Correction to: J Ecol Environ

Following publication of the original article (Tesfay et al., 2019), it was reported that in the Background section, paragraph 4, the word “habitat presences” should be “habitat preferences”. The sentence should read: “In addition, we tried to study the quantitative measures of microhabitat use and factors associated with the fish habitat preferences and the streams nature.”

Additionally, Fig. 1 was not correctly processed. The correct figure is given below.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Map of study area showing Mekelle City and the two study streams with their respective study sites indicated by yellow triangles labeled with their corresponding names (abbreviated) along the streams (Key: MW = May Weini, MTE = May Tsaeda Egam, CAS = Castle, MG = May Gifaf, K11 = Kebele 11, GTS = Gereb Tsedo, E1 = Elala1, E2 = Elala 2, E3 = Elala3, E4 = Elala4, E5 = Elala 5, E6 = Elala 6, MD = Mariam Dahan)

Please note that the in-text reference to Fig. 2b should be replaced with Fig. 3.

The original article (Tesfay et al., 2019) has been corrected.