Correction to: Curr Psychiatry. 28, 75 (2021)

Following the publication of the original article [1], we were notified of the below corrections:

  • The author affiliations had not been corrected according to the proofs. They have now been updated.

  • The first sentence of the Background section was changed from “The medical education curriculum is considered a difficult syllabus is given the breadth and the depth of the material that needs to be learned and the continuous various forms of assessments” TO "The study of medicine is perceived as being stressful and this was attributed to the breadth and the depth of the material that needs to be learned and the continuous various forms of assessments".

  • The phrase “It is important to note that besides the pressure the medical students encounter due to academics, they also face non-academic-related sources of stress such as social, emotional, physical, and family problems that may affect their learning abilities and academic performance adversely” was deleted from Page 2.

  • The last phrase in “Sources of stressors” was moved at the end of the “Data analysis” section.

  • The phrase “It is important to note that besides the pressure the medical students encounter due to academics, they also face non-academic-related sources of stress such as social, emotional, physical, and family problems that may affect their learning abilities and academic performance adversely” was removed from the “Discussion” section.

The original article has been corrected.