
1 Introduction

The economic success of a country can be seen from its level of economic growth which is indicated by the value of the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP). The processing industry in various fields in Agam Regency, West Sumatra based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) is in the eleventh position. One of the production areas of the food industry is bread. Bread consumption in Agam Regency, West Sumatra has increased based on data from the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The challenge faced by Madani Bakery is the growing development of the white and sweet bread industry in Agam, West Sumatra. There are similar businesses that produce bread with various flavors.

5S is a method used to make improvements with the aim of increasing system performance, increasing productivity, reducing the time required to add value, and improving products quality [2]. The benefits of implementing 5S are reducing the activity of looking for goods, reducing waste, reducing the possibility of work accidents, reducing costs downtime, and better space utilization. The implementation of 5S can be carried out by all employees regardless of their education so that they can be an organized workplace, create a clean work environment, increase safety, and be able to perform continuous improvement of work stations [1]. The PDCA or Deming Cycle method is a method used to make continuous improvement with future orientation, flexibility, and logic. There are four phases used in this method, namely planning, implementation, testing, and implementation. The PDCA cycle is carried out for corrective, temporary, and permanent repairs to eliminate the root cause and fix the problem [4]. A plan is a strategic plan for achieving the targeted results, do is carry out a plan or target, check is an inspection condition before and after repair, and action is taken to standardize or fix problems [6].

2 Method

The 5S method according to Houa for creating a comfortable work environment, set standards, and make continuous improvements so that through the 5S methodology, management can create an environment where quality work is comfortable, clean, and safe in the organization and can optimize productivity by continuously maintaining systems in the workplace consistently [3]. The methods used are PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, and Action) and 5S. The 5S method is used to make repairs to the work station at Madani Bakery.

The 5S and PDCA methods were used. According to Houa, 5S is used to create a comfortable work environment, set standards, and improve continuously. The 5S methodology can be used to create a quality work environment that is comfortable, clean, and safe in the organization, as well as to continuously optimize productivity [3]. To identify goals, problems, and targets, the PDCA method is used. Madani Bakery has officially approved that their name will be published because Madani Bakery has improved its work culture and wants to serve as a model for other businesses.

3 Results and Discussion

Implementation at this stage, workstation documentation is carried out to identify problems that exist in Madani Bakery. Data collection of equipment used in bread production.

Plan to design improvements to reduce waste. The tools used are fishbone diagrams to identify the causes of waste. Identifying problems and designing solutions to be implemented. Fishbone diagram for transportation waste (see Fig. 1. Fishbone diagram for transportation waste) and fishbone diagram for motion waste (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Fishbone diagram for transportation waste

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Fishbone diagram for motion waste

Do is done to carry out repairs to the work area at Madani Bakery. Improvements were made by implementing 5S consisting of Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke. The goods are sorted at the work station during the Seiri or concise stage. The sorting policy is designed to determine the frequency of use of each item. Items that are used frequently or on a daily, weekly, or hourly basis are located near work stations. The goods are divided into several categories at the Seiton stage to make storage easier to determine. Each work station is given a boundary line at the Seiton stage. The boundary line is used to determine whether or not the work station is tidy. If the goods are damaged, they will be repaired (see Fig. 3). Seiso stage was cleaning equipment in the form of a waste basket is provided. Garbage bags are being replaced with baskets because they are more convenient to use. Other cleaning tools are adequate, but there is currently no storage space. As a result, the tool is placed arbitrarily. The work area is disorganized as a result of this condition. The provision of hangers’ aids in the organization of cleaning supplies. Hangers are strategically placed near the printing workstation.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Layout and painting strategy at madani bakery

The Seiketsu stage is carried out by making 5S reminder displays and work instructions can be seen in Table 1. Shitsuke was carried out by making a 5S audit checklist and socializing 5S. Shitsuke is done by introducing 5S to workers at Madani Bakery. The introduction of 5S was carried out by providing material related to the history of 5S, the meaning of 5S, and forms of application of 5S in the industry. Workers who are still unsure about the 5S explanation can ask questions. Audits can be carried out directly by business owners or workers who understand field conditions. Before the audit, the auditor will be explained the audit process and fill out the checklist.

Workers are disciplined to implement 5S at the Shitsuke stage. Before attempting to build worker discipline, 5S is introduced to workers. The introduction of 5S is carried out by conducting training to ensure that all employees share the same perspective on the importance of 5S. A trainer is present to conduct the training.

Table 1. Bread making work instruction.

The process flow map after 5S implementation shows the operating and transportation times are 773.89 and 10.49 min, respectively. The total activity after the implementation of 5S is 784.38 min. Comparison with the previous production time shows a reduction in the production time of 4.57 min. The process flow map after 5S implementation shows the operating and transportation times are 773.89 and 10.49 min, respectively. The total activity after the implementation of 5S is 784.38 min. Comparison with the previous production time shows a reduction in the production time of 4.57 min. Standardization in production activities is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Standardization of production activities at madani bakery.

4 Conclusion and Recommendation

This study concludes that 5S was implemented at Madani Bakery by sort goods and red tags for the Seiri stage. At the Seiton stage, storage containers, item name labels, and borders are carried out. Seiso is done by providing hygiene kits and hygiene schedules. The Seiketsu stage is performed with the creation of a 5S reminder display and work instructions. Shitsuke was done by making checklist audit 5S and socialization 5S. Madani Bakery requires discipline in carrying out 5S because this is something new for workers. There was a reduction in waste from a total waste time of 12.46 min to 11,773 min. Waste reduction occurs because the goods at the workstation are neatly arranged so that it is easier to find and the existence of work instructions makes every worker have the same workflow. The advice that can be given to Madani Bakery is monitoring the implementation of 5S regularly with 5S audits and repairs if discrepancies are found at work stations so that 5S can become a work culture of Madani Bakery.