Substantial research has indicated that language processing is inherently predictive, with language users processing the current input while simultaneously anticipating upcoming information on the basis of prior experience/input (see Clark, 2013, for an overview). Prediction of the most likely content and structures enhances the accuracy and efficiency of comprehension (e.g., Altmann & Kamide, 1999; Trueswell, Tanenhaus, & Kello, 1993). Prediction is believed to be a graded phenomenon that is probabilistic rather than all-or-nothing (Kuperberg & Jaeger, 2016), with cues working in tandem (Henry, Hopp, & Jackson, 2017). Predictive processing influences both visual (e.g., Rayner, Slattery, Drieghe, & Liversedge, 2011) and spoken (e.g., Kamide, 2008) language processing. Evidence has come primarily from eyetracking (e.g., Rayner et al., 2011, for reading; and Altmann & Kamide, 1999, for the visual world paradigm, VWP), and event-related potentials (ERP; e.g., Van Berkum, Brown, Zwitserlood, Kooijman, & Hagoort, 2005). Both semantic (e.g., Altmann & Kamide, 1999) and morphosyntactic (e.g., Huettig & Janse, 2016) types of information trigger predictions, and these processes are believed to be fundamental and automatic (Clark, 2013). However, individual differences can mediate prediction (Huettig, 2015). Studies of prediction during spoken language processing have primarily focused on predictive processing under optimal listening conditions. However, in everyday conversations the acoustic signal that guides prediction is remarkably varied, due to external noise and speaker variability. Here we focus on interspeaker variability—specifically, the uncertainty introduced by a foreign accent.

The presence of a foreign accent typically results in processing costs (e.g., Bradlow & Bent, 2008; Porretta, Tucker, & Järvikivi, 2016), which are thought to arise due to the dynamics of lexical activation. Porretta et al. (2016) found that as accent strength increases, spoken primes become less effective, indicating reduced activation. Additionally, Porretta and Kyröläinen (2019) demonstrated that foreign-accented speech induces more lexical competition; listeners entertain more candidate words for a longer period of time, even when comprehension is successful. The uncertainty of the signal likely leads to these changes, as similar results have been found for speech in noise (Brouwer & Bradlow, 2016). At the same time, these effects are ameliorated by long-term experience with accented speech (e.g., Bradlow & Bent, 2008; Porretta et al., 2016).

The extent to which foreign-accented speech impacts predictive processing and how accent experience may modulate this effect remain unclear. Two studies (Goslin, Duffy, & Floccia, 2012; Romero-Rivas, Martin, & Costa, 2016) have provided partial, and also conflicting, evidence of the impact of accented speech, by examining the N400 ERP component. Romero-Rivas et al. demonstrated that there was no difference between accented and unaccented conditions with regard to lexical preactivation of best-fitting and unrelated words in a sentence context. Goslin et al., in contrast, demonstrated that accented low-cloze-probability words elicited a reduced N400 as compared to an unaccented condition. However, neither study examined the potential effect of accent experience.

Anticipatory eye movements are contingent on predictions about forthcoming information and can be harnessed in order to examine predictive processing. To investigate whether foreign-accented speech influences predictive processing, and whether lifelong accent experience mediates this process, we replicated and extended the seminal study by Altmann and Kamide (1999), which utilized anticipatory eye movements as an indicator of predictive processing. Using VWP eyetracking, they presented participants with visual scenes containing multiple objects (e.g., ball, cake, car, train) and spoken sentences (e.g., the boy will move/eat the cake). The verb either selected all four objects (move condition), or only one (eat condition). In the restricting (i.e., eat) condition, participants were more likely to look at the cake prior to hearing the word cake. This study showed that information at the verb restricts the reference of a yet-unencountered grammatical object, indicating a predictive relationship between verbs, syntactic objects, and visual context. Here, similar methods and materials examine anticipatory eye movements when processing foreign-accented speech. We expected that, although semantic constraints facilitate prediction, the presence of an accent would reduce this benefit. We further expected that lifelong experience with the accent would modulate the impediment imposed by accented speech, such that greater accent experience would lead to enhanced prediction.



Sixty native speakers of English (47 female, 13 male) were recruited from the University of Windsor (18–40 years of age, M = 21.17, SD = 3.84).Footnote 1 All participants reported normal (or corrected-to-normal) vision and normal hearing. In accordance with approval from the University of Windsor Research Ethics Board, the participants provided written informed consent and received partial course credit.


Following Altmann and Kamide (1999), the critical stimuli consisted of simple English transitive sentence pairs (N = 24), such that the verb either restricted or did not restrict the direct object—for example, The fireman will climb the ladder, in which climb restricts the type of object (ladder) that can follow it, versus The fireman will need the ladder, in which need could select for many different objects. Additionally, 24 simple transitive clause filler sentences were created. All of the stimuli were produced by one male native speaker of English and one male native speaker of Mandarin Chinese. All sentences were normalized for amplitude. The mean duration was 1,934 ms (SD = 226) for the native sentences, and 2,380 ms (SD = 296) for the nonnative sentences. For the native talker, the mean duration between verb onset and object onset was 530 ms (SD = 89.4), and the mean duration of the target object was 576 ms (SD = 112). For the nonnative talker, the mean duration between verb onset and object onset was 638 ms (SD = 107), and the mean duration of the target object was 696 ms (SD = 152).Footnote 2

The critical and filler items were presented to 36 (32 female, four male) University of Windsor studentsFootnote 3 18–57 years of age (M = 22.44, SD = 7.16) in a separate transcription/rating task. The raters listened to each sentence over headphones, with no other information about the talkers or sentences, completing one of four counterbalanced lists. Each sentence was first transcribed and then rated on a scale from 1 (no foreign accent) to 9 (very strong foreign accent). The transcriptions were scored for keyword intelligibility—that is, the combined accuracy of the subject, verb, and object. The talkers differed significantly (see Table 1) in both mean intelligibility and mean accentedness. However, although the nonnative talker had a moderately strong accent, he was highly intelligible.

Table 1. Summary of talker intelligibility and accentedness

The spoken stimuli were paired with visual arrays containing the subject (e.g., fireman) in the center, surrounded by four equidistantly placed object images. For the critical stimuli, these included the target object (e.g., ladder) and three other objects (e.g., hose, axe, paperclip) that grammatically completed the sentence and were semantically plausible completions for the nonrestricting context (e.g., when the verb is need). For the filler sentences, the four objects had the same properties; however, the target object was not depicted on screen. For half of the fillers, the objects mimicked the nonrestricting context (i.e., were semantically plausible completions); for the other half, the objects mimicked the restricting context (i.e., were not semantically plausible completions).

The black-and-white images were selected from various sources of standardized pictures, including the Snodgrass and Vanderwart (1980) picture set, the International Picture Naming Project (Szekely et al., 2004), and the Bank of Standardized Stimuli (Brodeur, Guérard, & Bouras, 2014). For objects not found in the databases, similarly styled, freely available online drawings were selected. Each image was only seen once during the experiment. The stimuli included in this study (i.e., audio files, sentences, object sets, and image IDs) are available via the Open Science Framework.Footnote 4


Participants sat at a chinrest situated in front of a desktop-mounted EyeLink 1000 Plus eyetracker (SR Research Ltd.) recording at 1000 Hz. The system was calibrated to the participant’s right eye using a 9-point calibration procedure. Sentences were presented over speakers, and image arrays were displayed on screen. The subject was always presented in the center of each array, with the object images at equidistant locations. The target position was balanced across trials. Written instructions were provided along with two practice items. Participants were presented with one of four counterbalanced lists, such that each sentence was presented in one of the four conditions (i.e., native nonrestricting, native restricting, nonnative nonrestricting, nonnative restricting). Items were blocked by talker, the block order was randomized, and items were randomized within blocks.

Each trial began with a 500-ms central fixation cross, followed by the visual array. After 200 ms the auditory stimulus was presented (see McQueen & Viebahn, 2007), and participants indicated via button press whether the visual array matched the auditory sentence. Subsequently, participants responded to a brief questionnaire (see Table 4 in the Appendix) designed to estimate their lifetime experience interacting with Chinese-accented speakers.

Data preparation

Time-series sample data (relative to object word onset) were processed using the R package VWPre (Porretta, Kyröläinen, van Rij, & Järvikivi, 2016). Using 50-ms windows within each recording event, the proportions of samples falling within and outside each interest area were calculated and converted to empirical logits with variance weights (see Barr, 2008). The picture verification responses indicated that participants were highly accurate (M = .94, SD = .05, range = .77–1), with only 186 errors in 2,880 trials. Incorrect trials (6.46% of the data) were removed prior to the analysis. As is shown in Fig. 1, looks to the target object occurred earlier in the restricting than in the nonrestricting conditions for both talkers.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Average looks to the target by condition, with 95% simultaneous confidence bands. The critical time points are – 400 (average acoustic onset of the verb), 0 (acoustic onset of the target object), and 800 (average acoustic offset of the target object).

Statistical considerations

Generalized additive mixed modeling (mgcv, version 1.8-24; Wood, 2018) was used to analyze the time-series data in R. Predictors and interactions were evaluated by the estimated p value of the smoothing parameter/parametric component and maximum likelihood (ML) score comparison of model variants. Delta AIC (ΔAIC; Akaike information criterion [AIC] of a simpler model minus AIC of a more complex model) was used to evaluate the strength of evidence for critical interactions, by means of information loss (Burnham & Anderson, 2002). In general, a ΔAIC less than 2 suggests substantial evidence for the simpler model; a ΔAIC between 3 and 7 indicates considerably less support for the simpler model; and a ΔAIC greater than 10 indicates that the simpler model is very unlikely (Burnham & Anderson, 2002). Effects and differences were calculated using itsadug (van Rij, Wieling, Baayen, & van Rijn, 2017).


Analysis 1: Accent and prediction

The dependent variable was the empirical logit of looks to the target object image from – 400 ms to 800 ms (relative to the acoustic onset of the target object word), representing the likelihood of looking at the target between the average acoustic onset of the verb and the average acoustic offset of the object. The primary independent variable of interest was condition, the combination of talker (native vs. nonnative) and verb type (restricting vs. nonrestricting), which was treatment-coded with native-nonrestricting as the reference level. Because the time course of processing was of critical interest, time (in milliseconds) was included as a covariate. Trial order and log frequency of the target object (from the English Lexicon Project; Balota et al., 2007) were included as control variables.

The model was fitted with by-subject and by-item factor smooths for time and by-event random intercepts. Factor smooths allow the shape of the average time course to vary by participant and item. Random intercepts for event (the combination of subject and trial) allow a unique intercept for each time series. For frequency and trial, nonlinear functional relations for the response variable—smooth functions (Baayen, 2010; Wood, 2017)—were entered. Condition and time were included as a smooth interaction, with condition set as a parametric component. Because autocorrelation in time-series data can lead to overconfidence (Baayen, van Rij, Cecile, & Wood, 2018), an AR-1 correlation parameter, ρ = .74, estimated from the data, was included.Footnote 5 Finally, we included the inverse of the empirical logit variance estimates as weights in the model (see Barr, 2008). The model was then trimmed (see Baayen, 2008), removing 13 data points (0.04%). ΔAIC (168.5) indicated substantial support for the interaction between time and condition. The results of the model are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Summary of the generalized additive mixed model for accent and prediction

The conditional smooths for time resulted in significantly difference curves. These differences are displayed in Fig. 2 and correspond to the difference between similarly colored lines in Fig. 1. The difference curves are presented by talker, indicating more looks to the target in the restricting condition (i.e., climb the ladder) than in the nonrestricting condition (i.e., need the ladder) for both talkers. These two curves are different from one another when neither lies within the other’s confidence band (see the nonshaded portions of Fig. 2). The first significant period persisted for 121 ms, from the average onset of the verb (– 400 ms) until 279 ms before the onset of the target object. The second persisted for 448 ms, beginning 36 ms prior to the onset of the target object and ending 412 ms after that onset.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Estimated prediction effect in response to the native and nonnative talkers over time, with 99% confidence intervals. The masks indicate time during which the difference between conditions was not statistically significant.

Analysis 2: Prediction and experience

A second analysis was carried out only on trials presented in the nonnative voice, to examine the effect of accent experience.Footnote 6 The dependent variable was the same as in Analysis 1. The primary independent variable of interest was listener experience with Chinese-accented English, established via the questionnaire. Participants estimated their total lifetime experience interacting with speakers with a Chinese accent as a percentage of their lifetime interactions. The measure (range = 0–30, M = 7.04, SD = 6.54) contained a right skew. Following Porretta and Tucker (2019) and Porretta et al. (2016), log transformation (with a constant of 1) was employed (range = 0–3.43, M = 1.78, SD = 0.82).

The model was fitted as in Analysis 1, with the same random-effects structure and control variables. Time, experience, and verb type (restricting vs. nonrestricting) were included as a three-way interaction using a tensor product (see Wood, 2017). Verb type was set as a parametric component, and weights were included. The AR-1 correlation parameter was estimated to be ρ = .75. The model was then trimmed, removing 31 data points (0.18%). ΔAIC (103.9) indicated substantial support for verb type in interaction with both time and experience. Likewise, the ΔAIC (59.9) indicated substantial support for experience in interaction with time and verb type. The results of the model are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Summary of the generalized additive mixed model for prediction and experience
Table 4. Participant questionnaire

Figure 3 displays the significant interaction between time, accent experience, and verb type. In panel A (nonrestricting condition), we see no influence of experience prior to 200 ms, as expected; additionally, as expected from previous research (Porretta et al., 2016), experience influenced looks to the target as the critical object was being heard. By contrast, panel B (restricting condition) indicates that prior to 200 ms, participants with greater experience began looking at the target object earlier. Panel C represents the difference between the two conditions; the shaded mask indicates the regions that were not different. Participants with the lowest experience displayed no prediction in the first half of the time window, but participants in the mid-range of experience displayed a prediction effect. Strikingly, the participants with the greatest amount of accent experience showed the strongest prediction effect around 200 ms, which then diminished, mirroring the pattern seen in Fig. 2 for the native talker.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Contour plots of time by accent experience for the nonrestricting condition (A) and the restricting condition (B). Dark gray (blue in the online color figure) indicates decreased looks to the target, whereas light gray (yellow in the online figure) indicates increased looks to the target. Panel C represents the difference; masked regions indicate areas that include zero within the 95% confidence interval, which are not significantly different from zero.

General discussion

The data indicate that a foreign accent interferes with predictive processing. In Analysis 1, we replicated the prediction effect reported by Altmann and Kamide (1999) for native-accented speech. Although there was some indication of prediction for foreign-accented speech, the magnitude of this effect was reduced (and delayed) relative to the native accent. Importantly, even when listening to foreign-accented speech, listeners appear always to predict to the extent possible. Thus, it does not appear that listeners simply “shut off” prediction in the presence of an accent, aligning with Kuperberg and Jaeger’s (2016) assertion that predictive processing is graded. The present results can be explained by two related but alternative views of prediction.

Under the first view, the processing demands related to decoding accent-related variability prevent the full engagement of anticipatory processes. As a result of uncertainty in mapping the acoustic input to phonological categories, decoding requires more effort and time, influencing how the limited resources are allocated dynamically. Thus, fewer anticipatory eye movements would reflect lesser (or a total lack of) engagement of prediction. Under the second view,Footnote 7 prediction is always fully engaged, though the uncertainty of the decoding process is inherited by the prediction mechanism. Thus, fewer anticipatory eye movements would reflect making predictions from uncertain data.

Using pupil dilation, Porretta and Tucker (2019), showed that accented speech requires more listening effort. Additionally, Porretta and Kyröläinen (2019) demonstrated that accented speech results in the activation of more lexical competitors, which creates more possibilities and requires more time to resolve (if it is resolved at all). This could explain how the output of the decoding process influences the engagement of the prediction mechanism. Signal decoding requires additional effort and would take precedence over prediction. This is reasonable if prediction requires at least some degree of certainty of the input. In some cases, the process might take too long for prediction to be beneficial. However, it has also been shown that listeners maintain uncertainties in speech perception (Brown-Schmidt & Toscano, 2017), and specifically for accented speech (Burchill, Liu, & Jaeger, 2018). If uncertainty is maintained, then uncertain input would lead to uncertain predictions, which might not warrant eye movement.

The present results are consistent with both views, which are, in turn, consistent with the idea that prediction is automatic and requires effort. Further research will be necessary to clarify the exact nature of predictive processing during spoken language comprehension, and specifically at which levels such processing occurs, and when it begins.

Analysis 2 demonstrated experience-dependent prediction, whereby greater lifelong experience with an accent resulted in a stronger prediction effect. Importantly, for the most experienced listeners, the pattern of prediction was visually similar to that for the native accent (cf. Figs. 2 and 3C). This suggests that accumulated experience with the variability associated with Chinese-accented English may ease the processing demands associated with signal decoding and lexical access, thus freeing up resources (or increasing certainty) for predictive processing. Reduced accent experience resulted in little to no prediction.

Huettig (2015) argued that mediating factors must be integrated into models of anticipatory language processing in order to comprehensively account for the data. Theories of predictive processing posit that predictions are based on prior experiences, at least at a global level. Verhagen, Mos, Backus, and Schilperoord (2018) showed that participants who differed in their usage-based experience of various registers differed in the expectations they generated for word sequences characteristic of each register. This suggests that participants have situational mental representations of language use that result in different predictions. Here, listener experience likely influences the certainty of the current input, which then affects (the engagement of) predictive processing. It is possible that a lack of control of individual accent experience has contributed to the inconsistency seen in studies examining N400 effects for foreign-accented speech (see the introduction). Self-reported accent experience, as assessed through a questionnaire (see the Appendix and Porretta et al., 2016), provides a quick and effective way to obtain estimates for investigating the effect of, or controlling for, prior exposure outside the laboratory.

It should be noted that, although the nonnative talker was very highly intelligible, he did differ in intelligibility from the native talker—as accentedness and intelligibility are known to covary (Porretta & Tucker, 2015). While prediction from nonnative speech is influenced by experience with the accent, this experience could also aid listeners in processing speech with lower intelligibility in general (native or nonnative). Further research will be required in order to clarify whether the effect of foreign-accented speech seen in the present data also occurs with native speech that varies in intelligibility.

In conclusion, this is the first demonstration that, when comprehending foreign-accented speech, listeners predict—albeit to a lesser extent than with native speech—prior to hearing a target word. Additionally, this prediction is enhanced by lifelong, accent-specific experience. Thus, predictive processing occurs even under suboptimal listening conditions, and individual differences in linguistic experience shape a listener’s ability to predict during language processing.