Correction: Built Heritage 7, 1 (2023)

Following publication of the original article (Law, 2023), the authors reported the following three errors in a citation, the references and the text:

In in-text citation:

“(Li and Ah, 2019)” should read: (Cheung, 2019).

In References:

Li, Leah Cheung, and Ah. 2019. Where the past meets the future, the politics of heritage in Xi’an. Hamburg: Lit Verlag.

It should read:

Cheung, Ah Li (Leah). 2019. Where the past meets the future, the politics of heritage in Xi’an. Hamburg: Lit Verlag.

Wang, Yiwen, and Dezheng (William) Feng. 2021. History, modernity, and city branding in China: a multimodal critical discourse analysis of Xi’an’s promotional videos on social media. Social Semiotics.

It should read:

Wang, Yilei, and Dezheng (William) Feng. 2021. History, modernity, and city branding in China: a multimodal critical discourse analysis of Xi’an’s promotional videos on social media. Social Semiotics.

In the text:

’An early proponent of these ideas can be found in the work … which have long characterised China’ on page 4 has been mistakenly written.

It should read:

’An early examination of these ideas can be found in the work … which have long characterised China’.

The original article (Law, 2023) has been updated.