounds of expert assessment

3.2 Validity and Reliability of Peer Assessment

Spearman’s rho correlation coefficients between total expert scores and total peer scores (global measure of the validity check for peer assessment) as well as between total scores provided by different peer assessors (global measure of the reliability check for peer assessment) revealed that, overall, peer assessment was valid (Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient = 0.48, p < 0.001; N = 50) and reliable (Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient = 0.70, p < 0.001; N = 25). Spearman’s rho correlation coefficients for the validity and reliability check for each criterion separately are shown in Table 6.2. Peer assessment proved to be valid in three out of four assessment criteria (Criterion 2: The scenario describes a real-world problem to be solved through thinking critically and creatively, Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient = 0.47, p < 0.001; N = 50; Criterion 3: The scenario includes problem-solving activities with the GINOBOT robot, Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient = 0.42, p < 0.01; N = 50; Criterion 4: The scenario seeks to engage girls as much as boys, Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient = 0.39, p < 0.01; N = 50). Reliability revealed somewhat worse results, with two out of the four assessment criteria having significant coefficients (Criterion 2: The scenario describes a real-world problem to be solved through thinking critically and creatively; Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient = 0.61, p < 0.01, N = 25; Criterion 3: The scenario includes problem-solving activities with the GINOBOT robot; Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient = 0.87, p < 0.001, N = 25). All the above findings indicate that peer assessment did not succeed in providing valid and reliable quantitative feedback across all assessment criteria, despite the training session that pre-service teachers had attended.

Table 6.2 Spearman’s rho correlation coefficients for the validity and reliability check of peer assessment for each assessment criterion

3.3 Comparison Between Expert and Peer Feedback

Average scores for each assessment criterion in expert and peer feedback are presented in Table 6.3. All scores in peer feedback were higher than expert assessor scores and in three out of four criteria these differences were found to be significant (Criterion 1: The scenario refers explicitly to the STEAM subjects involved, Mann–Whitney Z = −2.84, p < 0.01; Criterion 2: The scenario describes a real-world problem to be solved through thinking critically and creatively, Mann–Whitney Z = −2.90, p < 0.01; Criterion 4: The scenario seeks to engage girls as much as boys, Mann–Whitney Z = −4.79, p < 0.001). The fact that there was no significant difference for Criterion 3 (The scenario includes problem-solving activities with the GINOBOT robot) should be linked to the ceiling effect that was underlined for this criterion in the section on “Pre-service teacher responsiveness to expert assessment” above (see also Table 6.1, in this regard). Overall, the consistently higher average scores of peers as compared to expert scores may indicate some type of positive bias towards peers.

Table 6.3 Average scores for each assessment criterion in expert and peer feedback

Differences in average scores (quantitative feedback) combined with difference in feedback size (word count) can help us trace and interpret further differences in the qualitative elements of expert and peer feedback, i.e., items provided for justification of scores and changes proposed to peer assessees for improving their pedagogical scenarios. The size of expert feedback (average word count = 168 words; standard deviation = 27 words) was significantly larger compared to the size of peer feedback (average word count = 91 words; standard deviation = 24 words) (Mann–Whitney Z = −6.73, p < 0.001). At the same time, the average number of items justifying scores (Table 6.4) as well as the average number of changes proposed to peer assessees (Table 6.5) were, for all assessment criteria, higher in expert feedback as compared to peer feedback. Although peer assessors were able to provide at least one item for justifying their quantitative scores for each assessment criterion, changes proposed to peer assessees were too few, with no change included in peer feedback for Criterion 3 (“The scenario includes problem-solving activities with the GINOBOT robot”). Taken together, the above findings imply that lower average scores across all assessment criteria in expert feedback were accompanied by more items to justify scores and more changes proposed to peer assessees, which led to a relatively increased word count of expert feedback.

Table 6.4 Average number of items justifying scores in expert and peer feedback
Table 6.5 Average number of changes proposed in expert and peer feedback for improving pedagogical scenarios

Specifically, the average number of items justifying scores was significantly higher in expert feedback for Criterion 1 (“The scenario refers explicitly to the STEAM subjects involved”) (Table 6.4; Mann–Whitney Z = −3.34, p < 0.001), while the average number of changes proposed to peer assesses was significantly higher in expert feedback for Criteria 3 (“The scenario includes problem-solving activities with the GINOBOT robot”) (Table 6.5; Mann–Whitney Z = −4.12, p < 0.001) and 4 (“The scenario seeks to engage girls as much as boys”) (Table 6.5; Mann–Whitney Z = −3.27, p < 0.001). Another interesting finding was that word count in peer feedback tended to increase when peer assessors proposed changes to peer assessees related to female engagement (Criterion 4) (Spearman’ rho correlation coefficient = 0.37, p < 0.01). We computed a crosstabulation and ran a relevant Chi-Square analysis to examine if participants’ gender influenced the probability of proposing any changes to peer assessees for improving their scenarios in the criterion for female engagement (Criterion 4). We found that proposing changes for female engagement was neither associated with peer assessor gender nor with peer assessee gender.

3.4 Selection of Pedagogical Scenarios by Peer Assessees for Developing a Lesson Plan in Integrated STEAM Education

After receiving expert and peer feedback, peer assessees worked in groups to select one pedagogical scenario among those that group members had already delivered for assessment and process it further to develop a lesson plan in integrated STEAM education. There were three groups with three pre-service teachers and another four groups with four. We employed tree modeling to investigate the effect of several parameters on this selection, including pre-service teachers’ gender, whether they had been granted a scenario badge and/or an assessment badge, total expert assessor score in the first and second round of expert assessment, the difference in total scores between the first and second round of expert assessment, total peer assessor scores, and the absolute value of the difference in total scores between peer assessors.

Figure 6.2 presents the tree computed. At each split, the significant determinants of scenario selection are shown with the values which partitioned the sample at each branch (i.e., there is a left and a right branch in each split). The result of partitioning is depicted at nodes, where one can see the number of scenarios, which were selected or not (n), and the percentage of that number in the total sample. Partitioning is terminated at end nodes. Reading the tree from the top downwards, the first determinant in the first split is whether scenarios had been delivered by pre-service teachers who had been granted a scenario badge. If scenarios belonged to pre-service teachers who had not received such a badge, then these were most probably not selected for developing a lesson plan (first split, left branch, Node 1). Among scenarios delivered by pre-service teachers with a scenario badge (first split, right branch, Node 2), those selected were the ones with a clear improvement measured as difference in total expert assessor scores between the first and second round of expert assessment.

Fig. 6.2
A tree diagram for selection of pedagogical scenarios by peer assessees. From top to bottom, it has scenario selection, badge scenario of nodes 1 and 2, and difference total expert scores of nodes 3 and 4.

Tree model for selection of pedagogical scenarios by peer assessees to develop a lesson plan in integrated STEAM education. Significant determinants are shown at each split with thresholds for partitioning the sample at left and right branches. Each node depicts the number of scenarios selected or not (n) and their percentage in the total sample. Overall percentage of cases correctly classified = 92.0%

4 Discussion

The significant correlations computed as global measures of validity (correlations between total scores of expert and peer assessors) and reliability (correlations between total scores of different peer assessors for the same pedagogical scenario) indicate that peer assessment can be employed in the case of pedagogical design of pre-service teachers in integrated STEAM education. Another strength of peer assessment in our study was that peer assessors were able to include in their feedback to peers at least one item for justifying their quantitative scores in each assessment criterion. The above findings corroborate the few studies available on peer assessment for pedagogical design, according to which, formative peer assessment can improve pedagogical design delivered by pre-service teachers (Fang et al., 2021; Lin, 2018; Ng, 2016; Tsai et al., 2002). There were, however, assessment criteria for which requirements for either validity (STEAM integration) or reliability (STEAM integration; female engagement) were not met. In the case of STEAM integration, there was also a significant difference in items for justifying scores between experts and peers, with the later presenting a lower average. It seems that peer assessors would need much more support and guidance in the training sessions preceding the enactment of peer assessment in order to secure the validity and reliability of their quantitative scores for STEAM integration. This should refer to a concrete anchoring of STEAM disciplines in current curricula as well as a thorough exemplification of possible synergies between STEAM disciplines within the frame of educational robotics involving, for instance, engineering design, programming, and mathematics. Another concern for pre-service teacher training for peer assessment should concentrate on the use of mathematics in integrated STEAM education. As we have seen from an additional qualitative analysis of the pedagogical designs delivered by participants in our study, mathematics were embedded in their designs as simple mathematical operations and not as comprehensive mathematical thinking processes. Analogous weaknesses have been reported in recent research in integrated STEAM education for primary school teachers (Roehrig et al., 2021).

With regard to female engagement, it was quite interesting that reliability for this assessment criterion was not satisfactory despite the fact that a substantial majority of participants were women. This may imply that there was considerable heterogeneity among female participants in approaches on how to engage female students as well as in judging the effectiveness of these approaches. Female engagement seems to have been the criterion where participants confronted the most challenges in pedagogical design. This criterion had the lowest average expert score in both rounds of expert assessment, and presented the lowest score among criteria for peer assessors as well. Given these shortcomings of pedagogical design for female engagement, and given that there are urgent calls for addressing the gender gap in STEAM (Zacharia et al., 2020), much more attention should be paid for engaging girls as much as boys in pedagogical design for integrated STEAM education. Although several options have been suggested for initiating and sustaining girls’ interest in STEAM, such as spatial tools (Moè et al., 2018) and role models (Barabino et al., 2020), not all of them are readily compatible with educational robotics. What is more, the selection of robotic kits for constructing artefacts, which will be the organizing principles of pedagogical design, seems to be quite crucial. A major concern here is that the motive structures, according to which female students operate, do not always overlap with male motivation, especially with regard to speed, power and competition (Johnson, 2003). Although there do not seem to be differences in learning outcomes between boys and girls in educational robotics (Zhong & Xia, 2020), girls may be more committed to follow teacher instructions (Lindh & Holgersson, 2007; Shih et al., 2012), but for that to happen, girls should first be adequately motivated and engaged. More research will be needed in this direction to support female engagement in integrated STEAM education through pedagogical design.

Average scores for each assessment criterion provided by peers were higher than expert scores. Peer over-scoring is common in peer assessment in higher education (Lu & Chiu, 2021; Panadero et al., 2013). It may be enhanced in the case of female peers, who were the majority in our sample, and who may receive higher scores than male peers, not due to gender bias, but because female peers may be assumed to perform better than males (Baker, 2008; Falchikov & Magin, 1997; May & Gueldenzoph, 2006; Tucker, 2014). This positive bias needs to be addressed in future training sessions, especially when implementing peer assessment in pedagogical design for integrated STEAM education, since it would detract from the opportunities for improvement, which peer assessment may introduce. Indeed, this was reflected in our study in the difference between expert and peer feedback in the number of changes suggested to peers for improving pedagogical scenarios. An option to address over-scoring may be anonymity of peer assessors and assessees, although it has not always delivered the expected outcomes (Yu & Sung, 2016). For pre-service teachers in primary education, the option of anonymity would probably not contribute to tackling the positive bias since females outnumber their male peers by a wide margin. Anonymity may result in more critical feedback including changes recommended to peers (Howard, 2010; Lin, 2018), but it may severely compromise genuine and constructive peer interaction (Rotsaert et al., 2018). Indeed, it has been found that peer collaboration, when combined with peer assessment, yielded better outcomes as compared to peer assessment alone (Fang et al., 2021). Moreover, training was found to counteract the negative effects of non-anonymous peer assessment (Li, 2017). An option could be to plan a transition from anonymous to non-anonymous peer assessment, which was reported to lead through iterations to equal feedback quality with anonymous peer assessment (Rotsaert et al., 2018). Furthermore, since the concentration on the implementation of specific assessment criteria has not been enough in our study, pre-service teacher training for peer assessment in pedagogical design needs to incorporate a stronger component of the interrelationship between the peer assessor and peer assessee role, e.g., what is expected from peer assessors and what is needed by peer assessees in peer feedback to improve their designs. Reflective focus group discussions among peers may foster this exchange.

The selection process by peer assessees after receiving peer feedback, where they collectively decided which pedagogical scenario to single out and fully develop into a lesson plan, was determined by recognition of excellence in pedagogical design (scenario badge) and improvement in pedagogical design between the two rounds of expert assessment. On the one hand, this finding would imply that pre-service teacher training may benefit from exploiting performance badges and letting pre-service teachers use these badges in their social media and networks. On the other hand, we need to highlight that no aspect of peer assessment was included among the determinants of the tree model, which may imply that peer scores and feedback may not be as valued as much as expert scores and feedback. Previous research showed that pre-service teachers, despite being familiarized through peer discussion and elaboration with peer assessment formats and assessment criteria, may be still dependent upon expert (teacher) advice for the use of assessment criteria (Ng, 2016) or they may still prefer instructor feedback over peer feedback (Seroussi et al., 2019). Such an attitude may have been exacerbated by the female majority of our sample, since female prospective teachers have been found to be more reluctant to give and receive peer feedback than their male peers (Evans & Waring, 2011; Peled et al., 2014). Overall, pre-service teachers may remain ambivalent as to how peer feedback could improve their pedagogical design as long as they lack confidence in their peers’ abilities to act as competent assessors. Future research should focus on the potential contribution of peer assessment for empowering pre-service teachers in pedagogical design for integrated STEAM education. Consolidating pre-service teachers’ peer assessment skills would support teacher collaboration in formal and informal teacher networks and communities of practice as well as promote distributed leadership.