Correction to: Fire Ecology 17, 3 (2021)

Following publication of the original article (Mason and Lashley 2021), the authors identified an error in Fig. 1. The data in this figure was presented incorrectly. In addition, the authors identified errors in Additional file 1, as this file accompanies Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Prescribed fire literature review. We surveyed recent (2009 to 2018; n = 37) reviews from around the world to determine how fire attributes of spatial scale, severity, season, intensity, and frequency were discussed. At least half of the total number of published reviews discussed each attribute. Although the spatial scale of fires was mentioned in published reviews approximately as often as other fire attributes were mentioned, data-based inferences concerning the effects of fire scale were presented less often than other fire attributes. The proportion of papers that showed data-based inferences concerning the effects of fire attributes ranged from 16% for spatial scale to 73% for fire frequency

The correct Fig. 1 is published in this Correction article and the corrected version of Additional file 1 is attached to this Correction article. Figure 1 and Additional file 1 have been updated in the original article accordingly.