
In measurement theory, personal aspects may contain latent constructs or traits which cannot be approached directly, such as “intelligence” and “quality of life”. In an effort to measure these latent constructs, many scales have been developed from uniquely designed questionnaires. Rasch analysis is one of the scientific methods to transform the original survey into a linear-weighted, clinimetrically sound scale. Using inherent criteria, e.g., goodness-of-fit, unidimensionality, and local dependency (Mesbah, 2010), manual Rasch analysis follows a step-by-step procedure, repeatedly fitting the observed responses to the Rasch model. The worst item(s) are generally removed, after which the remaining items are reevaluated, until a clinimetrically optimal itemset has been obtained.

Rasch analysis becomes even more complex when the original survey contains items that can function differently due to the respondents’ backgrounds (e.g., age, gender, and nationality). This phenomenon is known as differential item functioning (DIF) (Holland & Wainer, 1993). DIF occurs if respondents from a particular group tend to score higher or lower on a particular item compared to other group(s), despite having otherwise similar characteristics. This type of item is often found in clinical observations, for example in running, old people tend to have more trouble compared to young people. Erroneous ignorance of such biases leads to a biased instrument (Borsboom, 2006; Kopf, Zeileis, & Strobl, 2015). DIF assessment has become one of the standard ingredients of Rasch analysis and has been implemented in various ways, e.g., (Holland & Thayer, 1986; Swaminathan & Rogers, 1990; Kreiner & Christensen, 2011; Magis & Facon, 2013; Tutz & Schauberger, 2015; Komboz, Strobl, & Zeileis, 2018; Schauberger & Mair, 2020; Schneider, Strobl, Zeileis, & Debelak, 2021).

In current practice, step-by-step procedures are carried out manually by the experts, which can be relatively time-consuming even with the support from the available software packages, such as (Choi, Gibbons, & Crane, 2011;, 2014; Magis & Facon, 2014; Jeon & Rijmen, 2016; Bollmann, Berger, & Tutz, 2018). Decisions on how to prioritize the various evaluation criteria and which items to include partly rely on human judgments blended with clinical expertise, and different experts may obtain different but equally suitable instruments. These procedures will become even more complex when the DIF items have to be resolved iteratively (Andrich & Hagquist, 2015; Hagquist & Andrich, 2017).

The objective of this research is to incorporate the DIF assessment procedure while automating the Rasch analysis. In doing so, we extend our previous method, which automates the Rasch analysis using the in-plus-out-of-questionnaire log likelihood (IPOQ-LL) criterion (Wijayanto, Mul, Groot, van Engelen, & Heskes, 2021). The extended method naturally incorporates standard Rasch criteria, e.g., item goodness-of-fit and unidimensionality (Wijayanto et al., 2021). Additionally, we expect the method to perform fairly well, automatically, even though it does not address local dependencies directly: reliable estimation of abilities fares better from items with uncorrelated residuals than those with correlated residuals (Wijayanto et al., 2021). Accordingly, we will show that our new procedure in addition naturally incorporates the standard DIF assessment in Rasch analysis. Our novel procedure makes use of a generalization of the IPOQ-LL criterion, which we will refer to as the in-plus-out-of-questionnaire log likelihood with DIF (IPOQ-LL-DIF).

The rest of this article is structured as follows. “Preliminary” section describes the central model in our implementation, the GPCMlasso model (Schauberger & Mair, 2020), its transformation to other models, and the idea to solve its estimation problem using the L1 (lasso) penalty together with the coordinate descent. “The proposed method” section discusses the main part of our proposed method, the in-plus-out-of questionnaire log likelihood with DIF (IPOQ-LL-DIF), which extends the previous method and argues for the method in comparison with the typical assessment of DIF items in standard Rasch analysis. “Experimental study” section reports our experimental results on an artificial and three real-world datasets. “Discussion and conclusions” section discusses general aspects of our procedure and the results it obtained, and concludes our research. The R package containing the algorithm and results reported in this paper can be found at


Generalized partial credit model with DIF

Differential item functioning (DIF) refers to the situation where members from different groups (age, gender, race, education, culture) on the same level of the latent trait (disease severity, quality of life) have a different probability of giving a certain response to a particular item (Chen & Revicki, 2014). In short, DIF occurs as a result of an inconsistency between estimated abilities and true abilities for given groups. If the inconsistency uniformly affects all subjects in the group, then it is known as a uniform DIF, otherwise, it is a non-uniform DIF (Hagquist & Andrich, 2017). Additionally, Penfield (2007) discusses the complexity of the DIF in the polytomous case by introducing differential step functioning (DSF), which allows an item not only to have differential functioning at the item level but also at the category level. DSF simplifies to DIF when there is a constant difference between groups at the category level. For now, we consider the DIF and provide more details on DSF in Appendix 2.

In this work, we focus on uniform DIF and adopt the GPCMlasso model, introduced in Schauberger and Mair (2020), which extends the generalized partial credit model (GPCM) (Muraki, 1992) after parameterizing the DIF effects. Rooted to the GPCM, the GPCMlasso has the ability to model responses that are coded into two or more ordered categories. We write xni ∈{0,1,…,mi} for the observed response of subject n on item i, where item i consists of mi + 1 ordered categories. We have mi = 1 for dichotomous test items and mi > 1 for polytomous items.

The GPCMlasso model contains the same type of parameters as the GPCM: 𝜃n for the ability of subject n, βij, with j = 1,…,mi for the difficulties or thresholds of item i, and αi for the discrimination parameter of item i. Additionally, to model the difference in difficulty on item i between the members and non-members of focal group f, the DIF parametersδif are introduced. Furthermore, κnf, with f = 1,…,mf and where mf represents the number of potential DIF-inducing covariates, is a binary matrix that maps subject n into group f with κnf = 1 if respondent n is a member of group f and κnf = 0 otherwise.

Given these definitions, the probability of subject n gives response x on item i reads

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} &&P(X_{ni}=x|\theta,\beta,\alpha,\delta)\\ &=& \frac{\displaystyle \exp \left[\alpha_{i} \sum\limits_{j=1}^{x} \left(\theta_{n}-\left(\beta_{ij}-\sum\limits_{f=1}^{m_{f}}\delta_{if}\kappa_{nf}\right)\right)\right]}{\displaystyle 1+\sum\limits_{k=1}^{m_{i}}\exp\left[\alpha_{i} \sum\limits_{j=1}^{k} \left(\theta_{n}-\left(\beta_{ij}-\sum\limits_{f=1}^{m_{f}}\delta_{if}\kappa_{nf}\right)\right)\right]} , \end{array}$$

for x > 0, and

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} &&P(X_{ni}=0|\theta,\beta,\alpha,\delta)\\& =& \frac{\displaystyle 1}{\displaystyle 1+\sum\limits_{k=1}^{m_{i}}\exp\left[\alpha_{i} \sum\limits_{j=1}^{k} \left(\theta_{n}-\left(\beta_{ij}-\sum\limits_{f=1}^{m_{f}}\delta_{if}\kappa_{nf}\right)\right)\right]} . \end{array}$$

From now on, we will refer to this as the generalized partial credit model with differential item functioning, GPCM-DIF. Setting αi = 1 for \(i = 1,\ldots ,\mathbb {P}\) in the GPCM-DIF model gives what we will refer to as the partial credit model with DIF (PCM-DIF). Using the PCM-DIF to estimate the respondents’ traits is comparable to the use of the partial credit model (PCM) on items after the DIF has been resolved. With δif = 0 for \(i = 1,\ldots ,\mathbb {P}\) and f = 1,…,mf we obtain the GPCM. By then also fixing αi = 1 for \(i = 1,\ldots ,\mathbb {P}\), we get the PCM. In the case of binary responses, with mi = 1 for \(i = 1,\ldots ,\mathbb {P}\), the GPCM transforms to the 2-parameter logistic (2PL) model and the PCM transforms to the original Rasch model (Masters, 1982; Lord & Novick, 1968; Rasch, 1960).

Coordinate descent

Given observed responses xni, the log likelihood of all model parameters for a given set of items \(\mathcal {S} \subset \{1,\ldots ,\mathbb {P}\}\) reads

$$L_{\mathcal{S}}(\theta,\beta,\alpha,\delta) = \sum\limits_{i \in \mathcal{S}} \sum\limits_{n=1}^{N} \log P(X = x_{ni}|\theta,\beta,\alpha,\delta) ,$$

with P(X = xni|𝜃,β,α,δ) from Eqs. 1 and 2. This log likelihood measures how well the parameters predict the subjects’ observed responses on the items from set \(\mathcal {S}\).

We turn the log likelihood into a penalized log likelihood by adding penalty terms. As in Wijayanto, Mul, Groot, van Engelen, and Heskes (2021), we add Tikhonov regularization for the abilities 𝜃, to regularize these towards zero, as well as for \(\ln \alpha\), to drive the discrimination parameters towards one. Inspired by Schauberger and Mair (2020), we further add a Lasso (L1) penalty for the DIF parameters δ, so that irrelevant DIF parameters are optimized to zero:

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} F_{\mathcal{S}}(\theta,\beta,\alpha,\delta)& =& L_{\mathcal{S}}(\theta,\beta,\alpha,\delta) - \lambda_{\theta} \sum\limits_{n=1}^{N} {\theta_{n}^{2}}\\&& - \lambda_{\alpha} \sum\limits_{i \in \mathcal{S}} (\ln \alpha_{i})^{2} - \lambda_{\delta} \sum\limits_{i \in \mathcal{S}}\sum\limits_{f=1}^{m_{f}}|\delta_{i f}| \end{array}$$

with λ𝜃, λα, and λδ the penalty coefficients of 𝜃, α, and δ parameters, respectively.

To optimize (4), we propose to apply two-level coordinate descent (Friedman, Hastie, Höfling, & Tibshirani, 2007). At the top level, we treat the GPCM parameters 𝜃, α, and β as one coordinate, and the DIF parameters δ as another. Given fixed DIF parameters, we optimize the GPCM parameters using penalized joint maximum likelihood estimation (PJMLE). As an alternative, we could here replace the PJMLE by marginal maximum likelihood estimation (MMLE), which optimizes the β parameters after integrating out the 𝜃 parameters. In this paper, we stick to the PJMLE for simplicity. Moreover, in recent studies, it has been demonstrated that PJMLE yields comparable estimates to the MMLE (Paolino, 2013; Chen, Li, & Zhang, 2019; Robitzsch, 2021). Given fixed GPCM parameters, we optimize the DIF parameters through coordinate descent at the second level, treating each δif for \(i = 1,\ldots ,\mathbb {P}\) and f = 1,…,mf as a unique coordinate. Details of the coordinate descent algorithm applied to Eq. 4 are provided in Appendix 2.

The proposed method

In-plus-out-of-questionnaire log likelihood with DIF

In instrument design, we are given an initial set of \(\mathbb {P}\) items that, based on responses on a survey including all these items, we would like to reduce to a smaller set of items that make up the final questionnaire. We will refer to the set of included items as the included itemset, denoted \({\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}\), and to its complement as the excluded itemset, denoted \({\mathcal {S}_{\text {out}}} = \{1,\ldots ,\mathbb {P}\} \setminus {\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}\). In Wijayanto et al., (2021), we introduced a novel criterion called in-plus-out-of-questionnaire log likelihood (IPOQ-LL) for evaluating the quality of any split into \({\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}\) and \({\mathcal {S}_{\text {out}}}\) given the observed responses on the original survey. Following the same rationale, we here extend this criterion to also incorporate the possibility of item(s) with differential functioning.

For a given final questionnaire, only the items in the included itemset \({\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}\) can be used to estimate the subjects’ abilities 𝜃. We propose to obtain these abilities, and at the same time the discrimination parameters, thresholds, and DIF parameters corresponding to the included items, by maximizing the penalized log likelihood in Eq. 4:

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \left\{\hat{\theta}_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{in}}}},\hat{\beta}_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{in}}}},\hat{\alpha}_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{in}}}},\hat{\delta}_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{in}}}}\right\} &=& \underset{\{\theta,\beta,\alpha,\delta\}}{\text{argmax}} L_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{in}}}}(\theta,\beta,\alpha,\delta) - \lambda_{\theta} \sum\limits_{n=1}^{N} {\theta_{n}^{2}} \\&&- \lambda_{\text{in}} \sum\limits_{i \in {\mathcal{S}_{\text{in}}}} (\ln \alpha_{i})^{2} - \lambda_{\delta} \sum\limits_{i \in {\mathcal{S}_{\text{in}}}}\sum\limits_{f=1}^{m_{f}} |\delta_{i f}| . \end{array}$$

We refer to the log likelihood of these fitted parameters on the included itemset as the in-questionnaire log likelihood with DIF:

$$\text{IQ-LL-DIF}({\mathcal{S}_{\text{in}}}) = L_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{in}}}}\left(\hat{\theta}_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{in}}}},\hat{\beta}_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{in}}}},\hat{\alpha}_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{in}}}},\hat{\delta}_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{in}}}}\right) .$$

This IQ-LL-DIF resembles standard test statistics in Rasch analysis (e.g., item fit statistics to the resolved DIF items) (Tennant et al.,, 2004, p I-40).

Next, although we may not need the excluded items to arrive at a reliable and valid scale, we would like the abilities estimated on \({\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}\) to properly represent the observed responses on \({\mathcal {S}_{\text {out}}}\) as well, if only because the original survey was designed to also include these items. We therefore fix the abilities \(\hat {\theta }_{{\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}}\) and optimize the penalized log likelihood given the responses on the excluded items w.r.t. the thresholds, the discrimination parameters, and the DIF parameters:

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \left\{\hat{\beta}_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{out}}}},\hat{\alpha}_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{out}}}},\hat{\delta}_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{out}}}}\right\} &=& \underset{\{\beta,\alpha\}}{\text{argmax}} L_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{out}}}}(\hat{\theta}_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{in}}}},\beta,\alpha) \\&&- \lambda_{\text{out}} \sum\limits_{i \in {\mathcal{S}_{\text{out}}}} (\ln \alpha_{i})^{2} - \lambda_{\delta} \sum\limits_{i \in {\mathcal{S}_{\text{out}}}}\sum\limits_{f=1}^{m_{f}} |\delta_{i f}| . \end{array}$$

We refer to

$$\text{OQ-LL-DIF}({\mathcal{S}_{\text{out}}}) = L_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{out}}}}\left(\hat{\theta}_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{in}}}},\hat{\beta}_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{out}}}},\hat{\alpha}_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{out}}}},\hat{\delta}_{{\mathcal{S}_{\text{out}}}}\right) .$$

as the out-of-questionnaire log likelihood with DIF. Our new criterion, the in-plus-out-of-questionnaire log likelihood with DIF (IPOQ-LL-DIF), is the total of both log likelihoods:

$$\text{IPOQ-LL-DIF}({\mathcal{S}_{\text{in}}},{\mathcal{S}_{\text{out}}}) = \text{IQ-LL-DIF}({\mathcal{S}_{\text{in}}}) + \text{OQ-LL-DIF}({\mathcal{S}_{\text{out}}}) .$$

Algorithm 1 outlines the procedure for computing the in-plus-out-of-questionnaire log likelihood with DIF given a subdivision of all items into the included itemset \({\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}\) and excluded itemset \({\mathcal {S}_{\text {out}}}\).

Algorithm 1
figure a

Pseudocode for computing the in-plus-out-of-questionnaire log likelihood with DIF for a particular included itemset \({\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}\) and excluded itemset \({\mathcal {S}_{\text {out}}}\).

In our earlier work (Wijayanto et al., 2021), we noticed that the outcome of our fitting procedure without the additional DIF parameters is relatively insensitive to the setting of the regularization parameters, as long as the regularization parameter λin of the β and α parameters for the included itemset is an order of magnitude larger than the regularization parameter λout for the excluded itemset. In this paper, we therefore stick to the same settings: λ𝜃 = 0.05, λin = 50, and λout = 1.

Whether or not non-zero DIF parameters are obtained, does depend on the precise setting of the regularization parameter λδ: the larger λδ, the fewer non-zero DIF parameters will remain. Unless specified otherwise, in this paper we set λδ = 10. With this setting, our procedure yields more or less the same DIF items in the three real-world datasets compared to those obtained with a manual analysis. An arguably more principled, but computationally much more intensive approach would be a cross-validation procedure for finding the optimal value of λδ, as described in Appendix 2.

Comparison with other approaches for DIF assessment

There are two main approaches for handling DIF items.

  • Blending in with the Rasch analysis. In many practices of Rasch analysis, DIF detection is infused as an additional step in the estimation procedure (Rosato et al., 2016; Vaughan, 2018; 2019). Resolved DIF items are treated as any other items: if they fit the Rasch model well they are kept, otherwise they are removed. In accordance with our previous method (Wijayanto et al., 2021), our new method has a tendency to put predictive split-items in the included itemset: these items help to obtain a better estimate of the subjects’ ability not only in the included itemset, but also in the excluded itemset.

  • Treating the DIF items separately. Andrich and Hagquist (2015) distinguish between ‘real’ and ‘artificial’ DIF items. A real DIF item is stable, independent of the inclusion or exclusion of other potential DIF items. An artificial DIF item, on the other hand, only becomes a DIF item by virtue of the presence of other (real) DIF items. Therefore, Andrich and Hagquist (2015) suggest to resolve the DIF items iteratively, starting with the largest effect, in an attempt to neutralize the effect of artificial DIF items. Our procedure also applies a thorough strategy to identify and resolve all potential DIF items. However, instead of doing this sequentially, we simultaneously estimate the DIF effects for all items that are still included. The Lasso (L1) penalty helps to distinguish between DIF and non-DIF items by nullifying the insignificant DIF effects.

Itemset selection

In this paper, we introduce a single criterion, IPOQ-LL-DIF, to measure the quality of a final instrument by considering the differential functioning over items. With this criterion, we can in principle apply any optimization procedure to determine which items to keep in the included itemset \({\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}\) and which items to put in the excluded itemset \({\mathcal {S}_{\text {out}}}\). In our experiments, we consider the same optimization procedure as in our previous work (see Wijayanto et al., (2021) for details), i.e., stepwise selection. Stepwise selection alternates between backward elimination, which starts from the full set of items, and forward selection, which starts from the empty set. Starting from a full itemset, backward elimination will eliminate the item that corresponds to the highest IPOQ-LL-DIF. Forward selection gives the search procedure the ability to recover items later in the process.

Experimental study

To evaluate our new method, we experiment on an artificial dataset and on three publicly available real-world datasets.

Application to artificial data

This simulation aims to show that our semi-automated algorithm aligns with the standard Rasch analysis procedure for dealing with DIF, i.e., identifies, resolves, and removes split items that are relatively hard to predict. In this experiment, we consider an artificial dataset that consists of responses to 14 items from 490 subjects. The dataset is composed of two inhomogeneous subsets with six items (12 items in total) and two DIF items. To simulate the DIF effect, the subjects are split into two different groups of 245. Responses are generated independently from the generalized partial credit model for the polytomous case with mi = 5 ordered categories.

The response in all inhomogeneous subsets are generated with the same person ability and item difficulty scores, 𝜃n = (0.02(n − 1) − 3) for \(n = 1,\dots ,245\) and βij = ((i − 1) − (1.3 + 0.8(j − 1))) for \(j = 1,\dots ,4\) and \(i = 1,\dots ,6\), respectively. However, the discrimination parameters are varied among subsets, α = {0.2,2} for the first and second subsets, respectively. This should make responses on items in the first subset (item1 − 6) relatively hard to predict, and relatively easy to predict in the second subset (item7 − 12). To simulate the effect of DIF, responses of both DIF items are generated with different difficulty parameters for the two subgroups. We set the thresholds to β = {− 3.7,− 2.9,− 2.1,− 1.3} for the first and β = {1.3,2.1,2.9,3.7} for the second subgroup of the first DIF item (item13). As for the second DIF item (item14), we set β = {− 5.2,− 4.4,− 3.6,− 2.8} for the first subgroup, and β = {2.8,3.6,4.4,5.2} for the second. Furthermore, we choose item13 to be predictive and item14 to be hard-to-predict for both subgroups, by setting α = {0.8} and α = {0.1}, respectively.

For a given dataset containing DIF item(s), the PCM-DIF (see “Generalized partial credit model with DIF” section) can be applied to estimate the DIF parameters. Figure 1 shows that the PCM-DIF can identify the DIF items (item13 and item14) when the value of λδ is not too high. However, for a high value of λδ, these DIF effects disappear and the PCM-DIF leads to the same estimated parameters as a standard PCM without DIF. The PCM-DIF correctly estimates the DIF parameters (δ) of all non-DIF items to equal zero for any value of λδ.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The estimated DIF parameters (\(\hat {\delta }\)) along \(\log (\lambda _{\delta })\) for DIF and non-DIF items. The dashed grey line represents the value of λδ that is used in the estimation

Infit is one of the item fit statistics that is commonly used to judge the goodness-of-fit of items to the Rasch model and to the PCM. In Fig. 2, we show that this statistic relates to the discriminative power of the items, represented by the discrimination parameter \(\hat {\alpha }\). A hard-to-predict item with low discriminative power normally has a high Infit, which indicates misfit. On the contrary, an easy-to-predict item with high discriminative power normally has a low infit. Further, we also show that the misfitting item13 in Fig. 2a (estimated using the PCM) improves its Infit after considering the DIF effect (estimated using PCM-DIF). The PCM-DIF clearly models the responses of item13 better than the PCM. As expected, applying the PCM-DIF does not improve the Infit of item14, the hard-to-predict DIF item. For the non-DIF items, the PCM-DIF estimates are indistinguishable from the PCM estimates.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The estimated discrimination parameters (\(\hat \alpha\)) against the Infit statistics of (a) the PCM and (b) the PCM-DIF. Discrimination parameters (α) are estimated using (a) the GPCM and (b) the GPCM-DIF. The horizontal line represents the expected Infit value and vertical line represents the expected discrimination value

When DIF is present in particular items, standard Rasch analysis tends to detect and resolve these items. This step, together with expert awareness of the inspected items, is then followed by removing misfits, including those that are hard to predict even after splitting the DIF items. As shown in Fig. 3b, our semi-automated algorithm does the same for reasons explained in “Comparison with other approaches for DIF assessment” section: the IPOQ-LL-DIF score favors the DIF item that has a good fit after being split and puts the one that has a low discrimination parameter in the excluded set. The maximum of the IPOQ-LL-DIF score as a function of the number of items in the included set in this simulation is obtained when seven items are still included, including the resolved item13.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The highest IPOQ-LL and IPOQ-LL-DIF scores as a function of the number of included items \(|{\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}|\) for the artificial dataset. a IPOQ-LL computed with GPCM. b IPOQ-LL-DIF computed with GPCM-DIF. The numbers on the plot shows in which order the items are removed

As a comparison, we also apply our previous criterion, the IPOQ-LL, to this dataset. Figure 3a shows that the IPOQ-LL detects item13 (the predictive item) as a hard-to-predict item since it cannot estimate the DIF effect. Consequently, when a potential DIF effect is ignored item13 will be put to the excluded itemset. As for item14, being designed as a hard-to-predict DIF item, both IPOQ-LL and IPOQ-LL-DIF agree to put it in the excluded itemset. This fact is also supported by Fig. 2 which shows that the Infit statistic of item14 does not improve even after the DIF effect has been identified.

Application to real-world datasets

To validate our method on real-world data, we searched for datasets that satisfy the following criteria:

  • The original dataset (survey with responses) is publicly available.

  • A manual Rasch analysis has been applied to develop an instrument.

  • According to the manual Rasch analysis, the initial survey contains differential item functioning.

  • None of the authors of the current paper have been involved in the development of the instrument.

  • The corresponding publication is not more than 5 years old.

We found three such datasets: the Osteopathy Clinical Teaching Questionnaire dataset (Vaughan, 2018), the Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale dataset (Vaughan, 2019), and the Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Scale dataset (Rosato et al., 2016). To these three datasets, we applied our semi-automated procedure with the new criterion, the IPOQ-LL-DIF. For comparison, we also use the IPOQ-LL criterion.

The Osteopathy Clinical Teaching Questionnaire (OCTQ) dataset

The Osteopathy Clinical Teaching Questionnaire (OCTQ) is an instrument that was developed to assess the quality of the clinical educators (Vaughan, 2018). The original survey contains 30 items with five-point Likert scale and three global questions that have been answered by 399 participants. Vaughan (2018) performed a manual Rasch analysis and ended up with 12 items, \({\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}} = \{2,5,7,9,10,12,15,16,18,20,23,30\}\), as the final instrument. We will refer to this set of 12 items as the OCTQ manual instrument.

In the original survey, Vaughan (2018) identified some items with disordered thresholds, four items with DIF (item14, item19, item27, and item28), and 122 misfitting persons. After resolving the few items with disordered thresholds in the original survey (item1, item9, item27, and item30), we applied the semi-automated procedure for both criteria. Running the whole stepwise procedure leads to the result shown in Fig. 4. Both criteria agree that the maximum of the IPOQ-LL-DIF occurs when the same 26 items are still included. The vertical lines give the location of maximum scores, \(|{\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}| = 26\) and \(|{\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}| = 12\). The horizontal lines give the location of the corresponding scores and show the score differences among instruments. Figure 4b zooms in on the search result near \(|{\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}| = 12\), the number of items in the OCTQ manual instrument.

Fig. 4
figure 4

The highest IPOQ-LL-DIF scores as a function of the number of included items \(|{\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}|\) when running the semi-automated procedure using the IPOQ-LL-DIF and IPOQ-LL criteria on the OCTQ dataset. Graph (b) zooms in on the number of included items close to those of the manual instrument

For a fair and easy comparison with the manual instrument, we zoom in on the semi-automated instruments that are based on the same number of included items. We will refer to these as the IPOQ-LL-DIF (\({\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}} = \{2,3,5,7,10,12,14,16,18,22,26,30\}\)) and IPOQ-LL (\({\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}} = \{2,3,5,7,10,12,14,16,17,22,26,30\}\)) instruments, respectively. The semi-automated instruments only differ in one item: 17 versus 18. The overlap between the IPOQ-LL-DIF and the manual instrument is eight items, which can be considered large: the probability of having an overlap of eight or more items just by chance is smaller than 0.05. The overlap between the IPOQ-LL instrument and the manual instrument is seven items.

In the initial analysis, Vaughan (2018) suspected some items to be DIF items, i.e., item27, and item28 for institution, item14 for institution and educator gender, and item19 for student gender. As part of the Rasch analysis, Vaughan (2018) chose to remove all DIF items to ensure that the final version of OCTQ would be applicable to a range of teaching institutions and free from gender influence. Employing the IPOQ-LL-DIF criterion, our semi-automated procedure retains three DIF items, i.e., item14, item22, and item26.

To further illustrate the clinimetric quality of the three (i.e., manual, IPOQ-LL-DIF, and IPOQ-LL) instruments, we consider standard Rasch statistics such as goodness-of-fit, local independency, reliability, and unidimensionality. For comparison we also compute these statistics for 10,000 randomly drawn 12-item instruments. The statistics of the three instruments are all well within the acceptable range and, in this case, are better than most of the random 12-item instruments in local independency (see Appendix 1 for details). Furthermore, we compute the Cronbach–Mesbah curve (Fig. 13) to track how the instrument’s internal consistency changes over time (Mesbah, 2010). Despite the highest Cronbach’s α obtained after removing one item, the instrument with the highest IPOQ-LL-DIF score is also considered to have excellent internal consistency (α = 0.97).

Figure 5 compares all instruments using our own IPOQ-LL-DIF criterion. By definition, the IPOQ-LL-DIF instrument is very well optimized for this criterion and slightly higher than the IPOQ-LL instrument. However, the manual instrument also does well and better than most of the randomly drawn 12-item instruments, which shows that as an extension of the IPOQ-LL criterion, the IPOQ-LL-DIF intrinsically captures many of the properties that a typical Rasch analysis cares about, including the presence of the DIF.

Fig. 5
figure 5

In-plus-out-questionnaire log likelihood with DIF (IPOQ-LL-DIF) values for the IPOQ-LL-DIF instrument (green dotted-dashed line), the IPOQ-LL instrument (brown dashed line), the manual instrument from Vaughan (2018) (red dotted line), and random 12-item instruments (histogram) on the OCTQ dataset

Considering the standard Rasch statistics, which are averages over all items and all subjects, we conclude that the manual and the semi-automated instruments are clinimetrically all very similar. We then also expect that the abilities estimated for individual subjects based on the manual and the IPOQ-LL-DIF instruments will be very much alike. Figure 6 plots these estimated ability parameters for the two instruments against each other. Indeed, the estimated ability parameters for the two instruments are highly correlated (ρ = 0.975), further showing that both instruments are very similar.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Estimated abilities for individual subjects based on the IPOQ-LL-DIF against those based on the manual instrument. The average root mean squared standard error for the estimates on both axes is visualized through the error bars at the top left

The interdisciplinary education perception scale (IEPS) dataset

The interdisciplinary education perception scale is an instrument to evaluate students’ professional perception in a particular program (Vaughan, 2019). The complete survey consists of 18 items of six-point Likert scale that are answered by 319 participants. Adopting the work of Leitch (2014) and Vaughan (2019) excluded item12 and item17 and applied a manual Rasch analysis to 16 items as the initial survey. During the analysis, Vaughan (2019) identified 51 misfitting persons, resolved four items with disordered thresholds (i.e., item10, item13, item15, and item16), removed eight items, and ended up with eight items as the final instrument. We will refer to this set of eight items, \({\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}} = \{1,2,7,10,13,14,15,16\}\), as the IEPS manual instrument.

After resolving the four items with disordered thresholds, we applied our semi-automated procedure to the remaining 16-items IEPS responses. Running the whole stepwise procedure using the IPOQ-LL-DIF and IPOQ-LL criteria leads to the graph shown in Fig. 7. Both criteria agree that the maximum of the IPOQ-LL-DIF occurs when the same 12 items are still included. Using the same setup, the vertical lines give the location of the maximum scores, \(|{\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}|= 12\) and \(|{\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}|= 8\). The horizontal lines give the location of the corresponding scores and show the score differences among instruments.

Fig. 7
figure 7

The highest IPOQ-LL-DIF scores obtained for each number of included items \(|{\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}|\) when running the semi-automated procedure using both the IPOQ-LL-DIF and IPOQ-LL criteria on the IEPS dataset. a Of all available \(|{\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}|\). b Zoomed in version from \(|{\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}| = 6\) to \(|{\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}| = 10\). The horizontal grey lines display the differences of the IPOQ-LL-DIF scores obtained by the three instruments, i.e., the manual, IPOQ-LL, and IPOQ-LL-DIF instruments

For a fair and easy comparison with the manual instrument, we again zoom in on the semi-automated instruments that are based on the same number of included items as the manual instrument. We will refer to these as the IPOQ-LL-DIF and IPOQ-LL instruments, respectively, which happen to contain the exact same items (\({\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}} = \{1,2,4,5,7,13,15,16\}\)). Figure 7b zooms in on the search result near \(|{\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}| = 8\), the number of items in the IEPS manual instrument. The overlap between the IPOQ-LL-DIF and the manual instrument is 6 items. The probability of having an overlap of six or more items just by chance is 0.07.

Vaughan (2019) also reported the presence of three DIF items, i.e., item6 for year level, item11 for gender, and item18 for university. Vaughan (2019) chose to remove all DIF items in order to produce a questionnaire that is free of demographic influence. Our semi-automated procedure also led to the removal of these three potential DIF items, but for a different reason: they did not survive the selection procedure when optimizing the IPOQ-LL-DIF and IPOQ-LL.

The figures in Appendix 1 show that the three (i.e., manual, IPOQ-LL-DIF, and IPOQ-LL) instruments are clearly better than most of the 10,000 randomly drawn eight-item instruments, especially on person separation reliability (PSR), local dependency, and unidimensionality. Furthermore, the statistics for these three instruments are clinimetrically very similar and all well within the acceptable range. Figure 8 shows that the manual instrument obtains an IPOQ-LL-DIF score that is only slightly smaller than the one for the semi-automated instruments. The estimated abilities of the manual and the semi-automated instruments indeed turn out to be very similar (ρ = 0.94) (see Fig. 9). Moreover, in Fig. 16, the Cronbach–Mesbah curve shows that the instrument that obtains the highest IPOQ-LL-DIF score also obtains the highest Cronbach’s α.

Fig. 8
figure 8

In-plus-out-questionnaire log likelihood with DIF (IPOQ-LL-DIF) values for the IPOQ-LL-DIF instrument (green dotted-dashed line), the IPOQ-LL instrument (brown dashed line), the manual instrument from Vaughan (2019) (red dotted line), and random eight-item instruments (histogram) on the IEPS dataset

Fig. 9
figure 9

Estimated abilities for individual subjects based on the IPOQ-LL-DIF against those based on the manual instrument. The average root mean squared standard error for the estimates on both axes is visualized through the error bars at the top left

The multiple sclerosis quality of life (MSQOL) dataset

The multiple sclerosis quality of life questionnaire is an individual’s or a group’s perceived physical and mental health over time for people with multiple sclerosis (Rosato et al., 2016). The initial MSQOL survey consists of 54 items with different numbers of categories that was answered by 473 patients. The items are grouped into 12 multi-item and two single-item subscales. Rosato et al., (2016) applied separate manual Rasch analyses to 11 subscales, each originally containing at least three items. For two of these subscales, no items survived the analysis. We will refer to the remaining sets of nine subscales as the MSQOL manual instruments. They are listed in Table 3.

For two subscales (“Bodily Pain” and “Sexual Function”), the manual Rasch analysis kept all items. Running our semi-automated stepwise procedure on these same subscales leads to the results shown in Fig. 10. It can be seen that the semi-automated procedure agrees to keep all items from both subscales: the maximum IPOQ-LL-DIF scores are obtained with all items still in the included set.

Fig. 10
figure 10

The highest IPOQ-LL-DIF scores obtained for each number of included items \(|{\mathcal {S}_{\text {in}}}|\) when running the semi-automated procedure using either the IPOQ-LL-DIF or IPOQ-LL criterion to the MSQOL dataset on (a) subscale “Bodily Pain” and (b) subscale “Sexual Function”

Next, we applied our semi-automated procedure on all 11 subscales, constraining the semi-automated instruments to end up with the same number of items as the corresponding manual instruments. For optimization with the IPOQ-LL-DIF and IPOQ-LL criteria we arrived at the exact same included item sets. We will refer to these as the MSQOL semi-automated instruments, also listed in Table 3. As can be seen, the semi-automated and manual instruments have 21 out of 27 items overlapping, which can be considered a lot: the probability of having an overlap of 21 or more items just by chance is smaller than 0.01.

Table 4 compares the psychometric quality of the manual and the semi-automated MSQOL instruments for all subscales. It can be seen that the standard Rasch statistics for both instruments are more or less the same.

Rosato et al., (2016) also reported the presence of eight DIF items, i.e., item1, item8, item10, item23, item32, item36, item40, and item51 and decided to remove these by hand. Our semi-automated procedure, however, retains two of these items, i.e., item8 and item40, albeit with corresponding DIF parameters \(\hat {\delta }\) set to zero, i.e., without treating these as DIF items.

Discussion and conclusions

In this work, we have successfully enhanced our semi-automated procedure to deal with DIF items. We extend our previous criterion, the so-called in-plus-out-of-questionnaire log likelihood (IPOQ-LL) to a new criterion named in-plus-out-of-questionnaire log likelihood with DIF (IPOQ-LL-DIF). The new criterion is based on the same ideas as the IPOQ-LL (Wijayanto et al., 2021): a good final instrument should reliably estimate people’s abilities. Although this ability estimate is fitted on the responses of the items in the final instrument, it should still represent the items that are left out.

The effectiveness of our extended procedure to yield clinimetrically similar results as the standard Rasch analyses relies on four essential ingredients. Two are passed down from the previous procedure, while the other two are new. The inherited ingredients are the flexible discrimination parameters and stronger regularization for this discrimination parameter on the included itemset compared to the excluded itemset (Wijayanto et al., 2021). The new ingredients are the DIF parameters together with a lasso penalty that distinguishes between the DIF and non-DIF items. We have shown that the new procedure also naturally incorporates essential aspects of Rasch analysis, where it tends to favor DIF items with a good Infit value and to exclude the ones without.

In our simulations, we have shown that DIF item(s) can indeed help obtain a better parameter estimate, in accordance with Andrich and Hagquist (2015). In a validation with real-world datasets our procedure yields similar instruments to the manual analyses. Not only do our instruments have comparable statistics, but they also contain similar (or even the same) items in the itemset when we constrain the number of included items to be the same as the number of included items in the manual instrument. With reasonable settings for the regularization parameters, our procedure tends to be somewhat more conservative in that it typically prefers to keep more items than the manual instrument.

In our experiments on real-world data, the IPOQ-LL-DIF and the IPOQ-LL criterion lead to very similar, often even the same instruments. Even though our procedure does detect and include DIF items, properly modeling this DIF effect has a relatively small effect on the selection of other items. However, this does depend on the setting of the regularization parameter λδ. In our main experiments, we chose λδ = 10, which is relatively small, to arrive at more or less the same DIF items as in the manual analysis. An alternative approach would be to optimize λδ in a cross-validation procedure (see Appendix 2). Applying this cross-validation procedure to the real-world data, we obtain a much larger λδ. With this stronger penalty, our procedure no longer finds any DIF items (see Fig. 17).

To summarize, in our real-world experiments the manual, IPOQ-LL-DIF, and IPOQ-LL instruments are largely comparable and have clinimetrically similar qualities. Compared to randomly generated instruments, they all score well on standard Rasch statistics (see Figs. 11 through 15).

Fig. 11
figure 11

Statistics of the original 12-item instrument from Vaughan (2018) obtained through manual Rasch analysis (red dotted line), the optimal 12-item instrument according to the IPOQ-LL-DIF criterion (green dotted-dashed line), IPOQ-LL criterion (brown dashed line), and 10,000 random 12-item instruments (histogram) on the OCTQ dataset. a Mean of Outfit MnSq. b Mean of Infit MnSq. c Mean of residual correlation. d Person separation reliability (PSR)

In this paper, we have assumed that the DIF groups are specified beforehand. For binary types of information (e.g., gender), these groups are naturally defined. For continuous type information (e.g., age), our procedure can be easily extended with a recursive partitioning method based on the IPOQ-LL-DIF to find the optimal groups, along the lines of some recent methods for detecting DIF (Strobl, Kopf, & Zeileis, 2015; Tutz & Berger, 2016; Komboz et al., 2018).

Even though our method has the advantage to develop a valid, reliable, and robust instrument in a less time-consuming and more objective manner from a decent original survey, we are aware that this method lacks substantive human knowledge in the process. Knowing this, we are careful to frame our procedure as semi-automated rather than fully automated, which always welcomes the application of experts’ knowledge, e.g., through pre- and post-analysis (Fig. 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16).

Fig. 12
figure 12

Unidimensionality test indices for the original 12-item instrument from Vaughan (2018) obtained through confirmatory factor analysis (red dotted line), the optimal 12-item instrument according to the IPOQ-LL-DIF criterion (green dotted-dashed line), IPOQ-LL criterion (brown dashed line), and 10,000 random 12-item instruments (histogram) on the osteopathy clinical teaching questionnaire dataset. a Comparative fit index (CFI). b Tucker–Lewis index (TLI). c Root mean-square error of approximation (RMSEA). d Standardized root mean squared residual (SRMR)

Fig. 13
figure 13

The Cronbach–Mesbah curve shows the changes in internal consistency of the OCTQ instrument when an item is removed one at a time. The order of item removals is based on the semi-automated process. The vertical line shows the highest value of Cronbach’s α

Fig. 14
figure 14

Statistics of the original 12-item instrument from Vaughan (2019) obtained through manual Rasch analysis (red dotted line), the optimal eight-item instrument according to the IPOQ-LL-DIF criterion (green dotted-dashed line), IPOQ-LL criterion (brown dashed line), and 10,000 random eight-item instruments (histogram) on the interdisciplinary education perception scale dataset. a Mean of Outfit MnSq. b Mean of Infit MnSq. c Mean of residual correlation. d Person separation reliability (PSR)

Fig. 15
figure 15

Unidimensionality test indices for the original eight-item instrument from Vaughan (2019) obtained through confirmatory factor analysis (red dotted line), the optimal eight-item instrument according to the IPOQ-LL-DIF criterion (green dotted-dashed line), IPOQ-LL criterion (brown dashed line), and 10,000 random eight-item instruments (histogram) on the interdisciplinary education perception scale dataset. a Comparative fit index (CFI). b Tucker–Lewis index (TLI). c Root mean-square error of approximation (RMSEA). d Standardized root mean squared residual (SRMR)

Fig. 16
figure 16

The Cronbach–Mesbah curve shows the changes in internal consistency of the IEPS instrument when an item is removed one at a time. The order of item removals is based on the semi-automated process. The vertical line shows the highest value of Cronbach’s α

Open practices statements

The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in figshare at, within the publication of: Vaughan (2018)

figshare at, within the publication of: Vaughan (2019)

figshare at, within the publication of: Rosato et al., (2016).

The R package containing the algorithm and results reported in this paper can be found at