Publisher Correction to: J Cannabis Res 2, 36 (2020)

Following publication of the original article (Wallace et al. 2020), the authors reported that the article had published with errors in some of the tables; data had been erroneously omitted from Tables 1, 2 and 6, and these tables had been incorrectly formatted.

Table 1 Comparisons by Causes and Length of Time with Chronic Pain for Human Patients versus Dog Patients
Table 2 Descriptive Information for Cannabis Products Used and Comparison for How Cannabis Products are Obtained for Human Patients and Dog Patients
Table 6 Percentages of Respondents Who Felt their Expectations were Met by Cannabis Products Used and Obtained

The original article has since been updated to correct the tables.

Furthermore, please find the (corrected) tables in this correction for reference.

The publisher apologizes for this error and any inconvenience caused.