Correction: Research Involvement and Engagement (2022) 8:8

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors reported errors in Appendix 3: Prisma flow chart and would like to correct the number of studies under the heading Search strategy and study selection. The revised Appendix 3: Prisma flow chart and the Search strategy and study selection section is indicated hereafter and the changes in the given section have been highlighted in bold typeface.

The incorrect Search strategy and study selection section reads:

After full-text screening, a further 248 papers were excluded leaving a total of 23 studies from the published literature search.

The correct Search strategy and study selection section should read:

After full-text screening, a further 249 papers were excluded leaving a total of 23 studies from the published literature search.

Appendix 3: Prisma flow chart should read:

Appendix 3: Prisma flow chart

figure a

All the changes requested are implemented in this correction and the original article [1] has been corrected.