
1 Introduction

Industry 4.0 has passed its first decade, but its full implementation by the strategic plans of many countries then presented, hasn’t occurred yet [1]. The demand for flexible and agile manufacturing has increased even more over the years, as the world faced many unexpected challenges, as Covid-19 pandemic, for example. The high demand changed behavior of customers and restrictions have caused disruptions in supply chains when the industry hasn’t yet implemented a fully functioning solution [2]. This is where the latest digital technologies play an important role to avoid the unnecessary and unpleasant increase of cost and time loss. Industry 4.0 has provided a background for the manufacturing digitalization resulting in a flexible and self-optimizing system which can provide answers for the dynamic market in relatively short time [3].

The pathway from the traditional to digital manufacturing demands complex changes on many level that also require a high initial investment which can be very challenging, especially for the small and medium enterprises. Therefore, many researchers have dealt with the barriers which disable the transition towards Industry 4.0. One of the most common is the lack of knowledge about the digital principles which causes the inability to be aware of the future benefits which provides the potential higher initial investment in the new technologies. Second is the lack of human skills and knowledge which would enable the proper functioning of the digital system which requires the new skills and human positions for which the special internal trainings and education that must be provided, because the traditional academic structure hasn’t yet incorporated this on the needed level [4]. This also causes the fear of human job loss because most of the manual tasks are now automatized and no longer require a human worker. To avoid these obstacles, before the Industry 4.0 technology implementation the strategic transformational plan should be defined for the optimal transition which maximizes the future benefits and minimizes the transitional time and cost [5].

To avoid obstacles of Industry 4.0 implementation, to give a response on the new market and global society trends, but also the improve the workers’ life quality and enable the sustainability of the system, concept of Industry 5.0 is presented as a green and sustainable step further for the digital manufacturing systems [6]. As a relatively new concept, in the next chapters the literature review of the currently published papers will be given to explain the Industry 5.0 concept, based on which the most important characteristics of Industry 5.0 will be singled out, and key enablers will be defined as a guidance for the optimal transition from 4.0 to 5.0.

2 Industry 5.0

The first records of Industry 5.0 have been mentioned in 2017, and beside the digital transition the green component of a system plays an important role. Principles of Industry 5.0 must not only impact the single company but influence the entire society. The European Union states that Industry 5.0 “It places the wellbeing of the worker at the center of the production process and uses new technologies to provide prosperity beyond jobs and growth while respecting the production limits of the planet” [7]. Therefore it “complements the existing “Industry 4.0” approach by specifically putting research and innovation at the service of the transition to a sustainable, human-centric and resilient European industry”. This kind of concept benefits not only the industry but also the worker as an individual and entire society. It creates a more resilient system to external changes and shocks with also a “greener” approach as another characteristic.

2.1 Literature Review

The most relevant scientific database Web of Science has been searched by tag “Industry 5.0” and most interesting and important work found will be described in following.

Xu et al. (2021) have stated that the main difference between the Industry 4.0 and 5.0 is that the 4.0 is technology driven, while 5.0 is value driven. They find EU directive as the main enabler of the 5th industrial revolution with three core values of manufacturing (human-centricity, sustainability, and resilience) and six enabling technologies (individualized human-machine interaction, bio-inspired technologies, digital twins, artificial intelligence and technologies for energy efficiency) [8]. Dautaj & Rossi (2021) have compared the Industry 5.0 with the Society 5.0 concept [6], similarly to Salimova et al. (2020) [9]. Therefore, the changes and improvement should happen on every level of the community. Nahavandi (2019) discussed Industry 5.0 as a human-centric solution where the productivity is being increased without removing human workers from the process. Importance and challenges of collaborative robots are mentioned with a conclusion that Industry 5.0 will generate even more human work opportunities [10]. Akundi et al. (2022) discussed the human coexistence with the robots as one of the important research priorities [11] while Lu et al. (2022) discuss wellbeing principles in workplace design and organization as one of the key components of Industry 5.0, following the “5C” map of human-machine relationship: “Coexistence, Cooperation and Collaboration to future Compassion and Coevolution” [12]. The similar approach have Kaasinen et al. (2022) who discuss the teamwork collaboration in human-machine relations [13]. That is why Longo et al. (2020) discuss the implementation of value-oriented and ethical technology engineering in Industry 5.0 environment [14]. Doyle-Kend & Kopacek (2021) discussed an adoption of collaborative robots in Industry 5.0 which say will play an important role at 5th industrial (r)evolution, while on the case study of Irish industry showed that there are signs of awareness of importance of their implementation and benefits for the manufacturing [15]. Dimitropoulous et al. (2021) presented a framework of a of an AI-based system for the modular manufacturing comprised of three modules. These modules enable capturing the operator and environment status and process status, identification of the tasks that are being executed by the operator using vision-based machine learning, and provision of customized operator support from the robot side for shared tasks [16]. This kind of system was developed because for mass customizaton concept demands which caused various bottlenecks in the system and so the usage of wearable devices enhanced with AI in support the interaction of human operators with robots in human-robot collaborative environments in a seamless and non-intrusive way [17].

Javaid et al. (2020) see the benefits of the Industry 5.0 in pandemic outbreaks, as an useful tool to help doctors and medical students to get needed training, but also with the remote monitoring systems in a healthcare [18]. The 5.0 principles can improve the hospitality sector where the interaction between the human and technology can improve the hygiene levels which are of highest importance today in the hospitality sector, claim Pillai et al. (2021) [19]. Javaid & Haleem (2020) concluded that the Industry 5.0 provides higher accuracy and speeds up manufacturing automation with help of critical thinking of human resources [20]. Majernik et al. (2022) studied the sustainable development from Industry 4.0 to 5.0. Significant progress in automation, robotization and digitization which supports the economic growth which is in relationship with sustainable development and climate strategies is noticed, as one of the key goals of Industry 5.0 [21]. Alvarez-Aros & Bernal-Torres (2021) claim that the technological competitiveness and emerging technology are key factors of the organizational strategy for the transition from 4.0 to 5.0. They mention engineering skills as one of the most important competencies as well as the training and education with sustainable organizational approach [22]. Broo et al. (2022) also see high importance in skills and suggests the rethinking of the engineering education by four strategies: “lifelong learning and transdisciplinary education (1), sustainability, resilience, and human-centric design modules (2), hands-on data fluency and management courses (3) and human-agent/machine/robot/computer interaction experiences (4)” [23]. Matsuda et al. (2019) claim that the introduction and penetration of 5G network will bring significant technological advancements while the changes also must happen not only on the technological, but also the organizational and managerial level so that the theoretical background of the new concept can be fully implemented [24]. Özdemir & Hekim (2018) noticed the flaws of “extreme automation” which cause certain risks, where they see Industry 5.0 as a pathway to democratize knowledge and increase innovation and security level [25]. The innovation in the Industry 5.0 era and its importance was also discussed by Aslam et al. (2020) who see it as an important point for competitiveness on the market where, by digital standards, the special innovation management systems should be implemented within the companies [26]. Sharma et al. (2022) have shown a result of a research in German pharmaceutical manufacturing sector where the highest importance for the Industry 5.0 implementation was given to “linking virutal reality and reality” [27].

2.2 Key Enablers of Industry 5.0

Based on previously presented theoretical overview of the Industry 5.0 concept in the relevant literature there are several key points which stand out and distinct the transition from the 4.0 to 5.0 and can be used as a key enablers for the Industry 5.0 implementation. Those can be designated in two groups - human-centered approach and environmental impact awareness. These two groups have one thing in common - the achievement of sustainable system. Each of the main component brings many advantages to the manufacturing system, but also generates certain barriers, which will be described in the following.

Human Centered Approach.

After the Industry 4.0 initiated complete digitization and automation of repetitive human work it created one of the greatest barriers in its implementation. The truth is that the many professions could disappear because of the work automatization, but the need for the human resources remains as one of the most important components of the industry. That is why Industry 5.0 places human in the center of the system and understands human knowledge and skills as one of most treasurable resources and competitive advantages. The local governments have recognized the need of the new-skilled professionals from the digital technologies which is why the educational system is also facing many changes. Today there are more examples of learning factories which are, usually, part of the academic institutions, but used not only for the education of the students, but also the education of working professionals which accept the concept of life-long learning and improvements.

Flexibility and Modularity.

Unexpected global crisis and supply chain interruptions also caused that the modularity and flexibility of the system has become one of the most important goals of manufacturing companies. Another trend which emphasizes the need for the flexibility is the customization of the product which leads to significant product variation with the little time for the production preparation and planning. This can be achieved on the software level by advanced systems (digital twin) which control and adapt the hardware (machines, robots, etc.) which is often referred as self-optimization. One of the hardware solutions which enable flexibility are collaborative robots which are cost-effective, safe and flexible.

Human Factors, Ergonomics, Well-Being and Ethical Technology.

The special focus in Industry 5.0 is given to interaction between human and machine which can also partially be understood as sequel to use of collaborative robots. The ergonomics standards and measuring can be also implemented in the digital twin but also there is an increased need for use of specialized ergonomic software such as Siemens Jack, Ergo-Plus, VelocityEHS or SHERPA Software. Worker motivation is also one of the key components of Industry 5.0 which can be increased not only by ergonomic design of a workplace but also with implementation of wellbeing principles in the work environment. The wellbeing principles can improve workers’ health and minimize the impact of stress-related psychosomatic diseases which lead to the absence of the workers from the workplace. With increased use of artificial intelligence, the certain ethical concerns have been raised. This includes the use and distribution of collected data, safety issues related to cybercriminal and safety of workers. The points for the trustworthy and ethical technology must not only be discussed and implemented on the industrial level, but also on the higher level of legislative bodies.

Innovation Management.

Innovation is one of the leading advantages of every company which increases the market competitiveness. The need for the system flexibility and adjustment to the demands needs of the market has set the innovation management as one of the most important organizational key points of the Industry 5.0 concept. This includes special management of the organization’s innovation procedure in which human workers from each organizational level must be included in. The set of tools which allow workers to better understand the processes and internal goals can be extended part of research & development department, all in hand to reduce production costs, increase product quality and shorten time-to-market.

Green and Sustainable Manufacturing.

With the increase of climate preservation and reduction of the general pollution, green technologies have become a one of the most important in every aspect of human life, as well as the industry. The use of sustainable energy sources and increase of energy efficiency is another point to be achieved with Industry 5.0 and the use of advanced technology enables the adequate transition towards green standards and its optimization in exploitation phase. This is also closely related to the circular economy concept which encourages the material and product recycling and reuse to reduce the waste, maximize the usability and minimize the malicious environmental impact. This is all needed to achieve sustainable system in the end which won’t be subject to unexpected market changes or disruptions and to enable the implementation human-centered flexible system.

3 Conclusion

Industry 5.0 is a natural development and advancement of previously presented digital manufacturing concept Industry 4.0. The human-centered approach enables the avoidance of human job loss because of the intensive digitalization, while use of artificial intelligence enables the flexible and modular manufacturing by rising trend of personalized products and dynamic and unstable market demands. Industry 5.0 is environmentally aware, the increase of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources leads to positive impact to global demands for manufacturing industry. Industry 4.0 has demanded drastic digital transformation of very high investment and unclear future benefits; therefore, its implementation hasn’t always been provided at fullest. Today, with the raised awareness of digital technologies and unexpected global events which has caused the disruptions of supply chains, but also the impacts of climate change, the human is more determined to start the digital transformation, while being sure that they are one of most important resources in the value chain.

For the future work, based on the specific Industry 5.0 characteristics previously mentioned, the adequate decision support method for the readiness calculation could be chosen and the model developed. This would enable the definition of transformational strategic plan for the optimal digital technology implementation and organizational changes.