Correction : Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2023) 10:12

The publication of this article (Moteki 2023) unfortunately contain mistakes.

In section 2.2 and 3.3, “Ohata et al. 2018” is cited in the text but not listed in the reference section. The following reference is added:

Ohata S, Yoshida A, Moteki N, Adachi K, Takahashi Y, Kurisu M, Koike M (2018) Abundance of light-absorbing anthropogenic iron oxide aerosols in the urban atmosphere and their emission sources. J Geophys Res Atmos 123(15):8115–8134.

In section 3.3, “Matsui et al. 2018” is cited in the text but not listed in the reference section. The following reference is added:

Matsui H, Mahowald NM, Moteki N, Hamilton DS, Ohata S, Yoshida A, Koike M, Scanza RA, Flanner MG (2018) Anthropogenic combustion iron as a complex climate forcer. Nat Commun 9:1593.

In Sect. 3.4,

“Liu et al. (2020a, b)” should read as “Liu et al. (2020b)”

In Sect. 3.4,

“a plausible (mr, mi) domain that contains the BC refractive index at 633 nm wavelength: 1.7 ≤ mr ≤ 2.2 and 0.51 + 0.014mr5.2 ≤ mi ≤ min(1.5, 2.5mr − 3.5).” should read as

“a plausible (mr, mi) domain that contains the BC refractive index at 633 nm wavelength:

$$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {0.51 + 0.014m_{{\text{r}}}^{5.2} \le m_{{\text{i}}} \le 2.5m_{{\text{r}}} - 3.5} \hfill & {{\text{if}}\quad 1.7 \le m_{{\text{r}}} \le 1.8} \hfill \\ {0.51 + 0.014m_{{\text{r}}}^{5.2} \le m_{{\text{i}}} \le 1.5} \hfill & {{\text{if}}\quad 1.8 < m_{{\text{r}}} \le 2.2} \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right..''$$

The original article has been corrected.