Correction to: EJNMMI Phys 7, 9 (2020)

Following publication of the original article [1], it was reported that the sphere volumes defined in the original article should be adjusted. The correct inner diameters (and volumes) of the spherical inserts were: 9.9 mm (0.5 ml), 15.4 mm (2.0 ml), 19.8 mm (4.0 ml), 24.8 mm (8.0 ml), 31.3 mm (16.0 ml) and 60 mm (113 ml). Figures 3, 5 and 6 have been adjusted accordingly.

Fig. 3
figure 1

Recovery coefficient as a function of sphere diameter for all systems separately (A-E) and for all systems combined (F), for data reconstructed with a vendor specific algorithm. Median and range of three repetitive measurements per system. A) Discovery NM/CT 670 Pro; B) Symbia Intevo Bold with xSPECT Quant; C) Symbia Intevo Bold with Broad Quantification; D) Symbia T16 system 1; E) Symbia T16 system 2; F) Mean and standard deviation. All data were fitted with a 3-parameter logistic function (dashed line: 95% CI), for the combined data (F) also the 95% prediction interval is indicated (dashed area)

Fig. 5
figure 2

Recovery coefficient as a function of sphere diameter for all systems separately (A-E) and for all systems combined (F), for data reconstructed with a vendor neutral algorithm. Median and range of three repetitive measurements per system. A) Discovery NM/CT 670 Pro; B) Symbia Intevo Bold with xSPECT Quant; C) Symbia Intevo Bold with Broad Quantification; D) Symbia T16 system 1; E) Symbia T16 system 2; F) Mean and standard deviation for all systems combined. All data were fitted with a 3-parameter logistic function (dashed line: 95% CI), for the combined data (F) also the 95% prediction interval is indicated (dashed area

Fig. 6
figure 3

Comparison in range over all systems in RCmean (A) and RCmax(B) per sphere diameter for data reconstructed with a vendor specific algorithm versus a vendor neutral algorithm. Third and fourth columns give the same information but for systems of only one vendor, thus consisting of equal system hardware

The original article has been updated.