
In recent years, the role of context-dependent probabilistic information in language processing has garnered significant attention from researchers in psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics. The general picture that is emerging from this research effort is that predictable words are processed faster (as shown by shorter gaze fixations, Ehrlich & Rayner, 1981; Staub, 2015; and self-paced reading times, Fernandez Monsalve et al., 2012; Frank & Hoeks, 2019) and elicit reduced neural signals associated with processing difficulty (N400 ERP component, DeLong et al., 2005; Kwon et al., 2017; Van Berkum et al., 2005; frontotemporal fMRI activation, Baumgaertner et al., 2002; Dien et al., 2008; and MEG responses, Takahashi et al., 2021). However, while now it is generally acknowledged that context-dependent probabilistic information plays a prominent role in language processing, there are still some major open questions regarding how the language processor makes use of these statistical data. It has been proposed that contextual word probabilities are employed to generate predictions about the upcoming lexical material (see for instance de Varda & Marelli, 2022; McDonald & Shillcock, 2003; Urbach et al., 2020), emphasizing the role of implicit expectations in language processing, in line with a “top-down” model of language comprehension (Lupyan & Clark, 2015). Nonetheless, there is still no consensus on the linking function that relates contextual word probabilities and cognitive effort, with various accounts proposing either a linear (Brothers & Kuperberg, 2020; Reichle et al., 2003), a logarithmic (Levy, 2008; Luke & Christianson, 2016; Smith & Levy, 2013; Shain et al., 2022), or a super-logarithmic relationship (Hoover et al., 2022; Meister et al., 2021). Furthermore, different accounts have proposed theoretically distinct reasons why predictive processing should take place in the first place, with some researchers proposing a main role in language learning (Chang et al., 2006) or facilitating mutual understanding (Pickering & Garrod, 2007), and others characterizing prediction in language understanding as a consequence of the general neural and functional organization of the human mind (Clark, 2013; see Huettig, 2015 for an overview). Crucially, these alternatives entail fundamentally different conclusions about the processes underlying the language system (Brothers & Kuperberg, 2020; Smith & Levy, 2013). A proper evaluation of these different perspectives is thus a central issue in confronting cognitive theories. The existence of linguistic stimuli with normed properties is of paramount importance to experiments aimed at contrasting theoretical accounts on the influence of context-dependent probabilistic information in language processing. Even when an experiment is not specifically aimed at investigating the effects of contextual predictability, the rigor of the conclusions that can be drawn from a sentence-level psycholinguistic study depends on accurately estimating stimulus predictability to include it as a statistical control.

The traditional approach to assess the contextual probability of a word \(w_i\) consists in presenting participants with that word’s context (typically the previous words in the sentence, \(w_{1}\), \(w_{2}\) \(\ldots \) \(w_{i-1}\)) and ask them to generate an appropriate continuation (Taylor, 1953). The proportion of people that picked the target word \(w_i\) as the continuation of the sentence is referred to as the cloze probability of the word \(w_i\), which is taken as an estimate of the subjective probability computed by a skilled reader during online comprehensionFootnote 1. Cloze probability has proven itself successful in predicting behavioral (Duffy et al., 1989; Luke & Christianson, 2016; Schuberth et al., 1981) and neural responses (DeLong et al., 2005; Kutas & Hillyard, 1984; Szewczyk & Federmeier, 2022). However, probabilistic data derived from the cloze test are expensive to collect, and they tend to provide unreliable estimates for low-probability words under realistic sample sizes (Shain et al., 2022). Note that this aspect is problematic not only from a methodological point of view but also from a theoretical one, since differences in processing cost associated with low-probability words are crucial in disentangling between the linear and the logarithmic accounts of the relationship between predictability and processing cost. As a way to offset this complication, researchers have sometimes employed predictability ratings from a normative group of participants, where the extent to which a word could be anticipated from the previous context is evaluated on a Likert scale (Brothers et al., 2020; DeLong et al., 2014; Rayner et al., 2001; Szewczyk & Federmeier, 2022)Footnote 2. Predictability ratings have the advantage of providing predictability estimates for low-probability words, which would be rarely generated in a cloze task, if at all. However, both predictability ratings and cloze responses are collected as non-speeded, off-line measurements, which can be affected by conscious reflection and thus distorted by strategic effects (Kutas & Federmeier, 2011; Smith & Levy, 2011; Szewczyk & Federmeier, 2022). A third alternative to measuring contextual predictability relies on computational estimates obtained from large corpora of naturalistic text. These estimates are generally obtained from statistical language models developed in the field of natural language engineering. Statistical language models are usually trained to predict the next word in a sequence of natural text (a task that is referred to as causal or auto-regressive language modeling) and thus define a conditional probability distribution over the lexicon that can be employed as an estimate of word predictability in context. Computational estimates of word predictability have the undeniable advantage of generating probability distributions over the whole vocabulary, and thus are particularly suited to model the low-probability tail of the distribution. Computational estimates are an interesting option also from a methodological perspective, since they can account for human performance without requiring human annotation; indeed, it has been argued that it is preferable to devise non-self-referential explanations of human behavior starting from the objective properties of the stimuli (see for instance Günther et al., 2020; Günther et al., 2021; Westbury, 2016). However, it is still not clear whether computational estimates achieve the same psychometric predictive power that can be obtained by employing human annotation, since these data-driven probabilistic measurements have been shown to perform worse (Smith & Levy, 2011), on par (Shain et al., 2022) or even better (Hofmann et al., 2022; Michaelov et al., 2022) than cloze probability estimates obtained with human intervention. Furthermore, predictability estimates from causal language models fail to accurately account for the human processing difficulty of some specific linguistic constructions, such as garden path sentences (Arehalli et al. , 2022; Van Schijndel & Linzen , 2021), nested hierarchical structures (Hahn et al. , 2022), and grammatical violations (Wilcox et al. , 2021).

In light of the considerations reported above, it is clear that each of the three methodological options for the measurement of predictability has its own strengths and weaknesses. Each alternative might be more suited to certain research settings, depending on the focus and the theoretical motivation of the study. For instance, studies focusing on the influence of objective text-based statistical information in reading might be more prone to consider computational estimates. In contrast, studies that emphasize the role of subjective probabilistic knowledge might consider cloze probability or predictability ratings as better psychometric candidates. To promote a multifaceted approach to context-dependent sentence processing, we release a database of aligned cloze probability estimates, predictability ratings, and computational estimates for a sample of 205 sentences (1726 words) released by Frank et al. (2013).

Research in incremental language processing crucially relies on appropriate measurements of word predictability in context, i.e., on a proper operationalization of the independent variable that is assumed to influence anticipatory processing. However, in typical psycholinguistic studies, these variables are not considered by themselves, but need to be related to dependent variables reflecting the processing cost associated with word probability. For this reason, psycholinguistic resources aimed to foster research in sentence processing should ideally comprise both predictability estimates and empirical measurements of processing demands. In line with this rationale, the contextual predictability estimates that we release are aligned with previously released word-by-word reading time data (both self-paced reading and eye-movement records, Frank et al. (2013)) and EEG responses (Frank et al., 2015).

Materials and methods


Cloze probability

Stimuli were extracted from the datasets by Frank et al. (2013) and Frank et al. (2015), for a total of 205 English sentences, ranging from 5 to 15 words. This initial sentence sample was used to obtain items for the cloze probability task: each sentence was progressively split at each word starting from the first one, so that for every sentence \(n-1\) fragments were generated (where n is the length of the sentence in words). Table 1 reports an example of the items obtained from the sentence The bored looking soldier just pointed. Note that while in the table the sentence fragments are shown incrementally, during data collection they were presented in randomized order to the participants.

Table 1 Fragments and associated upcoming words obtained from the sentence “The bored looking soldier just pointed”, used as stimuli in the cloze probability and the predictability rating tasks

Following this procedure, a total of 1726 items were obtained. These were presented in a typical cloze-probability task: participants were asked to continue the sentence by writing what they expect to be the next word. The instructions stressed that, even if participants came up with several options, their task was always to produce one single word – the one that, in their immediate intuition, should follow what was presented. Moreover, it was emphasized that the to-be-produced word could belong to any part-of-speech, including articles and prepositions.

Data were collected in a series of crowdsourcing studies through Prolifc Academics ( The total item sample was randomly divided into 8 different lists, each including about 216 items. Each list was administered via a separate study, released via the crowdsourcing platform. A total of 80 participants were involved in each study, with a compensation of 5.63 pounds. All participants were self-declared English first-language speakers. As a further control, before the actual cloze probability task, participants were asked to complete a simple word knowledge test comprising ten items from Nation’s Vocabulary Size Test (Nation & Beglar , 2007). Participants that made more than two mistakes in the test were excluded. With this criterion, 13 participants were not considered in the following analyses. The median completion time was 27 min. The produced cloze responses were automatically spell-checked with the Python package pyspellchecker (version 0.7.1), a simple toolkit that combines frequency and Levenshtein orthographic distance to correct misspelled words. The records of all the corrections (3.95% of the produced words) are reported in the Supplementary Materials. Punctuation signs were not considered in the calculation of cloze probability estimates.

Table 2 Summary description of the computational models considered in this study

One common problem with cloze probability norms is that they often produce zero probability estimates for some items. In other words, there are some cases where the target word \(w_i\) is not produced by any participant as a possible continuation of \(w_1\), \(w_2\) \(\ldots \) \(w_{i-1}\). This aspect is problematic both from a theoretical and a methodological point of view. First, it is unlikely that all the words that have not been produced in a cloze task correspond to impossible sentence continuations according to the participants’ subjective probability distribution; under realistic sample sizes, words with \(p(w_i | w_1, w_2 \ldots w_{i-1}) < .001\) will be virtually absent from the participants’ responses. Intuitively, this problem highlights the need to divide the probability mass over more words than the ones that have been actually seen. Second, zero-probability events are problematic for the accounts that propose a logarithmic functional form of the effect of predictability on processing times since the logarithm of zero is undefined. As a way to offset these problems, we smoothed the probability distribution derived from cloze responses via Laplace smoothing (Eq. 1).

$$\begin{aligned} P_{smoothed}(w_i) = \frac{|w_i| + \alpha }{\sum ^{K}_{j = 1} (|w_j|) + \alpha \cdot K} \end{aligned}$$

Where \(\alpha = 1\) is an additive constant, \(|w_i|\) is the number of participants that produced \(w_i\) in response to the cloze item, and K the size of the set of words produced in the cloze item.

As mentioned in the Introduction, the functional form of the effect of word predictability on processing cost is still a matter of debate. While there is ample consensus that probabilistic estimates extracted from statistical language models provide better fit indexes to behavioral data if log-transformed (see for instance Berzak & Levy, 2022; Shain et al., 2022; Smith & Levy, 2013; Wilcox et al., 2020), it has been argued that cloze probability values better predict human behavior if entered linearly in a statistical model (Brothers et al., 2020, but see Shain et al., 2022). In the following analyses, we chose not to commit a priori to a specific alternative, and considered both cloze probability (clozep) and its negative log transformation (clozes \(= - \log \) clozep).Footnote 3

Predictability ratings

The same items employed in the cloze-probability task (aggregated in the very same eight lists) were also administered in a rating experiment. In this case, participants were presented with both the sentence fragment and the associated upcoming word (see Table 1) and asked to rate, on a scale from 1 to 5, how much they would expect the presented word to follow the presented sentence fragment. Instructions emphasized that we were not asking to evaluate how plausible or sensible that word was, but rather how they expect to find it while reading the preceding sentence context.

Also in this case, data were collected in a series of eight crowdsourcing studies through Prolific Academics ( The same procedure described for the cloze probability task was followed. A total of 60 participants, who did not take part in the cloze data collection, were involved in each study, with a compensation of 3.13 pounds. Data from participants that made more than two mistakes in Nation’s Vocabulary Size Test were discarded. With this criterion, 14 participants were excluded. The median completion time was 22 min.

Computational estimates

Statistical language models vary by an ample margin in their architecture and computational complexity. Frank et al. (2013) have released, in conjunction with their ERP data, probabilistic estimates derived from several models (N-grams, Recurrent Neural Networks, and Phrase Structure Grammars, trained to predict both lexical items and Parts of Speech; see Table 2 for a brief description of the models). However, research in natural language engineering has made significant progress since 2015, mainly driven by the widespread adoption of transformer-based neural networks (Vaswani et al., 2017). Transformers are deep learning models that rely on the mechanism of self-attention, weighing the significance of each token in the input data in order to generate a prediction. They are designed to process sequential data in parallel and create probability distributions over the whole lexicon. Research in psycholinguistics has largely followed the progressive switch to the transformer architecture, with transformer-based predictability estimates being evaluated as indexes of processing difficulty (Wilcox et al., 2020; Hao et al., 2020; Merkx & Frank, 2021). In our dataset, we release probabilistic estimates derived from seven pre-trained transformer-based neural network models, with sizes ranging from 124 million to 2.7 billion parameters. Four models (GPT-2124M, GPT-2355M, GPT-2774M, GPT-21.5B) belong to the GPT-2 family (Radford et al. , 2019), an array of auto-regressive language models; three models (GPT-Neo125M, GPT-Neo1.3B, GPT-Neo2.7B) are instances of the GPT-Neo class, an open-source alternative to GPT-2 and GPT-3 models trained on a more diverse sample of texts (Black et al. , 2021). In light of the ample evidence that computational predictability estimates have a logarithmic effect on processing times (e.g., Shain et al., 2022; Smith & Levy, 2013), we convert the word probability estimates extracted from the transformer models to surprisal values. In the case of multi-token words, we summed the log probabilities assigned to the sub-word tokens, following the chain rule.

Employed variables

In this study, we considered a series of word predictability measurements (henceforth wpms) and neural and behavioral measures of processing demands (nbms).

We employed as wpms our measurements obtained via human annotation (rating, clozep, clozes) and our computational log-probability estimates (GPT-Neo[125M, 2.7B], GPT-2[124M, 1.5B]). Besides our human-annotated measures and the outputs of the transformer models, we also considered the computational estimates released by Frank et al. (2015), namely the output of three N-gram models (bigram, trigram, tetragram), a Phrase Structure Grammar (PSG), and a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). A summary with a short description of each model is reported in Table 2. Note that Frank et al. (2015) released several versions of the PSG and RNN, each trained on an increasingly large subsample of the available textual data. For simplicity, we only report the results of the models trained on all the available data. We also disregarded the surprisal estimates relative to parts of speech instead of lexical items.

The nbms that we considered are the self-paced reading times (SPR) and eye movement patterns (first fixation duration: FFix; first pass duration: FPass; go-past duration: GoPast; right-bounded time: RightBound) released by Frank et al. (2013); the ERP components we analyzed are the N400, (Early) Post-N400 Positivity (EPNP and PNP), (Early) Left Anterior Negativity (ELAN and LAN) and P600 components as released by Frank et al. (2015). The various nbms and the processing stages they are assumed to reflect are summarized in Table 3; for more details on the ERP time windows and electrode sites we redirect the reader to Frank et al. (2015); for detailed information on the eye-tracking records see Frank et al. (2013).

Table 3 Summary description of the neural and behavioral measurements considered in the study


Following Frank et al. (2015), we discarded from our analyses words attached to a comma, clitics, and sentence-final words; after this exclusion, our analyses were carried out on N = 1487 words.

We first run descriptive analyses aimed at capturing the relationships between the measures we collected; following these, we report a series of inferential analyses to compare the predictive power of our measures in relation to several neural and behavioral indexes of processing difficulty.

We started by inspecting the Pearson correlations between all the available measures (i.e., both measures of predictability and processing), and complemented this analysis with a hierarchical clustering based on the correlation patterns. The clustering analysis was based on a dissimilarity matrix constructed as the negative absolute correlation matrix, and Ward’s method was employed as an agglomerative clustering criterion. The Ward’s method (Ward , 1963) finds at each step the pair of clusters that increases by the least amount the within-cluster variance after the merging is performed.

In a second step, we compared the predictive power of our predictability measurements and the ones released by Frank et al. (2015) in estimating word-by-word processing times (both during self-paced and natural reading) and ERP amplitudes. To perform such a comparison, we fit a series of linearFootnote 4 regression models with each wpm \(\times \) nbm combination as the independent and dependent variable, respectively. All the models included as covariates the position of the word \(w_i\) in the sentence, subtitle-based log-frequency estimates (Brysbaert et al. , 2012), length (in characters), and all the two-way interactions between these covariates.

Note that self-paced reading times and, to a lesser extent, eye-movement patterns, are known to be sensitive to spillover effects (Frank et al. , 2013; Just et al. , 1982). In the context of information-theoretic approaches to psycholinguistics, a common procedure to capture these effects involves the inclusion of the values of the independent variables (frequency, length, surprisal) relative to \(w_{i-1}\) and sometimes \(w_{i-2}\) as covariates in the regression models (see for instance Berzak & Levy, 2022; Goodkind & Bicknell, 2018; Hao et al., 2020) or to consider as the interest area a region comprising the target and the following word (Smith & Levy , 2011). However, these analytical choices are problematic in the case of our study for three main reasons.

First, they limit the comparability of the results across measures, as eye-movement patterns are known to respond to properties of \(w_{i-1}\), while self-paced reading times are considered as susceptible even to features of \(w_{i-2}\) (see for instance Meister et al., 2022) and EEG data are not generally considered to be sensitive to spillover effects. Thus, controlling for spillover effects would imply analyzing the different nbms with different model specifications, limiting the extent of the comparisons that can be legitimately drawn.

Second, considering spillover effects produces a significant data loss, since the first N words (with N being proportional to the width of the assumed spillover effect) of each sentence have to be discarded as there are no previous words available for computing the relevant word properties. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that the discarded words always occur in the same sentence positions (i.e., the first words in each sentence), potentially altering in a systematic way the distribution of processing times and predictability estimates in the sample.

Third, with spillover effects it is more difficult to draw conclusions on the fine-grained temporal dynamics of language processing; indeed, if the processing cost on \(w_{i}\) is explained on the basis of the properties of \(w_{i-1}\) and \(w_{i-2}\), all the processing indexes become closer to late measures, as they are modeled as a function of linguistic features that have been accessible to the language processor since it was processing the two preceding words.

On the other hand, spillover effects are documented in the literature, and by excluding them we do not account for a systematic source of variation in human responses.Footnote 5 Furthermore, the spillover effects of surprisal differ in their extent across the different measurements considered; most of the slowdown associated with surprisal is localized on \(w_i\) in the case of eye-tracking (Wilcox et al. , 2023; Smith & Levy , 2013), and on \(w_{i+1}\) in the case of self-paced reading (Smith & Levy , 2013). This asymmetry entails that, by excluding spillover effects, the effect of surprisal on self-paced reading times might be specifically underestimated. Hence, we report here both the results obtained without considering the spillover, and the results obtained when accounting for spillover effects.

To evaluate the increase in the explained variance due to the inclusion of the wpm as a fixed effect, we compared each experimental model with a corresponding baseline model, which was identical except for the absence of the fixed effects of the wpm. The increase in explained variance was operationalized as the difference in the log-likelihood (\(\Delta LogLik\)) between the baseline and the experimental model, as common practice in computational psycholinguistics (Goodkind & Bicknell, 2018; Hao et al., 2020; Oh & Schuler, 2022; Kuribayashi et al., 2021). In assessing the best predictors of each nbm, we employed the Akaike information criterion (AIC; Akaike, 1998). We considered as best predictors (a) the ones associated with the highest log-likelihood (or, equivalently, the lowest AIC), and (b) with \(\Delta AIC_i < 2\), where \(\Delta AIC_i\) is the difference between the AIC of the considered model (\(AIC_i\)) and the lowest AIC among the alternative regression models (\(AIC_{min}\); see Symonds & Moussalli, 2011; Richards, 2005).

In order to assess the robustness of the results of our inferential analyses, we further tested their generalizability with 5-fold cross-validation. Each of the folds was iteratively left out from the training data, and the regression coefficients were estimated on the remaining four folds; the left-out fold was then employed as a disjoint test set to assess the fit quality on unseen data. As in the previous analyses, fit quality was measured as the \(\Delta LogLik\) in the left-out fold with respect to the baseline; p values were calculated with the likelihood-ratio test, and aggregated across folds with Fisher’s combined probability test.

The data and materials for all experiments are available at

Fig. 1
figure 1

Correlation matrix including our measurements derived from human subjects (rating, clozep, clozes) and the various behavioral and neural indexes available for our dataset. To increase readability, the computational estimates have been excluded from the correlation matrix; the complete results are plotted in Appendix A and reported in detail in the online supplementary materials

Fig. 2
figure 2

Hierarchical clustering of the computational, behavioral, and neural indexes available for our dataset


Descriptive analyses

The correlation matrix including the human-derived wpms and all the nbms is reported in Fig. 1; the exact correlation coefficients are reported in detail in the online supplementary materials. The matrix shows that the lexical-predictability estimates (clozep, clozes, and ratings) are correlated; the sign of the correlations between clozep and rating on the one hand and clozes on the other hand is negative because of the conversion to surprisal. The eye movement patterns (FFix, FPass, GoPast, RightBound) are strongly related to each other, and moderately correlated with all the predictability measurements. Self-paced reading times do not display any notable preferential correlation with any predictability measurement; on the other hand, the amplitudes of the LAN, N400, and P600 ERP components show a positive relationship with predictability.

The results of our hierarchical clustering analysis are depicted as a dendrogram in Fig. 2. As can be seen in the figure, all the measurements we release display consistent correlational patterns, with our estimates based on human annotation (rating, clozep, clozes) and our transformer-based measures estimates (GPT-Neo[125M, 2.7B], GPT-2[124M, 1.5B]) forming two clusters. Not surprisingly, our transformer-based predictability values are most strongly correlated with the text-based estimates released by Frank et al. (2015), i.e., N-grams, RNN, and PSG; then, the closest cluster is the one composed by our human-based estimates. The fact that human- and text-based estimates of lexical predictability are closer to each other than to the other variables corroborates the internal validity of our measures as indexes of context-dependent word predictability. On the above merging level, the predictability estimates are grouped with the eye-movement measures; this result shows that the indexes of processing difficulty that are more strongly correlated with word predictability in context are derived from gaze patterns. However, these correlational results should be taken with caution, since they do not partial out the effects of frequency, which is well known to correlate with both fixation durations (e.g., Carpenter & Just, 1983; White et al., 2018) and contextual probabilityFootnote 6 (Ong & Kliegl , 2008; Moers et al. , 2017), resulting in possibly spurious correlations. The regression analyses described in the following subsection take into account this possible confound by including frequency as a covariate.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Increase in model fit (\(\Delta LogLik\)) in the linear regression models that could be ascribed to the inclusion of the wpms measuring predictability, with several neural and behavioral indexes of processing cost as dependent variables. The \(\Delta LogLik\) values presented were obtained on the training data

Inferential analyses

Figure 3 summarizes the results of 165 linear regression models (15 wpms \(\times \) 11 nbms); more precisely, it plots the increase in model fit (\(\Delta LogLik\)) obtained by independently adding each measure of predictability as a fixed effect to the baseline model. The complete results are reported in Appendix B (Table 5). Our predictability measurements exert a reliable impact on various neural and behavioral processing indexes.

Most wpms are generally predictive of eye movement patterns. The earliest fixation measurement considered (FFix) is significantly associated with all the wpms; the most robust predictors are PSG (\(\hat{B}\) = 1.8669, t = 3.9510, p = 0.0001, \(\Delta LogLik\) = 6.1975), clozes (\(\hat{B}\) = 2.3591, t = 3.8709, p = 0.0001, \(\Delta LogLik\) = 7.4946) and GPT-2124M (\(\hat{B}\) = 1.3433, t = 3.8335, p = 0.0001, \(\Delta LogLik\) = 7.3513).

In the case of first pass duration (Fpass), the best predictor is GPT-2124M (\(\hat{B}\) = 3.0184, t = 6.4610, p \(< 0.0001\), \(\Delta LogLik\) = 20.6923); from graphical inspection, Fpass results show a clear advantage of the transformer-based surprisal values over the computational predictability estimates released by Frank et al. (2015).

Then, the most robust predictor of RightBound is once again GPT-2124M (\(\hat{B}\) = 3.6020, t = 6.6772, p \(< 0.0001\), \(\Delta LogLik\) = 22.0787); like in the case of Fpass, the transformer-based estimates outperform simpler N-gram, PSG, and RNN models.

As for GoPast, several predictors satisfy the condition of being the best regressors in the analyses (\(\Delta AIC_i < 2\)); in particular, bigram (\(\hat{B}\) = 5.0016, t = 4.4580, p \(< 0.0001\), \(\Delta LogLik\) = 9.9239), tetragram (\(\hat{B}\) = 3.9031, t = 4.4178, p \(< 0.0001\), \(\Delta LogLik\) = 9.7471), PSG (\(\hat{B}\) = 5.3099, t = 4.4360, p \(< 0.0001\), \(\Delta LogLik\) = 9.8268), GPT-2124M (\(\hat{B}\) = 3.7861, t = 4.2642, p \(< 0.0001\), \(\Delta LogLik\) = 9.0851), and GPT-Neo125M (\(\hat{B}\) = 3.8111, t = 4.4487, p \(< 0.0001\), \(\Delta LogLik\) = 9.883) have a comparable performance in accounting for GoPast reading times. Taken together, the results on eye-movement data show that fixation patterns are generally best accounted for by text-based measurements (and in particular transformer-based surprisal values) rather than human-derived estimates. One notable exception is FFix, which counts cloze\(_{s}\) as one of its best predictors.

SPR times are best predicted by the ratings (\(\hat{B}\) = -4.1687, t = -4.4909, p \(< 0.0001\), \(\Delta LogLik\) = 10.07); the simpler measurements released by Frank et al. (2015) and the transformer-based computational estimates obtain comparable results; for instance, GPT-Neo125M and tetragram are virtually indistinguishable from a model selection perspective (\(\Delta AIC = 0.1659\)).

In describing the results obtained with the ERP data, we will focus on the LAN, N400, EPNP, and P600 components. Indeed, no significant effect was found in PNP, and only one wpm reached statistical significance with ELAN amplitudes as dependent variables, without surviving to cross-validation (see the following section).

The strongest predictor of LAN amplitudes are the ratings (\(\hat{B}\) = 0.2018, t = 4.5639, p \(< .0001\), \(\Delta LogLik\) = 10.3975); the other significant regressors are the cloze-based measurements and all the transformer-based estimates.

The N400 component is then the nbm for which our predictability estimates provide the starker increase in model fit. Its amplitude is best predicted by the ratings (\(\hat{B}\) = 0.3084, t = 8.4921, p \(< .0001\), \(\Delta LogLik\) = 35.3873).

Nonetheless, all the wpm we consider produce a considerable increase in explained variance. As for the EPNP ERP component, our results show that its amplitude is better predicted by the GPT-Neo family, and in particular the two largest models (GPT-Neo1.3B: \(\hat{B}\) = -0.0243, t = -3.0294, p = 0.0025, \(\Delta LogLik\) = 4.5995; GPT-Neo2.7B: \(\hat{B}\) = -0.0251, t = -2.9765, p = 0.003, \(\Delta LogLik\) = 4.4407). EPNP is the only ERP measure that is not better accounted for by the ratings; the other regressors that are significantly associated with its amplitude are all the transformer-based models but GPT-2\(_{355M}\).

The last component we consider is the P600; the regressors associated with the most considerable increase in model fit are the ratings (\(\hat{B}\) = 0.1847, t = 5.6200, p \(< 0.0001\), \(\Delta LogLik\) = 15.7095), GPT-Neo\(_{2.7B}\) (\(\hat{B}\) = -0.0513, t = -5.7444, p \(< 0.0001\), \(\Delta LogLik\) = 16.4045), and GPT-Neo\(_{1.3B}\) (\(\hat{B}\) = -0.0478, t = -5.5979, p \(< 0.0001\), \(\Delta LogLik\) = 15.5871). All the transformer-based models are predictive of the P600 amplitude, with relatively high \(\Delta LogLik\) values; the models with more parameters (e.g., GPT-Neo\(_{2.7B}\), GPT-Neo\(_{1.3B}\)) tend to outperform their under-parametrized counterparts. Note that this trend, which we also found in the case of EPNP, is in contrast with what we reported with eye-movement data, where smaller transformer models consistently outperformed the largest GPT-2 and GPT-Neo variants. Overall, a notable pattern that characterizes the ERP data is that, with the exception of the N400, EEG measurements are not significantly associated with the predictability estimates obtained by the simpler statistical models released by Frank et al. (2015); indeed, predictability effects in LAN, EPNP, and P600 only emerge when employing predictability ratings, transformer-based surprisal values, and, in the case of P600 and LAN, cloze\(_s\).

To summarize our results, we report in Table 4 an outline of the nbms that are best fitted by the regressors of interest. The table clearly shows that the ratings are particularly effective in the prediction of self-paced reading times and EEG responses, while GPT-2\(_{124M}\) is particularly suited at capturing eye movement patterns. Overall, transformer-based measurements tend to outperform all the N-gram models, PSG, and RNN.

Table 4 The last column of the table reports the nbms that are best fitted by the wpms considered in this study
Fig. 4
figure 4

Results of the cross-validation analyses. The increase in model fit (\(\Delta LogLik\)) obtained in the linear regression models is averaged over the fivefold cross-validation. The error bars indicate the standard error of the mean


The robustness of the results we obtained in the previous section was assessed by means of 5-fold cross-validation. The results of the analyses are depicted in Fig. 4, and reported in detail in the online supplementary materials. Overall, cross-validation confirmed the results of our previous analyses. While the \(\Delta LogLik\) are consistently lower (as expected, since the models are trained and tested on different folds of the data, with a more conservative approach), the patterns of results are very similar with respect to what we reported in the previous section; indeed, the average rank correlation between the results obtained in the previous section and the results of the cross-validation analyses is \(\rho = 0.8568\).

In the case of FFix, Fpass, and RightBound, the best predictors are the same that have been previously identified. In the case of GoPast, bigram, tetragram, and PSG still achieve the best predictive power (bigram: \(\Delta LogLik\) = 1.7007, SE = 0.4018, p = 0.0026; tetragram: \(\Delta LogLik\) = 1.6998, SE = 0.6167, p = 0.0034; PSG: \(\Delta LogLik\) = 1.7447, SE = 0.5334, p = 0.0027), while GPT-2124M (\(\Delta LogLik\) = 1.1544, SE = 0.9373, p = 0.0089) and GPT-Neo125M (\(\Delta LogLik\) = 1.2034, SE = 1.0754, p = 0.0023) perform generally worse in the cross-validation setting. SPR times are once again best predicted by the ratings (\(\Delta LogLik\) = 1.7591, SE = 0.6037, p = 0.0029); however, GPT-Neo125M (\(\Delta LogLik\) = 0.6128, SE = 1.2656, p = 0.0057) underperforms in the cross-validation settings.

The most notable differences with the results described in the previous section are found in the ERP data. Effects on EPNP amplitudes, which were previously found to be associated with several nbms, did not survive the cross-validation analyses. Similarly, none of the previously significant predictors of LAN responses were sufficiently robust to hold in a cross-validation setting, with the exception of the ratings (\(\Delta LogLik\) = 1.8395, SE = 0.6936, p = 0.0013).Footnote 7 The pattern of results when considering N400 and P600 amplitudes was virtually unchanged after cross-validation, as the correlation with the previous results is (near-)perfect (N400: \(\rho = 1\); P600: \(\rho = 0.975\)).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Effects of predictability on eye movement and self-paced reading data, with spillover

Spillover effects

Self-paced reading times and fixation patterns are known to be sensitive to properties of the previous words. In the main results section, we decided to model reading times as a function of the properties of \(w_i\), in order to (i) increase the comparability of our results across measures, (ii) limit the data loss, and (iii) compare wpms across early and late processing measurements (see the Analyses section). Nonetheless, for the sake of completeness and to better capture the specificity of each measurement, we report in this section the results of our spillover analyses.

In this section, we analyzed fixation times on \(w_i\) as a function of the properties of \(w_{i}\) and \(w_{i-1}\), and self-paced reading times as a function of the properties of \(w_{i}\), \(w_{i-1}\) and \(w_{i-2}\); our testing procedure was identical to the cross-validation analyses with respect to model configuration and considered variables. Note that the spillover analyses were carried out on N = 1090 words (as opposed to 1487 words without spillover), hence these results are not directly comparable to those of previous analyses.

The results of the spillover analyses are depicted in Fig. 5, and reported in the online supplementary materials. The figure shows that, numerically, predictability ratings display an advantage over the other wpms in explaining both fixation patterns and self-paced reading times. The other wpms that satisfy the criteria of being the best predictors for each measurement are clozes (\(\Delta LogLik\) = 4.9528, SE = 0.4316, p < 0.0001), tetragram (\(\Delta LogLik\) = 6.2884, SE = 1.4978, p < 0.0001), and trigram (\(\Delta LogLik\) = 5.1188, SE = 1.0968, p < 0.0001) in the case of FFix; tetragram in the case of Fpass (\(\Delta LogLik\) = 8.3601, SE = 1.9676, p < 0.0001) and RightBound (\(\Delta LogLik\) = 10.0153, SE = 2.2233, p < 0.0001); and GPT-Neo1.3B (\(\Delta LogLik\) = 4.1723, SE = 0.8479, p < 0.0001), GPT-2774M (\(\Delta LogLik\) = 4.0821, SE = 0.5914, p < 0.0001) and GPT-21.5B (\(\Delta LogLik\) = 4.0850, SE = 0.6649, p < 0.0001) for self-paced reading times.

As we argued in the Methods section, if the processing cost on \(w_i\) is explained on the basis of properties relative to the previous words, even early processing measures such as FFix and Fpass become closer to late measures, since they are characterized as a cognitive response to information that was available to the language processing system when it was processing \(w_{i-1}\). We propose that the edge that predictability ratings show over the other measurements could be interpreted under this account; when reading patterns are accounted for by the properties of the previous words, non-speeded responses based on conscious reflection provide the best wpms. We further note that accounting for spillover effects increased the relative predictivity of the N-gram models.

Note that, when accounting for spillover effects, all the eye movement processing indexes display similar patterns of results, as all the predictors achieve similar psychometric predictive power across measurements (average rank correlation \(\rho \) = 0.8268, as opposed to \(\rho \) = 0.3012 in the linear analyses and \(\rho \) = 0.2482 with cross-validation). This observation corroborates our choice to separately analyze spillover effects and the effects localized on \(w_i\) to better exploit the information provided by the different eye movement measurements.


Our results show that, overall, predictability ratings obtain very high psychometric accuracy, outperforming the other predictors in explaining self-paced reading, eye-tracking (with spillover), and EEG data. Predictability ratings are far less considered than cloze probability and computational estimates in the literature on prediction in incremental sentence processing (see for instance Hofmann et al., 2022; Merkx & Frank, 2021; Michaelov et al., 2022); our findings however suggest that the speakers’ explicit judgments on the predictability of a word given the previous context are highly predictive proxies of the processing cost associated with that word. On the other hand, cloze probability lags behind both ratings and modern transformer-based surprisal estimates. This finding corroborates the proposal that some data-driven probabilistic measurements can perform better than cloze probability estimates obtained with human annotation (Hofmann et al., 2022; Michaelov et al., 2022). However, we also show that, with appropriate sample size and some design choices such as a suitable smoothing technique, log-transformed cloze probability estimates are highly accurate predictors of early eye-movement patterns. In particular, we show that cloze\(_s\) is one of the best estimates in explaining the variance of FFix, both with and without spillover.

Notably, cloze probability is consistently associated with higher \(\Delta LogLik\) values if entered logarithmically as a regressor; indeed, clozes is a better predictor than clozep in all the significant regression models (except in the case of SPR without spillover). This difference provides empirical support to the inferential theories of language comprehension, which advocate that the functional form of the effect of word predictability on cognitive effort should be indeed logarithmic (Levy, 2008; Luke & Christianson, 2016; Smith & Levy, 2013; Shain et al., 2022). Brothers & Kuperberg (2020) suggested that a logarithmic linking function between predictability and processing cost might be a spurious finding resulting from the employment of computational estimates of word probability in context instead of subjective measurements; our results, however, show that the result holds when employing a measure of subjective probability as the independent variable (see also Shain et al., 2022).

Another clear pattern that emerges from our results is that, among the text-based estimates and the sizes tested – which are not balanced across models –, transformers have an edge over N-grams, PSG, and RNN. Among the transformer-based models, however, the strongest predictive performance is obtained by GPT-2\(_{124M}\), which is the smallest model of the GPT-2 family and is among the best predictors of four different eye-tracking measurements (FFix, Fpass, RightBound, GoPast without spillover). Within each model family, smaller models tend to show a slight advantage over their over-parametrized counterparts, at least when considering eye-movement data.

This result supports the recent finding that larger pre-trained transformers, which generally obtain better results in next-word prediction and various downstream tasks, provide worse psychometric estimates than their smaller analogs (Oh et al. , 2022; Shain et al. , 2022; de Varda & Marelli , 2023).Footnote 8 It has been proposed that this “inverse scaling” trend is due to the tendency of larger models to memorize word sequences during training, which causes their expectations to diverge from the ones that humans deploy during online sentence processing (Oh & Schuler , 2022). This pattern is consistent when considering eye-movement-based measurements of processing difficulty; with the ERP data, however, the comparison between the different transformer architectures is less straightforward, and in the case of the P600 and EPNP components bigger models have actually higher psychometric predictive power.

The trends we described above highlight the fact that some models are generally better at explaining variance in neural and behavioral indexes of processing cost. However, a critical aspect of our results is that not all processing measurements are best modeled by the same regressors. For instance, in the case of FFix,Footnote 9 which is the earliest fixation measurement considered, simpler text-based estimates such as the PSG perform on par or even better than the deep transformer-based surprisal values. Similarly, also GoPast reading times are well described by both relatively simple models such as the N-grams and deep transformers with hundreds of millions of parameters (although the N-gram models are more robust to cross-validation). On the other hand, there is a stark difference in the predictive power of the transformer-based estimates and the statistical predictability measures released by Frank et al. (2015) when considering Fpass and RightBound, where the former measurements display a clear advantage. We propose that this asymmetry in the explanatory power of the computational predictability estimates might arise from the computational complexity of the cognitive processes being modeled. FFix is a very early eye-tracking measurement that is assumed to be indicative of low-level oculomotor processes, early lexical access, and predictive processing (Demberg & Keller , 2008; Staub , 2015); Fpass is thought to reflect lexical access and early semantic and syntactic integration (Inhoff & Radach , 1998; Rayner , 1998), and while we are not aware of an accepted functional characterization of RightBound, the measure subsumes both FFix and Fpass while including later fixations on \(w_i\), arguably incorporating informative data on subsequent processing stages (see Table 3). GoPast has been described as an ambiguous measurement (Clifton et al. , 2007), as it incorporates the occurrence of a regression, indicating an arguably early difficulty in integrating a word, and also the cost of overcoming this difficulty through re-reading, which may reflect a late processing effect.Footnote 10 Thus, relatively simpler computational models excel at explaining early processing while deep neural architectures are better at accounting for variance in intermediate-to-late integrative operations; hybrid measurements such as GoPast are then well modeled by both kinds of predictability estimates. When spillover effects are taken into account, even early measurements such as FFix are modeled as responses to the surprisal of the previous word, thus partially losing their status of early measurements. Thus, it is not surprising to find predictability ratings (non-speeded responses based on deliberate reflection) among the best predictors of all eye movement measurements.

SPR data are best fitted by predictability ratings, both with and without spillover; simple (e.g., tetragram) and deep transformer-based computational estimates (e.g., GPT-Neo\(_{125M}\)) obtain comparable results (although also in this case the N-gram models are more solid in the cross-validation analyses), and cloze probability reaches statistical significance only if entered linearly in the regression model. The fact that ratings show the most substantial effect on SPR times is consistent with the observation that SPR is a consciously controlled method of progressing through a sentence, which puts within the reader’s intentional influence the criteria to employ for pressing the spacebar (Clifton & Staub , 2011). Analogously, predictability ratings are an explicit measure produced after conscious reflection; hence, the fact that they are the best predictors of SPR might be motivated by the fact that both kinds of behavior are the product of deliberate processes, possibly subjected to strategic effects. However, as for all the late processing measurements, SPR times also inevitably incorporate earlier components of the reading behavior, which may explain why also the simpler statistical estimates achieve a decent psychometric power. That said, we stress that these results should be interpreted with caution, as SPR can yield noisy data (Boyce et al. , 2020).

The idea that different operationalizations of the predictability construct better capture different processing indexes is well exemplified by the EEG data considered in this study.Footnote 11 The LAN component is associated with our human-derived estimates and the transformer-based computational measures; the fact that the most complex predictability estimates explain such an early measurement might seem anomalous, but Frank et al. (2015) computed the LAN amplitude on a time window that was partially overlapping with the N400 (LAN: 300–400 ms; N400: 300–500 ms), and on adjacent electrode sites. This observation, in conjunction with the relatively high correlation between the recorded amplitudes of the two components (r = 0.4967, p \(< .0001\)), suggests that the results obtained with the former might be spurious correlations. We additionally note that LAN effects were robust to cross-validation only if entered non-linearly as predictors in the regression (see Appendix C). In the context of this article, we refrain from interpreting the results we obtained with the EPNP component, as no wpm is predictive of its amplitude in the cross-validation setting, even if modeled as a non-linear spline.

The N400 ERP component, in contrast, is significantly associated with all the predictability measurements considered; its stronger regressors are the predictability ratings, but all the other wpms are robust after cross-validation. The fact that the N400 component is well predicted by both shallow and deep statistical information as well as human-derived estimates is not surprising, given the vast array of information that the N400 has been shown to respond to. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that its amplitude is modulated by expectations driven by text-based distributional information (Frank et al. , 2015), orthographic (Laszlo & Federmeier , 2009), semantic (Kutas & Federmeier , 2000), and pragmatic factors (Van Berkum et al. , 2009), and it is also susceptible to violations related to broad world knowledge (Hagoort et al. , 2004). Given the wide range of information sources that inform the predictions the N400 is susceptible to, it is not surprising that all the operationalizations of predictability that we consider concur in explaining its amplitude.

The P600 component, on the other hand, is associated only with clozes, ratings, and the transformer-based estimates, while the more shallow predictions generated by the simpler computational models do not achieve statistical significance. Its best regressors are the ratings GPT-Neo\(_{2.7B}\), and GPT-Neo\(_{1.3B}\), which are the biggest models considered in this study. These outcomes are in line with the functional role that has been proposed for the P600. This ERP component is an EEG signature that peaks 200 ms after the N400, and thus, from a purely temporal perspective, it is a later processing measurement with respect to the N400. The P600 amplitude has been shown to be modulated by late, controlled syntactic reanalysis or repair (Friederici et al. , 1996), late meaning-related responses to a sentence elicited after some semantic anomalies are detected (Van Herten et al. , 2005), and compositional integration in general (Aurnhammer et al., 2021; see Table 3). Given that the P600 occurs in a later processing stage than the N400 and is assumed to be indicative of complex integrative operations, the fact that its amplitude is predicted by large context-aware networks and non-speeded human responses but not by simpler computational models does not come as a surprise. This pattern, along with the eye-tracking results described above, is in line with the observation that it is not appropriate to adopt a “one-size-fits-all” approach when studying the role of linguistic statistical information across different cognitive processes (Wingfield & Connell , 2022), and speaks in favor of a flexible approach in choosing the appropriate computational estimate in cognitive modeling and psycholinguistics, which should take into account the complexity of the process being studied.


In this study, we presented a set of data-driven and human-derived variables operationalizing the predictability of a word in context, and compared their psychometric predictive power in explaining the variance of several indexes of processing demands. Our results showed that, overall, predictability ratings are among the best predictors of cognitive cost during online sentence comprehension, showing a particularly marked advantage over the other measures in predicting SPR times, ERP responses, and eye-tracking data when spillover effects are accounted for.

Transformer-based surprisal estimates, on the other hand, excel in accounting for eye movement data without spillover effects. Lastly, log-transformed cloze probability estimates have decent average psychometric accuracy and are the best regressors of early eye-movement data (FFix); nonetheless, they lag behind the other two alternatives in all the other measures of processing cost. Taken together, our results highlight the importance of choosing the appropriate predictability measurement in cognitive research, which crucially depends on the processing index being considered.

We believe that the measurements we release can foster cognitive research in different ways. For instance, our measurements of predictability can serve as independent variables to aid the study of the interplay between sentence-level and word-specific properties in language comprehension (see for instance Amenta et al., 2022; Dambacher et al., 2006). Furthermore, we consider that our human-derived measurements constitute a rich and interesting behavioral phenomenon per se: in accordance with the dominant approach in the literature, we considered predictability ratings and cloze responses as independent variables to account for implicit indexes of processing cost; however, from a different standpoint, one might examine them as dependent variables that need to be explained on the basis of their objective properties. Within such an approach, one may take into account the whole distribution of responses for each item – a kind of information that is inevitably lost when considering word predictability as a single, word-level scalar as we did in this study. For instance, when calculating the cloze probability of \(w_i\), one only considers the ratio of participants that produced \(w_i\), ignoring other potentially relevant properties of the response distribution. Indeed, recent studies are starting to focus on the variability in the individual responses in several domains such as object naming (Gualdoni et al. , 2022), interpretation of compound words (Guenther & Marelli , 2022), and cloze distributions (Eisape et al. , 2020). We believe that predictability ratings and cloze responses could constitute a valuable tool to investigate the processes underlying both evaluative and productive components in sentence processing.

Our release of ratings and cloze responses contributes to a growing database of psychometric data collected on the same set of sentence stimuli, which for now covers two behavioral paradigms (eye-tracking and self-paced reading), EEG data, and several predictability norms. Future norming studies might expand the dataset with other behavioral measures of incremental language comprehension difficulty, including for instance Maze data.