1 Correction to: Materials and Structures (2017) 50:65 https://doi.org/10.1617/s11527-016-0894-5

Due to an unfortunate turn of events the article title was only partly given in the article next to the fact that the list of TC members had accidently been left out. Please find in this erratum the correct article title and the list of TC members. Both should be considered as part of the final version by the reader.

This publication was written within the framework of RILEM Technical Committee 243-SGM, which had the following RILEM members:

Chairman: Caspar Groot, The Netherlands.

Secretary: Jan Valek, Czech Republic.

Members: Beril Bicer-Simsir, USA; Luigia Binda, Italy; Christine Bläuer, Switzerland; Violeta Bokan-Bosiljkov, Slovenia; Davide Gulotta, Italy; Rob van Hees, The Netherlands; John Hughes, Scotland; Albert Jornet, Switzerland; Ioanna Papayianni, Greece; Vasiliki Pachta, Greece; Francesca Piqué, Switzerland; Leslie Rainer, USA; Stefan Simon, Germany; Zuzana Slížková, Czech Republic; Maria Stefanidou, Greece; Cristina Tedeschi, Italy; Lucia Toniolo, Italy; Rosario Veiga, Portugal.

The non-RILEM member collaborators of the TC to be acknowledged are:

Arnaldo Carneiro, Brasil; Hande Gunozu, Turkey; Andrew Thorn, Australia; Eleni-Eva Toumbakari, Greece; Ana Velosa, Portugal; Gerald Ziegenbalg, Germany.