Correction to: International Journal of Arrhythmia (2021) 22:2

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors would like to correct a sentence in the first paragraph of the ‘Background’ section.

The sentence originally read:

A change in the body position immediately after straining release, in the form of assuming a flat body position along with a 45 s passive leg raise (known as the modifed valsalva maneuver (MVM)), showed higher efcacy (> 40%) in terminating SVT in ED [2].

The sentence should read (the change has been highlighted in bold typeface):

A change in the body position immediately after straining release, in the form of assuming a flat body position along with a 15 s passive leg raise (known as the modifed valsalva maneuver (MVM)), showed higher efcacy (>40%) in terminating SVT in ED [2].

The original article has been corrected.