Correction to: Cancer Imaging 22 , 76 (2022).

During the publication process of the original article the arrows of Fig. 1 were misplaced. The correct figure is available in this correction article, the original article has been updated.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Example patient scanned over an extended period of time. Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) SUV images (a, b), axial b900 DW images (c, d) and line graphs of tumor SUVmax and ADCmean quantification over time (e, f). Pre-therapy (t0) and early post-therapy (t1) images are shown in inverted grey scale. A large decrease in MTV between the pre-therapy (MTV = 337 ml) and early post-therapy (MTV = 19 ml) scans was measured, as visualized by the MIP SUV images (a, b). Although this patient had a large total tumor burden pre-therapy, the OS was long (48.2 months with last follow-up as end-point). SUVmax and ADCmean tumor quantification over time (e, f), indicate an intra-tumor heterogenic response to the CAR T-cell therapy. Target lesion selection post-therapy is shown for SUVmax (red arrows) and ADCmean (blue arrows). These tumors are also highlighted in the corresponding color in the line graphs (e, f)