The Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Phytoscience retracts the above-mentioned article [1] per the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines on redundant publication.

The Editor- in-Chief and the publisher of Clinical Phytoscience have been made aware that this article was previously published in another journal. The article was examined following the COPE guidelines with regard to suspected redundant (duplicate) publication and was indeed found to be a duplication of the following previously published article:

Odeja OO, Obi G, Ogwuche CE, Elemike EE, Oderinlo OO (2014). Phytochemical screening, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial activities of Senna occidentalis (L.) leaves. International Journal of Herbal Medicine 2014; 2 (4): 26-30).

The Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Phytoscience takes issues of research and publication misconduct seriously in order to preserve the integrity of the academic record.