Correction to: Egypt Liver Journal 10, 36 (2020)

After publication of the original article [1], the authors became aware of the following errors. These have already been corrected in the original article:

1. In the legend of Fig. 3, “Lobular and periportal cellular infiltrates are seen (thick blue arrows)” has been corrected to read “Lobular and periportal cellular infiltrates are seen (thin green arrows)”.

2. In the ‘Histological assessment’ of the ‘Results’ section, the duplicated sentence “Histological examination of livers… throughout the study periods” has been deleted.

3. Affiliation number 5 for author Eiman I. Zaki has been corrected from “Histochemistry and Cell Biology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt” to “Histology and Cell Biology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt”.